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main.c 2.33 KiB
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/* Heat equation solver in 2D. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <mpi.h>

#include "heat.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    double a = 0.5;             //!< Diffusion constant
    field current, previous;    //!< Current and previous temperature fields

    double dt;                  //!< Time step
    int nsteps;                 //!< Number of time steps

    int image_interval = 500;    //!< Image output interval

    int restart_interval = 200;  //!< Checkpoint output interval

    parallel_data parallelization; //!< Parallelization info

    int iter, iter0;               //!< Iteration counter

    double dx2, dy2;            //!< delta x and y squared

    double start_clock;        //!< Time stamps

    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    initialize(argc, argv, &current, &previous, &nsteps, 
               &parallelization, &iter0);

    /* Output the initial field */
    write_field(&current, iter0, &parallelization);

    /* Largest stable time step */
    dx2 = current.dx * current.dx;
    dy2 = current.dy * current.dy;
    dt = dx2 * dy2 / (2.0 * a * (dx2 + dy2));

    /* Get the start time stamp */
    start_clock = MPI_Wtime();

    /* Time evolve */
    for (iter = iter0; iter < iter0 + nsteps; iter++) {
        exchange_init(&previous, &parallelization);
        evolve_interior(&current, &previous, a, dt);
        evolve_edges(&current, &previous, a, dt);
        if (iter % image_interval == 0) {
            write_field(&current, iter, &parallelization);
       /* write a checkpoint now and then for easy restarting */
        if (iter % restart_interval == 0) {
            write_restart(&current, &parallelization, iter);
        /* Swap current field so that it will be used
            as previous for next iteration step */
        swap_fields(&current, &previous);

    /* Determine the CPU time used for the iteration */
    if (parallelization.rank == 0) {
        printf("Iteration took %.3f seconds.\n", (MPI_Wtime() - start_clock));
        printf("Reference value at 5,5: %f\n", 
              [idx(5, 5, current.ny + 2)]);

    write_field(&current, iter, &parallelization);

    finalize(&current, &previous, &parallelization);

    return 0;