# README - libMesh Example ## Description The libMesh library provides a framework for the numerical simulation of partial differential equations using arbitrary unstructured discretizations on serial and parallel platforms. (http://libmesh.github.io/index.html) This example is a slightly modified version of the official libMesh example "fem_system_ex4" (https://github.com/libMesh/libmesh/tree/master/examples/fem_system/fem_system_ex4). In this example, a heat transfer equation is solved with an FEM System. The example demonstrates: * Initialization of libMesh * Definition of a equation system * Usage of adaptive mesh refinement * IO: reading and exporting meshes in different file formats The example is structured as followed: * `fem_system_ex4.C`: The main program, Initialization, IO, refinement * `heatsystem.C|h`: Heat system with laplace heat equation * `meshes/bridge.e|xda`: FEM-Mesh of a bridge Screenshot of the result: ![Screenshot of Result](hpc_kernel_samples/unstructured_grids/libmesh/meshes/bridge_screenshot.PNG) ## Release Date 2016-09-08 ## Version History * 2016-09-08 Initial Release on PRACE CodeVault repository ## Contributors * Thomas Steinreiter - [thomas.steinreiter@risc-software.at](mailto:thomas.steinreiter@risc-software.at) ## Copyright This code is available under LGPL, Version 2.1 - see also the license file in the CodeVault root directory. ## Languages This sample is written in C++ 11. ## Parallelisation This sample uses PETSCs internal parallelisation. ## Level of the code sample complexity Advanced ## Compiling Follow the compilation instructions given in the main directory of the kernel samples directory (`/hpc_kernel_samples/README.md`). Note: libMesh needs to be built against the correct version of MPI. PETSC is needed for parallelism. ## Running To run the program, use something similar to mpiexec -n [nprocs] ./8_unstructured_libmesh either on the command line or in your batch script, where `nprocs` specifies the number of processes used. Node: if `nprocs` > 1, libMesh must be built with PETSC enabled. ### Example If you run mpiexec -n 8 ./8_unstructured_libmesh the output should look similar to Mesh Information: elem_dimensions()={2, 3} spatial_dimension()=3 n_nodes()=25227 n_local_nodes()=3322 n_elem()=127818 n_local_elem()=15972 n_active_elem()=127818 n_subdomains()=2 n_partitions()=8 n_processors()=8 n_threads()=1 processor_id()=0 EquationSystems n_systems()=1 System #0, "Heat" Type "Implicit" Variables="T" Finite Element Types="LAGRANGE" Approximation Orders="FIRST" n_dofs()=25227 n_local_dofs()=3322 n_constrained_dofs()=1887 n_local_constrained_dofs()=122 n_vectors()=1 n_matrices()=1 DofMap Sparsity Average On-Processor Bandwidth <= 13.6686 Average Off-Processor Bandwidth <= 0.533635 Maximum On-Processor Bandwidth <= 27 Maximum Off-Processor Bandwidth <= 15 DofMap Constraints Number of DoF Constraints = 1887 Average DoF Constraint Length= 0 Assembling the System *** Warning, This code is deprecated, and likely to be removed in future library versions! /usr/local/include/libmesh/libmesh_common.h, line 497, compiled Sep 1 2016 at 15:28:09 *** Nonlinear Residual: 8495.66 Linear solve starting, tolerance 0.001 Linear solve finished, step 55, residual 3.10027 Trying full Newton step Current Residual: 14.2871 Nonlinear step: |du|/|u| = 1, |du| = 510394 Assembling the System Nonlinear Residual: 14.2871 Linear solve starting, tolerance 0.001 Linear solve finished, step 58, residual 0.00263574 Trying full Newton step Current Residual: 0.012002 Nonlinear step: |du|/|u| = 0.000564056, |du| = 287.935 Assembling the System Nonlinear Residual: 0.012002 Linear solve starting, tolerance 1.2002e-05 Linear solve finished, step 94, residual 2.75721e-08 Trying full Newton step Current Residual: 1.29858e-07 Nonlinear solver converged, step 2, residual reduction 1.52852e-11 < 1e-07 Nonlinear solver relative step size 5.66919e-07 > 1e-07 L2-Error is: 59155