# Specfem 3D globe -- Bench readme Note that this guide is still a work in progress and is currently being reviewed. ## General description The software package SPECFEM3D simulates three-dimensional global and regional seismic wave propagation based upon the spectral-element method (SEM). All SPECFEM3D_GLOBE software is written in Fortran90 with full portability in mind, and conforms strictly to the Fortran95 standard. It uses no obsolete or obsolescent features of Fortran77. The package uses parallel programming based upon the Message Passing Interface (MPI). The SEM was originally developed in computational fluid dynamics and has been successfully adapted to address problems in seismic wave propagation. It is a continuous Galerkin technique, which can easily be made discontinuous; it is then close to a particular case of the discontinuous Galerkin technique, with optimized efficiency because of its tensorized basis functions. In particular, it can accurately handle very distorted mesh elements. It has very good accuracy and convergence properties. The spectral element approach admits spectral rates of convergence and allows exploiting hp-convergence schemes. It is also very well suited to parallel implementation on very large supercomputers as well as on clusters of GPU accelerating graphics cards. Tensor products inside each element can be optimized to reach very high efficiency, and mesh point and element numbering can be optimized to reduce processor cache misses and improve cache reuse. The SEM can also handle triangular (in 2D) or tetrahedral (3D) elements as well as mixed meshes, although with increased cost and reduced accuracy in these elements, as in the discontinuous Galerkin method. In many geological models in the context of seismic wave propagation studies (except for instance for fault dynamic rupture studies, in which very high frequencies of supershear rupture need to be modeled near the fault, a continuous formulation is sufficient because material property contrasts are not drastic and thus conforming mesh doubling bricks can efficiently handle mesh size variations. This is particularly true at the scale of the full Earth. Effects due to lateral variations in compressional-wave speed, shear-wave speed, density, a 3D crustal model, ellipticity, topography and bathyletry, the oceans, rotation, and self-gravitation are included. The package can accommodate full 21-parameter anisotropy as well as lateral variations in attenuation. Adjoint capabilities and finite-frequency kernel simulations are also included. * Web site: http://geodynamics.org/cig/software/specfem3d_globe/ * User manual: https://geodynamics.org/cig/software/specfem3d_globe/gitbranch/devel/doc/USER_MANUAL/manual_SPECFEM3D_GLOBE.pdf * Code download: https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe.git * Build instructions: https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d/wiki/02_getting_started * Test Cases * Test Case A: https://repository.prace-ri.eu/git/UEABS/ueabs/tree/master/specfem3d/test_cases/SPECFEM3D_TestCaseA * Test Case B: https://repository.prace-ri.eu/git/UEABS/ueabs/tree/master/specfem3d/test_cases/SPECFEM3D_TestCaseB * Test Case C: https://repository.prace-ri.eu/git/UEABS/ueabs/tree/master/specfem3d/test_cases/SPECFEM3D_TestCaseC * Run instructions: https://repository.prace-ri.eu/git/UEABS/ueabs/blob/r1.3/specfem3d/SPECFEM3D_Run_README.txt ## Get the source Clone the repository in a location of your choice, let's say $HOME. ```shell cd $HOME git clone https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe.git ``` Then use a fixed and stable version of specfem3D_globe (the one of October 31, 2017 for example, see https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe/commits/master) ```shell cd $HOME/specfem3d_globe git checkout b1d6ba966496f269611eff8c2cf1f22bcdac2bd9 ``` If this is not done, clone the ueabs repository. ```shell cd $HOME git clone https://repository.prace-ri.eu/git/UEABS/ueabs.git ``` In the specfem3D folder of this repo, you will find test cases in the test_cases folder, you will also find environment and submission scripts templates for several machines ## Load the environment You will need a fortran and a C compiler and a MPI library. The following variables are relevent to compile the code: - `LANG=C` - `FC` - `MPIFC` - `CC` - `MPICC` Compiling with CUDA to run on GPUs, you will also need to load the cuda environment and set the two following variables - `CUDA_LIB` - `CUDA_INC` An exemple (compiling for GPUs) on the ouessant cluster at IDRIS - France: ```shell LANG=C module purge module load pgi cuda ompi export FC=`which pgfortran` export MPIFC=`which mpif90` export CC=`which pgcc` export MPICC=`which mpicc` export CUDA_LIB="$CUDAROOT/lib64" export CUDA_INC="$CUDAROOT/include" ``` Once again, you will find in the specfem3D folder of this repo a folder named env, with files named env_x which gives examples of the environment used on several supercomputers during the last benchmark campaign ## Compile specfem As arrays are staticaly declared, you will need to compile specfem once for each test case with the right `Par_file` On some environement, depending on MPI configuration you will need to replace `use mpi` statement with `include mpif.h`, use the script and prodedure commented below. First you will have to configure. **On GPU platform** you will have to add the following arguments to the configure:`--build=ppc64 --with-cuda=cuda5`. ```shell cp -r $HOME/specfem3d_globe specfem_compil_${test_case_id} cp $HOME/bench_spec/test_case_${test_case_id}/DATA/Par_file specfem_compil_${test_case_id}/DATA/ cd specfem_compil_${test_case_id} ### replace `use mpi` if needed ### # cd utils # perl replace_use_mpi_with_include_mpif_dot_h.pl # cd .. #################################### ./configure --prefix=$PWD ``` **On Xeon Phi**, since support is recent you should replace the following variables values in the generated Makefile: ```Makefile FCFLAGS = -g -O3 -qopenmp -xMIC-AVX512 -DUSE_FP32 -DOPT_STREAMS -align array64byte -fp-model fast=2 -traceback -mcmodel=large FCFLAGS_f90 = -mod ./obj -I./obj -I. -I. -I${SETUP} -xMIC-AVX512 CPPFLAGS = -I${SETUP} -DFORCE_VECTORIZATION -xMIC-AVX512 ``` Note: Be careful, in most machines login node does not have the same instruction set so, in order to compile with the right instruction set, you'll have to compile on a compute node (salloc + ssh) Finally compile with make: ```shell make clean make all ``` **-> You will find in the specfem folder of ueabs repository the file "compile.sh" which is an compilation script template for several machines (different architectures : KNL, SKL, Haswell and GPU)** ## Launch specfem You can use or be inspired by the submission script template in the job_script folder using the appropriate job submission command : - qsub for pbs job, - sbatch for slurm job, - ccc_msub for irene job (wrapper), - llsubmit for LoadLeveler job. ## Gather results The relevant metric for this benchmark is time for the solver. Using slurm, it is easy to gather as each `mpirun` or `srun` is interpreted as a step wich is already timed. So the command line `sacct -j ` allows you to catch the metric. Or you can find more precise timing info at the end of this output file : specfem3d_globe/OUTPUT_FILES/output_solver.txt