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// The libMesh Finite Element Library.
// Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Benjamin S. Kirk, John W. Peterson, Roy H. Stogner

// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

// <h1>FEMSystem Example 4 - Mixed-dimension heat transfer equation
// with FEMSystem</h1>
// \author Roy Stogner
// \date 2015
// This example shows how elements of multiple dimensions can be
// linked and computed upon simultaneously within the
// DifferentiableSystem class framework

// C++ includes
#include <iomanip>

// Basic include files
#include "libmesh/elem.h"
#include "libmesh/equation_systems.h"
#include "libmesh/error_vector.h"
#include "libmesh/exact_solution.h"
#include "libmesh/exodusII_io.h"
#include "libmesh/getpot.h"
#include "libmesh/gmv_io.h"
#include "libmesh/kelly_error_estimator.h"
#include "libmesh/mesh.h"
#include "libmesh/mesh_generation.h"
#include "libmesh/mesh_refinement.h"
#include "libmesh/parsed_function.h"
#include "libmesh/uniform_refinement_estimator.h"

// The systems and solvers we may use
#include "heatsystem.h"
#include "libmesh/diff_solver.h"
#include "libmesh/euler_solver.h"
#include "libmesh/steady_solver.h"

// Bring in everything from the libMesh namespace
using namespace libMesh;

// The main program.
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	// Initialize libMesh.
	LibMeshInit init(argc, argv);

	libmesh_example_requires(false, "--enable-amr");

	// This doesn't converge with Eigen BICGSTAB for some reason...
	libmesh_example_requires(libMesh::default_solver_package() != EIGEN_SOLVERS,

	// This doesn't converge without at least double precision
	libmesh_example_requires(sizeof(Real) > 4, "--disable-singleprecision");

	// Parse the input file
	GetPot infile("../");

	// Read in parameters from the input file
	const Real global_tolerance = infile("global_tolerance", 0.);
	const unsigned int nelem_target = infile("n_elements", 400);
	const Real deltat = infile("deltat", 0.005);
	const unsigned int coarsegridsize = infile("coarsegridsize", 20);
	const unsigned int coarserefinements = infile("coarserefinements", 0);
	const unsigned int max_adaptivesteps = infile("max_adaptivesteps", 10);
	const unsigned int dim = infile("dimension", 2);

	// Skip higher-dimensional examples on a lower-dimensional libMesh build
	libmesh_example_requires(dim <= LIBMESH_DIM, "2D/3D support");

	// We have only defined 2 and 3 dimensional problems
	libmesh_assert(dim == 2 || dim == 3);

	// Create a mesh, with dimension to be overridden later, distributed
	// across the default MPI communicator.
	Mesh mesh(init.comm());

	// And an object to refine it
	MeshRefinement mesh_refinement(mesh);
	mesh_refinement.coarsen_by_parents() = true;
	mesh_refinement.absolute_global_tolerance() = global_tolerance;
	mesh_refinement.nelem_target() = nelem_target;
	mesh_refinement.refine_fraction() = 0.3;
	mesh_refinement.coarsen_fraction() = 0.3;
	mesh_refinement.coarsen_threshold() = 0.1;

	// Use the MeshTools::Generation mesh generator to create a uniform
	// grid on the square or cube.  We crop the domain at y=2/3 to allow
	// for a homogeneous Neumann BC in our benchmark there.
	boundary_id_type bcid = 3; // +y in 3D"../meshes/bridge.xda");
		// Add boundary elements corresponding to the +y boundary of our
		// volume mesh
		std::set<boundary_id_type> bcids;
		mesh.get_boundary_info().add_elements(bcids, mesh);

	// To work around ExodusII file format limitations, we need elements
	// of different dimensionality to belong to different subdomains.
	// Our interior elements defaulted to subdomain id 0, so we'll set
	// boundary elements to subdomain 2.
		const MeshBase::element_iterator end_el = mesh.elements_end();
		for (MeshBase::element_iterator el = mesh.elements_begin();
		     el != end_el; ++el) {
			Elem* elem = *el;
			if (elem->dim() < dim) elem->subdomain_id() = 2;


	// Print information about the mesh to the screen.

	// Create an equation systems object.
	EquationSystems equation_systems(mesh);

	// Declare the system "Heat" and its variables.
	HeatSystem& system = equation_systems.add_system<HeatSystem>("Heat");

	// Solve this as a steady system
	system.time_solver = UniquePtr<TimeSolver>(new SteadySolver(system));

	// Initialize the system

	// Set the time stepping options
	system.deltat = deltat;

	// And the nonlinear solver options
	DiffSolver& solver = *(system.time_solver->diff_solver().get());
	solver.quiet = infile("solver_quiet", true);
	solver.verbose = !solver.quiet;
	solver.max_nonlinear_iterations = infile("max_nonlinear_iterations", 15);
	solver.relative_step_tolerance = infile("relative_step_tolerance", 1.e-3);
	solver.relative_residual_tolerance =
	    infile("relative_residual_tolerance", 0.0);
	solver.absolute_residual_tolerance =
	    infile("absolute_residual_tolerance", 0.0);

	// And the linear solver options
	solver.max_linear_iterations = infile("max_linear_iterations", 50000);
	solver.initial_linear_tolerance = infile("initial_linear_tolerance", 1.e-3);

	// Print information about the system to the screen.

	// Adaptively solve the steady solution
	unsigned int a_step = max_adaptivesteps;
	for (; a_step != max_adaptivesteps; ++a_step) {


		ErrorVector error;

		UniquePtr<ErrorEstimator> error_estimator;

		// To solve to a tolerance in this problem we
		// need a better estimator than Kelly
		if (global_tolerance != 0.) {
			// We can't adapt to both a tolerance and a mesh
			// size at once
			libmesh_assert_equal_to(nelem_target, 0);

			UniformRefinementEstimator* u = new UniformRefinementEstimator;

			// The lid-driven cavity problem isn't in H1, so
			// lets estimate L2 error
			u->error_norm = L2;

		} else {
			// If we aren't adapting to a tolerance we need a
			// target mesh size
			libmesh_assert_greater(nelem_target, 0);

			// Kelly is a lousy estimator to use for a problem
			// not in H1 - if we were doing more than a few
			// timesteps we'd need to turn off or limit the
			// maximum level of our adaptivity eventually
			error_estimator.reset(new KellyErrorEstimator);

		error_estimator->estimate_error(system, error);

		// Print out status at each adaptive step.
		Real global_error = error.l2_norm();
		libMesh::out << "Adaptive step " << a_step << ": " << std::endl;

		if (global_tolerance != 0.)
			libMesh::out << "Global_error = " << global_error << std::endl;

		if (global_tolerance != 0.)
			libMesh::out << "Worst element error = " << error.maximum()
			             << ", mean = " << error.mean() << std::endl;

		if (global_tolerance != 0.) {
			// If we've reached our desired tolerance, we
			// don't need any more adaptive steps
			if (global_error < global_tolerance) break;
		} else {
			// If flag_elements_by_nelem_target returns true, this
			// should be our last adaptive step.
			if (mesh_refinement.flag_elements_by_nelem_target(error)) {
				a_step = max_adaptivesteps;

		// Carry out the adaptive mesh refinement/coarsening

		libMesh::out << "Refined mesh to " << mesh.n_active_elem()
		             << " active elements and "
		             << equation_systems.n_active_dofs() << " active dofs."
		             << std::endl;
	// Do one last solve if necessary
	if (a_step == max_adaptivesteps) {


	ExodusII_IO(mesh).write_equation_systems("out.e", equation_systems);
#endif // #ifdef LIBMESH_HAVE_EXODUS_API

	GMVIO(mesh).write_equation_systems("out.gmv", equation_systems);
#endif // #ifdef LIBMESH_HAVE_GMV

	// Check that we got close to the analytic solution
	ExactSolution exact_sol(equation_systems);
	const std::string exact_str =
	    (dim == 2) ? "sin(pi*x)*sin(pi*y)" : "sin(pi*x)*sin(pi*y)*sin(pi*z)";
	ParsedFunction<Number> exact_func(exact_str);
	exact_sol.attach_exact_value(0, &exact_func);
	exact_sol.compute_error("Heat", "T");

	Number err = exact_sol.l2_error("Heat", "T");

	// Print out the error value
	libMesh::out << "L2-Error is: " << err << std::endl;

	libmesh_assert_less(libmesh_real(err), 2e-3);

#endif // #ifdef LIBMESH_HAVE_FPARSER

#endif // #ifndef LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR

	// All done.
	return 0;