======= README ======= # 1. Code sample name cufft # 2. Description of the code sample package This example demonstrates the use of NVIDIA's fast Fourier transform library for CUDA: cuFFT. The example is set-up to perform an in-place forward transform followed by an in-place inverse transform such that the output signal should be equal to the input signal. The example uses pre-processor defines to select the FFT-size and the number of batches. The FFTs performed are 1D and single-precision complex-to-complex. Additional pre-requisites: * CUDA (includes the cuFFT library) See http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cufft for the full cuFFT documentation. # 3. Release date 22 July 2015 # 4. Version history 1.0 # 5. Contributor (s) / Maintainer(s) Cedric Nugteren <cedric.nugteren@surfsara.nl> # 6. Copyright / License of the code sample Apache 2.0 # 7. Language(s) C++ CUDA # 8. Parallelisation Implementation(s) GPU # 9. Level of the code sample complexity Basic level, uses library calls only # 10. Instructions on how to compile the code Uses the CodeVault CMake infrastructure, see main README.md # 11. Instructions on how to run the code No command-line arguments, simply run the executable # 12. Sample input(s) Input-data is generated automatically when running the program. # 13. Sample output(s) Output data is verified programmatically after doing a forward and reverse FFT