# Parallel programming with OpenMP This repository contains various exercises and examples on parallel programming with OpenMP. A C or Fortran compiler supporting OpenMP is needed for building the code. Simple cases can be built and run as: - gcc -o exe -fopenmp exercise.c - gfortran -o exe -fopenmp exercise.F90 where gcc/gfortran and -fopenmp should be replaced by proper compiler commands and options if you are not using the GNU compilers. For more complex cases a Makefile is provided. ## Exercises - [Hello world](hello-world) Simplest possible OpenMP program (C and Fortran versions). Level: **basic** - [Parallel region and data sharing](data-sharing) The basic data sharing primitives (C and Fortran versions). Level: **basic** - [Work sharing for a simple loop](work-sharing) Simple parallelization of for/do loop (C and Fortran versions). Level: **basic** - [Vector sum and race condition](race-condition) A basic example of race condition and various ways for resolving it (C and Fortran versions). Level: **intermediate** - [Using OpenMP tasks for dynamic parallelization](tasks) Utilising OpenMP task construct for more dynamic parallelization (C and Fortran versions). Level: **intermediate** ## Examples - [Heat equation](heat-equation) A two dimensional heat equation solver which is parallelized with OpenMP. (C and Fortran versions). Level: **intermediate** ## How to contribute Any contributions (new exercises and examples, bug fixes, improvements etc.) are warmly welcome. In order to contribute, please follow the standard Gitlab workflow: 1. Fork the project into your personal space 2. Create a feature branch 3. Work on your contributions 4. Push the commit(s) to your fork 5. Submit a merge request to the master branch As a quality assurance, the merge request is reviewed by PRACE staff before it is accepted into main branch.