# Specfem 3D globe -- Bench readme Note that this guide is still a work in progress and is currently being reviewed. ## Get the source Clone the repository in a location of your choice, let's say $HOME. ```shell cd $HOME git clone https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe.git ``` Then use a fixed and stable version of specfem3D_globe (the one of October 31, 2017 for example, see https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe/commits/master) ```shell cd $HOME/specfem3d_globe git checkout b1d6ba966496f269611eff8c2cf1f22bcdac2bd9 ``` If this is not done, clone the ueabs repository. ```shell cd $HOME git clone https://repository.prace-ri.eu/git/UEABS/ueabs.git ``` In the specfem3D folder of this repo, you will find test cases in the test_cases folder, you will also find environment and submission scripts templates for several machines ## Load the environment You will need a fortran and a C compiler and a MPI library. The following variables are relevent to compile the code: - `LANG=C` - `FC` - `MPIFC` - `CC` - `MPICC` Compiling with CUDA to run on GPUs, you will also need to load the cuda environment and set the two following variables - `CUDA_LIB` - `CUDA_INC` An exemple (compiling for GPUs) on the ouessant cluster at IDRIS - France: ```shell LANG=C module purge module load pgi cuda ompi export FC=`which pgfortran` export MPIFC=`which mpif90` export CC=`which pgcc` export MPICC=`which mpicc` export CUDA_LIB="$CUDAROOT/lib64" export CUDA_INC="$CUDAROOT/include" ``` Once again, you will find in the specfem3D folder of this repo a folder named env, with files named env_x which gives examples of the environment used on several supercomputers during the last benchmark campaign ## Compile specfem As arrays are staticaly declared, you will need to compile specfem once for each test case with the right `Par_file` On some environement, depending on MPI configuration you will need to replace `use mpi` statement with `include mpif.h`, use the script and prodedure commented below. First you will have to configure. **On GPU platform** you will have to add the following arguments to the configure:`--build=ppc64 --with-cuda=cuda5`. ```shell cp -r $HOME/specfem3d_globe specfem_compil_${test_case_id} cp $HOME/bench_spec/test_case_${test_case_id}/DATA/Par_file specfem_compil_${test_case_id}/DATA/ cd specfem_compil_${test_case_id} ### replace `use mpi` if needed ### # cd utils # perl replace_use_mpi_with_include_mpif_dot_h.pl # cd .. #################################### ./configure --prefix=$PWD ``` **On Xeon Phi**, since support is recent you should replace the following variables values in the generated Makefile: ```Makefile FCFLAGS = -g -O3 -qopenmp -xMIC-AVX512 -DUSE_FP32 -DOPT_STREAMS -align array64byte -fp-model fast=2 -traceback -mcmodel=large FCFLAGS_f90 = -mod ./obj -I./obj -I. -I. -I${SETUP} -xMIC-AVX512 CPPFLAGS = -I${SETUP} -DFORCE_VECTORIZATION -xMIC-AVX512 ``` Note: Be careful, in most machines login node does not have the same instruction set so, in order to compile with the right instruction set, you'll have to compile on a compute node (salloc + ssh) Finally compile with make: ```shell make clean make all ``` **-> You will find in the specfem folder of ueabs repository the file "compile.sh" which is an compilation script template for several machines (different architectures : KNL, SKL, Haswell and GPU)** ## Launch specfem You can use or be inspired by the submission script template in the job_script folder using the appropriate job submission command : - qsub for pbs job, - sbatch for slurm job, - ccc_msub for irene job (wrapper), - llsubmit for LoadLeveler job. ## Gather results The relevant metric for this benchmark is time for the solver. Using slurm, it is easy to gather as each `mpirun` or `srun` is interpreted as a step wich is already timed. So the command line `sacct -j ` allows you to catch the metric. Or you can find more precise timing info at the end of this output file : specfem3d_globe/OUTPUT_FILES/output_solver.txt