stages: - build - deploy build-example: stage: build tags: - docker image: blang/latex:ubuntu script: - cd example - ln -s ../prace.cls . - ln -s ../prace-logo.pdf . - latexmk -pdf example.tex artifacts: when: on_success paths: - example/example.pdf deploy-pdf: stage: deploy dependencies: - build-example tags: - docker image: blang/latex:ubuntu before_script: # I assume for this to work, I need to set up those variables in the repo # This is likely not a good idea, adding access tokens... # (they can easily leak with a change to .gitlab-ci.yml) # - echo "${CI_ACCESS_TOKEN}" - echo "${CI_EMAIL}" - echo "${CI_USERNAME}" - echo "${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}" - echo "${CI_PROJECT_PATH}.git" - echo "${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" script: - ls - git config --global "${CI_EMAIL}" - git config --global "${CI_USERNAME}" - git add example/example.pdf - git commit -m "Compiled PDF from $CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA [skip ci]" || echo "No changes, nothing to commit!" - git remote rm origin && git remote add origin${CI_PROJECT_PATH} # - git push origin HEAD:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME # Pushes to the same branch as the trigger