#include #include #include "mesh.h" // ---------------------------------------------- Helper function declarations void mesh_find_neighbors(mesh_t *mesh, const conf_t *configuration, const box_t *domains); void mesh_print_neighbors(const mesh_t *mesh, const conf_t *configuraiton, const box_t *domains, FILE *f); void mesh_setup_index_mappings(mesh_t *mesh); void halo_info_init(halo_info *halo, const box_t *domain); void halo_info_setup_index_mapping(halo_info *halo, const mesh_t *mesh); void halo_info_free(halo_info *halo); int communicator_reordered(MPI_Comm new_comm); // =========================================================================== void mesh_init(mesh_t *mesh, const conf_t *configuration, const box_t *decomposition) { if(debug_enabled(configuration)) { printf("Examining neighborhood topology for MPI Graph communicator creation...\n\n"); } MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mesh->communicator); mesh->n_neighbors = 0; mesh->neighbors = NULL; mesh_find_neighbors(mesh, configuration, decomposition); mesh_print_neighbors(mesh, configuration, decomposition, stdout); if(trace_enabled(configuration)) { mesh_print_neighbors(mesh, configuration, decomposition, stdout); } if(configuration->transfer_mode == SPARSE_COLLECTIVE) { int ranks_reordered; // Create MPI Graph communicator if(debug_enabled(configuration)) { printf("Creating MPI Graph communicator...\n\n"); } MPI_Comm_free(&mesh->communicator); mpi_create_graph_communicator(mesh, configuration, &mesh->communicator); ranks_reordered = communicator_reordered(mesh->communicator); if(info_enabled(configuration)) { printf("INFO: MPI reordered ranks: %s\n\n", ranks_reordered ? "YES" : "NO"); } if(ranks_reordered) { if(debug_enabled(configuration)) { printf("Re-examining neighborhood topology after rank-reordering...\n\n"); } mesh_find_neighbors(mesh, configuration, decomposition); mesh_print_neighbors(mesh, configuration, decomposition, stdout); } } // Setup index mappings (plus send and receive types for int and double) if(debug_enabled(configuration)) { printf("Setting up index mappings and MPI types...\n\n"); } mesh_setup_index_mappings(mesh); } void mesh_find_neighbors(mesh_t *mesh, const conf_t *configuration, const box_t *domains) { int mpi_rank, nprocs; int i, n; box_t tmp; box_t local_domain, extended_local_domain; box_t remote_domain, extended_remote_domain; box_t halo_incoming, halo_outgoing; MPI_Comm_rank(mesh->communicator, &mpi_rank); MPI_Comm_size(mesh->communicator, &nprocs); // Determine local domain (without and with halo cells) local_domain = domains[mpi_rank]; tmp = local_domain; box_grow(&tmp, 1); box_intersect(&tmp, &configuration->global_domain, &extended_local_domain); // Reserve space for neighbors int capacity = 32; neighbor_info *neighbors = mesh->neighbors; neighbors = realloc(neighbors, capacity * sizeof(*neighbors)); for(i = 0, n = 0; i < nprocs; i++) { if(i == mpi_rank) continue; // Determine cells for incoming halo data box_intersect(&extended_local_domain, &domains[i], &halo_incoming); if(box_is_empty(&halo_incoming)) continue; // Not a neighbor // Reserve more space for neighbors if necessary if(n >= capacity) { capacity += capacity / 2; neighbors = realloc(neighbors, capacity * sizeof(*neighbors)); } // Determine cells for outgoing halo data extended_remote_domain = domains[i]; box_grow(&extended_remote_domain, 1); box_intersect(&local_domain, &extended_remote_domain, &halo_outgoing); // Initialize neighbor info neighbors[n].mpi_rank = i; halo_info_init(&neighbors[n].halo_incoming, &halo_incoming); halo_info_init(&neighbors[n].halo_outgoing, &halo_outgoing); n++; } // Update mesh data mesh->local_domain = local_domain; mesh->extended_local_domain = extended_local_domain; mesh->n_neighbors = n; mesh->neighbors = neighbors; } void mesh_print_neighbors(const mesh_t *mesh, const conf_t *configuration, const box_t *domains, FILE *f) { if(debug_enabled(configuration)) { int mesh_comm_rank, comm_world_rank, neighbor_rank, i, n; char buf[128]; MPI_Comm_rank(mesh->communicator, &mesh_comm_rank); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_world_rank); n = mesh->n_neighbors; if(mesh_comm_rank != comm_world_rank) { fprintf(f, "Found %d neighbors for rank %d (%d in MPI_COMM_WORLD):\n", n, mesh_comm_rank, comm_world_rank); } else { fprintf(f, "Found %d neighbors for rank %d:\n", n, mesh_comm_rank); } if(trace_enabled(configuration)) { fprintf(f, " * %4d: %s\n---\n", mesh_comm_rank, box_to_string(&mesh->local_domain, buf, sizeof(buf))); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { neighbor_rank = mesh->neighbors[i].mpi_rank; fprintf(f, " * %4d: %s\n", neighbor_rank, box_to_string(&domains[neighbor_rank], buf, sizeof(buf))); } fprintf(f, "\n"); } else { for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { neighbor_rank = mesh->neighbors[i].mpi_rank; fprintf(f, " %d", neighbor_rank); } fprintf(f, "\n\n"); } } } int mesh_idx(const mesh_t *mesh, int x, int y, int z) { const int *coords = mesh->extended_local_domain.coords; const int *e = mesh->extended_local_domain.extents; x -= coords[X]; y -= coords[Y]; z -= coords[Z]; return x + e[X] * (y + e[Y] * z); } void mesh_setup_index_mappings(mesh_t *mesh) { int mpi_rank, nprocs, i; neighbor_info *neighbors = mesh->neighbors; MPI_Comm_rank(mesh->communicator, &mpi_rank); MPI_Comm_size(mesh->communicator, &nprocs); for(i = 0; i < mesh->n_neighbors; i++) { halo_info_setup_index_mapping(&neighbors[i].halo_incoming, mesh); halo_info_setup_index_mapping(&neighbors[i].halo_outgoing, mesh); } } void mesh_free(mesh_t *mesh) { int i; for(i = 0; i < mesh->n_neighbors; i++) { halo_info_free(&mesh->neighbors[i].halo_incoming); halo_info_free(&mesh->neighbors[i].halo_outgoing); } mesh->n_neighbors = 0; mesh->neighbors = realloc(mesh->neighbors, 0); MPI_Comm_free(&mesh->communicator); } void halo_info_init(halo_info *halo, const box_t *domain) { halo->domain = *domain; halo->cell_indices = NULL; halo->transfer_type_int = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL; halo->transfer_type_double = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL; } void halo_info_setup_index_mapping(halo_info *halo, const mesh_t *mesh) { int x, y, z; const int *c = halo->domain.coords; const int *e = halo->domain.extents; int count = halo->domain.volume; int *indices; indices = malloc(count * sizeof(*indices)); int i = 0; for(z = c[Z]; z < c[Z] + e[Z]; z++) { for(y = c[Y]; y < c[Y] + e[Y]; y++) { for(x = c[X]; x < c[X] + e[X]; x++) { indices[i] = mesh_idx(mesh, x, y, z); i++; } } } halo->cell_indices = indices; mpitype_indexed_int(count, indices, &halo->transfer_type_int); mpitype_indexed_double(count, indices, &halo->transfer_type_double); } void halo_info_free(halo_info *halo) { free(halo->cell_indices); halo->cell_indices = NULL; if(halo->transfer_type_int != MPI_DATATYPE_NULL) { MPI_Type_free(&halo->transfer_type_int); } if(halo->transfer_type_double != MPI_DATATYPE_NULL) { MPI_Type_free(&halo->transfer_type_double); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------- Helper functions int communicator_reordered(MPI_Comm new_comm) { int comm_world_rank, new_rank; int local_ranks_different; int ranks_reordered = 0; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_world_rank); MPI_Comm_rank(new_comm, &new_rank); local_ranks_different = comm_world_rank != new_rank; MPI_Allreduce( &local_ranks_different, &ranks_reordered, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD ); return ranks_reordered; }