How to run this benchmark ========================= Requirements: Python (tested with python3) with tensorflow-gpu (or tensoflow at least) and keras modules Step 2: modify in order to have appropriate environment variables that fit your infrastructure Step 3: run the benchmark with this command ./ As CIFAR10 is a very common dataset, Keras has a built-in, ready to use function to download it (in ~/.keras/datasets) and create train and test sets: from keras.datasets import cifar10 (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar10.load_data() outputs: - model (located in CIFAR10_PATH_SAVED_MODELS) - logs (located in CIFAR10_PATH_TENSORBOARD_LOGS) To view logs, run this command: tensorboard --logdir /gpus_cores_batchsize___/ This command will start a local web server and provide beautiful graphs and diagrams through html pages