In the specfem3D folder of this repo, you will find test cases in the test_cases folder,
you will also find environment and submission scripts templates for several machines
## Load the environment
@@ -49,7 +56,9 @@ export MPICC=`which mpicc`
export CUDA_LIB="$CUDAROOT/lib64"
export CUDA_INC="$CUDAROOT/include"
Once again, you will find in the specfem3D folder of this repo a folder name env,
with file name env_x which gives examples of the environment used on several supercomputers
during the last benchmark campaign
## Compile specfem
As arrays are staticaly declared, you will need to compile specfem once for each
@@ -95,22 +104,16 @@ make clean
make all
## Launch specfem
The launch procedure is simplified by the `run_mesher_solver.bash` script included
with tests cases. You just have to simlink some parameters file and binaries before launching it:
**-> You will find in the specfem folder of ueabs repository the file "" which is an compilation script template for several machines (different architectures : KNL, SKL, Haswell and GPU)**
cd $HOME/bench_spec/test_case_${test_case_id}/DATA
ln -s $HOME/specfem3d_globe/DATA/crust2.0
ln -s $HOME/specfem3d_globe/DATA/s362ani
ln -s $HOME/specfem3d_globe/DATA/QRFSI12
ln -s $HOME/specfem3d_globe/DATA/topo_bathy
## Launch specfem
ln -s $HOME/specfem_compil_${test_case_id}/bin
You can use or be inspired by the submission script template in the job_script folder using the appropriate job submission command :