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## Overview 
This README together with the provided benchmark input files, CP2K build configuration ("arch") files and other details provided in each subdirectory corresponding to a machine specify how the CP2K benchmarking results presented in the PRACE-5IP deliverable D7.5 ("Evaluation of Accelerated and Non-accelerated Benchmarks") were obtained and provide general guidance on building CP2K and running the UEABS benchmarks.

In short, the procedure followed to generate CP2K UEABS benchmark results for the D7.5 deliverable on a given machine was:

1. Compile Libint
2. Compile Libxc 
3. Compile FFTW library (or use MKL's FFTW3 interface)
4. Compile CP2K and link to Libint, Libxc, FFTW, LAPACK, BLAS, SCALAPACK and BLACS, and to relevant CUDA libraries if building for GPU
5. Run the benchmarks, namely:
 - Test Case A: H2O-1024 
 - Test Case B: LiH-HFX (adjusting the MAX_MEMORY input parameter to take into account available on-node memory)
 - Test Case C: H2O-DFT-LS 

Gcc/gfortran was used to compile the libraries and CP2K itself, with the exception of the Frioul machine on which the Intel compiler was used to compile for the Knights Landing processor. In general it is recommended to use an MPI library built using the same compiler used to build CP2K. General information about building CP2K and libraries it depends on can be found in included in the CP2K source distribution.

The reported walltime for a given run is obtained by querying the resulting .log file for CP2K's internal timing, as follows:

grep "CP2K     "  *.log

### Optional
Optional performance libraries including ELPA, libgrid, and libsmm/libxsmm can and should be built and linked to when compiling a CP2K executable for maximum performance for production usage. This was not done for the results presented in deliverable D7.5 due to the effort and complexity involved in doing so for the range of machines on which benchmark results were generated, which included PRACE Tier-0 production machines as well as pre-production prototypes. Information about these libraries can be found in included in the CP2K source distribution. 

## 1. Compile Libint
The Libint library can be obtained from <> 

The specific commands used to build version 1.1.4 of Libint using GCC on a number of different machines can be found in the machine-specific subdirectories accompanying this README. By default the build process only creates static (.a) libraries. If you want to be able to link dynamically to Libint when building CP2K you can pass the flag
--enable-shared to ./configure in order to produce shared libraries (.so). 

If you can, it is easiest to build Libint on the same processor architecture on which you will run CP2K. This typically correspond to being to compile directly on the relevant compute nodes of the machine. If this is not possible and if you are forced instead to compile on nodes with a different processor architecture to the compute nodes on which CP2K will eventually run, see the section below on cross-compiling Libint. 

More information about Libint can be found inside the CP2K distribution base directory in


### Cross-compiling Libint for compute nodes
If you are forced to cross-compile Libint for compute nodes on nodes that have a different processor architecture, follow these instructions. They assume you will be able to call a parallel application launcher like ``mpirun`` or ``mpiexec`` during your build process in order to run compiled code.

In ``/src/lib/`` edit the files ``MakeRules`` and ````.  
On the last line of each file, replace



Then run

export PARALLEL_LAUNCHER_COMMAND="mpirun -n 1"
replacing ``mpirun`` with a different parallel application launcher such as ``mpiexec`` (or ``aprun`` if applicable). When proceeding with the configure stage, include the configure flag ``cross-compiling=yes``.

## 2. Compile Libxc
The Libxc library can be obtained from <>. Version 4.2.3 was used for deliverable D7.5. 

The specific commands used to build Libxc using GCC on a number of different machines can be found in the machine-specific subdirectories accompanying this README.

## 3. Compile FFTW

If FFTW (FFTW3) is not already available preinstalled on your system it can be obtained from <>

The specific commands used to build FFTW using GCC on a number of different machines can be found in the machine-specific subdirectories accompanying this README.

Alternatively, you can use MKL's FFTW3 interface. 

## 4. Compile CP2K
The CP2K source code can be downloaded from <>. Version 6.1 of CP2K was used to generate the results reported in D7.5.

The general procedure is to create a custom so-called arch (architecture) file inside the ``arch`` directory in the CP2K distribution, which includes examples for a number of common architectures. The arch file specifies build parameters such as the choice of compilers, library locations and compilation and linker flags. Building the hybrid MPI + OpenMP ("psmp") version of CP2K (most convenient for running benchmarks) in accordance with a given arch file is then accomplished by entering the ``makefiles`` directory in the distribution and running

make -j number_of_cores_available_to_you ARCH=arch_file_name VERSION=psmp

If the build is successful, the resulting executable ``cp2k.psmp`` can be found inside ``/exe/arch_file_name/`` in the CP2K base directory.

Detailed information about arch file and library options and overall build procedure can be found in the ```` readme file. You can also consult, which provides sample arch files as part of
the testing reports for some platforms (click on the status field for a platform, and search for 'ARCH-file' in the resulting output). 

Specific arch files used to build CP2K for deliverable D7.5 can be found in the machine-specific subdirectories in this repository. 

### Linking to MKL

If you are linking to Intel's MKL library to provide LAPACK, BLAS, SCALAPACK and BLACS (and possibly FFTW3) you should choose linking options using the [MKL Link Line Advisor tool](, carefully selecting the options relevant on your machine environment. 

### Building a CUDA-enabled version of CP2K

See the ``PizDaint`` subdirectory for an example arch file that enables GPU acceleration with CUDA. The ``-arch`` NVIDIA flag should be adjusted to choose the right option for the particular Nvidia GPU architecture in question. For example ``-arch sm35`` matches the Tesla K40 and K80 GPU architectures. 

## Running the UEABS benchmarks

### Test Case A: H2O-1024

### Test Case B: LiH-HFX

### Test Case C: H2O-DFT-LS