# LaTeX class for a PRACE Project Access Applications (c) PRACE Please report any problems with this template to ... or contribute directly to this repository. The latest version of the required files is available as download: [PRACE-Project-Access-Form.tar.gz](https://repository.prace-ri.eu/git/latex-templates/prace-project-access-application/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/PRACE-Project-Access-Form.tar.gz?job=build-example). ## PURPOSE Enable the writing of a PRACE Project Access Application. ## FILES `prace.cls` : LaTeX document class `template.tex` : PRACE Project Access Application template `prace-header.jpg` : page header from PRACE (used by prace.cls) The `example` directory contains a full example: `example.tex` : example of a filled-in template `example.pdf` : example PRACE Access Application ## REQUIREMENTS Some LaTeX packages are assumed to be present for this class to work: `helvet` (for the correct font), `siunitx` (for properly formatted numbers+units), `fancyhdr` (which should be updated at some point), `lastpage`, and `titlesec` among others. The current version of the template is meant for use with `latex` or `pdflatex`, a modern dialect may follow in the future. ## QUICK HOW-TO 1) copy `template.tex` to `yourname_yourproject.tex` 2) fill in all the required information in `yourname_yourproject.tex` using your favorite text editor 3) switch of editing hints by disabling the corresponding option to the package when final 4) convert `.tex` to `.pdf`, e.g. `pdflatex yourname_yourproject` ## MACROS ```tex \project{}{} ``` Sets and displays general information about the project. ```tex \PI{}{}{}{}{}{}{} \CoPI{}{}{}{}{}{}{} ``` Set and displays information for the project's PI and possible Co-PIs.