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NEMO_Build_README.txt 1.75 KiB
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Valeriu Codreanu's avatar
Valeriu Codreanu committed

Written in 2013-09-12, as a product of NEMO benchmark in PRACE 2IP-WP7.4.
Written by Soon-Heum "Jeff" Ko at Linkoping University, Sweden (

0. Before start
- Download two tarball files (src and input) from PRACE benchmark site.
- Create a directory, 'ORCA12_PRACE' and untar above-mentioned files under that directory. Then the directory structure would be as
----- ORCA12_PRACE
                  |------ DATA_CONFIG_ORCA12/
                  |------ FORCING/
                  |------ NEMOGCM/
                  |------ README
                  |------ Instruction_for_JuBE.tar.gz

1. Build-up of standalone version
- You can find the easy how-to from ORCA12_PRACE/README file, which is an instruction document written after PRACE 1IP contribution. To repeat the instruction,
2) create a arch-COMPUTER.fcm file in NEMOGCM/ARCH corresponding to your needs. You can refer to 'arch-ifort_linux_curie.fcm' which is tuned for CURIE x86_64 system.
4) ./makenemo -n ORCA12.L75-PRACE -m COMPUTER
Then you will have a subdirectory 'ORCA12.L75-PRACE' is created.

2. Build-up under JuBE benchmark framework
- You shall first download JuBE benchmark suite and PRACE benchmark applications from PRACE SVN. Then you will find 'nemo' benchmark under PABS/applications. Because the old nemo benchmark set has been ill-written and there have been changes on NEMO source, we provide the benchmark setup for the current NEMO version in a separate tarball file (Instruction_for_JuBE.tar.gz). You can follow the instruction specified there for installing and running NEMO v3.4. in the JuBE benchmark suite.