diff --git a/_episodes/01-design.md b/_episodes/01-design.md
index 7d5a5b852c9142f4fcb2239d41d28e9524352d5b..4e52f873b9d3e3760bd5a34e3b30ce4dd0f8116a 100644
--- a/_episodes/01-design.md
+++ b/_episodes/01-design.md
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 title: "Lesson Design"
-teaching: 10
-exercises: 0
-- "How do we design lessons?"
-- "Describe the reverse instructional design process."
-- "Describe the purpose and implementation of formative assessments."
-- "Lessons are design in four stages: conceptual, summative, formative, and connective."
+- https://carpentries.github.io/curriculum-development/
-This episode describes how we go about designing lessons and why.
-For more information on how we design lessons and why,
-see [the instructor training course][training].
+Test text.
-## Reverse Instructional Design
-### Idealized
-In principle,
-we design lessons in four stages:
-1.  **Conteptual:** describe target audience,
-    overall lesson's goals,
-    and how long it is going to be.
-    **Example**:
-    a. A lesson for people who have taught themselves
-    how to write page-long statistical analyses in R using RStudio,
-    but have never written functions or run programs from the Unix shell prompt.
-    b. Lesson's overall goal is to teach them how to write modular programs
-    and how to use `dplyr` to regularize their analyses.
-    c. Esimated time: half a day.
-    It's often helpful to use [concept maps][concept-maps] in this stage.
-2.  **Summative Assessment:**
-    figure out how learners will demonstrate that they have mastered the material.
-    **This is the most important step** because
-    it determines the scope of the lesson.
-    **Example**:
-    Write a four-function program
-    to load, clean up, analyze, and plot a collection of medical data sets.
-3.  **Formative Assessments:** describe exercises that learners will do during the lesson.
-    It wouldn't be fair to ask someone to parallel park on a driving test
-    if they'd never done it before.
-    Therefore, two formative assessments in a driving course might be
-    "back up" and "parallel park between safety cones".
-4.  **Connect the Dots**:
-    put the formative assessments in order
-    and develop lesson episodes to go from one to the next.
-    It is common to sketch a concept map for each lesson episode,
-    both to outline its key ideas
-    and to check that it's not too big.
-    The ordering of lesson episodes is constrained by dependencies
-    but is usually not completely determined by them:
-    there are often several different orders in which ideas can sensibly be introduced.
-    It is common to discover a need for more formative assessments at this stage;
-    to continue with the driving example,
-    the lesson author might realize that a third exercise on turning while backing up is needed
-    (since many people initially turn the steering wheel the wrong way when they're in reverse).
-### In practice
-In practice, the process often looks more like this:
-1.  Draft the assumptions and major outcomes.
-2.  Describe the summative assessments for each half day of material
-    (i.e., one summative assessment for a three-hour lesson and two for a full-day lesson).
-3.  Write a one- or two-line description of the formative assessments
-    building up to those summative assessments.
-    These should be used ideally every 5 minutes and at least every 10-15 minutes.
-4.  Get early feedback from peers,
-    particularly on how realistic the time estimates are.
-5.  Do a second pass to flesh out the assumptions and assessments.
-6.  Get more feedback.
-7.  Start writing the lesson content.
-Steps 1-6 are best done in a single Markdown file for easy review;
-if you are using this template,
-you should call it `_extras/design.md`.
-Once work starts on step 7,
-the detailed milestones should be moved into lesson episode files.
-For an example of this,
-see the [novice Python lesson using the gapminder data][python-gapminder].
-## What Makes a Good Formative Assessment
-The two purposes of formative assessment are
-(a) to help learners prepare for the summative assessment and
-(b) to tell them and their instructor *during the lesson*
-whether they're making progress (and if not, what obstacles they have hit).
-If lesson episodes are 10-15 minutes long,
-then formative assessments should take no more than 5 minutes.
-This means that formative assessments should be:
-*   multiple choice questions,
-*   debugging exercises
-    (in which the learner is given a few lines of code that do the wrong thing
-    and asked to find and fix the bug), or
-*   extensions of examples show in the lecture.
-Good formative assessments do *not* require learners to write lots of code from scratch:
-it takes too long,
-there are usually too many possible right solutions to discuss in just a couple of minutes,
-and many novices find a blank page (or screen) intimidating.
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