TensorFlow === TensorFlow (https://www.tensorflow.org) is a popular open-source library for symbolic math and linear algebra, with particular optimization for neural-networks-based machine learning workflow. Maintained by Google, it is widely used for research and production in both the academia and the industry. TensorFlow supports a wide variety of hardware platforms (CPUs, GPUs, TPUs) and can be scaled up to utilize multiple computing devices on a single or multiple compute nodes. The main objective of this benchmark is to profile the scaling behavior of TensorFlow on different hardware, and thereby provide a reference baseline of its performance for different sizes of applications. DeepGalaxy === There are many open-source datasets available for benchmarking TensorFlow, such as `mnist`, `fashion_mnist`, `cifar`, `imagenet`, and so on. This benchmark suite, however, would like to focus on a scientific research use case. `DeepGalaxy` is a code built with TensorFlow, which uses deep neural network to classify galaxy mergers in the Universe, observed by the Hubble Space Telescope and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. - Website: https://github.com/maxwelltsai/DeepGalaxy - Code download: https://github.com/maxwelltsai/DeepGalaxy - [Prerequisites installation](#prerequisites-installation) - [Test Case A (small)](Testcase_A/README.md) - [Test Case B (medium)](Testcase_B/README.md) - [Test Case C (large)](Testcase_C/README.md) ## Prerequisites Installation The prerequsities consists of a list of python packages as shown below. It is recommended to create a python virtual environment (either with `pyenv` or `conda`). The following packages can be installed using the `pip` package management tool: ``` pip install tensorflow pip install horovod pip install scikit-learn pip install scikit-image pip install pandas ``` Note: there is no guarantee of optimal performance when `tensorflow` is installed using `pip`. It is better if `tensorflow` is compiled from source, in which case the compiler will likely be able to take advantage of the advanced instruction sets supported by the processor (e.g., AVX512). An official build instruction can be found at https://www.tensorflow.org/install/source. Sometimes, an HPC center may have a tensorflow module optimized for their hardware, in which case the `pip install tensorflow` line can be replaced with a line like `module load `. ## How to benchmark the throughput of a HPC system **Step 1**: Download the benchmark code: ``` git clone https://github.com/maxwelltsai/DeepGalaxy.git ``` In doing so, the latest version of the `DeepGalaxy` benchmark suite will be downloaded. Note that the latest version is not necessarily the most stable version, and there is no guarantee of backward compatability with older TensorFlow versions. **Step 2**: Download the training dataset. In the `DeepGalaxy` directory, download the training dataset. Depending on the benchmark size, there are three datasets available: - (512, 512) pixels: https://edu.nl/r3wh3 (2GB) - (1024, 1024) pixels: https://edu.nl/gcy96 (6.1GB) - (2048, 2048) pixels: https://edu.nl/bruf6 (14GB) **Step 3**: Run the code on different numbers of workers. For example, the following command executes the code on `np = 4` workers: ``` mpirun -np 4 dg_train.py -f output_bw_512.hdf5 --epochs 20 --noise 0.1 --batch-size 4 --arch EfficientNetB4 ``` where `output_bw_512.hdf5` is the training dataset downloaded in the previous step. Please change the file name if necessary. One could also change the other parameters, such as `--epochs`, `--batch-size`, and `--arch` according to the size of the benchmark. For example, the `EfficientNetB0` deep neural network is for small HPC systems, `EfficientNetB4` is for medium-size ones, and `EfficientNetB7` is for large systems. Also, shoudl the system memory permits, increasing the `--batch-size` could improve the throughput. If the `--batch-size` parameter is too large, an out-of-memory error could occur. The benchmark data of the training are written to the file `train_log.txt`. **Step 4**: Repeat Step 3 with different `np`. By the time when all the desired `np` settings are completed, we should have all the throughput data written in the `train_log.txt` file. The content of the file looks like this: ``` Time is now 2021-06-21 14:26:08.581012 Parallel training enabled. batch_size = 4, global_batch_size = 16, num_workers = 4 hvd_rank = 0, hvd_local_rank = 0 Loading part of the dataset since distributed training is enabled ... Shape of X: (319, 512, 512, 1) Shape of Y: (319,) Number of classes: 213 [Performance] Epoch 0 takes 107.60 seconds. Throughput: 2.37 images/sec (per worker), 9.48 images/sec (total) [Performance] Epoch 1 takes 17.15 seconds. Throughput: 14.87 images/sec (per worker), 59.47 images/sec (total) [Performance] Epoch 2 takes 10.95 seconds. Throughput: 23.29 images/sec (per worker), 93.15 images/sec (total) [Performance] Epoch 3 takes 10.99 seconds. Throughput: 23.21 images/sec (per worker), 92.82 images/sec (total) [Performance] Epoch 4 takes 11.01 seconds. Throughput: 23.17 images/sec (per worker), 92.67 images/sec (total) [Performance] Epoch 5 takes 11.00 seconds. Throughput: 23.18 images/sec (per worker), 92.72 images/sec (total) [Performance] Epoch 6 takes 11.05 seconds. Throughput: 23.08 images/sec (per worker), 92.31 images/sec (total) [Performance] Epoch 7 takes 11.16 seconds. Throughput: 22.86 images/sec (per worker), 91.44 images/sec (total) [Performance] Epoch 8 takes 11.11 seconds. Throughput: 22.96 images/sec (per worker), 91.85 images/sec (total) [Performance] Epoch 9 takes 11.10 seconds. Throughput: 22.97 images/sec (per worker), 91.87 images/sec (total) On hostname r38n1.lisa.surfsara.nl - After training using 4.195556640625 GB of memory ``` This output contains several useful information for use to derive the scaling efficiency of the HPC system: - `num_workers`: the number of (MPI) workers. This is essentially equal to the `-np` parameter in the `mpirun` command. Do not confuse this with the number of (CPU) cores used, because one worker may make use of multiple cores. If GPUs are used, one worker is typically associated with one GPU card. - images/sec (per worker): this is the throughput per worker - images/sec (total): this is the total throughput of the system Due to the initialization effect, the throughputs of the first two epochs are lower, so please read the throughput data from the third epoch onwards. With the data of total throughput, we could calculate the scaling efficiency. In an ideal system, the total throughput scales linearly as a function of `num_workers`, and hence the scaling efficiency is 1. In practice, the scaling efficiency drops with more workers due to the communication overhead. The better connectivity the HPC system is, the better scaling efficiency.