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common_func.c 54.2 KiB
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!  Content:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <math.h>

#include "mkl_example.h"
#include "mkl_cblas.h"

      MKL_INT   i, indmax;

      indmax = x[0];
      for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
          if (indmax < x[i]) indmax = x[i];
      return indmax;
} /* MaxValue */

MKL_INT GetVectorI(FILE *in_file, MKL_INT n, MKL_INT *x)
      return GetValuesI( in_file, x, 0, n );
} /* GetVectorI */

MKL_INT GetVectorS(FILE *in_file, MKL_INT n, float *x,  MKL_INT incx)
      return GetValuesS( in_file, x, 1, 0, (1+(n-1)*abs(incx)) );
} /* GetVectorS */

MKL_INT GetVectorD(FILE *in_file, MKL_INT n, double *x,  MKL_INT incx)
      return GetValuesD( in_file, x, 1, 0, (1+(n-1)*abs(incx)) );
} /* GetVectorD */

MKL_INT GetVectorC(FILE *in_file, MKL_INT n, MKL_Complex8 *x,  MKL_INT incx)
      return GetValuesC( in_file, x, 1, 0, (1+(n-1)*abs(incx)) );
} /* GetVectorC */

MKL_INT GetVectorZ(FILE *in_file, MKL_INT n, MKL_Complex16 *x,  MKL_INT incx)
      return GetValuesZ( in_file, x, 1, 0, (1+(n-1)*abs(incx)) );
} /* GetVectorZ */

MKL_INT GetArrayS(FILE *in_file, CBLAS_ORDER *order, MKL_INT flag, MKL_INT *m, MKL_INT *n,
              float *a,  MKL_INT *lda)
      MKL_INT   i, j, number;
      float    *addr;

      if( *order == CblasRowMajor ) {
         if( flag == GENERAL_MATRIX ) {
            for( i = 0; i < (*m); i++ ) {
               addr = a + i*(*lda);
               number = GetValuesS( in_file, addr, 1, 0, *n );
               if( number != *n ) return 1;
            } /* for */
         } else if( flag == UPPER_MATRIX ) {
            for (i = 0; i < (*m); i++) {
               addr = a + i*(*lda);
               number = GetValuesS( in_file, addr, 1, i, *n-i );
               if( number != *n-i ) return 1;
            } /* for */
         } else if( flag == LOWER_MATRIX ) {
            for (i = 0; i < (*m); i++) {
               addr = a + i*(*lda);
               number = GetValuesS( in_file, addr, 1, 0, i+1 );
               if( number != i+1 ) return 1;
            } /* for */
         } /* if */
      } else if( *order == CblasColMajor ) {
         if( flag == GENERAL_MATRIX ) {
            for( j = 0; j < (*n); j++ ) {
               addr = a + j*(*lda);
               number = GetValuesS( in_file, addr, 1, 0, *m );
               if( number != *m ) return 1;
            } /* for */
         } else if( flag == UPPER_MATRIX ) {
            for( j = 0; j < (*n); j++ ) {
               addr = a + j*(*lda);
               number = GetValuesS( in_file, addr, 1, 0, j+1 );
               if( number != j+1 ) return 1;
            } /* for */
         } else if( flag == LOWER_MATRIX ) {
            for( j = 0; j < (*n); j++ ) {
               addr = a + j*(*lda);
               number = GetValuesS( in_file, addr, 1, j, *m-j );
               if( number != *m-j ) return 1;
            } /* for */
         } /* if */
      } /* if */
      return 0;
} /* GetArrayS */

MKL_INT GetArrayD(FILE *in_file, CBLAS_ORDER *order, MKL_INT flag, MKL_INT *m, MKL_INT *n,
              double *a,  MKL_INT *lda)
      MKL_INT   i, j, number;
      double   *addr;

      if (*order == CblasRowMajor) {
         if (flag == GENERAL_MATRIX) {
            for (i = 0; i < (*m); i++) {
               addr = a + i*(*lda);
               number = GetValuesD( in_file, addr, 1, 0, *n );
               if( number != *n ) return 1;
            } /* for */
         } else if (flag == UPPER_MATRIX) {
            for (i = 0; i < (*m); i++) {
               addr = a + i*(*lda);
               number = GetValuesD( in_file, addr, 1, i, *n-i );
               if( number != *n-i ) return 1;
            } /* for */
         } else if (flag == LOWER_MATRIX) {
            for (i = 0; i < (*m); i++) {
               addr = a + i*(*lda);
               number = GetValuesD( in_file, addr, 1, 0, i+1 );
               if( number != i+1 ) return 1;
            } /* for */
         } /* if */
      } else if (*order == CblasColMajor) {
         if (flag == GENERAL_MATRIX) {
             for (j = 0; j < (*n); j++) {
                addr = a + j*(*lda);
                number = GetValuesD( in_file, addr, 1, 0, *m );
                if( number != *m ) return 1;
             } /* for */
         } else if (flag == UPPER_MATRIX) {
             for (j = 0; j < (*n); j++) {
                 addr = a + j*(*lda);
                 number = GetValuesD( in_file, addr, 1, 0, j+1 );
                 if( number != j+1 ) return 1;
             } /* for */
         } else if (flag == LOWER_MATRIX) {
             for (j = 0; j < (*n); j++) {
                 addr = a + j*(*lda);
                 number = GetValuesD( in_file, addr, 1, j, *m-j );
                 if( number != *m-j ) return 1;
             } /* for */
         } /* if */
      } /* if */
      return 0;
} /* GetArrayD */

MKL_INT GetArrayC(FILE *in_file, CBLAS_ORDER *order, MKL_INT flag, MKL_INT *m, MKL_INT *n,
              MKL_Complex8 *a,  MKL_INT *lda)
      MKL_INT        i, j, number;
      MKL_Complex8  *addr;

      if (*order == CblasRowMajor) {
         if (flag == GENERAL_MATRIX) {
            for (i = 0; i < (*m); i++) {
               addr = a + i*(*lda);
               number = GetValuesC( in_file, addr, 1, 0, *n );
               if( number != *n ) return 1;
            } /* for */
         } else if (flag == UPPER_MATRIX) {
            for (i = 0; i < (*m); i++) {
               addr = a + i*(*lda);
               number = GetValuesC( in_file, addr, 1, i, *n-i );
               if( number != *n-i ) return 1;
            } /* for */
         } else if (flag == LOWER_MATRIX) {
            for (i = 0; i < (*m); i++) {
               addr = a + i*(*lda);
               number = GetValuesC( in_file, addr, 1, 0, i+1 );
               if( number != i+1 ) return 1;
            } /* for */
         } /* if */
      } else if (*order == CblasColMajor) {
         if (flag == GENERAL_MATRIX) {
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