diff --git a/_episodes/07-rmarkdown-example.md b/_episodes/07-rmarkdown-example.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2b5ee5fe43b23ed5598daa464b3e44f0af7fcc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_episodes/07-rmarkdown-example.md
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+title: "Using RMarkdown"
+teaching: 10
+exercises: 2
+- "How to write a lesson using RMarkdown?"
+- "Explain how to use RMarkdown with the new lesson template."
+- "Demonstrate how to include pieces of code, figures, and challenges."
+- "It shouldn't be difficult"
+This episode demonstrates all the features that can be used when writing a
+lesson in RMarkdown.
+This first chunk is really important, and should be included in all markdown lessons.
+The rest of the lesson should be written as a normal RMarkdown file. You can
+include chunk for codes, just like you'd normally do:
+Normal output:
+1 + 1
+{: .source}
+[1] 2
+{: .output}
+Output with error message:
+{: .source}
+Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'x' not found
+{: .error}
+Output generating figures:
+{: .source}
+Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.1.3
+{: .error}
+ggplot(diamonds, aes(x = carat,  y = price, color = cut)) +
+    geom_point()
+{: .source}
+<img src="../fig/swc-rmd-plot-example-1.png" title="plot of chunk plot-example" alt="plot of chunk plot-example" style="display: block; margin: auto;" />
+For the challenges and their solutions, you need to pay attention to the where
+the `>` go and where to leave blank lines. Otherwise, you can include chunks in
+it to include instructions and solutions.
+> ## Challenge: Can you do it?
+> What is the output of this command?
+> ~~~{.r}
+> paste("This", "new", "template", "looks", "good")
+> ~~~
+> {: .source}
+> > ## Solution
+> >
+> > 
+> > ~~~
+> > [1] "This new template looks good"
+> > 
+> > ~~~
+> > {: .output}
+> {: .solution}
+{: .challenge}
diff --git a/bin/setup-labels b/bin/setup-labels
deleted file mode 100755
index 75736881cd353fbf67aa429bf13cb7ccd40036ad..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/setup-labels
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-## This script sets up labels for issues in your GitHub repository.
-## Syntax:
-##     $ tools/setup-label OWNER REPO
-## Parameters:
-## - OWNER: GitHub username of the owner of the repository
-## - REPO: the name of the repository
-## Example:
-## For set up the labels at https://github.com/wking/swc-modular-shell use
-##     $ tools/setup-label wking swc-modular-shell
-CURL_FLAGS="--silent --fail"
-if test $# -lt 2
-    echo "Missing parameters."
-    echo
-    grep '^##' tools/setup-labels | sed 's/## //' | sed 's/##//'
-    exit 1
-LABELS=(bug    build  defer  discussion documentation enhancement newcomer-friendly upstream work-in-progress)
-COLORS=(FF0000 551033 66FF00 0000FF     D4318C        E0115F      FCE883            83F52C   545AA7)
-LABELS_TO_DELETE=(duplicate filed-by-newcomer getting-started help%20wanted help-wanted invalid left-as-was suitable-for-newcomer question wontfix)
-# Test if repository exists
-curl -s --head ${GITHUB_URL} | head -n 1 | grep -q "HTTP/1.[01] [23].."
-if test $? -ne 0
-    echo "ERROR: this repository doesn't exist"
-    exit $?
-echo "Before setup the labels for ${GITHUB_URL}"
-echo "you must provide some informations."
-echo "Your GitHub username:"
-echo "Your GitHub password:"
-read -s PASSWORD
-# Delete labels
-for INDEX in $(seq 0 $((${#LABELS_TO_DELETE[*]} - 1)))
-    # Try to delete label
-    curl ${CURL_FLAGS} -X DELETE \
-        -u ${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD} \
-        "https://api.github.com/repos/${OWNER}/${REPO}/labels/${LABELS_TO_DELETE[${INDEX}]}" > /dev/null
-# Create labels
-for INDEX in $(seq 0 $((${#LABELS[*]} - 1)))
-    # Try create new label
-    curl ${CURL_FLAGS} -X POST \
-        -u ${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD} \
-        -d "{\"name\":\"${LABELS[${INDEX}]}\",\"color\":\"${COLORS[${INDEX}]}\"}" \
-        "https://api.github.com/repos/${OWNER}/${REPO}/labels" > /dev/null
-    if test $? -ne 0
-    then
-        # Try to fix label color
-        curl ${CURL_FLAGS} -X PATCH \
-            -u ${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD} \
-            -d "{\"name\":\"${LABELS[${INDEX}]}\",\"color\":\"${COLORS[${INDEX}]}\"}" \
-            "https://api.github.com/repos/${OWNER}/${REPO}/labels/${LABELS[${INDEX}]}" > /dev/null
-        if test $? -ne 0
-        then
-            echo "Failed when trying to create and update the label ${LABELS[${INDEX}]}."
-            echo "Please check at ${GITHUB_URL}/labels"
-            echo ""
-            echo "If you find a bug report it at"
-            echo "https://github.com/swcarpentry/lesson-template/."
-        fi
-    fi
diff --git a/fig/swc-rmd-plot-example-1.png b/fig/swc-rmd-plot-example-1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0951c1a22f74c5e5bf7d19b0f3784c426d96def4
Binary files /dev/null and b/fig/swc-rmd-plot-example-1.png differ