NEMO 3.6, GYRE configuration ============================, 2016-05-16 Build and test documentation for NEMO 3.6 in GYRE configuration. Example commands are tested in CSC's Cray XC40, ``. Download NEMO and XIOS sources ------------------------------ ### Register ### Check out NEMO sources ``` svn --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --no-auth-cache co ... Checked out revision 6542. ``` ### Check out XIOS2 sources ``` svn co -r819 xios-2.0 ``` Build XIOS ---------- ### Build environment Xios requires Netcdf4. ``` module load cray-hdf5-parallel cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel ``` ### Build command ``` cd xios-2.0 ./make_xios --job 8 --arch XC30_Cray ``` ...need to be rerun without `--job 8` and test suite is broken, but library got built? Build NEMO 3.6 in GYRE configuration ------------------------------------ ### Get a bash helper for editing configuration files ``` source <(curl -s ``` ...or if you have a buggy bash 3.2... ``` wget; source fixfcm.bash ``` ### Edit (create) configuration files ``` cd ../NEMOGCM/CONFIG fixfcm < ../ARCH/arch-XC40_METO.fcm > ../ARCH/arch-MY_CONFIG.fcm \ NCDF_HOME="$NETCDF_DIR" \ HDF5_HOME="$HDF5_DIR" \ XIOS_HOME="$(readlink -f ../../xios-2.0)" ``` ### Build ``` ./makenemo -m MY_CONFIG -r GYRE_XIOS -n MY_GYRE add_key "key_nosignedzero" ``` Run first GYRE test ------------------- ### Preapare input files ``` cd MY_GYRE/EXP00 sed -i '/using_server/s/false/true/' iodef.xml sed -i '/&nameos/a ln_useCT = .false.' namelist_cfg sed -i '/&namctl/a nn_bench = 1' namelist_cfg ``` ### Run the experiment interactively ``` aprun -n 4 ../BLD/bin/nemo.exe : -n 2 ../../../../xios-2.0/bin/xios_server.exe ``` GYRE configuration with higher resolution ----------------------------------------- ### Modify configuration Parameter `jp_cfg` controls the resolution. ``` rm -f time.step solver.stat output.namelist.dyn ocean.output slurm-* GYRE_* mesh_mask_00* jp_cfg=4 sed -i -r \ -e 's/^( *nn_itend *=).*/\1 21600/' \ -e 's/^( *nn_stock *=).*/\1 21600/' \ -e 's/^( *nn_write *=).*/\1 1000/' \ -e 's/^( *jp_cfg *=).*/\1 '"$jp_cfg"'/' \ -e 's/^( *jpidta *=).*/\1 '"$(( 30 * jp_cfg +2))"'/' \ -e 's/^( *jpjdta *=).*/\1 '"$(( 20 * jp_cfg +2))"'/' \ -e 's/^( *jpiglo *=).*/\1 '"$(( 30 * jp_cfg +2))"'/' \ -e 's/^( *jpjglo *=).*/\1 '"$(( 20 * jp_cfg +2))"'/' \ namelist_cfg ``` ### Run the experiment as a SLURM batch job ``` sbatch -N 3 -p test -t 30 << EOF #!/bin/bash aprun -n 48 ../BLD/bin/nemo.exe : -n 8 ../../../../xios-2.0/bin/xios_server.exe EOF ```