# README - MKL Blas Gemm Example ## Description Matrix multiplications can be done in different ways which vary in performance. This example should point out how massive these performance differences really are. This code sample demonstrates: * Different implementations to do a matrix multiplication * Serial * IJK Algorithm * IKJ Algorithm * Parallel * OpenMP parallelized IKJ Algorithm * Intel MKL BLAS Library * Benchmark implementations with different matrix dimensions. Benchmark design: The program runs the multiplication with matrix dimensions from 2-2048 with single precision floats. For timing accuracy multiple repetitions are used and the average time per multiplication is calculated. The program output is a CSV-Text with dimension size and time per multiplication in seconds. ## Release Date 2016-10-24 ## Version History * 2016-10-24: Initial Release on PRACE CodeVault repository ## Contributors * Thomas Steinreiter - [thomas.steinreiter@risc-software.at](mailto:thomas.steinreiter@risc-software.at) ## Copyright This code is available under Apache License, Version 2.0 - see also the license file in the CodeVault root directory. ## Languages This sample is entirely written in C++14. ## Parallelisation This sample uses MPI-3 for parallelization. ## Level of the code sample complexity Intermediate ## Compiling Follow the compilation instructions given in the main directory of the kernel samples directory (`/hpc_kernel_samples/README.md`). ## Running In your current working directory, to run the program you may use something similar to ``` 1_dense_mklblas blas ``` either on the command line or in your batch script. ### Command line arguments * ``: Specity the implementation used for the multiplication (obligatory) * `serialijk` Use the serial IJK Algorithm * `serialikj` Use the serial IKJ Algorithm * `parallel` Use the parallel (OpenMp) IKJ Algorithm * `serialijk` Use the parallel Intel MKL Library ### Example If you run ``` 1_dense_mklblas blas ``` the output should look similar to ``` 2;6.59846e-06 4;6.6475e-06 8;5.93214e-06 16;6.80383e-06 32;8.44547e-06 64;2.10678e-05 128;0.000102738 256;0.000789877 512;0.00560496 1024;0.0301494 2048;0.338072 ``` ### Benchmarks Tested on Intel Core i7-6820HQ @ 2,70GHz (4 physical cores, 8 logical). Compiler: Intel(R) 64, Version Build 20160721 (MKL 2017.0) on Windows 10 1607. ![chart](hpc_kernel_samples/dense_linear_algebra/gemm/mklblas/benchmarks/Chart.PNG) Be aware the chart has logarithmic scale. The benchmarks shows some interesting facts: * The *serial IKJ* implementation is brutally faster than IJK (~30x @2048) * *Serial IKJ* is the fastest smaller sizes (2-16). *MKL Blas* is the fastest for larger sizes (32-2048). * The *Parallel OpenMP IKJ implementation* is never the fastest. **Manually parallelizing matrix multiplication is not recommended!**