#include #include #include #include "Communicator.hpp" Communicator::MpiRequest::MpiRequest(DoubleVector reqs) : _reqs(reqs) {} void Communicator::MpiRequest::Wait() { MPI_Waitall(static_cast(_reqs.size()), // _reqs.data(), // MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE); // finished = true; } Communicator::MpiRequest::~MpiRequest() { if (!finished) { MpiReportErrorAbort("Forgot to Wait for MPI_Request"); } } // defines types and graph topology Communicator::Communicator(const MpiEnvironment& env, CommunicationMode commMode, const Size& procsSize, const Size& tileSize) : _commMode(commMode) { // Begin definition of basic types MPI_Type_contiguous(static_cast(tileSize.Cols), MPI_CHAR, &_haloRowType); MPI_Type_commit(&_haloRowType); MPI_Type_vector(static_cast(tileSize.Rows), 1, static_cast(tileSize.Cols + 2), MPI_CHAR, &_haloColumnType); MPI_Type_commit(&_haloColumnType); // End definition of basic types // Begin definition of types/displacements for a general cell somewhere in // the middle of the procs grid const std::array generalSendTypes{{ _haloCornerType, _haloRowType, _haloCornerType, // _haloColumnType, _haloColumnType, // _haloCornerType, _haloRowType, _haloCornerType // }}; const auto tCols = tileSize.Cols; const auto tRows = tileSize.Rows; // character coordinates to displacement const auto dp = [&](std::size_t x, std::size_t y) { return static_cast(y * (tCols + 2) + x); }; const std::array generalSendDisplacements{{ dp(1, 1), dp(1, 1), dp(tCols, 1), // dp(1, 1), dp(tCols, 1), // dp(1, tRows), dp(1, tRows), dp(tCols, tRows) // }}; const std::array generalRecvDisplacements{{ dp(0, 0), dp(1, 0), dp(tCols + 1, 0), // dp(0, 1), dp(tCols + 1, 1), // dp(0, tRows + 1), dp(1, tRows + 1), dp(tCols + 1, tRows + 1) // }}; const std::array generalSizes{{ 1, 1, 1, // 1, 1, // 1, 1, 1 // }}; // End definition of datastructures for a general cell // Begin definition of datastructures for this particular cell (handle the // border cases) const auto rank2coord = [&](std::size_t rank) { return Coord{ rank % procsSize.Cols, // rank / procsSize.Cols // }; }; const auto coord2rank = [&](Coord c) { return static_cast(procsSize.Cols * c.Y + c.X); }; const auto isInsideProcsGrid = [&](Coord c) { return c.X < procsSize.Cols && c.Y < procsSize.Rows; }; const auto myCoord = rank2coord(env.worldRank()); const std::array generalNeighborCoords{{ {myCoord.X - 1, myCoord.Y - 1}, // intentional signed underflow {myCoord.X + 0, myCoord.Y - 1}, // {myCoord.X + 1, myCoord.Y - 1}, // {myCoord.X - 1, myCoord.Y + 0}, // {myCoord.X + 1, myCoord.Y + 0}, // {myCoord.X - 1, myCoord.Y + 1}, // {myCoord.X + 0, myCoord.Y + 1}, // {myCoord.X + 1, myCoord.Y + 1} // }}; for (std::size_t i{0}; i < NoNeighbors; ++i) { const auto nbrCoord = generalNeighborCoords[i]; if (isInsideProcsGrid(nbrCoord)) { _neighbors.push_back(coord2rank(nbrCoord)); _sendTypes.push_back(generalSendTypes[i]); _sendDisplacements.push_back(generalSendDisplacements[i]); _recvDisplacements.push_back(generalRecvDisplacements[i]); _sizes.push_back(generalSizes[i]); } } MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent( MPI_COMM_WORLD, // comm_old static_cast(_neighbors.size()), // indegree _neighbors.data(), // sources reinterpret_cast(MPI_UNWEIGHTED), // sourceweights static_cast(_neighbors.size()), // outdegree _neighbors.data(), // destinations reinterpret_cast(MPI_UNWEIGHTED), // destweights MPI_INFO_NULL, // info 0, // reorder &_commDistGraph // comm_dist_graph ); // End definition of datastructures for this particular cell } Communicator::~Communicator() { if (_commDistGraph != MPI_COMM_NULL) { MPI_Comm_free(&_commDistGraph); MPI_Type_free(&_haloColumnType); MPI_Type_free(&_haloRowType); } } void Communicator::swap(Communicator& first, Communicator& second) { using std::swap; swap(first._commMode, second._commMode); swap(first._neighbors, second._neighbors); swap(first._sizes, second._sizes); swap(first._sendTypes, second._sendTypes); swap(first._sendDisplacements, second._sendDisplacements); swap(first._recvDisplacements, second._recvDisplacements); swap(first._commDistGraph, second._commDistGraph); swap(first._haloRowType, second._haloRowType); swap(first._haloColumnType, second._haloColumnType); swap(first._haloCornerType, second._haloCornerType); } Communicator::Communicator(Communicator&& other) noexcept { swap(*this, other); } Communicator& Communicator::operator=(Communicator&& other) noexcept { swap(*this, other); return *this; }