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# README - Wireworld Example (C++ Version)
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## Description

For a general description of *Wireworld* and the file format, see the `` file in the parent directory.
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This code sample demonstrates:
 * Using **Collective IO** MPI functions for efficiently reading and writing from multiple nodes to the same File, i.e. `MPI_File_set_view`, `MPI_File_read_all`
 * Using MPI Datatypes for IO and Communication, i.e. `MPI_Type_create_subarray`, `MPI_Type_vector`
 * Creating a distributed **Graph Topology** for the Halo Exchange, i.e. `MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent`
 * Two different approaches for the Halo Exchange:
   1. Using **collective communication**, i.e. `MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallw`
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   1. Using  **point to point communication**, i.e.  `MPI_Isend`, `MPI_Irecv`
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The code sample is structured as follows:

 * `Communicator.*`: Creating the graph topology, Datatypes, Communication
 * `Configuration.*`: Command line parsing
 * `FileIO.*`: Code for reading and writing the Wireworld file
 * `MpiEnvironment.*`: Wrapper class for the MPI Environment
 * `MpiSubarray.*`: Wrapper class for the MPI Datatype Subarray
 * `MpiWireworld.*`: Simulating a generation step, computing next state
 * `Tile.*`: Represents a Tile, memory management, debugging

## Release Date


## Version History

 * 2016-10-24: Initial Release on PRACE CodeVault repository

## Contributors

 * Thomas Steinreiter - [](

## Copyright

This code is available under Apache License, Version 2.0 - see also the license file in the CodeVault root directory.

## Languages

This sample is entirely written in C++ 14.

## Parallelisation

This sample uses MPI-3 for parallelization.

## Level of the code sample complexity

Intermediate / Advanced

## Compiling

Follow the compilation instructions given in the main directory of the kernel samples directory (`/hpc_kernel_samples/`).

## Running

To run the program, use something similar to

	mpiexec -n [nprocs] ./5_structured_wireworld  ../worlds/primes.wi 
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either on the command line or in your batch script, where an inputfile must be provided.
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### Command line arguments

  * `-x [ --nprocs-x ]`: number of processes in x-direction (optional, automatically deduced)
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  * `-y [ --nprocs-y ]`: number of processes in y-direction (optional, automatically deduced)
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  * `-g [ --generations ]`: number of generations simulated (default 1000)
  * `-m [ --commmode ]`: Communication Mode. `Collective` or `P2P` (default Collective)
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  * `-f [ --inputfile ]`: path to wireworld input file (mandatory, flag can be obmitted) The file dimension must be divisible by the  *grid dimension.
  * `-o [ --outputfile ]`: path to wireworld input file (optional)
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### Example

If you run

    	mpiexec -n 8 ./5_structured_wireworld -g 10000 -f ../worlds/primes.wi -o ../worlds/primes.out.wi -m Collective

the output should look similar to

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		Execution time:6.66665s