NEMO 3.6, GYRE configuration ============================ created by, 2016-05-16 Build and test documentation for NEMO 3.6 in GYRE configuration. Example commands are tested in CSC's Cray XC40, ``. updated by in context of benchmarking efforts on Tier-0 supercomputing systems. Most of the following instructions should work as it is. The key part is to install XIOS because NEMO needs XIOS libraries to compile. The GYRE configuration is pretty easy to compile and run. Please also refer to following guide for reference. There is not one standard rule for compiling NEMO on all plateforms. Each plateform needs a different and unique approach to make NEMO work. The standard workflow is like this : 1. Install XIOS. 2. Install NEMO. 3. Apply the patch as described here to measure step time : 4. Run NEMO in GYRE configuration. Download NEMO and XIOS sources ------------------------------ ### Check out NEMO sources ` svn co -r6542 ` ### Check out XIOS2 sources ``` svn co -r819 xios-2.0 ``` Build XIOS ---------- ### Build environment Xios requires Netcdf4. Please load the appropriate HDF5 and NetCDF4 modules. You might have to change the path in the configuration file. ``` module load cray-hdf5-parallel cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel ``` ### Build command ``` cd xios-2.0 ./make_xios --arch XC30_Cray ``` Build NEMO 3.6 in GYRE configuration ------------------------------------ ### Get a bash helper for editing configuration files ``` source <(curl -s ``` ...or if you have a buggy bash 3.2... ``` wget; source fixfcm.bash ``` ### Edit (create) configuration files ``` cd ../NEMOGCM/CONFIG fixfcm < ../ARCH/arch-XC40_METO.fcm > ../ARCH/arch-MY_CONFIG.fcm \ NCDF_HOME="$NETCDF_DIR" \ HDF5_HOME="$HDF5_DIR" \ XIOS_HOME="$(readlink -f ../../xios-2.0)" ``` ### Build ``` ./makenemo -m MY_CONFIG -r GYRE_XIOS -n MY_GYRE add_key "key_nosignedzero" ``` Apply the patch as described here to measure step time : , otherwise it becomes extermely difficult to measure computational time. Run first GYRE test ------------------- Adjust the following configuration or settings as per your HPC site's preferences. ### Preapare input files ``` cd MY_GYRE/EXP00 sed -i '/using_server/s/false/true/' iodef.xml sed -i '/&nameos/a ln_useCT = .false.' namelist_cfg sed -i '/&namctl/a nn_bench = 1' namelist_cfg ``` ### Run the experiment interactively ``` aprun -n 4 ../BLD/bin/nemo.exe : -n 2 ../../../../xios-2.0/bin/xios_server.exe ``` GYRE configuration with higher resolution ----------------------------------------- ### Modify configuration Parameter `jp_cfg` controls the resolution. ``` rm -f time.step solver.stat output.namelist.dyn ocean.output slurm-* GYRE_* mesh_mask_00* jp_cfg=4 sed -i -r \ -e 's/^( *nn_itend *=).*/\1 21600/' \ -e 's/^( *nn_stock *=).*/\1 21600/' \ -e 's/^( *nn_write *=).*/\1 1000/' \ -e 's/^( *jp_cfg *=).*/\1 '"$jp_cfg"'/' \ -e 's/^( *jpidta *=).*/\1 '"$(( 30 * jp_cfg +2))"'/' \ -e 's/^( *jpjdta *=).*/\1 '"$(( 20 * jp_cfg +2))"'/' \ -e 's/^( *jpiglo *=).*/\1 '"$(( 30 * jp_cfg +2))"'/' \ -e 's/^( *jpjglo *=).*/\1 '"$(( 20 * jp_cfg +2))"'/' \ namelist_cfg ```