From c16420759e44404325798d5da33c5019eda87bd1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?R=C3=A9mi=20Emonet?= <remi.emonet@reverse--com.heeere>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 22:57:02 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] added a packed version of deck.js

It has been generated (and can be updated) using the following commands:

    git clone tmpdeck
    node ./tmpdeck/extensions/bundle-maker/make-packed.js "profile-5" js/deckjs-custom.js
    sed -i -e 's@/home/.*/tmpdeck//*@..../@g' js/deckjs-custom.js
 js/deckjs-custom.js | 7549 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 7549 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 js/deckjs-custom.js

diff --git a/js/deckjs-custom.js b/js/deckjs-custom.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c54c66b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/deckjs-custom.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7549 @@
+  This is a packed deck.js with some extensions and styles.
+  It has been generated from version 16322c026d0e5b6e9953e12362ca665d5d09304e .
+  It includes:
+     ..../extensions/includedeck/load.js
+     ..../jquery.min.js
+     ..../modernizr.custom.js
+     ..../core/deck.core.js
+     ..../extensions/smarkdown/markdown.js
+     ..../extensions/smarkdown/deck.smarkdown.js
+     ..../extensions/fit/
+     ..../libs/display-latex2.user.js
+     ..../extensions/simplemath/deck.simplemath.js
+     ..../extensions/clone/deck.clone.js
+     ..../extensions/goto/deck.goto.js
+     ..../extensions/progress/deck.progress.js
+     ..../extensions/navigation/deck.navigation.js
+     ..../extensions/menu/
+     ..../extensions/step/deck.step.js
+     ..../extensions/events/
+     ..../extensions/anim/deck.anim.js
+     ..../libs/jquerysvg/jquery.svg.min.js
+     ..../libs/jquerysvg/jquery.svganim.min.js
+     ..../extensions/svg/deck.svg.js
+     ..../extensions/metadata/deck.metadata.js
+     ..../extensions/attribution/deck.attribution.js
+     ..../extensions/container-styling/deck.container-styling.js
+     ..../extensions/timekeeper/deck.timekeeper.js
+     ..../extensions/style-chunks/core.css
+     ..../extensions/fit/
+     ..../extensions/clone/deck.clone.css
+     ..../extensions/goto/deck.goto.css
+     ..../extensions/progress/deck.progress.css
+     ..../extensions/navigation/deck.navigation.css
+     ..../extensions/menu/
+     ..../extensions/attribution/deck.attribution.css
+     ..../extensions/timekeeper/deck.timekeeper.css
+     ..../extensions/style-chunks/simple.css
+     ..../extensions/style-chunks/comments.css
+ * Includedeck.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Rémi Emonet.
+ * Licensed under the MIT license.
+ *
+ *
+ * The goal of this extension is to simplify include of deck.js,
+ * its profiles/themes and the extensions.
+ *
+ * The first goal is not performance of loading (still it should
+ * allow the display of a message while loading) but on ease of
+ * use and extensibility (i.e., includedeck does not need to know
+ * about all existing extensions, even if by default it does know
+ * some of them).
+ *
+ */
+var head_conf = {
+if (typeof ACTUALLY_EXPORT_A_LIST_OF_FILES == 'undefined')
+// this is head.load.min.js (v1.0.3) from
+/*! head.load - v1.0.3 */
+(function(n,t){"use strict";function w(){}function u(n,t){if(n){typeof n=="object"&&(n=[];for(var i=0,r=n.length;i<r;i++),n[i],i)}}function it(n,i){var,-1);return i!==t&&i!==null&&r===n}function s(n){return it("Function",n)}function a(n){return it("Array",n)}function et(n){var i=n.split("/"),t=i[i.length-1],r=t.indexOf("?");return r!==-1?t.substring(0,r):t}function f(n){(n=n||w,n._done)||(n(),n._done=1)}function ot(n,t,r,u){var f=typeof n=="object"?n:{test:n,success:!t?!1:a(t)?t:[t],failure:!r?!1:a(r)?r:[r],callback:u||w},e=!!f.test;return e&&!!f.success?(f.success.push(f.callback),i.load.apply(null,f.success)):e||!f.failure?u():(f.failure.push(f.callback),i.load.apply(null,f.failure)),i}function v(n){var t={},i,r;if(typeof n=="object")for(i in n)!n[i]||(t={name:i,url:n[i]});else t={name:et(n),url:n};return(r=c[],r&&r.url===t.url)?r:(c[]=t,t)}function y(n){n=n||c;for(var t in n)if(n.hasOwnProperty(t)&&n[t].state!==l)return!1;return!0}function st(n){n.state=ft;u(n.onpreload,function(n){})}function ht(n){n.state===t&&(n.state=nt,n.onpreload=[],rt({url:n.url,type:"cache"},function(){st(n)}))}function ct(){var n=arguments,t=n[n.length-1],r=[],1),f=r[0];return(s(t)||(t=null),a(n[0]))?(n[0].push(t),i.load.apply(null,n[0]),i):(f?(u(r,function(n){s(n)||!n||ht(v(n))}),b(v(n[0]),s(f)?f:function(){i.load.apply(null,r)})):b(v(n[0])),i)}function lt(){var n=arguments,t=n[n.length-1],r={};return(s(t)||(t=null),a(n[0]))?(n[0].push(t),i.load.apply(null,n[0]),i):(u(n,function(n){n!==t&&(n=v(n),r[]=n)}),u(n,function(n){n!==t&&(n=v(n),b(n,function(){y(r)&&f(t)}))}),i)}function b(n,t){if(t=t||w,n.state===l){t();return}if(n.state===tt){i.ready(,t);return}if(n.state===nt){n.onpreload.push(function(){b(n,t)});return}n.state=tt;rt(n,function(){n.state=l;t();u(h[],function(n){f(n)});o&&y()&&u(h.ALL,function(n){f(n)})})}function at(n){n=n||"";var t=n.split("?")[0].split(".");return t[t.length-1].toLowerCase()}function rt(t,i){function e(t){t=t||n.event;u.onload=u.onreadystatechange=u.onerror=null;i()}function o(f){f=f||n.event;(f.type==="load"||/loaded|complete/.test(u.readyState)&&(!r.documentMode||r.documentMode<9))&&(n.clearTimeout(t.errorTimeout),n.clearTimeout(t.cssTimeout),u.onload=u.onreadystatechange=u.onerror=null,i())}function s(){if(t.state!==l&&t.cssRetries<=20){for(var i=0,f=r.styleSheets.length;i<f;i++)if(r.styleSheets[i].href===u.href){o({type:"load"});return}t.cssRetries++;t.cssTimeout=n.setTimeout(s,250)}}var u,h,f;i=i||w;h=at(t.url);h==="css"?(u=r.createElement("link"),u.type="text/"+(t.type||"css"),u.rel="stylesheet",u.href=t.url,t.cssRetries=0,t.cssTimeout=n.setTimeout(s,500)):(u=r.createElement("script"),u.type="text/"+(t.type||"javascript"),u.src=t.url);u.onload=u.onreadystatechange=o;u.onerror=e;u.async=!1;u.defer=!1;t.errorTimeout=n.setTimeout(function(){e({type:"timeout"})},7e3);f=r.head||r.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];f.insertBefore(u,f.lastChild)}function vt(){for(var t,u=r.getElementsByTagName("script"),n=0,f=u.length;n<f;n++)if(t=u[n].getAttribute("data-headjs-load"),!!t){i.load(t);return}}function yt(n,t){var v,p,e;return n===r?(o?f(t):d.push(t),i):(s(n)&&(t=n,n="ALL"),a(n))?(v={},u(n,function(n){v[n]=c[n];i.ready(n,function(){y(v)&&f(t)})}),i):typeof n!="string"||!s(t)?i:(p=c[n],p&&p.state===l||n==="ALL"&&y()&&o)?(f(t),i):(e=h[n],e?e.push(t):e=h[n]=[t],i)}function e(){if(!r.body){n.clearTimeout(i.readyTimeout);i.readyTimeout=n.setTimeout(e,50);return}o||(o=!0,vt(),u(d,function(n){f(n)}))}function k(){r.addEventListener?(r.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",k,!1),e()):r.readyState==="complete"&&(r.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",k),e())}var r=n.document,d=[],h={},c={},ut="async"in r.createElement("script")||"MozAppearance"in||n.opera,o,g=n.head_conf&&n.head_conf.head||"head",i=n[g]=n[g]||function(){i.ready.apply(null,arguments)},nt=1,ft=2,tt=3,l=4,p;if(r.readyState==="complete")e();else if(r.addEventListener)r.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",k,!1),n.addEventListener("load",e,!1);else{r.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",k);n.attachEvent("onload",e);p=!1;try{p=!n.frameElement&&r.documentElement}catch(wt){}p&&p.doScroll&&function pt(){if(!o){try{p.doScroll("left")}catch(t){n.clearTimeout(i.readyTimeout);i.readyTimeout=n.setTimeout(pt,50);return}e()}}()}i.load=i.js=ut?lt:ct;i.test=ot;i.ready=yt;i.ready(r,function(){y()&&u(h.ALL,function(n){f(n)});i.feature&&i.feature("domloaded",!0)})})(window);
+// this is the actual includedeck
+function includedeck(m, c) {
+    var maybe = function(f) { return f || (function(){}); }
+    var modules = m || [];
+    var conf = c || {};
+    var initDelay = conf.INITDELAY;
+    var cb = {
+        beforeLoad: maybe(conf.BEFORELOAD),
+        beforeDelay: maybe(conf.BEFOREDELAY), // useful only if INITDELAY is set, else, just like BEFOREINIT
+        beforeInit: maybe(conf.BEFOREINIT),
+        afterInit: maybe(conf.AFTERINIT),
+        atExit: maybe(conf.ATEXIT), // for backward compatibility (same as AFTERINIT)
+        hasGeneric: conf.GENERIC ? true : false,
+        generic: maybe(conf.GENERIC) // will receive calls like GENERIC("AFTER", "svg"), one of each BEFORE/AFTER for each file group (svg, simplemath, ...)
+    };
+    var prefix = conf.PREFIX || "deck.js";
+    if (typeof(modules) == "string") {
+        modules = modules.split(/ +/);
+    }
+    // todo: make this externally extensible
+    // todo: maybe have a mechanism to load a list of dependency (e.g., mymodule-files.js)
+    var info = {
+        //
+        // core (differerent possible cores)
+        "deck-core-dependencies": [
+            prefix + "/jquery.min.js",
+            prefix + "/modernizr.custom.js"
+	    //prefix + "/extensions/includedeck/___after___core___.js"
+        ],
+        "deck": [
+            "@_deck-core-dependencies",
+	    prefix + "/core/deck.core.css",
+            prefix + "/core/deck.core.js"
+        ],
+        "newdeck": [
+            "@_deck-core-dependencies",
+	    prefix + "/extensions/style-chunks/core.css",
+            prefix + "/core/deck.core.js"
+        ],
+        //
+        // extensions
+        "fit": [ prefix + "/extensions/fit/" ],
+        "fit-fs": [
+            prefix + "/extensions/fit/",
+            "@_fit"
+        ],
+        "simplemath": [
+            prefix + "/libs/display-latex2.user.js",
+            prefix + "/extensions/simplemath/deck.simplemath.js"
+        ],
+        "smartsyntax": [ prefix + "/extensions/smartsyntax/deck.smartsyntax.js" ],
+        "smarkdown": [
+            prefix + "/extensions/smarkdown/markdown.js",
+            prefix + "/extensions/smarkdown/deck.smarkdown.js"
+        ],
+        "clone": [
+            prefix + "/extensions/clone/deck.clone.css",
+            prefix + "/extensions/clone/deck.clone.js"
+        ],
+        "timekeeper": [
+            prefix + "/extensions/timekeeper/deck.timekeeper.css",
+            prefix + "/extensions/timekeeper/deck.timekeeper.js"
+        ],
+        "goto": [
+            prefix + "/extensions/goto/deck.goto.css",
+            prefix + "/extensions/goto/deck.goto.js"
+        ],
+        "status": [
+            prefix + "/extensions/status/deck.status.css",
+            prefix + "/extensions/status/deck.status.js"
+        ],
+        "progress": [
+            prefix + "/extensions/progress/deck.progress.css",
+            prefix + "/extensions/progress/deck.progress.js"
+        ],
+        "navigation": [
+            prefix + "/extensions/navigation/deck.navigation.css",
+            prefix + "/extensions/navigation/deck.navigation.js"
+        ],
+        "menu": [
+            prefix + "/extensions/menu/",
+            prefix + "/extensions/menu/"
+        ],
+        "step": [ prefix + "/extensions/step/deck.step.js" ],
+        "events": [ prefix + "/extensions/events/" ],
+        "anim": [ prefix + "/extensions/anim/deck.anim.js" ],
+        "svg": [
+            prefix + "/libs/jquerysvg/jquery.svg.min.js" ,
+            prefix + "/libs/jquerysvg/jquery.svganim.min.js",
+            prefix + "/extensions/svg/deck.svg.js"
+        ],
+        "metadata": [ prefix + "/extensions/metadata/deck.metadata.js" ],
+        "attribution": [
+            prefix + "/extensions/attribution/deck.attribution.css",
+            prefix + "/extensions/attribution/deck.attribution.js"
+        ],
+        "container-styling": [ prefix + "/extensions/container-styling/deck.container-styling.js" ],
+        // Style extensions
+        "style-chunks": [
+	    prefix + "/extensions/style-chunks/simple.css",
+	    prefix + "/extensions/style-chunks/comments.css"
+        ],
+        //
+        // Themes
+        // // by convention, "theme:blabla" will load the default blabla theme
+        //
+        // Some default profiles
+        //
+        /// profile-1: default deck with most extensions and no theme
+        "profile-1": ["@_deck", "@_smartsyntax", "@_fit-fs", "@_simplemath", "@_clone", "@_goto", "@_status", "@_navigation", "@_menu", "@_step", "@_events", "@_anim", "@_svg"],
+        "profile-1-fitnofs": ["@_deck", "@_smartsyntax", "@_fit", "@_simplemath", "@_clone", "@_goto", "@_status", "@_navigation", "@_menu", "@_step", "@_events", "@_anim", "@_svg"],
+        /// profile-2: new deck (cleaner css) with most extensions and no theme
+        "profile-2": ["@_newdeck", "@_smartsyntax", "@_fit-fs", "@_simplemath", "@_clone", "@_goto", "@_status", "@_navigation", "@_menu", "@_step", "@_events", "@_anim", "@_svg"],
+        "profile-2-fitnofs": ["@_newdeck", "@_smartsyntax", "@_fit", "@_simplemath", "@_clone", "@_goto", "@_status", "@_navigation", "@_menu", "@_step", "@_events", "@_anim", "@_svg"],
+        /// profile-3: big profile = profile-2 / with new status (progress) + all good bundled extensions
+        "profile-3": ["@_newdeck", "@_smartsyntax", "@_fit-fs", "@_simplemath", "@_clone", "@_goto", "@_progress", "@_navigation", "@_menu", "@_step", "@_events", "@_anim", "@_svg",
+                      "@_metadata", "@_attribution", "@_container-styling", "@_timekeeper"],
+        /// profile-4: big profile (as profile 3) but with the smarkdown instead of the smartsyntax
+        "profile-4": ["@_newdeck", "@_smarkdown", "@_fit-fs", "@_simplemath", "@_clone", "@_goto", "@_progress", "@_navigation", "@_menu", "@_step", "@_events", "@_anim", "@_svg",
+                      "@_metadata", "@_attribution", "@_container-styling", "@_timekeeper"],
+        /// profile-5: use smarkdown and include more useful things (CSS: simple, comments)
+        "profile-5": ["@_newdeck", "@_smarkdown", "@_fit-fs", "@_simplemath", "@_clone", "@_goto", "@_progress", "@_navigation", "@_menu", "@_step", "@_events", "@_anim", "@_svg",
+                      "@_metadata", "@_attribution", "@_container-styling", "@_timekeeper", "@_style-chunks"],
+        dummy: {}
+    };
+    var endsInJsOrCss = /\.(css|js)$/;
+    // Defensive check that there are no *.js/*.css in the info (as they won't be useable anyways)
+    for (k in info) {
+        if (endsInJsOrCss.test(k)) {
+            alert("Internal problem detected in includedeck: '" + k + "' won't be useable.");
+        }
+    }
+    // TODO?: handle default extensions (deck.js/extensions/N/deck.N.{js,css}
+    // TODO?: some should come before others, e.g. anim before svg, (or before any (deck) or before most (loading...))
+    // if there are two '#' in the url, take everything after the second as a theme name
+    var forceTheme = null;
+    if ((typeof ACTUALLY_EXPORT_A_LIST_OF_FILES == 'undefined') && (window.location.hash.replace(/[^#]/gi, '').length == 2)) {
+        var theme = window.location.hash.replace(/^.*#/gi, '')
+        var base = window.location.hash.replace(/#[^#]*$/gi, '')
+        forceTheme = theme;
+        window.location.hash = base;
+    }
+    var toLoad = [];
+    var addInfo = function(k) {
+        if (k.substring(0, 6) == "theme:") {
+            k = k.substring(6)
+            if (forceTheme) { // replace by the url forced theme (works only with default themes...
+                k = forceTheme
+            }
+            if (k.substring(0, 2) == "x:") {
+                k = k.substring(2)
+                toLoad = toLoad.concat(prefix + "/deck.js-theme-builder/" + k + ".css");
+            } else {
+                toLoad = toLoad.concat(prefix + "/themes/style/" + k + ".css");
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+        if (k.substring(0, 10) == "extension:") {
+            toLoad = toLoad.concat(prefix + "/extensions/" + k.substring(10));
+            return;
+        }
+        if (endsInJsOrCss.test(k)) {
+            toLoad = toLoad.concat(k);
+            return;
+        }
+        var closure = function(wh, e) { return function () { cb.generic(wh, e); } };
+        for (i in info[k]) {
+            if (info[k][i].substring(0,2) == "@_") {
+                var e = info[k][i].substring(2);
+                if (cb.hasGeneric) toLoad = toLoad.concat(closure("BEFORE", e));
+                addInfo(e);
+                if (cb.hasGeneric) toLoad = toLoad.concat(closure("AFTER", e));
+            } else {
+                toLoad = toLoad.concat(info[k][i]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for (i in modules) {
+        addInfo(modules[i]);
+    }
+    if (typeof ACTUALLY_EXPORT_A_LIST_OF_FILES !== 'undefined') {
+        return toLoad;
+    }
+    { // First insert a CSS, just to fit modernizr
+        var c = document.createElement("style");
+        c.type = "text/css";
+        if (typeof ACTUALLY_FILL_CSS !== 'undefined') {
+            ACTUALLY_FILL_CSS(c);
+        }
+        document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(c);
+    }
+    // custom adapter function to split the load list at each function and call by head.js by block (need to end with a function)
+    // in the end, for IE9 compat, we load everything one by one... maybe switching to lazyload.js would avoid needing this.
+    var loadsAndCalls = function(l, stack) {
+        stack = stack || [];
+        if (l.length == 0) return;
+        if ("string" !== typeof l[0]) {
+            l[0]();
+            loadsAndCalls(l.slice(1));
+        } else {
+            head.js(l[0], function() {
+                loadsAndCalls(l.slice(1));
+            });
+        }
+    }
+    cb.beforeLoad();
+    loadsAndCalls(toLoad.concat(function() {
+        $(function() {
+            var doIt = function() {
+                cb.beforeInit();
+                window.defaultDeckCallIsAnError = true;
+                $.deck('init', conf);
+                cb.afterInit();
+                cb.atExit();
+            };
+            // delay and callback logic
+            cb.beforeDelay();
+            if (initDelay) {
+                setTimeout(doIt, initDelay);
+            } else {
+                doIt();
+            }
+        });
+    }));
+/*! jQuery v1.10.2 | (c) 2005, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. |
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+Deck JS - deck.core
+Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Caleb Troughton
+Dual licensed under the MIT license.
+The deck.core module provides all the basic functionality for creating and
+moving through a deck.  It does so by applying classes to indicate the state of
+the deck and its slides, allowing CSS to take care of the visual representation
+of each state.  It also provides methods for navigating the deck and inspecting
+its state, as well as basic key bindings for going to the next and previous
+slides.  More functionality is provided by wholly separate extension modules
+that use the API provided by core.
+(function($, undefined) {
+  var slides, currentIndex, $container, $fragmentLinks;
+  var events = {
+    /*
+    This event fires at the beginning of a slide change, before the actual
+    change occurs. Its purpose is to give extension authors a way to prevent
+    the slide change from occuring. This is done by calling preventDefault
+    on the event object within this event. If that is done, the deck.change
+    event will never be fired and the slide will not change.
+    */
+    beforeChange: 'deck.beforeChange',
+    /*
+    This event fires whenever the current slide changes, whether by way of
+    next, prev, or go. The callback function is passed two parameters, from
+    and to, equal to the indices of the old slide and the new slide
+    respectively. If preventDefault is called on the event within this handler
+    the slide change does not occur.
+    $(document).bind('deck.change', function(event, from, to) {
+       alert('Moving from slide ' + from + ' to ' + to);
+    });
+    */
+    change: 'deck.change',
+    /*
+    This event fires at the beginning of deck initialization. This event makes
+    a good hook for preprocessing extensions looking to modify the DOM before
+    the deck is fully initialized. It is also possible to halt the deck.init
+    event from firing while you do things in beforeInit. This can be done by
+    calling lockInit on the event object passed to this event. The init can be
+    released by calling releaseInit.
+    $(document).bind('deck.beforeInit', function(event) {
+      event.lockInit(); // halts deck.init event
+      window.setTimeout(function() {
+        event.releaseInit(); // deck.init will now fire 2 seconds later
+      }, 2000);
+    });
+    The init event will be fired regardless of locks after
+    options.initLockTimeout milliseconds.
+    */
+    beforeInitialize: 'deck.beforeInit',
+    /*
+    This event fires at the end of deck initialization. Extensions should
+    implement any code that relies on user extensible options (key bindings,
+    element selectors, classes) within a handler for this event. Native
+    events associated with Deck JS should be scoped under a .deck event
+    namespace, as with the example below:
+    var $d = $(document);
+    $.deck.defaults.keys.myExtensionKeycode = 70; // 'h'
+    $d.bind('deck.init', function() {
+       $d.bind('keydown.deck', function(event) {
+          if (event.which === $.deck.getOptions().keys.myExtensionKeycode) {
+             // Rock out
+          }
+       });
+    });
+    */
+    initialize: 'deck.init'
+  };
+  var options = {};
+  var $document = $(document);
+  var $window = $(window);
+  var stopPropagation = function(event) {
+    event.stopPropagation();
+  };
+  var updateContainerState = function() {
+    var oldIndex = $'onSlide');
+    $container.removeClass(options.classes.onPrefix + oldIndex);
+    $container.addClass(options.classes.onPrefix + currentIndex);
+    $'onSlide', currentIndex);
+  };
+  var updateChildCurrent = function() {
+    var $oldCurrent = $('.' + options.classes.current);
+    var $oldParents = $oldCurrent.parentsUntil(options.selectors.container);
+    var $newCurrent = slides[currentIndex];
+    var $newParents = $newCurrent.parentsUntil(options.selectors.container);
+    $oldParents.removeClass(options.classes.childCurrent);
+    $newParents.addClass(options.classes.childCurrent);
+  };
+  var removeOldSlideStates = function() {
+    var $all = $();
+    $.each(slides, function(i, el) {
+      $all = $all.add(el);
+    });
+    $all.removeClass([
+      options.classes.before,
+      options.classes.previous,
+      options.classes.current,
+      options.classes.after
+    ].join(' '));
+  };
+  var addNewSlideStates = function() {
+    slides[currentIndex].addClass(options.classes.current);
+    if (currentIndex > 0) {
+      slides[currentIndex-1].addClass(options.classes.previous);
+    }
+    if (currentIndex + 1 < slides.length) {
+      slides[currentIndex+1].addClass(;
+    }
+    if (currentIndex > 1) {
+      $.each(slides.slice(0, currentIndex - 1), function(i, $slide) {
+        $slide.addClass(options.classes.before);
+      });
+    }
+    if (currentIndex + 2 < slides.length) {
+      $.each(slides.slice(currentIndex+2), function(i, $slide) {
+        $slide.addClass(options.classes.after);
+      });
+    }
+  };
+  var setAriaHiddens = function() {
+    $(options.selectors.slides).each(function() {
+      var $slide = $(this);
+      var isSub = $slide.closest('.' + options.classes.childCurrent).length;
+      var isBefore = $slide.hasClass(options.classes.before) && !isSub;
+      var isPrevious = $slide.hasClass(options.classes.previous) && !isSub;
+      var isNext = $slide.hasClass(;
+      var isAfter = $slide.hasClass(options.classes.after);
+      var ariaHiddenValue = isBefore || isPrevious || isNext || isAfter;
+      $slide.attr('aria-hidden', ariaHiddenValue);
+    });
+  };
+  var updateStates = function() {
+    updateContainerState();
+    updateChildCurrent();
+    removeOldSlideStates();
+    addNewSlideStates();
+    if (options.setAriaHiddens) {
+      setAriaHiddens();
+    }
+  };
+  var initSlidesArray = function(elements) {
+    if ($.isArray(elements)) {
+      $.each(elements, function(i, element) {
+        slides.push($(element));
+      });
+    }
+    else {
+      $(elements).each(function(i, element) {
+        slides.push($(element));
+      });
+    }
+  };
+  var bindKeyEvents = function() {
+    var editables = [
+      'input',
+      'textarea',
+      'select',
+      'button',
+      'meter',
+      'progress',
+      '[contentEditable]'
+    ].join(', ');
+    $document.unbind('keydown.deck').bind('keydown.deck', function(event) {
+      var isNext = event.which ===;
+      var isPrev = event.which === options.keys.previous;
+      isNext = isNext || $.inArray(event.which, > -1;
+      isPrev = isPrev || $.inArray(event.which, options.keys.previous) > -1;
+      if (isNext) {
+        event.preventDefault();
+      }
+      else if (isPrev) {
+        methods.prev();
+        event.preventDefault();
+      }
+    });
+    $document.undelegate(editables, 'keydown.deck', stopPropagation);
+    $document.delegate(editables, 'keydown.deck', stopPropagation);
+  };
+  var bindTouchEvents = function() {
+    var startTouch;
+    var direction = options.touch.swipeDirection;
+    var tolerance = options.touch.swipeTolerance;
+    var listenToHorizontal = ({ both: true, horizontal: true })[direction];
+    var listenToVertical = ({ both: true, vertical: true })[direction];
+    $container.unbind('touchstart.deck');
+    $container.bind('touchstart.deck', function(event) {
+      if (!startTouch) {
+        startTouch = $.extend({}, event.originalEvent.targetTouches[0]);
+      }
+    });
+    $container.unbind('touchmove.deck');
+    $container.bind('touchmove.deck', function(event) {
+      $.each(event.originalEvent.changedTouches, function(i, touch) {
+        if (!startTouch || touch.identifier !== startTouch.identifier) {
+          return true;
+        }
+        var xDistance = touch.screenX - startTouch.screenX;
+        var yDistance = touch.screenY - startTouch.screenY;
+        var leftToRight = xDistance > tolerance && listenToHorizontal;
+        var rightToLeft = xDistance < -tolerance && listenToHorizontal;
+        var topToBottom = yDistance > tolerance && listenToVertical;
+        var bottomToTop = yDistance < -tolerance && listenToVertical;
+        if (leftToRight || topToBottom) {
+          $.deck('prev');
+          startTouch = undefined;
+        }
+        else if (rightToLeft || bottomToTop) {
+          $.deck('next');
+          startTouch = undefined;
+        }
+        return false;
+      });
+      if (listenToVertical) {
+        event.preventDefault();
+      }
+    });
+    $container.unbind('touchend.deck');
+    $container.bind('touchend.deck', function(event) {
+      $.each(event.originalEvent.changedTouches, function(i, touch) {
+        if (startTouch && touch.identifier === startTouch.identifier) {
+          startTouch = undefined;
+        }
+      });
+    });
+  };
+  var indexInBounds = function(index) {
+    return typeof index === 'number' && index >=0 && index < slides.length;
+  };
+  var createBeforeInitEvent = function() {
+    var event = $.Event(events.beforeInitialize);
+    event.locks = 0;
+    event.done = $.noop;
+    event.lockInit = function() {
+      ++event.locks;
+    };
+    event.releaseInit = function() {
+      --event.locks;
+      if (!event.locks) {
+        event.done();
+      }
+    };
+    return event;
+  };
+  var goByHash = function(str) {
+    var id = str.substr(str.indexOf("#") + 1);
+    $.each(slides, function(i, $slide) {
+      if ($slide.attr('id') === id) {
+        $.deck('go', i);
+        return false;
+      }
+    });
+    // If we don't set these to 0 the container scrolls due to hashchange
+    if (options.preventFragmentScroll) {
+      $.deck('getContainer').scrollLeft(0).scrollTop(0);
+    }
+  };
+  var assignSlideId = function(i, $slide) {
+    var currentId = $slide.attr('id');
+    var previouslyAssigned = $'deckAssignedId') === currentId;
+    if (!currentId || previouslyAssigned) {
+      $slide.attr('id', options.hashPrefix + i);
+      $'deckAssignedId', options.hashPrefix + i);
+    }
+  };
+  var removeContainerHashClass = function(id) {
+    $container.removeClass(options.classes.onPrefix + id);
+  };
+  var addContainerHashClass = function(id) {
+    $container.addClass(options.classes.onPrefix + id);
+  };
+  var setupHashBehaviors = function() {
+    $fragmentLinks = $();
+    $.each(slides, function(i, $slide) {
+      var hash, altHash;
+      assignSlideId(i, $slide);
+      hash = '#' + $slide.attr('id');
+      altHash = '#/' + $slide.attr('id');
+      if (hash === window.location.hash || altHash === window.location.hash) {
+        setTimeout(function() {
+          $.deck('go', i);
+        }, 1);
+      }
+      $fragmentLinks = $fragmentLinks.add('a[href="' + hash + '"]');
+    });
+    if (slides.length) {
+      addContainerHashClass($.deck('getSlide').attr('id'));
+    };
+  };
+  var changeHash = function(from, to) {
+    var hash = '#' + $.deck('getSlide', to).attr('id');
+    var hashPath = window.location.href.replace(/#.*/, '') + hash;
+    removeContainerHashClass($.deck('getSlide', from).attr('id'));
+    addContainerHashClass($.deck('getSlide', to).attr('id'));
+    if (Modernizr.history) {
+      window.history.replaceState({}, "", hashPath);
+    }
+  };
+  /* Methods exposed in the jQuery.deck namespace */
+  var methods = {
+    /*
+    jQuery.deck(selector, options)
+    selector: string | jQuery | array
+    options: object, optional
+    Initializes the deck, using each element matched by selector as a slide.
+    May also be passed an array of string selectors or jQuery objects, in
+    which case each selector in the array is considered a slide. The second
+    parameter is an optional options object which will extend the default
+    values.
+    Users may also pass only an options object to init. In this case the slide
+    selector will be options.selectors.slides which defaults to .slide.
+    $.deck('.slide');
+    or
+    $.deck([
+       '#first-slide',
+       '#second-slide',
+       '#etc'
+    ]);
+    */
+    init: function(opts) {
+      var beforeInitEvent = createBeforeInitEvent();
+      var overrides = opts;
+      if (!$.isPlainObject(opts)) {
+        overrides = arguments[1] || {};
+        $.extend(true, overrides, {
+          selectors: {
+            slides: arguments[0]
+          }
+        });
+      }
+      options = $.extend(true, {}, $.deck.defaults, overrides);
+      slides = [];
+      currentIndex = 0;
+      $container = $(options.selectors.container);
+      // Hide the deck while states are being applied to kill transitions
+      $container.addClass(options.classes.loading);
+      // populate the array of slides for pre-init
+      initSlidesArray(options.selectors.slides);
+      // Pre init event for preprocessing hooks
+      beforeInitEvent.done = function() {
+        // reInitSlidesArray is meant only for beforeInit
+        methods['reInitSlidesArray'] = function() {
+            alert('Deck.js method "reInitSlidesArray" is meant to be called in the beforeInit phase only.');
+        }
+        // re-populate the array of slides
+        slides = [];
+        initSlidesArray(options.selectors.slides);
+        setupHashBehaviors();
+        bindKeyEvents();
+        bindTouchEvents();
+        $container.scrollLeft(0).scrollTop(0);
+        if (slides.length) {
+          updateStates();
+        }
+        // Show deck again now that slides are in place
+        $container.removeClass(options.classes.loading);
+        $document.trigger(events.initialize);
+      };
+      beforeInitEvent.lockInit();
+      $document.trigger(beforeInitEvent);
+      beforeInitEvent.releaseInit();
+      window.setTimeout(function() {
+        if (beforeInitEvent.locks) {
+          if (window.console) {
+            window.console.warn('Something locked deck initialization\
+              without releasing it before the timeout. Proceeding with\
+              initialization anyway.');
+          }
+          beforeInitEvent.done();
+        }
+      }, options.initLockTimeout);
+    },
+    /*
+    jQuery.deck('reInitSlidesArray')
+    Force a recomputation of the "slides" array. This method is meant
+    to be used by extensions that generate new slides in the
+    beforeInit phase.
+    */
+    reInitSlidesArray: function() {
+        slides = [];
+        initSlidesArray(options.selectors.slides);
+    },
+    /*
+    jQuery.deck('go', index)
+    index: integer | string
+    Moves to the slide at the specified index if index is a number. Index is
+    0-based, so $.deck('go', 0); will move to the first slide. If index is a
+    string this will move to the slide with the specified id. If index is out
+    of bounds or doesn't match a slide id the call is ignored.
+    */
+    go: function(indexOrId) {
+      var beforeChangeEvent = $.Event(events.beforeChange);
+      var index;
+      /* Number index, easy. */
+      if (indexInBounds(indexOrId)) {
+        index = indexOrId;
+      }
+      /* Id string index, search for it and set integer index */
+      else if (typeof indexOrId === 'string') {
+        $.each(slides, function(i, $slide) {
+          if ($slide.attr('id') === indexOrId) {
+            index = i;
+            return false;
+          }
+        });
+      }
+      if (typeof index === 'undefined') {
+        return;
+      }
+      /* Trigger beforeChange. If nothing prevents the change, trigger
+      the slide change. */
+      $document.trigger(beforeChangeEvent, [currentIndex, index]);
+      if (!beforeChangeEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+        $document.trigger(events.change, [currentIndex, index]);
+        changeHash(currentIndex, index);
+        currentIndex = index;
+        updateStates();
+      }
+    },
+    /*
+    jQuery.deck('next')
+    Moves to the next slide. If the last slide is already active, the call
+    is ignored.
+    */
+    next: function() {
+      methods.go(currentIndex+1);
+    },
+    /*
+    jQuery.deck('prev')
+    Moves to the previous slide. If the first slide is already active, the
+    call is ignored.
+    */
+    prev: function() {
+      methods.go(currentIndex-1);
+    },
+    /*
+    jQuery.deck('getSlide', index)
+    index: integer, optional
+    Returns a jQuery object containing the slide at index. If index is not
+    specified, the current slide is returned.
+    */
+    getSlide: function(index) {
+      index = typeof index !== 'undefined' ? index : currentIndex;
+      if (!indexInBounds(index)) {
+        return null;
+      }
+      return slides[index];
+    },
+    /*
+    jQuery.deck('getSlides')
+    Returns all slides as an array of jQuery objects.
+    */
+    getSlides: function() {
+      return slides;
+    },
+    /*
+    jQuery.deck('getTopLevelSlides')
+    Returns all slides that are not subslides.
+    */
+    getTopLevelSlides: function() {
+      var topLevelSlides = [];
+      var slideSelector = options.selectors.slides;
+      var subSelector = [slideSelector, slideSelector].join(' ');
+      $.each(slides, function(i, $slide) {
+        if (!$ {
+          topLevelSlides.push($slide);
+        }
+      });
+      return topLevelSlides;
+    },
+    /*
+    jQuery.deck('getNestedSlides', index)
+    index: integer, optional
+    Returns all the nested slides of the current slide. If index is
+    specified it returns the nested slides of the slide at that index.
+    If there are no nested slides this will return an empty array.
+    */
+    getNestedSlides: function(index) {
+      var targetIndex = index == null ? currentIndex : index;
+      var $targetSlide = $.deck('getSlide', targetIndex);
+      var $nesteds = $targetSlide.find(options.selectors.slides);
+      var nesteds = $nesteds.get();
+      return $.map(nesteds, function(slide, i) {
+        return $(slide);
+      });
+    },
+    /*
+    jQuery.deck('getContainer')
+    Returns a jQuery object containing the deck container as defined by the
+    container option.
+    */
+    getContainer: function() {
+      return $container;
+    },
+    /*
+    jQuery.deck('getOptions')
+    Returns the options object for the deck, including any overrides that
+    were defined at initialization.
+    */
+    getOptions: function() {
+      return options;
+    },
+    /*
+    jQuery.deck('extend', name, method)
+    name: string
+    method: function
+    Adds method to the deck namespace with the key of name. This doesn’t
+    give access to any private member data — public methods must still be
+    used within method — but lets extension authors piggyback on the deck
+    namespace rather than pollute jQuery.
+    $.deck('extend', 'alert', function(msg) {
+       alert(msg);
+    });
+    // Alerts 'boom'
+    $.deck('alert', 'boom');
+    */
+    extend: function(name, method) {
+      methods[name] = method;
+    }
+  };
+  /* jQuery extension */
+  $.deck = function(method, arg) {
+    var args =, 1);
+    if (methods[method]) {
+      return methods[method].apply(this, args);
+    }
+    else {
+      if (window.defaultDeckCallIsAnError) {
+        alert("'" + method + "' not found (or meant to be a parameter-less init)");
+      }
+      else {
+        return methods.init(method, arg);
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  /*
+  The default settings object for a deck. All deck extensions should extend
+  this object to add defaults for any of their options.
+  options.classes.after
+    This class is added to all slides that appear after the 'next' slide.
+  options.classes.before
+    This class is added to all slides that appear before the 'previous'
+    slide.
+  options.classes.childCurrent
+    This class is added to all elements in the DOM tree between the
+    'current' slide and the deck container. For standard slides, this is
+    mostly seen and used for nested slides.
+  options.classes.current
+    This class is added to the current slide.
+  options.classes.loading
+    This class is applied to the deck container during loading phases and is
+    primarily used as a way to short circuit transitions between states
+    where such transitions are distracting or unwanted.  For example, this
+    class is applied during deck initialization and then removed to prevent
+    all the slides from appearing stacked and transitioning into place
+    on load.
+    This class is added to the slide immediately following the 'current'
+    slide.
+  options.classes.onPrefix
+    This prefix, concatenated with the current slide index, is added to the
+    deck container as you change slides.
+  options.classes.previous
+    This class is added to the slide immediately preceding the 'current'
+    slide.
+  options.selectors.container
+    Elements matched by this CSS selector will be considered the deck
+    container. The deck container is used to scope certain states of the
+    deck, as with the onPrefix option, or with extensions such as deck.goto
+    and
+  options.selectors.slides
+    Elements matched by this selector make up the individual deck slides.
+    If a user chooses to pass the slide selector as the first argument to
+    $.deck() on initialization it does the same thing as passing in this
+    option and this option value will be set to the value of that parameter.
+    The numeric keycode used to go to the next slide.
+  options.keys.previous
+    The numeric keycode used to go to the previous slide.
+  options.touch.swipeDirection
+    The direction swipes occur to cause slide changes. Can be 'horizontal',
+    'vertical', or 'both'. Any other value or a falsy value will disable
+    swipe gestures for navigation.
+  options.touch.swipeTolerance
+    The number of pixels the users finger must travel to produce a swipe
+    gesture.
+  options.initLockTimeout
+    The number of milliseconds the init event will wait for BeforeInit event
+    locks to be released before firing the init event regardless.
+  options.hashPrefix
+    Every slide that does not have an id is assigned one at initialization.
+    Assigned ids take the form of hashPrefix + slideIndex, e.g., slide-0,
+    slide-12, etc.
+  options.preventFragmentScroll
+    When deep linking to a hash of a nested slide, this scrolls the deck
+    container to the top, undoing the natural browser behavior of scrolling
+    to the document fragment on load.
+  options.setAriaHiddens
+    When set to true, deck.js will set aria hidden attributes for slides
+    that do not appear onscreen according to a typical heirarchical
+    deck structure. You may want to turn this off if you are using a theme
+    where slides besides the current slide are visible on screen and should
+    be accessible to screenreaders.
+  */
+  $.deck.defaults = {
+    classes: {
+      after: 'deck-after',
+      before: 'deck-before',
+      childCurrent: 'deck-child-current',
+      current: 'deck-current',
+      loading: 'deck-loading',
+      next: 'deck-next',
+      onPrefix: 'on-slide-',
+      previous: 'deck-previous'
+    },
+    selectors: {
+      container: '.deck-container',
+      slides: '.slide'
+    },
+    keys: {
+      // enter, space, page down, right arrow, down arrow,
+      next: [13, 32, 34, 39, 40],
+      // backspace, page up, left arrow, up arrow
+      previous: [8, 33, 37, 38]
+    },
+    touch: {
+      swipeDirection: 'horizontal',
+      swipeTolerance: 60
+    },
+    initLockTimeout: 10000,
+    hashPrefix: 'slide-',
+    preventFragmentScroll: true,
+    setAriaHiddens: true
+  };
+  $document.ready(function() {
+    $('html').addClass('ready');
+  });
+  $window.bind('hashchange.deck', function(event) {
+    if (event.originalEvent && event.originalEvent.newURL) {
+      goByHash(event.originalEvent.newURL);
+    }
+    else {
+      goByHash(window.location.hash);
+    }
+  });
+  $window.bind('load.deck', function() {
+    if (options.preventFragmentScroll) {
+      $container.scrollLeft(0).scrollTop(0);
+    }
+  });
+// Released under MIT license
+// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Dominic Baggott
+// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Ash Berlin
+// Copyright (c) 2011 Christoph Dorn <> (
+/*jshint browser:true, devel:true */
+(function( expose ) {
+ *  class Markdown
+ *
+ *  Markdown processing in Javascript done right. We have very particular views
+ *  on what constitutes 'right' which include:
+ *
+ *  - produces well-formed HTML (this means that em and strong nesting is
+ *    important)
+ *
+ *  - has an intermediate representation to allow processing of parsed data (We
+ *    in fact have two, both as [JsonML]: a markdown tree and an HTML tree).
+ *
+ *  - is easily extensible to add new dialects without having to rewrite the
+ *    entire parsing mechanics
+ *
+ *  - has a good test suite
+ *
+ *  This implementation fulfills all of these (except that the test suite could
+ *  do with expanding to automatically run all the fixtures from other Markdown
+ *  implementations.)
+ *
+ *  ##### Intermediate Representation
+ *
+ *  *TODO* Talk about this :) Its JsonML, but document the node names we use.
+ *
+ *  [JsonML]: "JSON Markup Language"
+ **/
+var Markdown = expose.Markdown = function(dialect) {
+  switch (typeof dialect) {
+    case "undefined":
+      this.dialect = Markdown.dialects.Gruber;
+      break;
+    case "object":
+      this.dialect = dialect;
+      break;
+    default:
+      if ( dialect in Markdown.dialects ) {
+        this.dialect = Markdown.dialects[dialect];
+      }
+      else {
+        throw new Error("Unknown Markdown dialect '" + String(dialect) + "'");
+      }
+      break;
+  }
+  this.em_state = [];
+  this.strong_state = [];
+  this.debug_indent = "";
+ *  parse( markdown, [dialect] ) -> JsonML
+ *  - markdown (String): markdown string to parse
+ *  - dialect (String | Dialect): the dialect to use, defaults to gruber
+ *
+ *  Parse `markdown` and return a markdown document as a Markdown.JsonML tree.
+ **/
+expose.parse = function( source, dialect ) {
+  // dialect will default if undefined
+  var md = new Markdown( dialect );
+  return md.toTree( source );
+ *  toHTML( markdown, [dialect]  ) -> String
+ *  toHTML( md_tree ) -> String
+ *  - markdown (String): markdown string to parse
+ *  - md_tree (Markdown.JsonML): parsed markdown tree
+ *
+ *  Take markdown (either as a string or as a JsonML tree) and run it through
+ *  [[toHTMLTree]] then turn it into a well-formated HTML fragment.
+ **/
+expose.toHTML = function toHTML( source , dialect , options ) {
+  var input = expose.toHTMLTree( source , dialect , options );
+  return expose.renderJsonML( input );
+ *  toHTMLTree( markdown, [dialect] ) -> JsonML
+ *  toHTMLTree( md_tree ) -> JsonML
+ *  - markdown (String): markdown string to parse
+ *  - dialect (String | Dialect): the dialect to use, defaults to gruber
+ *  - md_tree (Markdown.JsonML): parsed markdown tree
+ *
+ *  Turn markdown into HTML, represented as a JsonML tree. If a string is given
+ *  to this function, it is first parsed into a markdown tree by calling
+ *  [[parse]].
+ **/
+expose.toHTMLTree = function toHTMLTree( input, dialect , options ) {
+  // convert string input to an MD tree
+  if ( typeof input ==="string" ) input = this.parse( input, dialect );
+  // Now convert the MD tree to an HTML tree
+  // remove references from the tree
+  var attrs = extract_attr( input ),
+      refs = {};
+  if ( attrs && attrs.references ) {
+    refs = attrs.references;
+  }
+  var html = convert_tree_to_html( input, refs , options );
+  merge_text_nodes( html );
+  return html;
+// For Spidermonkey based engines
+function mk_block_toSource() {
+  return "Markdown.mk_block( " +
+          uneval(this.toString()) +
+          ", " +
+          uneval(this.trailing) +
+          ", " +
+          uneval(this.lineNumber) +
+          " )";
+// node
+function mk_block_inspect() {
+  var util = require("util");
+  return "Markdown.mk_block( " +
+          util.inspect(this.toString()) +
+          ", " +
+          util.inspect(this.trailing) +
+          ", " +
+          util.inspect(this.lineNumber) +
+          " )";
+var mk_block = Markdown.mk_block = function(block, trail, line) {
+  // Be helpful for default case in tests.
+  if ( arguments.length == 1 ) trail = "\n\n";
+  var s = new String(block);
+  s.trailing = trail;
+  // To make it clear its not just a string
+  s.inspect = mk_block_inspect;
+  s.toSource = mk_block_toSource;
+  if ( line != undefined )
+    s.lineNumber = line;
+  return s;
+function count_lines( str ) {
+  var n = 0, i = -1;
+  while ( ( i = str.indexOf("\n", i + 1) ) !== -1 ) n++;
+  return n;
+// Internal - split source into rough blocks
+Markdown.prototype.split_blocks = function splitBlocks( input, startLine ) {
+  input = input.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/g, "\n");
+  // [\s\S] matches _anything_ (newline or space)
+  // [^] is equivalent but doesn't work in IEs.
+  var re = /([\s\S]+?)($|\n#|\n(?:\s*\n|$)+)/g,
+      blocks = [],
+      m;
+  var line_no = 1;
+  if ( ( m = /^(\s*\n)/.exec(input) ) != null ) {
+    // skip (but count) leading blank lines
+    line_no += count_lines( m[0] );
+    re.lastIndex = m[0].length;
+  }
+  while ( ( m = re.exec(input) ) !== null ) {
+    if (m[2] == "\n#") {
+      m[2] = "\n";
+      re.lastIndex--;
+    }
+    blocks.push( mk_block( m[1], m[2], line_no ) );
+    line_no += count_lines( m[0] );
+  }
+  return blocks;
+ *  Markdown#processBlock( block, next ) -> undefined | [ JsonML, ... ]
+ *  - block (String): the block to process
+ *  - next (Array): the following blocks
+ *
+ * Process `block` and return an array of JsonML nodes representing `block`.
+ *
+ * It does this by asking each block level function in the dialect to process
+ * the block until one can. Succesful handling is indicated by returning an
+ * array (with zero or more JsonML nodes), failure by a false value.
+ *
+ * Blocks handlers are responsible for calling [[Markdown#processInline]]
+ * themselves as appropriate.
+ *
+ * If the blocks were split incorrectly or adjacent blocks need collapsing you
+ * can adjust `next` in place using shift/splice etc.
+ *
+ * If any of this default behaviour is not right for the dialect, you can
+ * define a `__call__` method on the dialect that will get invoked to handle
+ * the block processing.
+ */
+Markdown.prototype.processBlock = function processBlock( block, next ) {
+  var cbs = this.dialect.block,
+      ord = cbs.__order__;
+  if ( "__call__" in cbs ) {
+    return, block, next);
+  }
+  for ( var i = 0; i < ord.length; i++ ) {
+    //D:this.debug( "Testing", ord[i] );
+    var res = cbs[ ord[i] ].call( this, block, next );
+    if ( res ) {
+      //D:this.debug("  matched");
+      if ( !isArray(res) || ( res.length > 0 && !( isArray(res[0]) ) ) )
+        this.debug(ord[i], "didn't return a proper array");
+      //D:this.debug( "" );
+      return res;
+    }
+  }
+  // Uhoh! no match! Should we throw an error?
+  return [];
+Markdown.prototype.processInline = function processInline( block ) {
+  return this, String( block ) );
+ *  Markdown#toTree( source ) -> JsonML
+ *  - source (String): markdown source to parse
+ *
+ *  Parse `source` into a JsonML tree representing the markdown document.
+ **/
+// custom_tree means set this.tree to `custom_tree` and restore old value on return
+Markdown.prototype.toTree = function toTree( source, custom_root ) {
+  var blocks = source instanceof Array ? source : this.split_blocks( source );
+  // Make tree a member variable so its easier to mess with in extensions
+  var old_tree = this.tree;
+  try {
+    this.tree = custom_root || this.tree || [ "markdown" ];
+    blocks:
+    while ( blocks.length ) {
+      var b = this.processBlock( blocks.shift(), blocks );
+      // Reference blocks and the like won't return any content
+      if ( !b.length ) continue blocks;
+      this.tree.push.apply( this.tree, b );
+    }
+    return this.tree;
+  }
+  finally {
+    if ( custom_root ) {
+      this.tree = old_tree;
+    }
+  }
+// Noop by default
+Markdown.prototype.debug = function () {
+  var args = arguments);
+  args.unshift(this.debug_indent);
+  if ( typeof print !== "undefined" )
+      print.apply( print, args );
+  if ( typeof console !== "undefined" && typeof console.log !== "undefined" )
+      console.log.apply( null, args );
+Markdown.prototype.loop_re_over_block = function( re, block, cb ) {
+  // Dont use /g regexps with this
+  var m,
+      b = block.valueOf();
+  while ( b.length && (m = re.exec(b) ) != null ) {
+    b = b.substr( m[0].length );
+, m);
+  }
+  return b;
+ * Markdown.dialects
+ *
+ * Namespace of built-in dialects.
+ **/
+Markdown.dialects = {};
+ * Markdown.dialects.Gruber
+ *
+ * The default dialect that follows the rules set out by John Gruber's
+ * as closely as possible. Well actually we follow the behaviour of
+ * that script which in some places is not exactly what the syntax web page
+ * says.
+ **/
+Markdown.dialects.Gruber = {
+  block: {
+    atxHeader: function atxHeader( block, next ) {
+      var m = block.match( /^(#{1,6})\s*(.*?)\s*#*\s*(?:\n|$)/ );
+      if ( !m ) return undefined;
+      var header = [ "header", { level: m[ 1 ].length } ];
+      Array.prototype.push.apply(header, this.processInline(m[ 2 ]));
+      if ( m[0].length < block.length )
+        next.unshift( mk_block( block.substr( m[0].length ), block.trailing, block.lineNumber + 2 ) );
+      return [ header ];
+    },
+    setextHeader: function setextHeader( block, next ) {
+      var m = block.match( /^(.*)\n([-=])\2\2+(?:\n|$)/ );
+      if ( !m ) return undefined;
+      var level = ( m[ 2 ] === "=" ) ? 1 : 2;
+      var header = [ "header", { level : level }, m[ 1 ] ];
+      if ( m[0].length < block.length )
+        next.unshift( mk_block( block.substr( m[0].length ), block.trailing, block.lineNumber + 2 ) );
+      return [ header ];
+    },
+    code: function code( block, next ) {
+      // |    Foo
+      // |bar
+      // should be a code block followed by a paragraph. Fun
+      //
+      // There might also be adjacent code block to merge.
+      var ret = [],
+          re = /^(?: {0,3}\t| {4})(.*)\n?/,
+          lines;
+      // 4 spaces + content
+      if ( !block.match( re ) ) return undefined;
+      block_search:
+      do {
+        // Now pull out the rest of the lines
+        var b = this.loop_re_over_block(
+                  re, block.valueOf(), function( m ) { ret.push( m[1] ); } );
+        if ( b.length ) {
+          // Case alluded to in first comment. push it back on as a new block
+          next.unshift( mk_block(b, block.trailing) );
+          break block_search;
+        }
+        else if ( next.length ) {
+          // Check the next block - it might be code too
+          if ( !next[0].match( re ) ) break block_search;
+          // Pull how how many blanks lines follow - minus two to account for .join
+          ret.push ( block.trailing.replace(/[^\n]/g, "").substring(2) );
+          block = next.shift();
+        }
+        else {
+          break block_search;
+        }
+      } while ( true );
+      return [ [ "code_block", ret.join("\n") ] ];
+    },
+    horizRule: function horizRule( block, next ) {
+      // this needs to find any hr in the block to handle abutting blocks
+      var m = block.match( /^(?:([\s\S]*?)\n)?[ \t]*([-_*])(?:[ \t]*\2){2,}[ \t]*(?:\n([\s\S]*))?$/ );
+      if ( !m ) {
+        return undefined;
+      }
+      var jsonml = [ [ "hr" ] ];
+      // if there's a leading abutting block, process it
+      if ( m[ 1 ] ) {
+        jsonml.unshift.apply( jsonml, this.processBlock( m[ 1 ], [] ) );
+      }
+      // if there's a trailing abutting block, stick it into next
+      if ( m[ 3 ] ) {
+        next.unshift( mk_block( m[ 3 ] ) );
+      }
+      return jsonml;
+    },
+    // There are two types of lists. Tight and loose. Tight lists have no whitespace
+    // between the items (and result in text just in the <li>) and loose lists,
+    // which have an empty line between list items, resulting in (one or more)
+    // paragraphs inside the <li>.
+    //
+    // There are all sorts weird edge cases about the original's
+    // handling of lists:
+    //
+    // * Nested lists are supposed to be indented by four chars per level. But
+    //   if they aren't, you can get a nested list by indenting by less than
+    //   four so long as the indent doesn't match an indent of an existing list
+    //   item in the 'nest stack'.
+    //
+    // * The type of the list (bullet or number) is controlled just by the
+    //    first item at the indent. Subsequent changes are ignored unless they
+    //    are for nested lists
+    //
+    lists: (function( ) {
+      // Use a closure to hide a few variables.
+      var any_list = "[*+-]|\\d+\\.",
+          bullet_list = /[*+-]/,
+          number_list = /\d+\./,
+          // Capture leading indent as it matters for determining nested lists.
+          is_list_re = new RegExp( "^( {0,3})(" + any_list + ")[ \t]+" ),
+          indent_re = "(?: {0,3}\\t| {4})";
+      // TODO: Cache this regexp for certain depths.
+      // Create a regexp suitable for matching an li for a given stack depth
+      function regex_for_depth( depth ) {
+        return new RegExp(
+          // m[1] = indent, m[2] = list_type
+          "(?:^(" + indent_re + "{0," + depth + "} {0,3})(" + any_list + ")\\s+)|" +
+          // m[3] = cont
+          "(^" + indent_re + "{0," + (depth-1) + "}[ ]{0,4})"
+        );
+      }
+      function expand_tab( input ) {
+        return input.replace( / {0,3}\t/g, "    " );
+      }
+      // Add inline content `inline` to `li`. inline comes from processInline
+      // so is an array of content
+      function add(li, loose, inline, nl) {
+        if ( loose ) {
+          li.push( [ "para" ].concat(inline) );
+          return;
+        }
+        // Hmmm, should this be any block level element or just paras?
+        var add_to = li[li.length -1] instanceof Array && li[li.length - 1][0] == "para"
+                   ? li[li.length -1]
+                   : li;
+        // If there is already some content in this list, add the new line in
+        if ( nl && li.length > 1 ) inline.unshift(nl);
+        for ( var i = 0; i < inline.length; i++ ) {
+          var what = inline[i],
+              is_str = typeof what == "string";
+          if ( is_str && add_to.length > 1 && typeof add_to[add_to.length-1] == "string" ) {
+            add_to[ add_to.length-1 ] += what;
+          }
+          else {
+            add_to.push( what );
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // contained means have an indent greater than the current one. On
+      // *every* line in the block
+      function get_contained_blocks( depth, blocks ) {
+        var re = new RegExp( "^(" + indent_re + "{" + depth + "}.*?\\n?)*$" ),
+            replace = new RegExp("^" + indent_re + "{" + depth + "}", "gm"),
+            ret = [];
+        while ( blocks.length > 0 ) {
+          if ( re.exec( blocks[0] ) ) {
+            var b = blocks.shift(),
+                // Now remove that indent
+                x = b.replace( replace, "");
+            ret.push( mk_block( x, b.trailing, b.lineNumber ) );
+          }
+          else {
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        return ret;
+      }
+      // passed to stack.forEach to turn list items up the stack into paras
+      function paragraphify(s, i, stack) {
+        var list = s.list;
+        var last_li = list[list.length-1];
+        if ( last_li[1] instanceof Array && last_li[1][0] == "para" ) {
+          return;
+        }
+        if ( i + 1 == stack.length ) {
+          // Last stack frame
+          // Keep the same array, but replace the contents
+          last_li.push( ["para"].concat( last_li.splice(1, last_li.length - 1) ) );
+        }
+        else {
+          var sublist = last_li.pop();
+          last_li.push( ["para"].concat( last_li.splice(1, last_li.length - 1) ), sublist );
+        }
+      }
+      // The matcher function
+      return function( block, next ) {
+        var m = block.match( is_list_re );
+        if ( !m ) return undefined;
+        function make_list( m ) {
+          var list = bullet_list.exec( m[2] )
+                   ? ["bulletlist"]
+                   : ["numberlist"];
+          stack.push( { list: list, indent: m[1] } );
+          return list;
+        }
+        var stack = [], // Stack of lists for nesting.
+            list = make_list( m ),
+            last_li,
+            loose = false,
+            ret = [ stack[0].list ],
+            i;
+        // Loop to search over block looking for inner block elements and loose lists
+        loose_search:
+        while ( true ) {
+          // Split into lines preserving new lines at end of line
+          var lines = block.split( /(?=\n)/ );
+          // We have to grab all lines for a li and call processInline on them
+          // once as there are some inline things that can span lines.
+          var li_accumulate = "";
+          // Loop over the lines in this block looking for tight lists.
+          tight_search:
+          for ( var line_no = 0; line_no < lines.length; line_no++ ) {
+            var nl = "",
+                l = lines[line_no].replace(/^\n/, function(n) { nl = n; return ""; });
+            // TODO: really should cache this
+            var line_re = regex_for_depth( stack.length );
+            m = l.match( line_re );
+            //print( "line:", uneval(l), "\nline match:", uneval(m) );
+            // We have a list item
+            if ( m[1] !== undefined ) {
+              // Process the previous list item, if any
+              if ( li_accumulate.length ) {
+                add( last_li, loose, this.processInline( li_accumulate ), nl );
+                // Loose mode will have been dealt with. Reset it
+                loose = false;
+                li_accumulate = "";
+              }
+              m[1] = expand_tab( m[1] );
+              var wanted_depth = Math.floor(m[1].length/4)+1;
+              //print( "want:", wanted_depth, "stack:", stack.length);
+              if ( wanted_depth > stack.length ) {
+                // Deep enough for a nested list outright
+                //print ( "new nested list" );
+                list = make_list( m );
+                last_li.push( list );
+                last_li = list[1] = [ "listitem" ];
+              }
+              else {
+                // We aren't deep enough to be strictly a new level. This is
+                // where goes nuts. If the indent matches a level in the
+                // stack, put it there, else put it one deeper then the
+                // wanted_depth deserves.
+                var found = false;
+                for ( i = 0; i < stack.length; i++ ) {
+                  if ( stack[ i ].indent != m[1] ) continue;
+                  list = stack[ i ].list;
+                  stack.splice( i+1, stack.length - (i+1) );
+                  found = true;
+                  break;
+                }
+                if (!found) {
+                  //print("not found. l:", uneval(l));
+                  wanted_depth++;
+                  if ( wanted_depth <= stack.length ) {
+                    stack.splice(wanted_depth, stack.length - wanted_depth);
+                    //print("Desired depth now", wanted_depth, "stack:", stack.length);
+                    list = stack[wanted_depth-1].list;
+                    //print("list:", uneval(list) );
+                  }
+                  else {
+                    //print ("made new stack for messy indent");
+                    list = make_list(m);
+                    last_li.push(list);
+                  }
+                }
+                //print( uneval(list), "last", list === stack[stack.length-1].list );
+                last_li = [ "listitem" ];
+                list.push(last_li);
+              } // end depth of shenegains
+              nl = "";
+            }
+            // Add content
+            if ( l.length > m[0].length ) {
+              li_accumulate += nl + l.substr( m[0].length );
+            }
+          } // tight_search
+          if ( li_accumulate.length ) {
+            add( last_li, loose, this.processInline( li_accumulate ), nl );
+            // Loose mode will have been dealt with. Reset it
+            loose = false;
+            li_accumulate = "";
+          }
+          // Look at the next block - we might have a loose list. Or an extra
+          // paragraph for the current li
+          var contained = get_contained_blocks( stack.length, next );
+          // Deal with code blocks or properly nested lists
+          if ( contained.length > 0 ) {
+            // Make sure all listitems up the stack are paragraphs
+            forEach( stack, paragraphify, this);
+            last_li.push.apply( last_li, this.toTree( contained, [] ) );
+          }
+          var next_block = next[0] && next[0].valueOf() || "";
+          if ( next_block.match(is_list_re) || next_block.match( /^ / ) ) {
+            block = next.shift();
+            // Check for an HR following a list: features/lists/hr_abutting
+            var hr = this.dialect.block.horizRule( block, next );
+            if ( hr ) {
+              ret.push.apply(ret, hr);
+              break;
+            }
+            // Make sure all listitems up the stack are paragraphs
+            forEach( stack, paragraphify, this);
+            loose = true;
+            continue loose_search;
+          }
+          break;
+        } // loose_search
+        return ret;
+      };
+    })(),
+    blockquote: function blockquote( block, next ) {
+      if ( !block.match( /^>/m ) )
+        return undefined;
+      var jsonml = [];
+      // separate out the leading abutting block, if any. I.e. in this case:
+      //
+      //  a
+      //  > b
+      //
+      if ( block[ 0 ] != ">" ) {
+        var lines = block.split( /\n/ ),
+            prev = [],
+            line_no = block.lineNumber;
+        // keep shifting lines until you find a crotchet
+        while ( lines.length && lines[ 0 ][ 0 ] != ">" ) {
+            prev.push( lines.shift() );
+            line_no++;
+        }
+        var abutting = mk_block( prev.join( "\n" ), "\n", block.lineNumber );
+        jsonml.push.apply( jsonml, this.processBlock( abutting, [] ) );
+        // reassemble new block of just block quotes!
+        block = mk_block( lines.join( "\n" ), block.trailing, line_no );
+      }
+      // if the next block is also a blockquote merge it in
+      while ( next.length && next[ 0 ][ 0 ] == ">" ) {
+        var b = next.shift();
+        block = mk_block( block + block.trailing + b, b.trailing, block.lineNumber );
+      }
+      // Strip off the leading "> " and re-process as a block.
+      var input = block.replace( /^> ?/gm, "" ),
+          old_tree = this.tree,
+          processedBlock = this.toTree( input, [ "blockquote" ] ),
+          attr = extract_attr( processedBlock );
+      // If any link references were found get rid of them
+      if ( attr && attr.references ) {
+        delete attr.references;
+        // And then remove the attribute object if it's empty
+        if ( isEmpty( attr ) ) {
+          processedBlock.splice( 1, 1 );
+        }
+      }
+      jsonml.push( processedBlock );
+      return jsonml;
+    },
+    referenceDefn: function referenceDefn( block, next) {
+      var re = /^\s*\[(.*?)\]:\s*(\S+)(?:\s+(?:(['"])(.*?)\3|\((.*?)\)))?\n?/;
+      // interesting matches are [ , ref_id, url, , title, title ]
+      if ( !block.match(re) )
+        return undefined;
+      // make an attribute node if it doesn't exist
+      if ( !extract_attr( this.tree ) ) {
+        this.tree.splice( 1, 0, {} );
+      }
+      var attrs = extract_attr( this.tree );
+      // make a references hash if it doesn't exist
+      if ( attrs.references === undefined ) {
+        attrs.references = {};
+      }
+      var b = this.loop_re_over_block(re, block, function( m ) {
+        if ( m[2] && m[2][0] == "<" && m[2][m[2].length-1] == ">" )
+          m[2] = m[2].substring( 1, m[2].length - 1 );
+        var ref = attrs.references[ m[1].toLowerCase() ] = {
+          href: m[2]
+        };
+        if ( m[4] !== undefined )
+          ref.title = m[4];
+        else if ( m[5] !== undefined )
+          ref.title = m[5];
+      } );
+      if ( b.length )
+        next.unshift( mk_block( b, block.trailing ) );
+      return [];
+    },
+    para: function para( block, next ) {
+      // everything's a para!
+      return [ ["para"].concat( this.processInline( block ) ) ];
+    }
+  }
+Markdown.dialects.Gruber.inline = {
+    __oneElement__: function oneElement( text, patterns_or_re, previous_nodes ) {
+      var m,
+          res,
+          lastIndex = 0;
+      patterns_or_re = patterns_or_re || this.dialect.inline.__patterns__;
+      var re = new RegExp( "([\\s\\S]*?)(" + (patterns_or_re.source || patterns_or_re) + ")" );
+      m = re.exec( text );
+      if (!m) {
+        // Just boring text
+        return [ text.length, text ];
+      }
+      else if ( m[1] ) {
+        // Some un-interesting text matched. Return that first
+        return [ m[1].length, m[1] ];
+      }
+      var res;
+      if ( m[2] in this.dialect.inline ) {
+        res = this.dialect.inline[ m[2] ].call(
+                  this,
+                  text.substr( m.index ), m, previous_nodes || [] );
+      }
+      // Default for now to make dev easier. just slurp special and output it.
+      res = res || [ m[2].length, m[2] ];
+      return res;
+    },
+    __call__: function inline( text, patterns ) {
+      var out = [],
+          res;
+      function add(x) {
+        //D:self.debug("  adding output", uneval(x));
+        if ( typeof x == "string" && typeof out[out.length-1] == "string" )
+          out[ out.length-1 ] += x;
+        else
+          out.push(x);
+      }
+      while ( text.length > 0 ) {
+        res =, text, patterns, out );
+        text = text.substr( res.shift() );
+        forEach(res, add )
+      }
+      return out;
+    },
+    // These characters are intersting elsewhere, so have rules for them so that
+    // chunks of plain text blocks don't include them
+    "]": function () {},
+    "}": function () {},
+    __escape__ : /^\\[\\`\*_{}\[\]()#\+.!\-]/,
+    "\\": function escaped( text ) {
+      // [ length of input processed, node/children to add... ]
+      // Only esacape: \ ` * _ { } [ ] ( ) # * + - . !
+      if ( this.dialect.inline.__escape__.exec( text ) )
+        return [ 2, text.charAt( 1 ) ];
+      else
+        // Not an esacpe
+        return [ 1, "\\" ];
+    },
+    "![": function image( text ) {
+      // Unlike images, alt text is plain text only. no other elements are
+      // allowed in there
+      // ![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title")
+      //      1          2            3       4         <--- captures
+      var m = text.match( /^!\[(.*?)\][ \t]*\([ \t]*([^")]*?)(?:[ \t]+(["'])(.*?)\3)?[ \t]*\)/ );
+      if ( m ) {
+        if ( m[2] && m[2][0] == "<" && m[2][m[2].length-1] == ">" )
+          m[2] = m[2].substring( 1, m[2].length - 1 );
+        m[2] = this, m[2], /\\/ )[0];
+        var attrs = { alt: m[1], href: m[2] || "" };
+        if ( m[4] !== undefined)
+          attrs.title = m[4];
+        return [ m[0].length, [ "img", attrs ] ];
+      }
+      // ![Alt text][id]
+      m = text.match( /^!\[(.*?)\][ \t]*\[(.*?)\]/ );
+      if ( m ) {
+        // We can't check if the reference is known here as it likely wont be
+        // found till after. Check it in md tree->hmtl tree conversion
+        return [ m[0].length, [ "img_ref", { alt: m[1], ref: m[2].toLowerCase(), original: m[0] } ] ];
+      }
+      // Just consume the '!['
+      return [ 2, "![" ];
+    },
+    "[": function link( text ) {
+      var orig = String(text);
+      // Inline content is possible inside `link text`
+      var res = this, text.substr(1), "]" );
+      // No closing ']' found. Just consume the [
+      if ( !res ) return [ 1, "[" ];
+      var consumed = 1 + res[ 0 ],
+          children = res[ 1 ],
+          link,
+          attrs;
+      // At this point the first [...] has been parsed. See what follows to find
+      // out which kind of link we are (reference or direct url)
+      text = text.substr( consumed );
+      // [link text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title")
+      //                 1            2       3         <--- captures
+      // This will capture up to the last paren in the block. We then pull
+      // back based on if there a matching ones in the url
+      //    ([here](/url/(test))
+      // The parens have to be balanced
+      var m = text.match( /^\s*\([ \t]*([^"']*)(?:[ \t]+(["'])(.*?)\2)?[ \t]*\)/ );
+      if ( m ) {
+        var url = m[1];
+        consumed += m[0].length;
+        if ( url && url[0] == "<" && url[url.length-1] == ">" )
+          url = url.substring( 1, url.length - 1 );
+        // If there is a title we don't have to worry about parens in the url
+        if ( !m[3] ) {
+          var open_parens = 1; // One open that isn't in the capture
+          for ( var len = 0; len < url.length; len++ ) {
+            switch ( url[len] ) {
+            case "(":
+              open_parens++;
+              break;
+            case ")":
+              if ( --open_parens == 0) {
+                consumed -= url.length - len;
+                url = url.substring(0, len);
+              }
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        // Process escapes only
+        url = this, url, /\\/ )[0];
+        attrs = { href: url || "" };
+        if ( m[3] !== undefined)
+          attrs.title = m[3];
+        link = [ "link", attrs ].concat( children );
+        return [ consumed, link ];
+      }
+      // [Alt text][id]
+      // [Alt text] [id]
+      m = text.match( /^\s*\[(.*?)\]/ );
+      if ( m ) {
+        consumed += m[ 0 ].length;
+        // [links][] uses links as its reference
+        attrs = { ref: ( m[ 1 ] || String(children) ).toLowerCase(),  original: orig.substr( 0, consumed ) };
+        link = [ "link_ref", attrs ].concat( children );
+        // We can't check if the reference is known here as it likely wont be
+        // found till after. Check it in md tree->hmtl tree conversion.
+        // Store the original so that conversion can revert if the ref isn't found.
+        return [ consumed, link ];
+      }
+      // [id]
+      // Only if id is plain (no formatting.)
+      if ( children.length == 1 && typeof children[0] == "string" ) {
+        attrs = { ref: children[0].toLowerCase(),  original: orig.substr( 0, consumed ) };
+        link = [ "link_ref", attrs, children[0] ];
+        return [ consumed, link ];
+      }
+      // Just consume the "["
+      return [ 1, "[" ];
+    },
+    "<": function autoLink( text ) {
+      var m;
+      if ( ( m = text.match( /^<(?:((https?|ftp|mailto):[^>]+)|(.*?@.*?\.[a-zA-Z]+))>/ ) ) != null ) {
+        if ( m[3] ) {
+          return [ m[0].length, [ "link", { href: "mailto:" + m[3] }, m[3] ] ];
+        }
+        else if ( m[2] == "mailto" ) {
+          return [ m[0].length, [ "link", { href: m[1] }, m[1].substr("mailto:".length ) ] ];
+        }
+        else
+          return [ m[0].length, [ "link", { href: m[1] }, m[1] ] ];
+      }
+      return [ 1, "<" ];
+    },
+    "`": function inlineCode( text ) {
+      // Inline code block. as many backticks as you like to start it
+      // Always skip over the opening ticks.
+      var m = text.match( /(`+)(([\s\S]*?)\1)/ );
+      if ( m && m[2] )
+        return [ m[1].length + m[2].length, [ "inlinecode", m[3] ] ];
+      else {
+        // TODO: No matching end code found - warn!
+        return [ 1, "`" ];
+      }
+    },
+    "  \n": function lineBreak( text ) {
+      return [ 3, [ "linebreak" ] ];
+    }
+// Meta Helper/generator method for em and strong handling
+function strong_em( tag, md ) {
+  var state_slot = tag + "_state",
+      other_slot = tag == "strong" ? "em_state" : "strong_state";
+  function CloseTag(len) {
+    this.len_after = len;
+ = "close_" + md;
+  }
+  return function ( text, orig_match ) {
+    if ( this[state_slot][0] == md ) {
+      // Most recent em is of this type
+      //D:this.debug("closing", md);
+      this[state_slot].shift();
+      // "Consume" everything to go back to the recrusion in the else-block below
+      return[ text.length, new CloseTag(text.length-md.length) ];
+    }
+    else {
+      // Store a clone of the em/strong states
+      var other = this[other_slot].slice(),
+          state = this[state_slot].slice();
+      this[state_slot].unshift(md);
+      //D:this.debug_indent += "  ";
+      // Recurse
+      var res = this.processInline( text.substr( md.length ) );
+      //D:this.debug_indent = this.debug_indent.substr(2);
+      var last = res[res.length - 1];
+      //D:this.debug("processInline from", tag + ": ", uneval( res ) );
+      var check = this[state_slot].shift();
+      if ( last instanceof CloseTag ) {
+        res.pop();
+        // We matched! Huzzah.
+        var consumed = text.length - last.len_after;
+        return [ consumed, [ tag ].concat(res) ];
+      }
+      else {
+        // Restore the state of the other kind. We might have mistakenly closed it.
+        this[other_slot] = other;
+        this[state_slot] = state;
+        // We can't reuse the processed result as it could have wrong parsing contexts in it.
+        return [ md.length, md ];
+      }
+    }
+  }; // End returned function
+Markdown.dialects.Gruber.inline["**"] = strong_em("strong", "**");
+Markdown.dialects.Gruber.inline["__"] = strong_em("strong", "__");
+Markdown.dialects.Gruber.inline["*"]  = strong_em("em", "*");
+Markdown.dialects.Gruber.inline["_"]  = strong_em("em", "_");
+// Build default order from insertion order.
+Markdown.buildBlockOrder = function(d) {
+  var ord = [];
+  for ( var i in d ) {
+    if ( i == "__order__" || i == "__call__" ) continue;
+    ord.push( i );
+  }
+  d.__order__ = ord;
+// Build patterns for inline matcher
+Markdown.buildInlinePatterns = function(d) {
+  var patterns = [];
+  for ( var i in d ) {
+    // __foo__ is reserved and not a pattern
+    if ( i.match( /^__.*__$/) ) continue;
+    var l = i.replace( /([\\.*+?|()\[\]{}])/g, "\\$1" )
+             .replace( /\n/, "\\n" );
+    patterns.push( i.length == 1 ? l : "(?:" + l + ")" );
+  }
+  patterns = patterns.join("|");
+  d.__patterns__ = patterns;
+  //print("patterns:", uneval( patterns ) );
+  var fn = d.__call__;
+  d.__call__ = function(text, pattern) {
+    if ( pattern != undefined ) {
+      return, text, pattern);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      return, text, patterns);
+    }
+  };
+Markdown.DialectHelpers = {};
+Markdown.DialectHelpers.inline_until_char = function( text, want ) {
+  var consumed = 0,
+      nodes = [];
+  while ( true ) {
+    if ( text.charAt( consumed ) == want ) {
+      // Found the character we were looking for
+      consumed++;
+      return [ consumed, nodes ];
+    }
+    if ( consumed >= text.length ) {
+      // No closing char found. Abort.
+      return null;
+    }
+    var res =, text.substr( consumed ) );
+    consumed += res[ 0 ];
+    // Add any returned nodes.
+    nodes.push.apply( nodes, res.slice( 1 ) );
+  }
+// Helper function to make sub-classing a dialect easier
+Markdown.subclassDialect = function( d ) {
+  function Block() {}
+  Block.prototype = d.block;
+  function Inline() {}
+  Inline.prototype = d.inline;
+  return { block: new Block(), inline: new Inline() };
+Markdown.buildBlockOrder ( Markdown.dialects.Gruber.block );
+Markdown.buildInlinePatterns( Markdown.dialects.Gruber.inline );
+Markdown.dialects.Maruku = Markdown.subclassDialect( Markdown.dialects.Gruber );
+Markdown.dialects.Maruku.processMetaHash = function processMetaHash( meta_string ) {
+  var meta = split_meta_hash( meta_string ),
+      attr = {};
+  for ( var i = 0; i < meta.length; ++i ) {
+    // id: #foo
+    if ( /^#/.test( meta[ i ] ) ) {
+ = meta[ i ].substring( 1 );
+    }
+    // class: .foo
+    else if ( /^\./.test( meta[ i ] ) ) {
+      // if class already exists, append the new one
+      if ( attr["class"] ) {
+        attr["class"] = attr["class"] + meta[ i ].replace( /./, " " );
+      }
+      else {
+        attr["class"] = meta[ i ].substring( 1 );
+      }
+    }
+    // attribute: foo=bar
+    else if ( /\=/.test( meta[ i ] ) ) {
+      var s = meta[ i ].split( /\=/ );
+      attr[ s[ 0 ] ] = s[ 1 ];
+    }
+  }
+  return attr;
+function split_meta_hash( meta_string ) {
+  var meta = meta_string.split( "" ),
+      parts = [ "" ],
+      in_quotes = false;
+  while ( meta.length ) {
+    var letter = meta.shift();
+    switch ( letter ) {
+      case " " :
+        // if we're in a quoted section, keep it
+        if ( in_quotes ) {
+          parts[ parts.length - 1 ] += letter;
+        }
+        // otherwise make a new part
+        else {
+          parts.push( "" );
+        }
+        break;
+      case "'" :
+      case '"' :
+        // reverse the quotes and move straight on
+        in_quotes = !in_quotes;
+        break;
+      case "\\" :
+        // shift off the next letter to be used straight away.
+        // it was escaped so we'll keep it whatever it is
+        letter = meta.shift();
+      default :
+        parts[ parts.length - 1 ] += letter;
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  return parts;
+Markdown.dialects.Maruku.block.document_meta = function document_meta( block, next ) {
+  // we're only interested in the first block
+  if ( block.lineNumber > 1 ) return undefined;
+  // document_meta blocks consist of one or more lines of `Key: Value\n`
+  if ( ! block.match( /^(?:\w+:.*\n)*\w+:.*$/ ) ) return undefined;
+  // make an attribute node if it doesn't exist
+  if ( !extract_attr( this.tree ) ) {
+    this.tree.splice( 1, 0, {} );
+  }
+  var pairs = block.split( /\n/ );
+  for ( p in pairs ) {
+    var m = pairs[ p ].match( /(\w+):\s*(.*)$/ ),
+        key = m[ 1 ].toLowerCase(),
+        value = m[ 2 ];
+    this.tree[ 1 ][ key ] = value;
+  }
+  // document_meta produces no content!
+  return [];
+Markdown.dialects.Maruku.block.block_meta = function block_meta( block, next ) {
+  // check if the last line of the block is an meta hash
+  var m = block.match( /(^|\n) {0,3}\{:\s*((?:\\\}|[^\}])*)\s*\}$/ );
+  if ( !m ) return undefined;
+  // process the meta hash
+  var attr = this.dialect.processMetaHash( m[ 2 ] );
+  var hash;
+  // if we matched ^ then we need to apply meta to the previous block
+  if ( m[ 1 ] === "" ) {
+    var node = this.tree[ this.tree.length - 1 ];
+    hash = extract_attr( node );
+    // if the node is a string (rather than JsonML), bail
+    if ( typeof node === "string" ) return undefined;
+    // create the attribute hash if it doesn't exist
+    if ( !hash ) {
+      hash = {};
+      node.splice( 1, 0, hash );
+    }
+    // add the attributes in
+    for ( a in attr ) {
+      hash[ a ] = attr[ a ];
+    }
+    // return nothing so the meta hash is removed
+    return [];
+  }
+  // pull the meta hash off the block and process what's left
+  var b = block.replace( /\n.*$/, "" ),
+      result = this.processBlock( b, [] );
+  // get or make the attributes hash
+  hash = extract_attr( result[ 0 ] );
+  if ( !hash ) {
+    hash = {};
+    result[ 0 ].splice( 1, 0, hash );
+  }
+  // attach the attributes to the block
+  for ( a in attr ) {
+    hash[ a ] = attr[ a ];
+  }
+  return result;
+Markdown.dialects.Maruku.block.definition_list = function definition_list( block, next ) {
+  // one or more terms followed by one or more definitions, in a single block
+  var tight = /^((?:[^\s:].*\n)+):\s+([\s\S]+)$/,
+      list = [ "dl" ],
+      i, m;
+  // see if we're dealing with a tight or loose block
+  if ( ( m = block.match( tight ) ) ) {
+    // pull subsequent tight DL blocks out of `next`
+    var blocks = [ block ];
+    while ( next.length && tight.exec( next[ 0 ] ) ) {
+      blocks.push( next.shift() );
+    }
+    for ( var b = 0; b < blocks.length; ++b ) {
+      var m = blocks[ b ].match( tight ),
+          terms = m[ 1 ].replace( /\n$/, "" ).split( /\n/ ),
+          defns = m[ 2 ].split( /\n:\s+/ );
+      // print( uneval( m ) );
+      for ( i = 0; i < terms.length; ++i ) {
+        list.push( [ "dt", terms[ i ] ] );
+      }
+      for ( i = 0; i < defns.length; ++i ) {
+        // run inline processing over the definition
+        list.push( [ "dd" ].concat( this.processInline( defns[ i ].replace( /(\n)\s+/, "$1" ) ) ) );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    return undefined;
+  }
+  return [ list ];
+// splits on unescaped instances of @ch. If @ch is not a character the result
+// can be unpredictable
+Markdown.dialects.Maruku.block.table = function table (block, next) {
+    var _split_on_unescaped = function(s, ch) {
+        ch = ch || '\\s';
+        if (ch.match(/^[\\|\[\]{}?*.+^$]$/)) { ch = '\\' + ch; }
+        var res = [ ],
+            r = new RegExp('^((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\' + ch + '])*)' + ch + '(.*)'),
+            m;
+        while(m = s.match(r)) {
+            res.push(m[1]);
+            s = m[2];
+        }
+        res.push(s);
+        return res;
+    }
+    var leading_pipe = /^ {0,3}\|(.+)\n {0,3}\|\s*([\-:]+[\-| :]*)\n((?:\s*\|.*(?:\n|$))*)(?=\n|$)/,
+        // find at least an unescaped pipe in each line
+        no_leading_pipe = /^ {0,3}(\S(?:\\.|[^\\|])*\|.*)\n {0,3}([\-:]+\s*\|[\-| :]*)\n((?:(?:\\.|[^\\|])*\|.*(?:\n|$))*)(?=\n|$)/,
+        i, m;
+    if (m = block.match(leading_pipe)) {
+        // remove leading pipes in contents
+        // (header and horizontal rule already have the leading pipe left out)
+        m[3] = m[3].replace(/^\s*\|/gm, '');
+    } else if (! ( m = block.match(no_leading_pipe))) {
+        return undefined;
+    }
+    var table = [ "table", [ "thead", [ "tr" ] ], [ "tbody" ] ];
+    // remove trailing pipes, then split on pipes
+    // (no escaped pipes are allowed in horizontal rule)
+    m[2] = m[2].replace(/\|\s*$/, '').split('|');
+    // process alignment
+    var html_attrs = [ ];
+    forEach (m[2], function (s) {
+        if (s.match(/^\s*-+:\s*$/))       html_attrs.push({align: "right"});
+        else if (s.match(/^\s*:-+\s*$/))  html_attrs.push({align: "left"});
+        else if (s.match(/^\s*:-+:\s*$/)) html_attrs.push({align: "center"});
+        else                              html_attrs.push({});
+    });
+    // now for the header, avoid escaped pipes
+    m[1] = _split_on_unescaped(m[1].replace(/\|\s*$/, ''), '|');
+    for (i = 0; i < m[1].length; i++) {
+        table[1][1].push(['th', html_attrs[i] || {}].concat(
+            this.processInline(m[1][i].trim())));
+    }
+    // now for body contents
+    forEach (m[3].replace(/\|\s*$/mg, '').split('\n'), function (row) {
+        var html_row = ['tr'];
+        row = _split_on_unescaped(row, '|');
+        for (i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
+            html_row.push(['td', html_attrs[i] || {}].concat(this.processInline(row[i].trim())));
+        }
+        table[2].push(html_row);
+    }, this);
+    return [table];
+Markdown.dialects.Maruku.inline[ "{:" ] = function inline_meta( text, matches, out ) {
+  if ( !out.length ) {
+    return [ 2, "{:" ];
+  }
+  // get the preceeding element
+  var before = out[ out.length - 1 ];
+  if ( typeof before === "string" ) {
+    return [ 2, "{:" ];
+  }
+  // match a meta hash
+  var m = text.match( /^\{:\s*((?:\\\}|[^\}])*)\s*\}/ );
+  // no match, false alarm
+  if ( !m ) {
+    return [ 2, "{:" ];
+  }
+  // attach the attributes to the preceeding element
+  var meta = this.dialect.processMetaHash( m[ 1 ] ),
+      attr = extract_attr( before );
+  if ( !attr ) {
+    attr = {};
+    before.splice( 1, 0, attr );
+  }
+  for ( var k in meta ) {
+    attr[ k ] = meta[ k ];
+  }
+  // cut out the string and replace it with nothing
+  return [ m[ 0 ].length, "" ];
+Markdown.dialects.Maruku.inline.__escape__ = /^\\[\\`\*_{}\[\]()#\+.!\-|:]/;
+Markdown.buildBlockOrder ( Markdown.dialects.Maruku.block );
+Markdown.buildInlinePatterns( Markdown.dialects.Maruku.inline );
+var isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) {
+  return == "[object Array]";
+var forEach;
+// Don't mess with Array.prototype. Its not friendly
+if ( Array.prototype.forEach ) {
+  forEach = function( arr, cb, thisp ) {
+    return arr.forEach( cb, thisp );
+  };
+else {
+  forEach = function(arr, cb, thisp) {
+    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
+ || arr, arr[i], i, arr);
+    }
+  }
+var isEmpty = function( obj ) {
+  for ( var key in obj ) {
+    if ( obj, key ) ) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+function extract_attr( jsonml ) {
+  return isArray(jsonml)
+      && jsonml.length > 1
+      && typeof jsonml[ 1 ] === "object"
+      && !( isArray(jsonml[ 1 ]) )
+      ? jsonml[ 1 ]
+      : undefined;
+ *  renderJsonML( jsonml[, options] ) -> String
+ *  - jsonml (Array): JsonML array to render to XML
+ *  - options (Object): options
+ *
+ *  Converts the given JsonML into well-formed XML.
+ *
+ *  The options currently understood are:
+ *
+ *  - root (Boolean): wether or not the root node should be included in the
+ *    output, or just its children. The default `false` is to not include the
+ *    root itself.
+ */
+expose.renderJsonML = function( jsonml, options ) {
+  options = options || {};
+  // include the root element in the rendered output?
+  options.root = options.root || false;
+  var content = [];
+  if ( options.root ) {
+    content.push( render_tree( jsonml ) );
+  }
+  else {
+    jsonml.shift(); // get rid of the tag
+    if ( jsonml.length && typeof jsonml[ 0 ] === "object" && !( jsonml[ 0 ] instanceof Array ) ) {
+      jsonml.shift(); // get rid of the attributes
+    }
+    while ( jsonml.length ) {
+      content.push( render_tree( jsonml.shift() ) );
+    }
+  }
+  return content.join( "\n\n" );
+function escapeHTML( text ) {
+  return text.replace( /&/g, "&amp;" )
+             .replace( /</g, "&lt;" )
+             .replace( />/g, "&gt;" )
+             .replace( /"/g, "&quot;" )
+             .replace( /'/g, "&#39;" );
+function render_tree( jsonml ) {
+  // basic case
+  if ( typeof jsonml === "string" ) {
+    return jsonml; // modified for deck.smarkdown.js
+  }
+  var tag = jsonml.shift(),
+      attributes = {},
+      content = [];
+  if ( jsonml.length && typeof jsonml[ 0 ] === "object" && !( jsonml[ 0 ] instanceof Array ) ) {
+    attributes = jsonml.shift();
+  }
+  while ( jsonml.length ) {
+    content.push( render_tree( jsonml.shift() ) );
+  }
+  var tag_attrs = "";
+  for ( var a in attributes ) {
+    tag_attrs += " " + a + '="' + escapeHTML( attributes[ a ] ) + '"';
+  }
+  // be careful about adding whitespace here for inline elements
+  if ( tag == "img" || tag == "br" || tag == "hr" ) {
+    return "<"+ tag + tag_attrs + "/>";
+  }
+  else {
+    return "<"+ tag + tag_attrs + ">" + content.join( "" ) + "</" + tag + ">";
+  }
+function convert_tree_to_html( tree, references, options ) {
+  var i;
+  options = options || {};
+  // shallow clone
+  var jsonml = tree.slice( 0 );
+  if ( typeof options.preprocessTreeNode === "function" ) {
+      jsonml = options.preprocessTreeNode(jsonml, references);
+  }
+  // Clone attributes if they exist
+  var attrs = extract_attr( jsonml );
+  if ( attrs ) {
+    jsonml[ 1 ] = {};
+    for ( i in attrs ) {
+      jsonml[ 1 ][ i ] = attrs[ i ];
+    }
+    attrs = jsonml[ 1 ];
+  }
+  // basic case
+  if ( typeof jsonml === "string" ) {
+    return jsonml;
+  }
+  // convert this node
+  switch ( jsonml[ 0 ] ) {
+    case "header":
+      jsonml[ 0 ] = "h" + jsonml[ 1 ].level;
+      delete jsonml[ 1 ].level;
+      break;
+    case "bulletlist":
+      jsonml[ 0 ] = "ul";
+      break;
+    case "numberlist":
+      jsonml[ 0 ] = "ol";
+      break;
+    case "listitem":
+      jsonml[ 0 ] = "li";
+      break;
+    case "para":
+      jsonml[ 0 ] = "p";
+      break;
+    case "markdown":
+      jsonml[ 0 ] = "html";
+      if ( attrs ) delete attrs.references;
+      break;
+    case "code_block":
+      jsonml[ 0 ] = "pre";
+      i = attrs ? 2 : 1;
+      var code = [ "code" ];
+      code.push.apply( code, jsonml.splice( i, jsonml.length - i ) );
+      jsonml[ i ] = code;
+      break;
+    case "inlinecode":
+      jsonml[ 0 ] = "code";
+      break;
+    case "img":
+      jsonml[ 1 ].src = jsonml[ 1 ].href;
+      delete jsonml[ 1 ].href;
+      break;
+    case "linebreak":
+      jsonml[ 0 ] = "br";
+    break;
+    case "link":
+      jsonml[ 0 ] = "a";
+      break;
+    case "link_ref":
+      jsonml[ 0 ] = "a";
+      // grab this ref and clean up the attribute node
+      var ref = references[ attrs.ref ];
+      // if the reference exists, make the link
+      if ( ref ) {
+        delete attrs.ref;
+        // add in the href and title, if present
+        attrs.href = ref.href;
+        if ( ref.title ) {
+          attrs.title = ref.title;
+        }
+        // get rid of the unneeded original text
+        delete attrs.original;
+      }
+      // the reference doesn't exist, so revert to plain text
+      else {
+        return attrs.original;
+      }
+      break;
+    case "img_ref":
+      jsonml[ 0 ] = "img";
+      // grab this ref and clean up the attribute node
+      var ref = references[ attrs.ref ];
+      // if the reference exists, make the link
+      if ( ref ) {
+        delete attrs.ref;
+        // add in the href and title, if present
+        attrs.src = ref.href;
+        if ( ref.title ) {
+          attrs.title = ref.title;
+        }
+        // get rid of the unneeded original text
+        delete attrs.original;
+      }
+      // the reference doesn't exist, so revert to plain text
+      else {
+        return attrs.original;
+      }
+      break;
+  }
+  // convert all the children
+  i = 1;
+  // deal with the attribute node, if it exists
+  if ( attrs ) {
+    // if there are keys, skip over it
+    for ( var key in jsonml[ 1 ] ) {
+        i = 2;
+        break;
+    }
+    // if there aren't, remove it
+    if ( i === 1 ) {
+      jsonml.splice( i, 1 );
+    }
+  }
+  for ( ; i < jsonml.length; ++i ) {
+    jsonml[ i ] = convert_tree_to_html( jsonml[ i ], references, options );
+  }
+  return jsonml;
+// merges adjacent text nodes into a single node
+function merge_text_nodes( jsonml ) {
+  // skip the tag name and attribute hash
+  var i = extract_attr( jsonml ) ? 2 : 1;
+  while ( i < jsonml.length ) {
+    // if it's a string check the next item too
+    if ( typeof jsonml[ i ] === "string" ) {
+      if ( i + 1 < jsonml.length && typeof jsonml[ i + 1 ] === "string" ) {
+        // merge the second string into the first and remove it
+        jsonml[ i ] += jsonml.splice( i + 1, 1 )[ 0 ];
+      }
+      else {
+        ++i;
+      }
+    }
+    // if it's not a string recurse
+    else {
+      merge_text_nodes( jsonml[ i ] );
+      ++i;
+    }
+  }
+} )( (function() {
+  if ( typeof exports === "undefined" ) {
+    window.markdown = {};
+    return window.markdown;
+  }
+  else {
+    return exports;
+  }
+} )() );
+Deck JS - deck.smarkdown
+Copyright (c) 2014-2014 Rémi Emonet
+Licensed under the MIT license.
+This module provides a support for a shorter syntax for slides, with a syntax that is closer to plain markdown.
+- configurize the .smark and the default duration also
+- have a shortcut for {slide}?
+(function($, deck, undefined) {
+    var $d = $(document);
+    var may = function(f) {return f ? f : function() {}};
+    var endsWith = function(longStr, part) {return longStr.indexOf(part, longStr.length - part.length) !== -1;}
+    var REST = null;
+    var startsWith = function(longStr, part) {
+        if (part == "%+class:") alert(":::"+longStr+":::");
+        var res = longStr.substr(0, part.length) == part;
+        REST = res ? longStr.slice(part.length) : null;
+        RESTRIM = res ? REST.replace(/^ */, "") : null;
+        return res;
+    }
+    var startsWithIgnoreCase = function(longStr, part) {
+        var res = longStr.substr(0, part.length).toUpperCase() == part.toUpperCase();
+        REST = res ? longStr.slice(part.length) : null;
+        RESTRIM = res ? REST.replace(/^ */, "") : null;
+        return res;
+    }
+    var isArray = Array.isArray || $.isArray; // there is also an alternative in markdownjs
+    // the animation duration is stateful across the smarkdown sections
+    var animationDurationDefault = 400;
+    var animationDuration = animationDurationDefault;
+    function clone(a) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a)) }
+    function findTag(tree, regexp, startAt) {
+        var i = startAt || 0;
+        while (i < tree.length) {
+            if (isArray(tree[i]) && tree[i][0].match(regexp)) {
+                return i;
+            }
+            i++;
+        }
+        return -1;
+    }
+    function addSpaceSeparatedAttr(o, a, c) {
+        ensureHasAttributes(o);
+        if (o[1][a])
+            o[1][a] += " " + c;
+        else
+            o[1][a] = c;
+    }
+    function addClass(o, c) {
+        addSpaceSeparatedAttr(o, 'class', c);
+    }
+    function hasClass(o, c) {
+        if (!isObject(o[1]) || !o[1]['class']) {
+            return false;
+        } else {
+            return o[1]['class'].match(new RegExp("\\b"+c+"\\b"));
+        }
+    }
+    function isObject(o) {
+        return !isArray(o) && typeof(o) === 'object';
+    }
+    function ensureHasAttributes(tree) {
+        if (!isObject(tree[1])) {
+            tree.splice(1, 0, {});
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    function lazyGetAttributes(tree) {
+        if (isObject(tree[1])) {
+            return tree[1];
+        } else {
+            return {};
+        }
+    }
+    function lazyUnsetAttributes(tree) {
+        if (isObject(tree[1])) {
+            tree.splice(1, 1);
+        }
+    }
+    function hasIDOrClassDecoration(s) {
+        return s.match(/^(.*)\{([^{}<>]*)\}$/);
+    }
+    function maybeProcessCopySlide(tree, index) {
+        var slide = tree[index];
+        ensureHasAttributes(slide);
+        if (slide.length != 3) return false;
+        if (slide[2][0] != "h1") return false;
+        ensureHasAttributes(slide[2]);
+        if (startsWithIgnoreCase(slide[2][2], "@COPY:#")) {
+            var main = RESTRIM.split(/:/);
+            var idOfBase = main[0];
+            var animPart = main.slice(1).join(":");
+            var hasAnim = ! animPart.match(/^\s*$/);
+            var base = null;
+            for (i in tree) {
+                if (i == 0 || (i==1 && isObject(tree[1]))) continue;
+                ensureHasAttributes(tree[i]);
+                if (tree[i][1].id == idOfBase) {
+                    base = tree[i];
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (base == null) { alert("pb"); return false; } // TODO should alert based on options
+            var content = [["div", {}, "@anim:" + animPart]];
+            content = content.concat(clone(base.slice(2)));
+            slide[1] = clone(base[1]);
+            delete slide[1].id;
+            if (hasAnim) addClass(slide, "anim-continue");
+            slide.splice.apply(slide, [2, 1].concat(content)); // replace the h1 with content
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    function processIDOrClassDecoration(tree, index) {
+        var matched = hasIDOrClassDecoration(tree[index]); // make sure the group is set
+        if (!matched) { alert("should call processIDOrClassDecoration() only if hasIDOrClassDecoration is true"); return; }
+        var returnValue = false; // whether we added the attributes
+        var base = RegExp.$1;
+        var decorations = RegExp.$2.split(/ +/);
+        if (ensureHasAttributes(tree)) {
+            if (index>0) index++;
+            returnValue = true;
+        }
+        tree[index] = base;
+        for (d in decorations) {
+            // allow .class and class notations
+            if (startsWith(decorations[d], ".")) decorations[d] = decorations[d].slice(1);
+            if (startsWith(decorations[d], "#")) {
+                tree[1].id = decorations[d].slice(1);
+            } else {
+                if (startsWith(decorations[d], "*") | startsWith(decorations[d], "/")) {
+                    addSpaceSeparatedAttr(tree, "data-container-class", decorations[d].slice(1));
+                } else {
+                    addClass(tree, decorations[d]);
+                }
+            }                
+        }
+        return returnValue;
+    }
+    function possiblyHideIfEmpty(tree) { // if it contains only anim stuf etc
+        var hide = false;
+        var i = isObject(tree[1]) ? 2 : 1;
+        function onlyDivAnims(tt) {
+            var only = true;
+            var start = isObject(tt[1]) ? 2 : 1;
+            tt.slice(start).forEach(function(e) {
+                if (!isArray(e) || !isObject(e[1]) || (" "+e[1]["class"]).indexOf(" anim-") == -1) {
+                    only = false;
+                }
+            });
+            return only;
+        }
+        if (onlyDivAnims(tree)) hide = true;
+        else if (tree.length == i+1 && isArray(tree[i]) && tree[i][0] == "p"
+                 && onlyDivAnims(tree[i])) hide = true;
+        if (hide) {
+            ensureHasAttributes(tree);
+            tree[1].style = "display: none";
+        }
+    }
+    function maybeProcessComment(tree, index) {
+        var line = tree[index];
+        var clean = function(s) { return s;}; //return s.replace(/\/\\\//g, '//'); };
+        if (line.match(/^(.*?)[\n\s]*\/\/ +(.*)/)) {
+            var obj = ["div", {
+                'class': "comment"
+            }, clean(RegExp.$2)];
+            tree.splice(index, 1, RegExp.$1, obj);
+            return true;
+        }
+        tree[index] = clean(tree[index]);
+        return false;
+    }
+    function maybeProcessAtSomething(tree, index) {
+        var line = tree[index];
+        if (startsWithIgnoreCase(line, "@SVG:")) {
+            var content = RESTRIM
+            var parts = content.split(/ +/);
+            if (hasIDOrClassDecoration(content) || parts.length == 3) {
+                // new version
+                var obj = ["div", {
+                    'data-src': parts[0],
+                    'data-width': parts[1],
+                    'data-height': parts[2],
+                    'class': "svg-object"
+                }, parts.slice(3).join(" ")];
+                // TODO: alert when wrong number of args
+                if (hasIDOrClassDecoration(content)) processIDOrClassDecoration(obj, 2);
+                tree[index] = obj;
+            } else {
+                // TODO allow this only when an option is set option
+                // old, smartsyntax version
+                var obj = ["div", {
+                    'data-src': parts[1],
+                    'data-width': parts[2],
+                    'data-height': parts[3],
+                    'class': "svg-object"
+                }, ""];
+                parts[0].split(/,/).forEach(function (p) { addClass(obj, p); });
+                tree[index] = obj;
+            }
+        } else if (startsWithIgnoreCase(line, "@ANIM:")) {
+            line = RESTRIM.replace(/%[+]/i, "%%"); // protect the "%+class" from being split
+            var allToAdd = [];
+            var parts = line.split(/ *\| */); // TODO: configurize + reconsider all separators?
+            for (i in parts) {
+                // process each group of simultaneous animations
+                var subparts = parts[i].split(/ *\+ */);
+                for (ii in subparts) {
+                    var what = subparts[ii];
+                    if (what == "") continue; // as a good side effect, this allows to set a "anim-continue" on all elements (e.g., put a + at the end of the line) 
+                    var continuating  = ii != subparts.length-1;
+                    var toAdd = ["div", {}, ""];
+                    addClass(toAdd, "slide");
+                    // process the individual element (reminder: animationDuration is global)
+                    function dw() { addSpaceSeparatedAttr(toAdd, "data-what", REST); }
+                    function dd() { addSpaceSeparatedAttr(toAdd, "data-dur", ""+animationDuration); }
+                    if (startsWithIgnoreCase(what, "%duration:")) {
+                        animationDuration = RESTRIM == "" ? animationDurationDefault : RESTRIM;
+                        continue;
+                    } else if (startsWithIgnoreCase(what, "%dur:")) {
+                        animationDuration = RESTRIM == "" ? animationDurationDefault : RESTRIM;
+                        continue;
+                    } else if (startsWithIgnoreCase(what, "%play:")) {
+                        addClass(toAdd, "anim-play");
+                        dw();
+                    } else if (startsWithIgnoreCase(what, "%pause:")) {
+                        addClass(toAdd, "anim-pause");
+                        dw();
+                    } else if (startsWith(what, "%viewbox:")) {
+                        addClass(toAdd, "anim-viewboxas");
+                        // TODO: if REST contains ':', two params (then the target is specified, else it is just all SVGs root elements)
+                        addSpaceSeparatedAttr(toAdd, "data-as", REST);
+                        addSpaceSeparatedAttr(toAdd, "data-what", "svg");
+                        dd();
+                    } else if (startsWith(what, "%attr:")) {
+                        var main = RESTRIM.split(/ *: */);
+                        addClass(toAdd, "anim-attribute");
+                        addSpaceSeparatedAttr(toAdd, "data-what", main[0]);
+                        addSpaceSeparatedAttr(toAdd, "data-attr", main.slice(1).join(":"));
+                        dd();
+                    } else if (startsWith(what, "%along:")) {
+                        var main = RESTRIM.split(/ *: */);
+                        addClass(toAdd, "anim-along");
+                        if (startsWith(main[0], "-")) {
+                            main[0] = RESTRIM;
+                            addSpaceSeparatedAttr(toAdd, "data-reverse", "true");
+                        }
+                        addSpaceSeparatedAttr(toAdd, "data-path", main[0]);
+                        addSpaceSeparatedAttr(toAdd, "data-what", main.slice(1).join(":"));
+                        dd();
+                    } else if (startsWith(what, "%%class:")) {
+                        var main = RESTRIM.split(/ *: */);
+                        addClass(toAdd, "anim-addclass");
+                        addSpaceSeparatedAttr(toAdd, "data-class", main[0]);
+                        addSpaceSeparatedAttr(toAdd, "data-what", main.slice(1).join(":"));
+                    } else if (startsWith(what, "%-class:")) {
+                        var main = RESTRIM.split(/ *: */);
+                        addClass(toAdd, "anim-removeclass");
+                        addSpaceSeparatedAttr(toAdd, "data-class", main[0]);
+                        addSpaceSeparatedAttr(toAdd, "data-what", main.slice(1).join(":"));
+                    } else if (startsWith(what, "+")) {
+                        addClass(toAdd, "anim-show");
+                        dw();
+                    } else if (startsWith(what, "-")) {
+                        addClass(toAdd, "anim-hide");
+                        dw(); dd();
+                    } else {
+                        addClass(toAdd, "anim-show");
+                        addSpaceSeparatedAttr(toAdd, "data-what", what);
+                        dd();
+                    }
+                    if (continuating) addClass(toAdd, "anim-continue");
+                    allToAdd.push(toAdd);
+                }
+            }
+            tree.splice.apply(tree, [index, 1].concat(allToAdd)); // just replacing the text with allToAdd elements
+        } else {
+            return false;
+        }
+        // TODO? handle the decorations for comments
+        return true;
+    }
+    function processMath(content) {
+        return content.replace(/\$([^$][^$]*)\$/g, '<span class="latex">\\displaystyle $1</span>').replace(/\$\$/, '$');
+    }
+    var interpretationOfSmartLanguage = function(smark, doc) {
+        var jstree = markdown.toHTMLTree(smark);
+        // split at each h2 or h1
+        (function makeTopLevelDivs(jsTree) {
+            var firstIndex = findTag(jsTree, /^(h1|h2)$/);
+            if (firstIndex == -1) return;
+            var secondIndex = findTag(jsTree, /^(h1|h2)$/, firstIndex+1);
+            if (secondIndex == -1) secondIndex = jsTree.length;
+            var slide = ["section"].concat( // we will add the 'slide' class later below
+                jsTree.splice(firstIndex, secondIndex - firstIndex));
+            jsTree.splice(firstIndex, 0, slide);
+            makeTopLevelDivs(jsTree);
+        })(jstree);
+        // process:
+        // - the class and id decorations like    {#first hightlight slide}
+        // - the @... custom notations
+        // - the // for comments
+        for (s in jstree) {
+            if (s == 0 || (s==1 && isObject(jstree[1]))) continue;
+            var slide = jstree[s];
+            ensureHasAttributes(slide);
+            if (maybeProcessCopySlide(jstree, s)) {
+                //continue;
+                // actually we want to apply anims to it
+            }
+            // cleanup: first, remove first "p" in a "li" (happens when one put an empty line in a bullet list, but it would break the decorations)
+            (function patch(tree){ // tree is slide or a subelement
+                var i = 1;
+                while (i < tree.length) {
+                    if (isArray(tree[i])) {
+                        if (tree[i][0] === "li") {
+                            var li = tree[i];
+                            if (isArray(li[1]) && li[1][0] === "p") {
+                                li.splice.apply(li, [1, 1].concat(li[1].slice(1)));
+                                continue;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        patch(tree[i]);
+                    }
+                    i++;
+                }
+            })(slide);
+            // process @anim... and {} decoration
+            (function patch(tree){ // tree is slide or a subelement
+                var i = 1;
+                while (i < tree.length) {
+                    if (isArray(tree[i])) patch(tree[i]);
+                    else if (typeof(tree[i]) == 'string') {
+                        if (maybeProcessComment(tree, i)) continue;
+                        else if (maybeProcessAtSomething(tree, i)) continue;
+                        else if (hasIDOrClassDecoration(tree[i])) {
+                            if (processIDOrClassDecoration(tree, i)) {
+                                i++; // avoid processing the same element twice
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    i++;
+                }
+            })(slide);
+            // cleanup: hide empty "li" after @anim processing
+            (function patch(tree){ // tree is slide or a subelement
+                var i = 1;
+                while (i < tree.length) {
+                    if (isArray(tree[i])) {
+                        if (tree[i][0] === "li" && possiblyHideIfEmpty(tree[i])) continue;
+                        else patch(tree[i]);
+                    }
+                    i++;
+                }
+            })(slide);
+            // process the $math$
+            (function patch(tree){ // tree is slide or a subelement
+                if (hasClass(tree, "smark-nomath")) return;
+                var i = 1;
+                while (i < tree.length) {
+                    if (isArray(tree[i])) patch(tree[i]);
+                    else if (typeof(tree[i]) == 'string') {
+                        tree[i] = processMath(tree[i]);
+                    }
+                    i++;
+                }
+            })(slide);
+            // change things to textarea (to help with codemirror)
+            (function patch(tree){ // tree is slide or a subelement
+                if (hasClass(tree, "smark-textarea")) {
+                    tree[3][0] = "textarea";
+                }
+                var i = 1;
+                while (i < tree.length) {
+                    if (isArray(tree[i])) patch(tree[i]);
+                    i++;
+                }
+            })(slide);
+            // now propagate to the slide
+            var hAttributes = lazyGetAttributes(slide[2]);
+            if (slide[1]['class']) {
+                var cl = slide[1]['class'];
+                slide[1] = clone(hAttributes);
+                addClass(slide, cl);
+            } else {
+                slide[1] = clone(hAttributes);
+            }
+            lazyUnsetAttributes(slide[2]);
+            addClass(slide, 'slide');
+        }
+        return markdown.renderJsonML(jstree);
+    }
+    // this have to be executed before the deck init
+    $d.bind('deck.beforeInit', function() {
+        $('.smark').each(function() { // TODO make it configurable
+            var it = this;
+            var slides = interpretationOfSmartLanguage(it.innerHTML, document);
+            $(it).after(slides);
+            // remove the smart node (to avoid having an empty non-slide sibling (e.g., in the presenter view))
+            $(it).remove();
+        });
+        var opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+        var maybe = function(f) { return f || (function(){}); }
+        maybe(opts.AFTERSMARKDOWN)();
+        $[deck]('reInitSlidesArray')
+    });
+})(jQuery, 'deck');
+  Deck JS -
+  Copyright (c) 2012 Rémi Emonet
+  Licensed under the MIT license.
+  This extension provides a way of scaling the slides to fit the slide container.
+  A "design size" is used to do global scaling of all slides in the same way.
+  The default design size is 800x600.
+(function($, deck, window, undefined) {
+    var $d = $(document),
+    $w = $(window),
+    timer, // Timeout id for debouncing
+    rootSlides,
+    /*
+      Internal function to do all the dirty work of scaling the slides.
+    */
+    scaleDeck = function() {
+        var opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+        var addMarginX = opts.fitMarginX * 2;
+        var addMarginY = opts.fitMarginY * 2;
+        var fitMode = opts.fitMode;
+        var sdw = opts.designWidth;
+        var sdh = opts.designHeight;
+        var $container = $[deck]('getContainer');
+        var scaleX = $container.hasClass(opts.classes.globalscale) ? $container.innerWidth() / (sdw+addMarginX) : 1;
+        var scaleY = $container.hasClass(opts.classes.globalscale) ? $container.innerHeight() / (sdh+addMarginY) : 1;
+        //var truescaleX = $container.hasClass(opts.classes.globalscale) ? $container.innerWidth() / (sdw) : 1;
+        //var truescaleY = $container.hasClass(opts.classes.globalscale) ? $container.innerHeight() / (sdh) : 1;
+        var scale = scaleX < scaleY ? scaleX : scaleY;
+        var rootSlides = [];
+        var slideTest = $.map([opts.classes.before, opts.classes.previous, opts.classes.current,, opts.classes.after],
+                              function(el, i) {return '.' + el;}).join(', ');
+        $.each($[deck]('getSlides'), function(i, $el) {
+            if (!$el.parentsUntil(opts.selectors.container).length) {
+                rootSlides.push($el);
+            }
+        });
+        $.each(rootSlides, function(i, $slide) {
+            $slide.css('width', sdw);
+            $slide.css('height', sdh);
+            $.each('Webkit Moz O ms Khtml'.split(' '), function(i, prefix) {
+                if (scale == 1) {
+                    $slide.css(prefix + 'Transform', '');
+                } else {
+                    if (fitMode == "left top" || fitMode == "top left") {
+                        // ok align left/top (ok with the percents)
+                        $slide.css(prefix + 'Transform', 'translate(-50%,-50%) scale(' + scale + ' , ' + scale + ') translate(50%,50%) translate('+(addMarginX/2)+'px,'+(addMarginY/2)+'px)');
+                    } else if (fitMode == "center middle") {
+                        // ok align center/middle
+                        $slide.css(prefix + 'Transform', 'translate(-50%,-50%) scale(' + scale + ' , ' + scale + ') translate(50%, 50%) translate('+($container.innerWidth()/2/scale - sdw/2)+'px,'+($container.innerHeight()/2/scale - sdh/2)+'px)');
+                    } else if (fitMode == "right bottom" || fitMode == "bottom right") {
+                        // ok align right/bottom
+                        $slide.css(prefix + 'Transform', 'translate(-50%,-50%) scale(' + scale + ' , ' + scale + ') translate(50%, 50%) translate('+($container.innerWidth()/scale - sdw - addMarginX/2)+'px,'+($container.innerHeight()/scale - sdh - addMarginY/2)+'px)');
+                    } else if (fitMode == "stretched") {
+                        // ok stretched (with respect of the margin, i.e., it is center/middle)
+                        $slide.css(prefix + 'Transform', 'scale(' + scaleX + ' , ' + scaleY + ') translate('+(($container.innerWidth()-sdw)/2/scaleX)+'px,'+(($container.innerHeight()-sdh)/2/scaleY)+'px)');
+                    }
+                }
+            });
+        });
+    }
+    /*
+      Extends defaults/options.
+      options.designWidth
+      Defaults to 800. You may instead specify a width as a number
+      of px and all slides will be scaled in the same way, considering their
+      size is the provided one.
+      options.designHeight
+      Defaults to 600. You may instead specify a height as a number
+      of px and all slides will be scaled in the same way, considering their
+      size is the provided one.
+      options.fitMode
+      How to adapt the slide to the container.
+      Only the following combinations are available for now:
+      "center middle", "top left", "bottom right", "stretched"
+      options.fitMarginX
+      options.fitMarginY
+      Defaults to 5. Adds some margin in design space units.
+      E.g., if the designe width is 800 and the margin is 5, the slide will be
+      810 pixel wide before rescaling.
+      options.scaleDebounce
+      Scaling on the browser resize event is debounced. This number is the
+      threshold in milliseconds. You can learn more about debouncing here:
+    */
+    $.extend(true, $[deck].defaults, {
+        classes: {
+            globalscale: 'deck-globalscale'
+        },
+        keys: {
+            scale: 83 // s
+        },
+        designWidth: 800,
+        designHeight: 600,
+        fitMode: "center middle",
+        fitMarginX: 0,
+        fitMarginY: 0,
+        scaleDebounce: 200
+    });
+    /*
+      jQuery.deck('disableScale')
+      Disables scaling and removes the scale class from the deck container.
+    */
+    $[deck]('extend', 'disableScale', function() {
+        $[deck]('getContainer').removeClass($[deck]('getOptions').classes.globalscale);
+        scaleDeck();
+    });
+    /*
+      jQuery.deck('enableScale')
+      Enables scaling and adds the scale class to the deck container.
+    */
+    $[deck]('extend', 'enableScale', function() {
+        $[deck]('getContainer').addClass($[deck]('getOptions').classes.globalscale);
+        scaleDeck();
+    });
+    /*
+      jQuery.deck('toggleScale')
+      Toggles between enabling and disabling scaling.
+    */
+    $[deck]('extend', 'toggleScale', function() {
+        var $c = $[deck]('getContainer');
+        $[deck]($c.hasClass($[deck]('getOptions').classes.globalscale) ?
+                'disableScale' : 'enableScale');
+    });
+    $d.bind('deck.init', function() {
+        var opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+        // Debounce the resize scaling
+        $w.unbind('resize.deckscale').bind('resize.deckscale', function() {
+            window.clearTimeout(timer);
+            timer = window.setTimeout(scaleDeck, opts.scaleDebounce);
+        })
+        // Scale once on load, in case images or something change layout
+            .unbind('load.deckscale').bind('load.deckscale', scaleDeck);
+        // Bind key events
+        $d.unbind('keydown.deckscale').bind('keydown.deckscale', function(e) {
+            if (e.which === opts.keys.scale || $.inArray(e.which, opts.keys.scale) > -1) {
+                $[deck]('toggleScale');
+                e.preventDefault();
+            }
+        });
+        // Enable scale on init
+        $[deck]('enableScale');
+    });
+})(jQuery, 'deck', this);
+// This script was automatically generated from a literate source.  
+// Do not edit this file; look at the literate source instead!
+// Greasemonkey user script to 
+// Display LaTeX in Web pages by transforming to MathML
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Original script by
+// Copyright (C) 2006 Steve Cheng <>
+// Home page:
+// Modified by
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Valery Alexeev <>
+// Version 1.15, May 7, 2010
+// as follows:
+// Added,, *mathscinet*,
+// Changed char_map to fix the display for \mathcal, \mathbb, \mathfrak
+// Fixed the displayed formulas with $$...$$ and \[...\]
+// Added \scr, \germ, \roman, etc used by Mathscinet.
+// Added miscellaneous symbols and arrows 
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+// the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+function latex2mml() {
+    function GM_log() {}
+// First, find out where we are
+var va_loc = window.location.href;
+var va_view = 'web';
+//alert( 'va_view=' + va_view );
+// The script itself begins
+var/*const*/ mmlns = '';
+// VA: Fix displayed equations first.
+if( va_view == 'web' ){
+    document.body.innerHTML=
+	document.body.innerHTML.replace(/\n/g," "); // remove end-of-lines
+    document.body.innerHTML=
+	document.body.innerHTML.replace(/(\$\$|\\\[)([^$]+)(\$\$|\\\])/g,
+					"<p style=\"text-indent: 20px;\"> \$ $2 \$ </p>");
+// VA: Experimental: may lead to slow down. \spcheck is used on MathSciNet
+// document.body.innerHTML=
+// document.body.innerHTML.replace(/\\spcheck/g,"^{\\vee}");
+function result_element(tag, num_attrs)
+  var node = document.createElementNS(mmlns, tag);
+  var k = 2;
+  while(--num_attrs >= 0) {
+    if(arguments[k+1] != null) {
+      node.setAttribute(arguments[k], arguments[k+1]);
+    }
+    k += 2;
+  }
+  for(; k < arguments.length; k++) {
+    if(arguments[k] != null) {
+      if(typeof(arguments[k]) == 'string')
+        node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(arguments[k]));
+      else
+        node.appendChild(arguments[k]);
+    }
+  }
+  return node;
+function result_element_append(parent, child)
+  if(parent != null && child != null) {
+    if(typeof(child) == 'string')
+      parent.appendChild(document.createTextNode(child));
+    else
+      parent.appendChild(child);
+  }
+function result_element_prepend(parent, child, next)
+  if(next == null)
+    result_element_append(parent, child);
+  else if (parent != null && child != null)
+    parent.insertBefore(child, next);
+function result_set_attr(elem, attr, value)
+  if(elem != null && attr != null) {
+    if(value != null)
+      elem.setAttribute(attr, value);
+    else
+      elem.removeAttribute(attr);
+  }
+function result_append_attr(elem, attr, value)
+  if(elem != null && attr != null) {
+    var old_value = elem.getAttribute(elem, attr);
+    if(old_value == null)
+      elem.setAttribute(attr, value);
+    else
+      elem.setAttribute(attr, old_value + value);
+  }
+if( va_view == 'web' ){
+    if(!this.GM_getValue) {
+	this.GM_getValue = function(key, value) { return value; }
+	this.GM_log = function() {}
+    }
+    if(this.GM_registerMenuCommand) {
+	GM_registerMenuCommand("Enable native display of math images", 
+			       function() {
+				   GM_setValue("patch-images", true);
+				   do_patch_images = true;
+				   patch_element(document.documentElement);
+			       });
+	GM_registerMenuCommand("Disable native display of math images",
+			       function() {
+				   GM_setValue("patch-images", false);
+			       });
+    }
+// VA: changed char_map
+var/*const*/ char_map = {
+  'script': [
+	     '\uD835\uDC9C', '\u212C', '\uD835\uDC9E', //abc
+	     '\uD835\uDC9F', '\u2130', '\u2131', //def
+	     '\uD835\uDCA2', '\u210B', '\u2110', //ghi
+	     '\uD835\uDCA5', '\uD835\uDCA6', '\u2112', //jkl
+	     '\u2133', '\uD835\uDCA9', '\uD835\uDCAA', //mno
+	     '\uD835\uDCAB', '\uD835\uDCAC', '\u211B', //pqr
+	     '\uD835\uDCAE', '\uD835\uDCAF', '\uD835\uDCB0', //stu
+	     '\uD835\uDCB1', '\uD835\uDCB2', '\uD835\uDCB3', //vwx
+	     '\uD835\uDCB4', '\uD835\uDCB5' ], //yz
+  'fraktur': [
+	      '\uD835\uDD04', '\uD835\uDD05', '\u212D', //abc
+	      '\uD835\uDD07', '\uD835\uDD08', '\uD835\uDD09', //def
+	      '\uD835\uDD0A', '\u210C', '\u2111', //ghi
+	      '\uD835\uDD0D', '\uD835\uDD0E', '\uD835\uDD0F', //jkl
+	      '\uD835\uDD10', '\uD835\uDD11', '\uD835\uDD12', //mno
+	      '\uD835\uDD13', '\uD835\uDD14', '\u211C', //pqr
+	      '\uD835\uDD16', '\uD835\uDD17', '\uD835\uDD18', //stu
+	      '\uD835\uDD19', '\uD835\uDD1A', '\uD835\uDD1B', //vwx
+	      '\uD835\uDD1C', '\u2128' ], //yz
+  'double-struck': [
+		    '\uD835\uDD38', '\uD835\uDD39', '\u2102', //abc
+		    '\uD835\uDD3B', '\uD835\uDD3C', '\uD835\uDD3D', //def
+		    '\uD835\uDD3E', '\u210D', '\uD835\uDD40', //ghi
+		    '\uD835\uDD41', '\uD835\uDD42', '\uD835\uDD43', //jkl
+		    '\uD835\uDD44', '\u2115', '\uD835\uDD46', //mno
+		    '\u2119', '\u211A', '\u211D', //pqr
+		    '\uD835\uDD4A', '\uD835\uDD4B', '\uD835\uDD4C', //stu
+		    '\uD835\uDD4D', '\uD835\uDD4E', '\uD835\uDD4F', //vwx
+		    '\uD835\uDD50', '\u2124', ], //yz
+var/*const*/ uppercase_re = /[A-Z]/;
+function fix_mathvariant(node, style)
+  if(node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE) {
+    if(style != null && style != '' && style in char_map) {
+ =,
+        function(s) {return char_map[style][s.charCodeAt(0)-65]});
+    }
+  } else if(node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+    var new_style = node.getAttribute('mathvariant');
+    if(new_style != null && new_style != '')
+      style = new_style;
+    for(var i=0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++)
+      fix_mathvariant(node.childNodes.item(i), style);
+  }
+var g_punct_and_space
+= {"\\quad" : "\u2003" ,
+"\\qquad" : "\u2003\u2003" ,
+"\\thickspace" : "\u2002" ,
+"\\;" : "\u2002" ,
+"\\medspace" : "\u2005" ,
+"\\:" : "\u2005" ,
+"\\thinspace" : "\u2004" ,
+"\\," : "\u2004" ,
+"\\!" : "\u200b" ,
+"." : "." ,
+";" : ";" ,
+"?" : "?" ,
+"\\qedsymbol" : "\u25a0" ,
+var g_left_delimiters
+= {"(" : "(" ,
+"[" : "[" ,
+"\\{" : "{" ,
+"\\lgroup" : "(" ,
+"\\lbrace" : "{" ,
+"\\lvert" : "|" ,
+"\\lVert" : "\u2016" ,
+"\\lceil" : "\u2308" ,
+"\\lfloor" : "\u230a" ,
+"\\lmoustache" : "\u23b0" ,
+"\\langle" : "\u2329" ,
+var g_right_delimiters
+= {")" : ")" ,
+"]" : "]" ,
+"\\}" : "}" ,
+"\\rbrace" : "}" ,
+"\\rgroup" : ")" ,
+"\\rvert" : "|" ,
+"\\rVert" : "\u2016" ,
+"\\rceil" : "\u2309" ,
+"\\rfloor" : "\u230b" ,
+"\\rmoustache" : "\u23b1" ,
+"\\rangle" : "\u232a" ,
+var g_operator_symbols
+= {"\\amalg" : "\u2a3f" ,
+"\\ast" : "*" ,
+"\\ast" : "\u2217" ,
+"\\barwedge" : "\u22bc" ,
+"\\barwedge" : "\u2305" ,
+"\\bigcirc" : "\u25cb" ,
+"\\bigtriangledown" : "\u25bd" ,
+"\\bigtriangleup" : "\u25b3" ,
+"\\boxdot" : "\u22a1" ,
+"\\boxminus" : "\u229f" ,
+"\\boxplus" : "\u229e" ,
+"\\boxtimes" : "\u22a0" ,
+"\\bullet" : "\u2022" ,
+"\\bullet" : "\u2219" ,
+"\\cap" : "\u2229" ,
+"\\Cap" : "\u22d2" ,
+"\\cdot" : "\u22c5" ,
+"\\centerdot" : "\u00b7" ,
+"\\circ" : "\u2218" ,
+"\\circledast" : "\u229b" ,
+"\\circledcirc" : "\u229a" ,
+"\\circleddash" : "\u229d" ,
+"\\cup" : "\u222a" ,
+"\\Cup" : "\u22d3" ,
+"\\curlyvee" : "\u22ce" ,
+"\\curlywedge" : "\u22cf" ,
+"\\dagger" : "\u2020" ,
+"\\ddagger" : "\u2021" ,
+"\\diamond" : "\u22c4" ,
+"\\div" : "\u00f7" ,
+"\\divideontimes" : "\u22c7" ,
+"\\dotplus" : "\u2214" ,
+"\\doublebarwedge" : "\u2306" ,
+"\\doublecap" : "\u22d2" ,
+"\\doublecup" : "\u22d3" ,
+"\\gtrdot" : "\u22d7" ,
+"\\intercal" : "\u22ba" ,
+"\\land" : "\u2227" ,
+"\\leftthreetimes" : "\u22cb" ,
+"\\lessdot" : "\u22d6" ,
+"\\lor" : "\u2228" ,
+"\\ltimes" : "\u22c9" ,
+"\\mp" : "\u2213" ,
+"\\odot" : "\u2299" ,
+"\\ominus" : "\u2296" ,
+"\\oplus" : "\u2295" ,
+"\\oslash" : "\u2298" ,
+"\\otimes" : "\u2297" ,
+"\\pm" : "\u00b1" ,
+"\\rightthreetimes" : "\u22cc" ,
+"\\rtimes" : "\u22ca" ,
+"\\setminus" : "\u2216" ,
+"\\smallsetminus" : "\u2216" ,
+"\\sqcap" : "\u2293" ,
+"\\sqcup" : "\u2294" ,
+"\\star" : "\u22c6" ,
+"\\times" : "\u00d7" ,
+"\\triangleleft" : "\u25c1" ,
+"\\triangleright" : "\u25b7" ,
+"\\uplus" : "\u228e" ,
+"\\vee" : "\u2228" ,
+"\\spcheck" : "\u207a" , // has to be ^{\vee} instead but that's hard
+			 // to code
+    //"\\spcheck" : "\u002a" , 
+"\\veebar" : "\u22bb" ,
+"\\veebar" : "\u2a61" ,
+"\\wedge" : "\u2227" ,
+"\\wr" : "\u2240" ,
+"+" : "+" ,
+"-" : "\u2212" ,
+"*" : "*" ,
+"," : "," ,
+"/" : "\u2215" ,
+":" : ":" ,
+"\\colon" : ":" ,
+"|" : "|" ,
+"\\vert" : "|" ,
+"\\Vert" : "\u2016" ,
+"\\|" : "\u2016" ,
+"\\backslash" : "\\" ,
+"'" : "\u2032" ,
+"\\#" : "#" ,
+"\\bmod" : "mod" ,
+"\\mod" : "mod" ,
+"\\downarrow" : "\u2193" ,
+"\\Downarrow" : "\u21d3" ,
+"\\uparrow" : "\u2191" ,
+"\\Uparrow" : "\u21d1" ,
+"\\updownarrow" : "\u2195" ,
+"\\Updownarrow" : "\u21d5" ,
+"\\bigcap" : "\u22c2" ,
+"\\bigcup" : "\u22c3" ,
+"\\bigodot" : "\u2a00" ,
+"\\bigoplus" : "\u2a01" ,
+"\\bigotimes" : "\u2a02" ,
+"\\bigsqcup" : "\u2a06" ,
+"\\biguplus" : "\u2a04" ,
+"\\bigvee" : "\u22c1" ,
+"\\bigwedge" : "\u22c0" ,
+"\\coprod" : "\u2210" ,
+"\\prod" : "\u220f" ,
+"\\sum" : "\u2211" ,
+"\\int" : "\u222b" ,
+"\\smallint" : "\u222b" ,
+"\\oint" : "\u222e" ,
+"\\angle" : "\u2220" ,
+"\\backprime" : "\u2035" ,
+"\\bigstar" : "\u2605" ,
+"\\blacklozenge" : "\u29eb" ,
+"\\blacksquare" : "\u25a0" ,
+"\\blacktriangle" : "\u25b4" ,
+"\\blacktriangledown" : "\u25be" ,
+"\\bot" : "\u22a5" ,
+"\\clubsuit" : "\u2663" ,
+"\\diagdown" : "\u2572" ,
+"\\diagup" : "\u2571" ,
+"\\diamondsuit" : "\u2662" ,
+"\\emptyset" : "\u2205" ,
+"\\exists" : "\u2203" ,
+"\\flat" : "\u266d" ,
+"\\forall" : "\u2200" ,
+"\\heartsuit" : "\u2661" ,
+"\\infty" : "\u221e" ,
+"\\lnot" : "\u00ac" ,
+"\\lozenge" : "\u25ca" ,
+"\\measuredangle" : "\u2221" ,
+"\\nabla" : "\u2207" ,
+"\\natural" : "\u266e" ,
+"\\neg" : "\u00ac" ,
+"\\nexists" : "\u2204" ,
+"\\prime" : "\u2032" ,
+"\\sharp" : "\u266f" ,
+"\\spadesuit" : "\u2660" ,
+"\\sphericalangle" : "\u2222" ,
+"\\square" : "\u25a1" ,
+"\\surd" : "\u221a" ,
+"\\top" : "\u22a4" ,
+"\\triangle" : "\u25b5" ,
+"\\triangledown" : "\u25bf" ,
+"\\varnothing" : "\u2205" ,
+"\\aleph" : "\u2135" ,
+"\\Bbbk" : "\u1d55C" ,
+"\\beth" : "\u2136" ,
+"\\circledS" : "\u24c8" ,
+"\\complement" : "\u2201" ,
+"\\daleth" : "\u2138" ,
+"\\ell" : "\u2113" ,
+"\\eth" : "\u00f0" ,
+"\\Finv" : "\u2132" ,
+"\\Game" : "\u2141" ,
+"\\gimel" : "\u2137" ,
+"\\hbar" : "\u210f" ,
+"\\hslash" : "\u210f" ,
+"\\Im" : "\u2111" ,
+"\\mho" : "\u2127" ,
+"\\partial" : "\u2202" ,
+"\\Re" : "\u211c" ,
+"\\wp" : "\u2118" ,
+var g_relation_symbols
+= {"=" : "=" ,
+"<" : "<" ,
+">" : ">" ,
+"\\approx" : "\u2248" ,
+"\\approxeq" : "\u224a" ,
+"\\asymp" : "\u2248" ,
+"\\backsim" : "\u223d" ,
+"\\backsimeq" : "\u22cd" ,
+"\\bumpeq" : "\u224f" ,
+"\\Bumpeq" : "\u224e" ,
+"\\circeq" : "\u2257" ,
+"\\cong" : "\u2245" ,
+"\\curlyeqprec" : "\u22de" ,
+"\\curlyeqsucc" : "\u22df" ,
+"\\doteq" : "\u2250" ,
+"\\doteqdot" : "\u2251" ,
+"\\eqcirc" : "\u2256" ,
+"\\eqsim" : "\u2242" ,
+"\\eqslantgtr" : "\u2a96" ,
+"\\eqslantless" : "\u2a95" ,
+"\\equiv" : "\u2261" ,
+"\\fallingdotseq" : "\u2252" ,
+"\\ge" : "\u2265" ,
+"\\geq" : "\u2265" ,
+"\\geqq" : "\u2267" ,
+"\\geqslant" : "\u2a7e" ,
+"\\gg" : "\u226b" ,
+"\\gg" : "\u2aa2" ,
+"\\ggg" : "\u22d9" ,
+"\\gggtr" : "\u22d9" ,
+"\\gnapprox" : "\u2a8a" ,
+"\\gneq" : "\u2a88" ,
+"\\gneqq" : "\u2269" ,
+"\\gnsim" : "\u22e7" ,
+"\\gtrapprox" : "\u2a86" ,
+"\\gtreqless" : "\u22db" ,
+"\\gtreqqless" : "\u2a8c" ,
+"\\gtrless" : "\u2277" ,
+"\\gtrsim" : "\u2273" ,
+"\\gvertneqq" : "\u2269" ,
+"\\le" : "\u2264" ,
+"\\leq" : "\u2264" ,
+"\\leqq" : "\u2266" ,
+"\\leqslant" : "\u2a7d" ,
+"\\lessapprox" : "\u2a85" ,
+"\\lesseqgtr" : "\u22da" ,
+"\\lesseqqgtr" : "\u2a8b" ,
+"\\lessgtr" : "\u2276" ,
+"\\lesssim" : "\u2272" ,
+"\\ll" : "\u226a" ,
+"\\llless" : "\u22d8" ,
+"\\lnapprox" : "\u2a89" ,
+"\\lneq" : "\u2a87" ,
+"\\lneqq" : "\u2268" ,
+"\\lnsim" : "\u22e6" ,
+"\\lvertneqq" : "\u2268" ,
+"\\ncong" : "\u2247" ,
+"\\ne" : "\u2260" ,
+"\\neq" : "\u2260" ,
+"\\ngeq" : "\u2271" ,
+"\\ngeqq" : "\u2267" ,
+"\\ngeqslant" : "\u2a7e" ,
+"\\ngtr" : "\u226f" ,
+"\\nleq" : "\u2270" ,
+"\\nleqq" : "\u2266" ,
+"\\nleqslant" : "\u2a7d" ,
+"\\nless" : "\u226e" ,
+"\\nprec" : "\u2280" ,
+"\\npreceq" : "\u2aaf" ,
+"\\nsim" : "\u2241" ,
+"\\nsucc" : "\u2281" ,
+"\\nsucceq" : "\u2ab0" ,
+"\\prec" : "\u227a" ,
+"\\precapprox" : "\u2ab7" ,
+"\\preccurlyeq" : "\u227c" ,
+"\\preceq" : "\u2aaf" ,
+"\\precnapprox" : "\u2ab9" ,
+"\\precneqq" : "\u2ab5" ,
+"\\precnsim" : "\u22e8" ,
+"\\precsim" : "\u227e" ,
+"\\risingdotseq" : "\u2253" ,
+"\\sim" : "\u223c" ,
+"\\simeq" : "\u2243" ,
+"\\succ" : "\u227b" ,
+"\\succapprox" : "\u2ab8" ,
+"\\succcurlyeq" : "\u227d" ,
+"\\succeq" : "\u2ab0" ,
+"\\succnapprox" : "\u2aba" ,
+"\\succneqq" : "\u2ab6" ,
+"\\succnsim" : "\u22e9" ,
+"\\succsim" : "\u227f" ,
+"\\thickapprox" : "\u2248" ,
+"\\thicksim" : "\u223c" ,
+"\\triangleq" : "\u225c" ,
+"\\longrightarrow" : "\u27F6" ,
+"\\curvearrowleft" : "\u21b6" ,
+"\\curvearrowright" : "\u21b7" ,
+"\\downdownarrows" : "\u21ca" ,
+"\\downharpoonleft" : "\u21c3" ,
+"\\downharpoonright" : "\u21c2" ,
+"\\gets" : "\u2190" ,
+"\\hookleftarrow" : "\u21a9" ,
+"\\hookrightarrow" : "\u21aa" ,
+"\\leftarrow" : "\u2190" ,
+"\\Leftarrow" : "\u21d0" ,
+"\\leftarrowtail" : "\u21a2" ,
+"\\leftharpoondown" : "\u21bd" ,
+"\\leftharpoonup" : "\u21bc" ,
+"\\leftleftarrows" : "\u21c7" ,
+"\\leftrightarrow" : "\u2194" ,
+"\\leftrightarrows" : "\u21c6" ,
+"\\leftrightharpoons" : "\u21cb" ,
+"\\leftrightsquigarrow" : "\u21ad" ,
+"\\Lleftarrow" : "\u21da" ,
+"\\longleftarrow" : "\u27f5" ,
+"\\Longleftarrow" : "\u27f8" ,
+"\\longleftrightarrow" : "\u27f7" ,
+"\\Longleftrightarrow" : "\u27fa" ,
+"\\looparrowleft" : "\u21ab" ,
+"\\looparrowright" : "\u21ac" ,
+"\\Lsh" : "\u21b0" ,
+"\\mapsto" : "\u21a6" ,
+"\\multimap" : "\u22b8" ,
+"\\nearrow" : "\u2197" ,
+"\\nleftarrow" : "\u219a" ,
+"\\nLeftarrow" : "\u21cd" ,
+"\\nleftrightarrow" : "\u21ae" ,
+"\\nLeftrightarrow" : "\u21ce" ,
+"\\nrightarrow" : "\u219b" ,
+"\\nRightarrow" : "\u21cf" ,
+"\\nwarrow" : "\u2196" ,
+"\\restriction" : "\u21be" ,
+"\\rightarrow" : "\u2192" ,
+"\\Rightarrow" : "\u21d2" ,
+"\\rightarrowtail" : "\u21a3" ,
+"\\rightharpoondown" : "\u21c1" ,
+"\\rightharpoonup" : "\u21c0" ,
+"\\rightleftarrows" : "\u21c4" ,
+"\\rightleftharpoons" : "\u21cc" ,
+"\\rightrightarrows" : "\u21c9" ,
+"\\rightsquigarrow" : "\u219d" ,
+"\\Rrightarrow" : "\u21db" ,
+"\\Rsh" : "\u21b1" ,
+"\\searrow" : "\u2198" ,
+"\\swarrow" : "\u2199" ,
+"\\to" : "\u2192" ,
+"\\twoheadleftarrow" : "\u219e" ,
+"\\twoheadrightarrow" : "\u21a0" ,
+"\\upharpoonleft" : "\u21bf" ,
+"\\upharpoonright" : "\u21be" ,
+"\\upuparrows" : "\u21c8" ,
+"\\backepsilon" : "\u03f6" ,
+"\\because" : "\u2235" ,
+"\\between" : "\u226c" ,
+"\\blacktriangleleft" : "\u25c0" ,
+"\\blacktriangleright" : "\u25b6" ,
+"\\bowtie" : "\u22c8" ,
+"\\dashv" : "\u22a3" ,
+"\\frown" : "\u2323" ,
+"\\in" : "\u220a" ,
+"\\mid" : "\u2223" ,
+"\\models" : "\u22a7" ,
+"\\ni" : "\u220b" ,
+"\\ni" : "\u220d" ,
+"\\nmid" : "\u2224" ,
+"\\notin" : "\u2209" ,
+"\\nparallel" : "\u2226" ,
+"\\nshortmid" : "\u2224" ,
+"\\nshortparallel" : "\u2226" ,
+"\\nsubseteq" : "\u2286" ,
+"\\nsubseteq" : "\u2288" ,
+"\\nsubseteqq" : "\u2ac5" ,
+"\\nsupseteq" : "\u2287" ,
+"\\nsupseteq" : "\u2289" ,
+"\\nsupseteqq" : "\u2ac6" ,
+"\\ntriangleleft" : "\u22ea" ,
+"\\ntrianglelefteq" : "\u22ec" ,
+"\\ntriangleright" : "\u22eb" ,
+"\\ntrianglerighteq" : "\u22ed" ,
+"\\nvdash" : "\u22ac" ,
+"\\nvDash" : "\u22ad" ,
+"\\nVdash" : "\u22ae" ,
+"\\nVDash" : "\u22af" ,
+"\\owns" : "\u220d" ,
+"\\parallel" : "\u2225" ,
+"\\perp" : "\u22a5" ,
+"\\pitchfork" : "\u22d4" ,
+"\\propto" : "\u221d" ,
+"\\shortmid" : "\u2223" ,
+"\\shortparallel" : "\u2225" ,
+"\\smallfrown" : "\u2322" ,
+"\\smallsmile" : "\u2323" ,
+"\\smile" : "\u2323" ,
+"\\sqsubset" : "\u228f" ,
+"\\sqsubseteq" : "\u2291" ,
+"\\sqsupset" : "\u2290" ,
+"\\sqsupseteq" : "\u2292" ,
+"\\subset" : "\u2282" ,
+"\\Subset" : "\u22d0" ,
+"\\subseteq" : "\u2286" ,
+"\\subseteqq" : "\u2ac5" ,
+"\\subsetneq" : "\u228a" ,
+"\\subsetneqq" : "\u2acb" ,
+"\\supset" : "\u2283" ,
+"\\Supset" : "\u22d1" ,
+"\\supseteq" : "\u2287" ,
+"\\supseteqq" : "\u2ac6" ,
+"\\supsetneq" : "\u228b" ,
+"\\supsetneqq" : "\u2acc" ,
+"\\therefore" : "\u2234" ,
+"\\trianglelefteq" : "\u22b4" ,
+"\\trianglerighteq" : "\u22b5" ,
+"\\varpropto" : "\u221d" ,
+"\\varsubsetneq" : "\u228a" ,
+"\\varsubsetneqq" : "\u2acb" ,
+"\\varsupsetneq" : "\u228b" ,
+"\\varsupsetneqq" : "\u2acc" ,
+"\\vartriangle" : "\u25b5" ,
+"\\vartriangleleft" : "\u22b2" ,
+"\\vartriangleright" : "\u22b3" ,
+"\\vdash" : "\u22a2" ,
+"\\vDash" : "\u22a8" ,
+"\\Vdash" : "\u22a9" ,
+"\\Vvdash" : "\u22aa" ,
+// AMS Arrows
+"\\dashleftarrow" : "\u21e0" ,
+"\\dashrightarrow" : "\u21e2" ,
+var g_named_identifiers
+= {"\\arccos" : "arccos" ,
+"\\arcsin" : "arcsin" ,
+"\\arctan" : "arctan" ,
+"\\arg" : "arg" ,
+"\\cos" : "cos" ,
+"\\cosh" : "cosh" ,
+"\\cot" : "cot" ,
+"\\coth" : "coth" ,
+"\\csc" : "csc" ,
+"\\deg" : "deg" ,
+"\\det" : "det" ,
+"\\dim" : "dim" ,
+"\\exp" : "exp" ,
+"\\gcd" : "gcd" ,
+"\\hom" : "hom" ,
+"\\ker" : "ker" ,
+"\\lg" : "lg" ,
+"\\ln" : "ln" ,
+"\\log" : "log" ,
+"\\Pr" : "Pr" ,
+"\\sec" : "sec" ,
+"\\sin" : "sin" ,
+"\\sinh" : "sinh" ,
+"\\tan" : "tan" ,
+"\\tanh" : "tanh" ,
+"\\inf" : "inf" ,
+"\\injlim" : "inj lim" ,
+"\\lim" : "lim" ,
+"\\liminf" : "lim inf" ,
+"\\limsup" : "lum sup" ,
+"\\max" : "max" ,
+"\\min" : "min" ,
+"\\projlim" : "proj lim" ,
+"\\sup" : "sup" ,
+"\\alpha" : "\u03b1" ,
+"\\beta" : "\u03b2" ,
+"\\chi" : "\u03c7" ,
+"\\delta" : "\u03b4" ,
+"\\Delta" : "\u0394" ,
+"\\digamma" : "\u03dd" ,
+"\\epsilon" : "\u03f5" ,
+"\\eta" : "\u03b7" ,
+"\\gamma" : "\u03b3" ,
+"\\Gamma" : "\u0393" ,
+"\\iota" : "\u03b9" ,
+"\\kappa" : "\u03ba" ,
+"\\lambda" : "\u03bb" ,
+"\\Lambda" : "\u039b" ,
+"\\mu" : "\u03bc" ,
+"\\nu" : "\u03bd" ,
+"\\omega" : "\u03c9" ,
+"\\Omega" : "\u03a9" ,
+"\\phi" : "\u03c6" ,
+"\\Phi" : "\u03a6" ,
+"\\pi" : "\u03c0" ,
+"\\Pi" : "\u03a0" ,
+"\\psi" : "\u03c8" ,
+"\\Psi" : "\u03a8" ,
+"\\rho" : "\u03c1" ,
+"\\sigma" : "\u03c3" ,
+"\\Sigma" : "\u03a3" ,
+"\\tau" : "\u03c4" ,
+"\\theta" : "\u03b8" ,
+"\\Theta" : "\u0398" ,
+"\\upsilon" : "\u03c5" ,
+"\\Upsilon" : "\u03d2" ,
+"\\varepsilon" : "\u03b5" ,
+"\\varkappa" : "\u03f0" ,
+"\\varphi" : "\u03d5" ,
+"\\varpi" : "\u03d6" ,
+"\\varrho" : "\u03f1" ,
+"\\varsigma" : "\u03c2" ,
+"\\vartheta" : "\u03d1" ,
+"\\xi" : "\u03be" ,
+"\\Xi" : "\u039e" ,
+"\\zeta" : "\u03b6" ,
+"a" : "a" ,
+"b" : "b" ,
+"c" : "c" ,
+"d" : "d" ,
+"e" : "e" ,
+"f" : "f" ,
+"g" : "g" ,
+"h" : "h" ,
+"i" : "i" ,
+"j" : "j" ,
+"k" : "k" ,
+"l" : "l" ,
+"m" : "m" ,
+"n" : "n" ,
+"o" : "o" ,
+"p" : "p" ,
+"q" : "q" ,
+"r" : "r" ,
+"s" : "s" ,
+"t" : "t" ,
+"u" : "u" ,
+"v" : "v" ,
+"w" : "w" ,
+"x" : "x" ,
+"y" : "y" ,
+"z" : "z" ,
+"A" : "A" ,
+"B" : "B" ,
+"C" : "C" ,
+"D" : "D" ,
+"E" : "E" ,
+"F" : "F" ,
+"G" : "G" ,
+"H" : "H" ,
+"I" : "I" ,
+"J" : "J" ,
+"K" : "K" ,
+"L" : "L" ,
+"M" : "M" ,
+"N" : "N" ,
+"O" : "O" ,
+"P" : "P" ,
+"Q" : "Q" ,
+"R" : "R" ,
+"S" : "S" ,
+"T" : "T" ,
+"U" : "U" ,
+"V" : "V" ,
+"W" : "W" ,
+"X" : "X" ,
+"Y" : "Y" ,
+"Z" : "Z" ,
+"\\vdots" : "\u22ee" ,
+"\\hdots" : "\u2026" ,
+"\\ldots" : "\u2026" ,
+"\\dots" : "\u2026" ,
+"\\cdots" : "\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7" ,
+"\\dotsb" : "\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7" ,
+"\\dotsc" : "\u2026" ,
+"\\dotsi" : "\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5" ,
+"\\dotsm" : "\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5" ,
+"\\dotso" : "\u2026" ,
+"\\ddots" : "\u22f1" ,
+    // Common abbreviation for \mathbb letters
+"\\A" : "\uD835\uDD38" ,
+"\\bA" : "\uD835\uDD38" ,
+"\\B" : "\uD835\uDD39" ,
+"\\bB" : "\uD835\uDD39" ,
+"\\C" : "\u2102" ,
+"\\bC" : "\u2102" ,
+"\\D" : "\uD835\uDD3B" ,
+"\\bD" : "\uD835\uDD3B" ,
+"\\E" : "\uD835\uDD3C" ,
+"\\bE" : "\uD835\uDD3C" ,
+"\\F" : "\uD835\uDD3D" ,
+"\\bF" : "\uD835\uDD3D" ,
+"\\G" : "\uD835\uDD3E" ,
+"\\bG" : "\uD835\uDD3E" ,
+"\\H" : "\u210D" ,
+"\\bH" : "\u210D" ,
+"\\I" : "\uD835\uDD40" ,
+"\\bI" : "\uD835\uDD40" ,
+"\\J" : "\uD835\uDD41" ,
+"\\bJ" : "\uD835\uDD41" ,
+"\\K" : "\uD835\uDD42" ,
+"\\bK" : "\uD835\uDD42" ,
+"\\L" : "\uD835\uDD43" ,
+"\\bL" : "\uD835\uDD43" ,
+"\\M" : "\uD835\uDD44" ,
+"\\bM" : "\uD835\uDD44" ,
+"\\N" : "\u2115" ,
+"\\bN" : "\u2115" ,
+"\\O" : "\uD835\uDD46" ,
+"\\bO" : "\uD835\uDD46" ,
+"\\P" : "\u2119" ,
+"\\bP" : "\u2119" ,
+"\\Q" : "\u211A" ,
+"\\bQ" : "\u211A" ,
+"\\R" : "\u211D" ,
+"\\bR" : "\u211D" ,
+"\\S" : "\uD835\uDD4A" ,
+"\\bS" : "\uD835\uDD4A" ,
+"\\T" : "\uD835\uDD4B" ,
+"\\bT" : "\uD835\uDD4B" ,
+"\\U" : "\uD835\uDD4C" ,
+"\\bU" : "\uD835\uDD4C" ,
+"\\V" : "\uD835\uDD4D" ,
+"\\bV" : "\uD835\uDD4D" ,
+"\\W" : "\uD835\uDD4E" ,
+"\\bW" : "\uD835\uDD4E" ,
+"\\X" : "\uD835\uDD4F" ,
+"\\bX" : "\uD835\uDD4F" ,
+"\\Y" : "\uD835\uDD50" ,
+"\\bY" : "\uD835\uDD50" ,
+"\\Z" : "\u2124" ,
+"\\bZ" : "\u2124" ,
+    // Common abbreviations for \mathcal letters
+"\\cA" : "\uD835\uDC9C" ,
+"\\cB" : "\u212C" ,
+"\\cC" : "\uD835\uDC9E" ,
+"\\cD" : "\uD835\uDC9F" ,
+"\\cE" : "\u2130" ,
+"\\cF" : "\u2131" ,
+"\\cG" : "\uD835\uDCA2" ,
+"\\cH" : "\u210B" ,
+"\\cI" : "\u2110" ,
+"\\cJ" : "\uD835\uDCA5" ,
+"\\cK" : "\uD835\uDCA6" ,
+"\\cL" : "\u2112" ,
+"\\cM" : "\u2133" ,
+"\\cN" : "\uD835\uDCA9" ,
+"\\cO" : "\uD835\uDCAA" ,
+"\\OO" : "\uD835\uDCAA" ,
+"\\cP" : "\uD835\uDCAB" ,
+"\\cQ" : "\uD835\uDCAC" ,
+"\\cR" : "\u211B" ,
+"\\cS" : "\uD835\uDCAE" ,
+"\\cT" : "\uD835\uDCAF" ,
+"\\cU" : "\uD835\uDCB0" ,
+"\\cV" : "\uD835\uDCB1" ,
+"\\cW" : "\uD835\uDCB2" ,
+"\\cX" : "\uD835\uDCB3" ,
+"\\cY" : "\uD835\uDCB4" ,
+"\\cZ" : "\uD835\uDCB5" ,
+    // Common operators
+    "\\Pic" : "Pic" ,
+    "\\Spec" : "Spec" ,
+    "\\Proj" : "Proj" ,
+    // Misc
+"\\eps" : "\u03f5" ,
+var g_word_operators
+= {"\\arccos" : "arccos" ,
+"\\arcsin" : "arcsin" ,
+"\\arctan" : "arctan" ,
+"\\arg" : "arg" ,
+"\\cos" : "cos" ,
+"\\cosh" : "cosh" ,
+"\\cot" : "cot" ,
+"\\coth" : "coth" ,
+"\\csc" : "csc" ,
+"\\deg" : "deg" ,
+"\\det" : "det" ,
+"\\dim" : "dim" ,
+"\\exp" : "exp" ,
+"\\gcd" : "gcd" ,
+"\\hom" : "hom" ,
+"\\ker" : "ker" ,
+"\\lg" : "lg" ,
+"\\ln" : "ln" ,
+"\\log" : "log" ,
+"\\Pr" : "Pr" ,
+"\\sec" : "sec" ,
+"\\sin" : "sin" ,
+"\\sinh" : "sinh" ,
+"\\tan" : "tan" ,
+"\\tanh" : "tanh" ,
+var g_big_word_operators
+= {"\\inf" : "inf" ,
+"\\injlim" : "inj lim" ,
+"\\lim" : "lim" ,
+"\\liminf" : "lim inf" ,
+"\\limsup" : "lum sup" ,
+"\\max" : "max" ,
+"\\min" : "min" ,
+"\\projlim" : "proj lim" ,
+"\\sup" : "sup" ,
+var g_greek_letters
+= {"\\alpha" : "\u03b1" ,
+"\\beta" : "\u03b2" ,
+"\\chi" : "\u03c7" ,
+"\\delta" : "\u03b4" ,
+"\\Delta" : "\u0394" ,
+"\\digamma" : "\u03dd" ,
+"\\epsilon" : "\u03f5" ,
+"\\eta" : "\u03b7" ,
+"\\gamma" : "\u03b3" ,
+"\\Gamma" : "\u0393" ,
+"\\iota" : "\u03b9" ,
+"\\kappa" : "\u03ba" ,
+"\\lambda" : "\u03bb" ,
+"\\Lambda" : "\u039b" ,
+"\\mu" : "\u03bc" ,
+"\\nu" : "\u03bd" ,
+"\\omega" : "\u03c9" ,
+"\\Omega" : "\u03a9" ,
+"\\phi" : "\u03c6" ,
+"\\Phi" : "\u03a6" ,
+"\\pi" : "\u03c0" ,
+"\\Pi" : "\u03a0" ,
+"\\psi" : "\u03c8" ,
+"\\Psi" : "\u03a8" ,
+"\\rho" : "\u03c1" ,
+"\\sigma" : "\u03c3" ,
+"\\Sigma" : "\u03a3" ,
+"\\tau" : "\u03c4" ,
+"\\theta" : "\u03b8" ,
+"\\Theta" : "\u0398" ,
+"\\upsilon" : "\u03c5" ,
+"\\Upsilon" : "\u03d2" ,
+"\\varepsilon" : "\u03b5" ,
+"\\varkappa" : "\u03f0" ,
+"\\varphi" : "\u03d5" ,
+"\\varpi" : "\u03d6" ,
+"\\varrho" : "\u03f1" ,
+"\\varsigma" : "\u03c2" ,
+"\\vartheta" : "\u03d1" ,
+"\\xi" : "\u03be" ,
+"\\Xi" : "\u039e" ,
+"\\zeta" : "\u03b6" ,
+function v_fraction_to_mathml (tokens ) {
+ var v_numerator = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+ var v_denominator = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+ return result_element( "mfrac" ,0 , v_numerator , v_denominator ) ;
+function v_binom_to_mathml (tokens ) {
+ var v_top = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+ var v_bottom = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+ return result_element( "mrow" ,0 , result_element( "mo" ,0 , "(" ) , result_element( "mfrac" , 1
+, "linethickness" , "0" , v_top , v_bottom ) , result_element( "mo" ,0 , ")" ) ) ;
+function v_sqrt_to_mathml (tokens ) {
+ var v_index = v_optional_arg_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+ var v_object = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+ if( ( v_index != null ) ) {
+  return result_element( "mroot" ,0 , v_object , v_index ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+  return result_element( "msqrt" ,0 , v_object ) ;
+ }
+function v_parenthesized_operator (tokens , v_word ) {
+ var v_object = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+ if( ( v_word != null ) ) {
+  return result_element( "mrow" ,0 , result_element( "mo" ,0 , "(" ) , result_element( "mo" ,0 , v_word ) , v_object , result_element( "mo" ,0 , ")" ) ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+  return result_element( "mrow" ,0 , result_element( "mo" ,0 , "(" ) , v_object , result_element( "mo" ,0 , ")" ) ) ;
+ }
+function v_operatorname_to_mathml (tokens ) {
+ var v_result = result_element( "mo" ,0 , tokens.list[tokens.index] ) ;
+ tokens.index++;
+ return v_result ;
+function v_displaystyle_to_mathml (tokens ) {
+ var v_result = v_subexpr_chain_to_mathml (tokens , g_hard_stop_tokens
+) ;
+ return result_element( "mstyle" , 2
+, "displaystyle" , "true" , "scriptlevel" , "0" , v_result ) ;
+function v_displaymath_to_mathml (tokens ) {
+ var v_result = v_subexpr_chain_to_mathml (tokens , g_hard_stop_tokens
+) ;
+  v_finish_latex_block (tokens );
+ return result_element( "mstyle" , 2
+, "displaystyle" , "true" , "scriptlevel" , "0" , v_result ) ;
+function v_font_to_mathml (tokens , v_font_name ) {
+ if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] != "{" ) ) {
+  var v_result = result_element( "mi" , 1
+, "mathvariant" , v_font_name , tokens.list[tokens.index] ) ;
+  if( ( v_font_name == "normal" ) ) {
+   result_set_attr(
+v_result , "fontstyle" , "normal" );
+  }
+  tokens.index++;
+  return v_result ;
+ }
+ else {
+  var v_result = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+  result_set_attr(
+v_result , "mathvariant" , v_font_name );
+  if( ( v_font_name == "normal" ) ) {
+   result_set_attr(
+v_result , "fontstyle" , "normal" );
+  }
+  return v_result ;
+ }
+function v_old_font_to_mathml (tokens , v_font_name ) {
+ return result_element( "mstyle" , 2
+, "mathvariant" , v_font_name , "fontstyle" , ( ( v_font_name == "normal" ) ? "normal" : null ) , v_subexpr_chain_to_mathml (tokens , g_hard_stop_tokens
+) ) ;
+function v_size_to_mathml (tokens , v_min_size , v_max_size ) {
+ var v_result = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+ result_set_attr(
+v_result , "minsize" , v_min_size );
+ result_set_attr(
+v_result , "maxsize" , v_max_size );
+ return v_result ;
+function v_accent_to_mathml (tokens , v_char ) {
+ return result_element( "mover" , 1
+, "accent" , "true" , v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) , result_element( "mo" ,0 , v_char ) ) ;
+function v_matrix_to_mathml (tokens , v_open_delim , v_close_delim ) {
+ var v_mtable = v_matrix_to_mtable (tokens , result_element( "mtable" ,0) ) ;
+ if( ( ( v_open_delim != null )  ||  ( v_close_delim != null ) ) ) {
+  var v_mrow = result_element( "mrow" ,0) ;
+  if( ( v_open_delim != null ) ) {
+   result_element_append( v_mrow , result_element( "mo" ,0 , v_open_delim ) );
+  }
+  result_element_append( v_mrow , v_mtable );
+  if( ( v_close_delim != null ) ) {
+   result_element_append( v_mrow , result_element( "mo" ,0 , v_close_delim ) );
+  }
+  return v_mrow ;
+ }
+ else {
+  return v_mtable ;
+ }
+function v_array_to_mathml (tokens ) {
+ var v_mtable = result_element( "mtable" ,0) ;
+ if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "{" ) ) {
+  tokens.index++;
+  while( ( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] != null )  &&  ( tokens.list[tokens.index] != "}" ) ) ) {
+   if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "c" ) ) {
+    result_append_attr(
+v_mtable , "columnalign" , "center " );
+   }
+   else if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "l" ) ) {
+    result_append_attr(
+v_mtable , "columnalign" , "left " );
+   }
+   else if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "r" ) ) {
+    result_append_attr(
+v_mtable , "columnalign" , "right " );
+   }
+   tokens.index++;
+  }
+  if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] != null ) ) {
+   tokens.index++;
+  }
+ }
+ return v_matrix_to_mtable (tokens , v_mtable ) ;
+function v_matrix_to_mtable (tokens , v_mtable ) {
+ var v_mtr = result_element( "mtr" ,0) ;
+ var v_mtd = result_element( "mtd" ,0) ;
+ var v_token = tokens.list[tokens.index] ;
+ result_element_append( v_mtable , v_mtr );
+ result_element_append( v_mtr , v_mtd );
+ while( ( ( v_token != null )  &&  ( v_token != "\\end" ) ) ) {
+  if( ( v_token == "\\\\" ) ) {
+    v_mtr = result_element( "mtr" ,0) ;
+    v_mtd = result_element( "mtd" ,0) ;
+   result_element_append( v_mtable , v_mtr );
+   result_element_append( v_mtr , v_mtd );
+   tokens.index++;
+  }
+  else if( ( v_token == "&" ) ) {
+    v_mtd = result_element( "mtd" ,0) ;
+   result_element_append( v_mtr , v_mtd );
+   tokens.index++;
+  }
+  else {
+   result_element_append( v_mtd , v_subexpr_chain_to_mathml (tokens , g_hard_stop_tokens
+) );
+  }
+   v_token = tokens.list[tokens.index] ;
+ }
+  v_finish_latex_block (tokens );
+ return v_mtable ;
+function v_over_to_mathml (tokens , v_char ) {
+ return result_element( "mover" ,0 , v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) , result_element( "mo" ,0 , v_char ) ) ;
+function v_under_to_mathml (tokens , v_char ) {
+ return result_element( "munder" ,0 , v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) , result_element( "mo" ,0 , v_char ) ) ;
+function v_delimiter_to_mathml (tokens , v_end_command , v_min_size , v_max_size ) {
+ var v_mrow = result_element( "mrow" ,0) ;
+ result_element_append( v_mrow , result_element( "mo" , 2
+, "minsize" , v_min_size , "maxsize" , v_max_size , v_read_delimiter (tokens ) ) );
+ result_element_append( v_mrow , v_subexpr_chain_to_mathml (tokens , g_hard_stop_tokens
+) );
+ if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] != v_end_command ) ) {
+  return v_mrow ;
+ }
+ tokens.index++;
+ result_element_append( v_mrow , result_element( "mo" , 2
+, "minsize" , v_min_size , "maxsize" , v_max_size , v_read_delimiter (tokens ) ) );
+ return v_mrow ;
+function v_read_delimiter (tokens ) {
+ var v_token = tokens.list[tokens.index] ;
+ if( ( v_token == null ) ) {
+  throw "unexpected eof" ;
+ }
+ else if( ( v_token == "." ) ) {
+  tokens.index++;
+  return "" ;
+ }
+ else if( ( v_token == "<" ) ) {
+  tokens.index++;
+  return "\u2329" ;
+ }
+ else if( ( v_token == ">" ) ) {
+  tokens.index++;
+  return "\u232a" ;
+ }
+ else if( ( v_token in g_punct_and_space
+) ) {
+  tokens.index++;
+  return g_punct_and_space
+[ v_token ] ;
+ }
+ else if( ( v_token in g_left_delimiters
+) ) {
+  tokens.index++;
+  return g_left_delimiters
+[ v_token ] ;
+ }
+ else if( ( v_token in g_right_delimiters
+) ) {
+  tokens.index++;
+  return g_right_delimiters
+[ v_token ] ;
+ }
+ else if( ( v_token in g_operator_symbols
+) ) {
+  tokens.index++;
+  return g_operator_symbols
+[ v_token ] ;
+ }
+ else {
+  throw "invalid delimiter" ;
+ }
+function v_latex_block_to_mathml (tokens ) {
+  v_cmd = tokens.list[tokens.index] ;
+ if( ( v_cmd in g_tex_environments
+) ) {
+  tokens.index++;
+  return g_tex_environments
+[ v_cmd ] (tokens ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+  throw "unknown command" ;
+ }
+function v_finish_latex_block (tokens ) {
+ if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == null ) ) {
+  throw "unexpected eof" ;
+ }
+ tokens.index++;
+ tokens.index++;
+function v_combining_to_mathml (tokens , v_char ) {
+ var v_base = tokens.list[tokens.index] ;
+ tokens.index++;
+ return result_element( "mo" ,0 , v_base , v_char ) ;
+var g_char_escape_codes
+= {"93" : "#" ,
+function v_char_escape_to_mathml (tokens ) {
+ var v_result = null ;
+ if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] in g_char_escape_codes
+) ) {
+   v_result = result_element( "mtext" ,0 , g_char_escape_codes
+[ tokens.list[tokens.index] ] ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+   v_result = result_element( "merror" ,0 , "\\char" , tokens.list[tokens.index] ) ;
+ }
+ tokens.index++;
+ return v_result ;
+function v_text_to_mathml (tokens ) {
+ if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] != "{" ) ) {
+  var v_result = result_element( "mtext" ,0 , tokens.list[tokens.index] ) ;
+  tokens.index++;
+  return v_result ;
+ }
+ tokens.index++;
+ var v_result = null ;
+ var v_mrow = null ;
+ var v_node = null ;
+ while( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] != null ) ) {
+  if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "}" ) ) {
+   tokens.index++;
+   return v_result ;
+  }
+  else if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "$" ) ) {
+   tokens.index++;
+    v_node = v_subexpr_chain_to_mathml (tokens , g_hard_stop_tokens
+) ;
+   tokens.index++;
+  }
+  else {
+    v_node = result_element( "mtext" ,0 , tokens.list[tokens.index] ) ;
+   tokens.index++;
+  }
+  if( ( v_mrow != null ) ) {
+   result_element_append( v_mrow , v_node );
+  }
+  else if( ( v_result != null ) ) {
+    v_mrow = result_element( "mrow" ,0 , v_result , v_node ) ;
+    v_result = v_mrow ;
+  }
+  else {
+    v_result = v_node ;
+  }
+ }
+ return v_result ;
+var g_tex_commands
+= {
+"\\frac" : v_fraction_to_mathml ,
+"\\dfrac" : v_fraction_to_mathml ,
+"\\tfrac" : v_fraction_to_mathml ,
+"\\binom" : v_binom_to_mathml ,
+"\\sqrt" : v_sqrt_to_mathml ,
+"\\operatorname" : v_operatorname_to_mathml ,
+"\\displaystyle" : v_displaystyle_to_mathml ,
+"\\pod" : function(tokens ) {return v_parenthesized_operator (tokens , null ) ;} ,
+"\\pmod" : function(tokens ) {return v_parenthesized_operator (tokens , "mod" ) ;} ,
+"\\boldsymbol" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "bold" ) ;} ,
+"\\bold" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "bold" ) ;} ,
+"\\Bbb" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "double-struck" ) ;} ,
+"\\mathbb" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "double-struck" ) ;} ,
+"\\mathbbmss" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "double-struck" ) ;} ,
+"\\mathbf" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "bold" ) ;} ,
+"\\mathop" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "normal" ) ;} ,
+"\\mathopen" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "normal" ) ;} ,
+"\\mathclose" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "normal" ) ;} ,
+"\\mathrm" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "normal" ) ;} ,
+"\\mathfrak" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "fraktur" ) ;} ,
+"\\germ" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "fraktur" ) ;} ,
+"\\mathit" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "italic" ) ;} ,
+"\\mathscr" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "script" ) ;} ,
+"\\scr" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "script" ) ;} ,
+"\\mathcal" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "script" ) ;} ,
+"\\mathsf" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "sans-serif" ) ;} ,
+"\\mathtt" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "monospace" ) ;} ,
+"\\EuScript" : function(tokens ) {return v_font_to_mathml (tokens , "script" ) ;} ,
+"\\bf" : function(tokens ) {return v_old_font_to_mathml (tokens , "bold" ) ;} ,
+"\\rm" : function(tokens ) {return v_old_font_to_mathml (tokens , "normal" ) ;} ,
+"\\roman" : function(tokens ) {return v_old_font_to_mathml (tokens , "normal" ) ;} ,
+"\\tag" : function(tokens ) {return v_old_font_to_mathml (tokens , "bold" ) ;} ,
+"\\big" : function(tokens ) {return v_size_to_mathml (tokens , "2" , "2" ) ;} ,
+"\\Big" : function(tokens ) {return v_size_to_mathml (tokens , "3" , "3" ) ;} ,
+"\\bigg" : function(tokens ) {return v_size_to_mathml (tokens , "4" , "4" ) ;} ,
+"\\Bigg" : function(tokens ) {return v_size_to_mathml (tokens , "5" , "5" ) ;} ,
+"\\acute" : function(tokens ) {return v_accent_to_mathml (tokens , "\u0301" ) ;} ,
+"\\grave" : function(tokens ) {return v_accent_to_mathml (tokens , "\u0300" ) ;} ,
+"\\tilde" : function(tokens ) {return v_accent_to_mathml (tokens , "\u0303" ) ;} ,
+"\\bar" : function(tokens ) {return v_accent_to_mathml (tokens , "\u0304" ) ;} ,
+"\\breve" : function(tokens ) {return v_accent_to_mathml (tokens , "\u0306" ) ;} ,
+"\\check" : function(tokens ) {return v_accent_to_mathml (tokens , "\u030c" ) ;} ,
+"\\hat" : function(tokens ) {return v_accent_to_mathml (tokens , "\u0302" ) ;} ,
+"\\vec" : function(tokens ) {return v_accent_to_mathml (tokens , "\u20d7" ) ;} ,
+"\\dot" : function(tokens ) {return v_accent_to_mathml (tokens , "\u0307" ) ;} ,
+"\\ddot" : function(tokens ) {return v_accent_to_mathml (tokens , "\u0308" ) ;} ,
+"\\dddot" : function(tokens ) {return v_accent_to_mathml (tokens , "\u20db" ) ;} ,
+"\\underbrace" : function(tokens ) {return v_under_to_mathml (tokens , "\ufe38" ) ;} ,
+"\\overbrace" : function(tokens ) {return v_over_to_mathml (tokens , "\ufe37" ) ;} ,
+"\\underline" : function(tokens ) {return v_under_to_mathml (tokens , "\u0332" ) ;} ,
+"\\overline" : function(tokens ) {return v_over_to_mathml (tokens , "\u00af" ) ;} ,
+"\\widetilde" : function(tokens ) {return v_over_to_mathml (tokens , "\u0303" ) ;} ,
+"\\widehat" : function(tokens ) {return v_over_to_mathml (tokens , "\u0302" ) ;} ,
+"\\not" : function(tokens ) {return v_combining_to_mathml (tokens , "\u0338" ) ;} ,
+"\\left" : function(tokens ) {return v_delimiter_to_mathml (tokens , "\\right" , "1" , null ) ;} ,
+"\\bigl" : function(tokens ) {return v_delimiter_to_mathml (tokens , "\\bigr" , "2" , "2" ) ;} ,
+"\\Bigl" : function(tokens ) {return v_delimiter_to_mathml (tokens , "\\Bigr" , "3" , "3" ) ;} ,
+"\\biggl" : function(tokens ) {return v_delimiter_to_mathml (tokens , "\\biggr" , "4" , "4" ) ;} ,
+"\\Biggl" : function(tokens ) {return v_delimiter_to_mathml (tokens , "\\Biggr" , "5" , "5" ) ;} ,
+"\\char" : v_char_escape_to_mathml ,
+"\\!" : function(tokens ) {return null ;} ,
+"\\text" : v_text_to_mathml ,
+"\\textnormal" : v_text_to_mathml ,
+"\\textrm" : v_text_to_mathml ,
+"\\textsl" : v_text_to_mathml ,
+"\\textit" : v_text_to_mathml ,
+"\\texttt" : v_text_to_mathml ,
+"\\textbf" : v_text_to_mathml ,
+"\\hbox" : v_text_to_mathml ,
+"\\mbox" : v_text_to_mathml ,
+"\\begin" : v_latex_block_to_mathml ,
+var g_tex_environments
+= {"smallmatrix" : function(tokens ) {return v_matrix_to_mathml (tokens , "(" , ")" ) ;} ,
+"pmatrix" : function(tokens ) {return v_matrix_to_mathml (tokens , "(" , ")" ) ;} ,
+"bmatrix" : function(tokens ) {return v_matrix_to_mathml (tokens , "[" , "]" ) ;} ,
+"Bmatrix" : function(tokens ) {return v_matrix_to_mathml (tokens , "{" , "}" ) ;} ,
+"vmatrix" : function(tokens ) {return v_matrix_to_mathml (tokens , "|" , "|" ) ;} ,
+"Vmatrix" : function(tokens ) {return v_matrix_to_mathml (tokens , "\u2016" , "\u2016" ) ;} ,
+"cases" : function(tokens ) {return v_matrix_to_mathml (tokens , "{" , null ) ;} ,
+"array" : v_array_to_mathml ,
+"displaymath" : v_displaymath_to_mathml ,
+var g_limit_commands
+= {"\\bigcap" : "\u22c2" ,
+"\\bigcup" : "\u22c3" ,
+"\\bigodot" : "\u2a00" ,
+"\\bigoplus" : "\u2a01" ,
+"\\bigotimes" : "\u2a02" ,
+"\\bigsqcup" : "\u2a06" ,
+"\\biguplus" : "\u2a04" ,
+"\\bigvee" : "\u22c1" ,
+"\\bigwedge" : "\u22c0" ,
+"\\coprod" : "\u2210" ,
+"\\prod" : "\u220f" ,
+"\\sum" : "\u2211" ,
+"\\inf" : "inf" ,
+"\\injlim" : "inj lim" ,
+"\\lim" : "lim" ,
+"\\liminf" : "lim inf" ,
+"\\limsup" : "lum sup" ,
+"\\max" : "max" ,
+"\\min" : "min" ,
+"\\projlim" : "proj lim" ,
+"\\sup" : "sup" ,
+"\\underbrace" : null ,
+"\\overbrace" : null ,
+"\\underline" : null ,
+"\\overline" : null ,
+function v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) {
+ var v_token = tokens.list[tokens.index] ;
+ var v_result = null ;
+ if( ( v_token == "{" ) ) {
+  tokens.index++;
+   v_result = v_subexpr_chain_to_mathml (tokens , g_hard_stop_tokens
+) ;
+  if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "}" ) ) {
+   tokens.index++;
+  }
+ }
+ else if( ( v_token in g_relation_symbols
+) ) {
+   v_result = result_element( "mo" ,0 , g_relation_symbols
+[ v_token ] ) ;
+  tokens.index++;
+ }
+ else if( ( v_token in g_operator_symbols
+) ) {
+   v_result = result_element( "mo" ,0 , g_operator_symbols
+[ v_token ] ) ;
+  tokens.index++;
+ }
+ else if( ( v_token in g_left_delimiters
+) ) {
+   v_result = result_element( "mo" ,0 , g_left_delimiters
+[ v_token ] ) ;
+  tokens.index++;
+ }
+ else if( ( v_token in g_right_delimiters
+) ) {
+   v_result = result_element( "mo" ,0 , g_right_delimiters
+[ v_token ] ) ;
+  tokens.index++;
+ }
+ else if( ( v_token in g_word_operators
+) ) {
+   v_result = result_element( "mi" , 1
+, "mathvariant" , "normal" , g_word_operators
+[ v_token ] ) ;
+  tokens.index++;
+ }
+ else if( ( v_token in g_greek_letters
+) ) {
+   v_result = result_element( "mi" , 1
+, "fontstyle" , "normal" , g_greek_letters
+[ v_token ] ) ;
+  tokens.index++;
+ }
+ else if( ( v_token in g_named_identifiers
+) ) {
+   v_result = result_element( "mi" ,0 , g_named_identifiers
+[ v_token ] ) ;
+  tokens.index++;
+ }
+ else if( ( v_token in g_punct_and_space
+) ) {
+   v_result = result_element( "mtext" ,0 , g_punct_and_space
+[ v_token ] ) ;
+  tokens.index++;
+ }
+ else if( ( v_token in g_tex_commands
+) ) {
+  tokens.index++;
+   v_result = g_tex_commands
+[ v_token ] (tokens ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+   v_result = result_element( "mn" ,0 , v_token ) ;
+  tokens.index++;
+ }
+ return v_result ;
+function v_subexpr_to_mathml (tokens ) {
+ var v_result = null ;
+ var v_mmultiscripts = null ;
+ var v_mprescripts = null ;
+ if( ( ( tokens.list[tokens.length<=tokens.index+ 0 ? tokens.length-1 : tokens.index+ 0 ]
+== "{" )  &&  ( tokens.list[tokens.length<=tokens.index+ 1 ? tokens.length-1 : tokens.index+ 1 ]
+== "}" )  &&  ( ( tokens.list[tokens.length<=tokens.index+ 2 ? tokens.length-1 : tokens.index+ 2 ]
+== "_" )  ||  ( tokens.list[tokens.length<=tokens.index+ 2 ? tokens.length-1 : tokens.index+ 2 ]
+== "^" ) ) ) ) {
+   v_mmultiscripts = result_element( "mmultiscripts" ,0) ;
+   v_mprescripts = result_element( "mprescripts" ,0) ;
+  result_element_append( v_mmultiscripts , v_mprescripts );
+  while( ( ( tokens.list[tokens.length<=tokens.index+ 0 ? tokens.length-1 : tokens.index+ 0 ]
+== "{" )  &&  ( tokens.list[tokens.length<=tokens.index+ 1 ? tokens.length-1 : tokens.index+ 1 ]
+== "}" )  &&  ( ( tokens.list[tokens.length<=tokens.index+ 2 ? tokens.length-1 : tokens.index+ 2 ]
+== "_" )  ||  ( tokens.list[tokens.length<=tokens.index+ 2 ? tokens.length-1 : tokens.index+ 2 ]
+== "^" ) ) ) ) {
+   var v_subscript = null ;
+   var v_superscript = null ;
+   tokens.index++;
+   tokens.index++;
+   if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "_" ) ) {
+    tokens.index++;
+     v_subscript = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+   }
+   else if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "^" ) ) {
+    tokens.index++;
+     v_superscript = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+   }
+   if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "_" ) ) {
+    tokens.index++;
+     v_subscript = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+   }
+   else if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "^" ) ) {
+    tokens.index++;
+     v_superscript = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+   }
+   result_element_append( v_mmultiscripts , ( ( v_subscript != null ) ? v_subscript : result_element( "none" ,0) ) );
+   result_element_append( v_mmultiscripts , ( ( v_superscript != null ) ? v_superscript : result_element( "none" ,0) ) );
+  }
+ }
+ var v_limit_style = ( tokens.list[tokens.index] in g_limit_commands
+) ;
+ if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == null ) ) {
+  if( ( v_mmultiscripts != null ) ) {
+   result_element_prepend( v_mmultiscripts , result_element( "mrow" ,0) , v_mprescripts );
+   return v_mmultiscripts ;
+  }
+  else {
+   return result_element( "mrow" ,0) ;
+  }
+ }
+ else if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] in g_left_delimiters
+) ) {
+   v_result = v_heuristic_subexpression (tokens ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+   v_result = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+ }
+ var v_base = v_result ;
+ var v_subscript = null ;
+ var v_superscript = null ;
+ if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "_" ) ) {
+  tokens.index++;
+   v_subscript = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+ }
+ else if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "^" ) ) {
+  tokens.index++;
+   v_superscript = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+ }
+ if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "_" ) ) {
+  tokens.index++;
+   v_subscript = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+ }
+ else if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "^" ) ) {
+  tokens.index++;
+   v_superscript = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+ }
+ if( ( v_mmultiscripts != null ) ) {
+  result_element_prepend( v_mmultiscripts , v_base , v_mprescripts );
+  result_element_prepend( v_mmultiscripts , ( ( v_subscript != null ) ? v_subscript : result_element( "none" ,0) ) , v_mprescripts );
+  result_element_prepend( v_mmultiscripts , ( ( v_superscript != null ) ? v_superscript : result_element( "none" ,0) ) , v_mprescripts );
+ }
+ while( ( ( tokens.list[tokens.length<=tokens.index+ 0 ? tokens.length-1 : tokens.index+ 0 ]
+== "{" )  &&  ( tokens.list[tokens.length<=tokens.index+ 1 ? tokens.length-1 : tokens.index+ 1 ]
+== "}" )  &&  ( ( tokens.list[tokens.length<=tokens.index+ 2 ? tokens.length-1 : tokens.index+ 2 ]
+== "_" )  ||  ( tokens.list[tokens.length<=tokens.index+ 2 ? tokens.length-1 : tokens.index+ 2 ]
+== "^" ) ) ) ) {
+  if( ( v_mmultiscripts == null ) ) {
+    v_mmultiscripts = result_element( "mmultiscripts" ,0 , v_base ) ;
+    v_mprescripts = null ;
+   if( ( ( v_superscript != null )  ||  ( v_subscript != null ) ) ) {
+    result_element_append( v_mmultiscripts , ( ( v_subscript != null ) ? v_subscript : result_element( "none" ,0) ) );
+    result_element_append( v_mmultiscripts , ( ( v_superscript != null ) ? v_superscript : result_element( "none" ,0) ) );
+   }
+  }
+  var v_subscript = null ;
+  var v_superscript = null ;
+  tokens.index++;
+  tokens.index++;
+  if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "_" ) ) {
+   tokens.index++;
+    v_subscript = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+  }
+  else if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "^" ) ) {
+   tokens.index++;
+    v_superscript = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+  }
+  if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "_" ) ) {
+   tokens.index++;
+    v_subscript = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+  }
+  else if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "^" ) ) {
+   tokens.index++;
+    v_superscript = v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+  }
+  result_element_prepend( v_mmultiscripts , ( ( v_subscript != null ) ? v_subscript : result_element( "none" ,0) ) , v_mprescripts );
+  result_element_prepend( v_mmultiscripts , ( ( v_superscript != null ) ? v_superscript : result_element( "none" ,0) ) , v_mprescripts );
+ }
+ if( ( v_mmultiscripts != null ) ) {
+   v_result = v_mmultiscripts ;
+ }
+ else if( ( ( v_subscript != null )  &&  ( v_superscript != null ) ) ) {
+   v_result = result_element( ( v_limit_style ? "munderover" : "msubsup" ) ,0 , v_base , v_subscript , v_superscript ) ;
+ }
+ else if( ( v_subscript != null ) ) {
+   v_result = result_element( ( v_limit_style ? "munder" : "msub" ) ,0 , v_base , v_subscript ) ;
+ }
+ else if( ( v_superscript != null ) ) {
+   v_result = result_element( ( v_limit_style ? "mover" : "msup" ) ,0 , v_base , v_superscript ) ;
+ }
+ return v_result ;
+function v_subexpr_chain_to_mathml (tokens , v_stop_tokens ) {
+ var v_result = null ;
+ var v_mrow = null ;
+ var v_mfrac = null ;
+ var v_wrapped_result = null ;
+ while( ( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] != null )  &&  !( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] in v_stop_tokens ) ) ) ) {
+  if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "\\over" ) ) {
+   tokens.index++;
+    v_mfrac = result_element( "mfrac" ,0 , v_result ) ;
+    v_wrapped_result = v_mfrac ;
+    v_mrow = null ;
+    v_result = null ;
+  }
+  else if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "\\choose" ) ) {
+   tokens.index++;
+    v_mfrac = result_element( "mfrac" , 1
+, "linethickness" , "0" , v_result ) ;
+    v_wrapped_result = result_element( "mrow" ,0 , result_element( "mo" ,0 , "(" ) , v_mfrac , result_element( "mo" ,0 , ")" ) ) ;
+    v_mrow = null ;
+    v_result = null ;
+  }
+  else {
+   var v_node = v_collect_precedence_group (tokens , g_relations_precedence_group
+, v_stop_tokens , function(tokens , v_stop_tokens ) {return v_collect_precedence_group (tokens , g_addition_precedence_group
+, v_stop_tokens , function(tokens , v_stop_tokens ) {return v_collect_precedence_group (tokens , g_multiplication_precedence_group
+, v_stop_tokens , v_collect_invisible_group ) ;} ) ;} ) ;
+   if( ( v_mrow != null ) ) {
+    result_element_append( v_mrow , v_node );
+   }
+   else if( ( v_result != null ) ) {
+     v_mrow = result_element( "mrow" ,0 , v_result , v_node ) ;
+     v_result = v_mrow ;
+   }
+   else {
+     v_result = v_node ;
+   }
+  }
+ }
+ if( ( v_mfrac != null ) ) {
+  result_element_append( v_mfrac , v_result );
+  return v_wrapped_result ;
+ }
+ else {
+  return v_result ;
+ }
+var g_optional_arg_stop_tokens
+= {"&" : null ,
+"\\\\" : null ,
+"}" : null ,
+"$" : null ,
+"\\end" : null ,
+"\\right" : null ,
+"\\bigr" : null ,
+"\\Bigr" : null ,
+"\\biggr" : null ,
+"\\Biggr" : null ,
+"\\choose" : null ,
+"\\over" : null ,
+"]" : null ,
+function v_optional_arg_to_mathml (tokens ) {
+ if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] != "[" ) ) {
+  return null ;
+ }
+ tokens.index++;
+ var v_result = v_subexpr_chain_to_mathml (tokens , g_optional_arg_stop_tokens
+) ;
+ if( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] == "]" ) ) {
+  tokens.index++;
+ }
+ return v_result ;
+var g_hard_stop_tokens
+= {"&" : null ,
+"\\\\" : null ,
+"}" : null ,
+"$" : null ,
+"\\end" : null ,
+"\\right" : null ,
+"\\bigr" : null ,
+"\\Bigr" : null ,
+"\\biggr" : null ,
+"\\Biggr" : null ,
+"\\choose" : null ,
+"\\over" : null ,
+var g_right_delimiter_stop_tokens
+= {"&" : null ,
+"\\\\" : null ,
+"}" : null ,
+"$" : null ,
+"\\end" : null ,
+"\\right" : null ,
+"\\bigr" : null ,
+"\\Bigr" : null ,
+"\\biggr" : null ,
+"\\Biggr" : null ,
+"\\choose" : null ,
+"\\over" : null ,
+")" : ")" ,
+"]" : "]" ,
+"\\}" : "}" ,
+"\\rbrace" : "}" ,
+"\\rgroup" : ")" ,
+"\\rvert" : "|" ,
+"\\rVert" : "\u2016" ,
+"\\rceil" : "\u2309" ,
+"\\rfloor" : "\u230b" ,
+"\\rmoustache" : "\u23b1" ,
+"\\rangle" : "\u232a" ,
+function v_heuristic_subexpression (tokens ) {
+ var v_result = result_element( "mrow" ,0) ;
+ result_element_append( v_result , v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) );
+ result_element_append( v_result , v_subexpr_chain_to_mathml (tokens , g_right_delimiter_stop_tokens
+) );
+ if( ( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] != null )  &&  !( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] in g_hard_stop_tokens
+) ) ) ) {
+  result_element_append( v_result , v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) );
+ }
+ return v_result ;
+var g_relations_precedence_group
+= g_relation_symbols
+var g_addition_precedence_group
+= {"+" : null ,
+"-" : null ,
+"\\oplus" : null ,
+var g_multiplication_precedence_group
+= {"*" : null ,
+"\\times" : null ,
+"\\cdot" : null ,
+"/" : null ,
+function v_collect_precedence_group (tokens , v_operators , v_stop_tokens , v_reader ) {
+ var v_result = v_reader (tokens , v_stop_tokens ) ;
+ var v_mrow = null ;
+ while( ( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] != null )  &&  !( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] in v_stop_tokens ) )  &&  ( tokens.list[tokens.index] in v_operators ) ) ) {
+  if( ( v_mrow == null ) ) {
+    v_mrow = result_element( "mrow" ,0 , v_result ) ;
+    v_result = v_mrow ;
+  }
+  result_element_append( v_mrow , v_piece_to_mathml (tokens ) );
+  if( ( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] != null )  &&  ( tokens.list[tokens.index] in v_stop_tokens ) ) ) {
+   return v_result ;
+  }
+  else {
+   result_element_append( v_mrow , v_reader (tokens , v_stop_tokens ) );
+  }
+ }
+ return v_result ;
+function v_collect_invisible_group (tokens , v_stop_tokens ) {
+ var v_result = v_subexpr_to_mathml (tokens ) ;
+ var v_mrow = null ;
+ while( ( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] != null )  &&  !( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] in v_stop_tokens ) )  &&  ( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] in g_named_identifiers
+)  ||  ( tokens.list[tokens.index] in g_left_delimiters
+) ) ) ) {
+  if( ( v_mrow == null ) ) {
+    v_mrow = result_element( "mrow" ,0 , v_result ) ;
+    v_result = v_mrow ;
+  }
+  result_element_append( v_mrow , result_element( "mo" ,0 , "\u2062" ) );
+  if( ( ( tokens.list[tokens.index] != null )  &&  ( tokens.list[tokens.index] in v_stop_tokens ) ) ) {
+   return v_result ;
+  }
+  else {
+   result_element_append( v_mrow , v_subexpr_to_mathml (tokens ) );
+  }
+ }
+ return v_result ;
+var/*const*/ tokenize_re = /(\\begin|\\operatorname|\\mathrm|\\mathop|\\end)\s*\{\s*([A-Z a-z]+)\s*\}|(\\[a-zA-Z]+|\\[\\#\{\},:;!])|(\s+)|([0-9\.]+)|([\$!"#%&'()*+,-.\/:;<=>?\[\]^_`\{\|\}~])|([a-zA-Z])/g;
+var/*const*/ tokenize_text_re = /[\${}\\]|\\[a-zA-Z]+|[^{}\$]+/g;
+var/*const*/ tokenize_text_commands = {
+  '\\textrm': 1,
+  '\\textsl': 1,
+  '\\textit': 1,
+  '\\texttt': 1,
+  '\\textbf': 1,
+  '\\textnormal': 1,
+  '\\text': 1,
+  '\\hbox': 1,
+  '\\mbox': 1
+function tokenize_latex_math(input)
+  var result = new Array();
+  var in_text_mode = 0;
+  var brace_level = [];
+  var pos = 0;
+  if(input.charAt(0) == '$' && 
+     input.charAt(input.length-1) == '$')
+    input = input.slice(1, input.length-1);
+  while(1) {
+    if(!in_text_mode) {
+      tokenize_re.lastIndex = pos;
+      var m = tokenize_re.exec(input);
+      pos = tokenize_re.lastIndex;
+      if(m == null) {
+        return result;
+      } else if(m[1] != null) {
+        result.push(m[1], m[2]);
+      } else if(m[3] == '\\sp') {
+        result.push('^');
+      } else if(m[3] == '\\sb') {
+        result.push('_');
+      } else {
+        if(m[0] == '$') {
+          in_text_mode = 1;
+        } else if(m[4] != null) {
+          continue;
+        } else if(m[3] != null && m[3] in tokenize_text_commands) {
+          in_text_mode = 2;
+          brace_level.push(0);
+        } 
+        result.push(m[0]);
+      }
+    } else {
+      tokenize_text_re.lastIndex = pos;
+      var m = tokenize_text_re.exec(input);
+      pos = tokenize_text_re.lastIndex;
+      if(m == null) {
+        return result;
+      } else if(m[0] == '$') {
+        in_text_mode = 0;
+      } else if(m[0] == '{') {
+        brace_level[brace_level.length-1]++;
+      } else if(m[0] == '}') {
+        if(--brace_level[brace_level.length-1] <= 0) {
+          in_text_mode = 0;
+          brace_level.pop();
+        }
+      }
+      result.push(m[0]);
+    }
+  }
+function post_process_mathml(event)
+  var url = GM_getValue('click-post-url', null);
+  if(url == null)
+    return;
+  var ser = new XMLSerializer();
+  var xhr = GM_xmlhttpRequest({ 
+    method: 'POST',
+    url: url,
+    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8',
+               'Content-Location': document.location },
+    data: ser.serializeToString(event.currentTarget),
+    onerror: function(details) {
+      alert("There was an error processing the request. " +
+            "HTTP status code " + details.status + ' ' + details.statusText);
+    },
+    onload: function(details) {
+      window.status = "Successfully posted MathML.  Status: " 
+            + details.status + ' ' + details.statusText;
+    }});
+  window.status = "Posting MathML to " + url + "...";
+function patch_img(node)
+    if(node.currentTarget)
+    node = node.currentTarget;
+  var alt = node.getAttribute('alt');
+  if(alt == null || 
+     /^\\includegraphics|^\$\\displaystyle \\xymatrix/.test(alt))
+    return;
+  var latex_string = null;
+  if((node.parentNode.tagName == 'DIV' && 
+      node.parentNode.getAttribute('CLASS') == 'mathdisplay')
+     || (node.parentNode.tagName == 'SPAN' &&
+         node.parentNode.getAttribute('CLASS') == 'MATH'))
+  {
+    var parent = node.parentNode;
+    var previous = parent.previousSibling;
+    var/*const*/ non_whitespace = /[^\s]/;
+        if(previous &&
+       previous.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE &&
+       !non_whitespace.test(
+      previous = previous.previousSibling;
+        if(previous &&
+       previous.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
+       previous.tagName == 'P' &&
+       previous.lastChild) 
+    {
+      previous = previous.lastChild;
+      if(previous &&
+         previous.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE &&
+         !non_whitespace.test(
+        previous = previous.previousSibling;
+    }
+        if(previous &&
+       previous.nodeType == node.COMMENT_NODE) {
+      latex_string =^\s*MATH\s*/, '')
+                                  .replace(/\s+$/, '');
+    }
+  }
+  if(!latex_string && /^\$.+\$$/.test(alt)
+     && !(/\.{3} \.{3}/.test(alt)))
+  {
+    latex_string = alt;
+  }
+  if(latex_string == null)
+    return;
+  tokens = new Object();
+  tokens.list = tokenize_latex_math(latex_string);
+  tokens.list.push(null);
+  tokens.index = 0;
+  var mathml = null;
+  try {
+    var mrow = v_subexpr_chain_to_mathml(tokens, {});
+    fix_mathvariant(mrow, null);
+    mathml = document.createElementNS(mmlns, 'math');
+    mathml.setAttribute("latex", latex_string);
+    mathml.setAttribute("mathvariant", "normal");
+    mathml.appendChild(mrow);
+    mathml.addEventListener("click", post_process_mathml, false);
+  } catch(e) {
+    GM_log("Display LaTeX failed with error " + e + " on " + latex_string);
+  }
+  if(mathml == null)
+    return;
+  node.parentNode.replaceChild(mathml, node);
+function patch_text(node0) 
+  var text = node0.nodeValue;
+  var results = /\$[^$]+\$|\[tex\](.+?)\[\/tex\]/.exec(text);
+  if(results) {
+    var latex_string = (results[1] == null ? results[0] : '$'+results[1]+'$');
+  tokens = new Object();
+  tokens.list = tokenize_latex_math(latex_string);
+  tokens.list.push(null);
+  tokens.index = 0;
+  var mathml = null;
+  try {
+    var mrow = v_subexpr_chain_to_mathml(tokens, {});
+    fix_mathvariant(mrow, null);
+    mathml = document.createElementNS(mmlns, 'math');
+    mathml.setAttribute("latex", latex_string);
+    mathml.setAttribute("mathvariant", "normal");
+    mathml.appendChild(mrow);
+    mathml.addEventListener("click", post_process_mathml, false);
+  } catch(e) {
+    GM_log("Display LaTeX failed with error " + e + " on " + latex_string);
+  }
+    if(mathml == null)
+      return;
+    var node2 = node0.splitText(results.index);
+    node2.deleteData(0, results[0].length);
+    node2.parentNode.insertBefore(mathml, node2);
+    patch_text(node2);
+  }
+function patch_element(node)
+  if(node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE)
+    patch_text(node);
+  else if(node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE) {if(node.tagName == 'TEXTAREA' || node.tagName == 'textarea' || 
+       node.tagName == 'INPUT' || node.tagName == 'input' || 
+       node.tagName == 'SCRIPT' || node.tagName == 'script')
+      return;
+    if(do_patch_images && (node.tagName == 'IMG' || node.tagName == 'img')) {
+      if(!delayed_patch)
+        patch_img(node);
+      else
+        node.addEventListener("click", patch_img, false);
+      return;
+    }
+    var child = node.firstChild;
+    while(child) {
+      var next = child.nextSibling;
+      if (child.className == 'stopLatex2mml') {
+          break;
+      }
+      patch_element(child);
+      child = next;
+    }
+  }
+this.patch_element = patch_element;
+var do_patch_images = GM_getValue("patch-images", false);
+var delayed_patch = GM_getValue("delayed-patch", false);
+var do_patch_images = true;
+var delayed_patch = false;
+if( va_view == 'web' ){
+    patch_element(document.documentElement);
+Deck JS - deck.simplemath
+Copyright (c) 2012 Rémi Emonet,
+using a modified version of the script from by Steve Cheng
+This module provides a support for latex equation syntax.
+(function($, deck, undefined) {
+    var $d = $(document);
+    var may = function(f) {return f ? f : function() {}};
+    $d.bind('deck.init', function() {
+        var container = $[deck]('getContainer');
+        $('.latex', container).each(function() {
+            var it = this;
+            var v = $(it).text();
+            it.innerHTML = "$\\displaystyle "+v+"$";
+            new latex2mml().patch_element(it);
+        });
+    });
+})(jQuery, 'deck');
+Deck JS - deck.clone
+Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Rémi Emonet, original version from Rémi BARRAQUAND
+Licensed under the MIT license.
+This module provides a support for cloning the deck and enabling a presenter view.
+It also provides the behavior that copies the current "notes" to a "notes-target", to be used in the presenter view.
+(function($, deck, undefined) {
+    var $d = $(document);
+    var clones = new Array();
+    $.extend(true, $[deck].defaults, {	
+        selectors: {
+            clonepointer: '.clonepointer',
+            cloneNotes: '.notes',
+            cloneNotesTarget: '.notes-target'
+        },
+        classes: {
+            isClone: 'is-clone',
+            hasClones: 'has-clones',
+            pointerClick: 'pointer-click'
+        },
+        snippets: {
+            clone: true
+        },
+        keys: {
+            clone: 67 // c
+        },
+        fitFollowsClone: true
+    });
+    var hadClones = false;
+    var cleanClones = function() {
+        var opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+        // remove closed windows
+        $.each(clones, function(index, clone) {
+            if (clone.closed()) {
+                clones.splice(index, 1); // remove element "index"
+            }
+        });
+        // tag/untag the current container depending on the presence of clones
+        if (clones.length > 0) {
+            $("body").addClass(opts.classes.hasClones);
+            if (opts.fitFollowsClone && !hadClones) $[deck]('disableScale');
+            hadClones = true;
+        } else {
+            $("body").removeClass(opts.classes.hasClones);
+            if (opts.fitFollowsClone && hadClones) $[deck]('enableScale');
+            hadClones = false;
+        }
+    };
+    /*
+      jQuery.deck('addClone')
+      Create a clone of this window and add it to the clones list.
+    */
+    $[deck]('extend', 'addClone', function() {
+        clone = new DeckClone();
+        clones.push(clone);
+        cleanClones();
+        return clone;
+    });
+    $[deck]('extend', 'cleanClones', function() { // to be triggered by the closing of a clone window
+        setTimeout(cleanClones, 1);
+    });
+    $[deck]('extend', 'pointerAt', function(rx, ry) {
+        var pos = {left: (rx*100)+"%", top: (ry*100)+"%"};
+        var opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+        var current = $[deck]('getToplevelSlideOf', $[deck]('getSlide')).node; // actually uses the step extension
+        var pointers = $(opts.selectors.clonepointer);
+        if (! { // move them within the new slide if it changed
+  ;
+        }
+        pointers.css(pos);
+        // using % position instead of ".offset" as there are jitter/glitches with it
+    });
+    $[deck]('extend', 'pointerDown', function() {
+        var opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+        var pointers = $(opts.selectors.clonepointer);
+        pointers.addClass(opts.classes.pointerClick);
+    });
+    $[deck]('extend', 'pointerUp', function() {
+        var opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+        var pointers = $(opts.selectors.clonepointer);
+        pointers.removeClass(opts.classes.pointerClick);
+    });
+    var isClone = false;
+    var parentDeck = null;
+    /*
+      jQuery.deck('Init')
+    */
+    $d.bind('deck.init', function() {
+        var opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+        var container = $[deck]('getContainer');
+        if (opts.snippets.clone) {
+            var d = function() {return $('<div/>');}
+            d().addClass("clonepointer scale-on-click").append(
+                d().attr("style", "border: 2px solid red; border-radius: 50%; z-index:10;"
+                         +"margin: -11px 0 0 -11px; width:20px; height:20px; opacity: .5;")
+                ).appendTo(container);
+            d().addClass("clonepointer scale-on-click").append(
+                d().attr("style", "border: 2px solid red; border-radius: 50%; z-index:10;"
+                         +"margin: -16px 0 0 -16px; width:30px; height:30px;")
+                ).appendTo(container);
+            d().addClass(opts.selectors.cloneNotesTarget.replace(/\./, ''))
+                .appendTo(container);
+        }
+        $(opts.selectors.clonepointer).hide();
+        function safeIsClone(w) {
+            try {
+                return w.opener && w.opener.___iscloner___;
+            } catch(e) {
+                // when linked from another origin, there is an opener
+                // but accessing its properties throws a security exception
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        isClone = safeIsClone(window);
+        if (isClone) { // it's a clone!
+            $("body").addClass(opts.classes.isClone);
+            $(".anim-continue", container).removeClass("anim-continue"); // friend with anim extension
+            window.___fromparent___ = false;
+            parentDeck = function() {
+                if (! window.___fromparent___) {
+                    window.opener.$.deck.apply(window.opener.$, arguments);
+                }
+            }
+            $(window).on('unload', function() {
+                parentDeck('cleanClones');
+            });
+        } else { // it is a normal window
+            /* bind clone key events */
+            $d.unbind('keydown.deckclone').bind('keydown.deckclone', function(e) {
+                if (e.which === opts.keys.clone || $.inArray(e.which, opts.keys.clone) > -1) {
+                    if (e.ctrlKey) return; // do not trigger on Ctrl+C (by default)
+                    $[deck]('addClone');
+                    window.___iscloner___ = true;
+                    e.preventDefault();
+                }
+            });
+        }
+    })
+    /* Update current slide number with each change event */
+    .bind('deck.change', function(e, from, to) {
+        if (isClone) {
+            parentDeck('go', to);
+        } else {
+            cleanClones();
+            $.each(clones, function(index, clone) {
+                clone.deck('go', to);
+            });
+            var opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+            var currentTopLevel = $[deck]('getToplevelSlideOf', $[deck]('getSlide', to)).node;
+            var notes = $(opts.selectors.cloneNotes, currentTopLevel).html();
+            if (notes === undefined) {
+                $(opts.selectors.cloneNotesTarget).html("");
+            } else {
+                $(opts.selectors.cloneNotesTarget).html(notes);
+            }
+        }
+    })
+    /* Replicate mouse cursor */
+    .bind('mousemove', function(e) {
+        if (isClone) return;
+        var current = $[deck]('getToplevelSlideOf', $[deck]('getSlide')).node; // actually uses the step extension (dependency can be removed if needed)
+        var r = current.get(0).getBoundingClientRect();
+        var x = (e.clientX - r.left) / r.width;
+        var y = (e.clientY - / r.height;
+        cleanClones();
+        if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > 1 || y > 1) return;
+        $.each(clones, function(index, clone) {
+            clone.deck('pointerAt', x, y);
+        });
+    })
+    .bind('mousedown', function(e) {
+        if (isClone) return;
+        cleanClones();
+        $.each(clones, function(index, clone) {
+            clone.deck('pointerDown');
+        });
+    })
+    .bind('mouseup', function(e) {
+        if (isClone) return;
+        cleanClones();
+        $.each(clones, function(index, clone) {
+            clone.deck('pointerUp');
+        });
+    });
+    /*
+        Simple Clone manager (must be improved, by for instance adding cloning
+        option e.g. propagate change, etc.)
+        */
+    var DeckClone = function() {
+        var clone =;
+        this.closed = function() {return clone.closed;}
+        this.deck = function() {
+            if (clone.closed) return;
+            if (clone.$) {
+                clone.___fromparent___ = true;
+                clone.$.deck.apply(clone.$, arguments);
+                clone.___fromparent___ = false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+})(jQuery, 'deck');
+Deck JS - deck.goto
+Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Caleb Troughton
+Dual licensed under the MIT license.
+This module adds the necessary methods and key bindings to show and hide a form
+for jumping to any slide number/id in the deck (and processes that form
+accordingly). The form-showing state is indicated by the presence of a class on
+the deck container.
+(function($, undefined) {
+  var $document = $(document);
+  var rootCounter;
+  var maybeAddSnippet = function() {
+    var options = $.deck('getOptions');
+    if (options.snippets.goto) {
+      if ($(options.selectors.gotoForm).size() > 0 && options.alert.goto) {
+        alert("'options.snippets.goto' is true but a "+options.selectors.gotoForm+" has been found."
+              +"\nThis might cause interaction glitches."
+              +"\n"
+              +"\nSuggestion: remove your html snippet or pass the {snippets: {goto: false}} option."
+             );
+      }
+      $('<form/>').addClass('goto-form').attr('action', '.').attr('method', 'get')
+        .append($('<label/>').attr('for', 'goto-slide').text('Go to slide:'))
+        .append($('<input/>').attr('type', 'text').attr('id', 'goto-slide').attr('name', 'slidenum').attr('list', 'goto-datalist'))
+        .append($('<datalist/>').attr('id', 'goto-datalist'))
+        .append($('<input/>').attr('type', 'submit').attr('value', 'Go'))
+      .appendTo($.deck('getContainer'));
+    }
+  };
+  var bindKeyEvents = function() {
+    $document.unbind('keydown.deckgoto');
+    $document.bind('keydown.deckgoto', function(event) {
+      var key = $.deck('getOptions').keys.goto;
+      if (event.which === key || $.inArray(event.which, key) > -1) {
+        event.preventDefault();
+        $.deck('toggleGoTo');
+      }
+    });
+  };
+  var populateDatalist = function() {
+    var options = $.deck('getOptions');
+    var $datalist = $(options.selectors.gotoDatalist);
+    $.each($.deck('getSlides'), function(i, $slide) {
+      var id = $slide.attr('id');
+      if (id) {
+        $datalist.append('<option value="' + id + '">');
+      }
+    });
+  };
+  var markRootSlides = function() {
+    var options = $.deck('getOptions');
+    var slideTest = $.map([
+      options.classes.before,
+      options.classes.previous,
+      options.classes.current,
+      options.classes.after
+    ], function(el, i) {
+      return '.' + el;
+    }).join(', ');
+    rootCounter = 0;
+    $.each($.deck('getSlides'), function(i, $slide) {
+      var $parentSlides = $slide.parentsUntil(
+        options.selectors.container,
+        slideTest
+      );
+      if ($parentSlides.length) {
+        $slide.removeData('rootIndex');
+      }
+      else if (!options.countNested) {
+        ++rootCounter;
+        $'rootIndex', rootCounter);
+      }
+    });
+  };
+  var handleFormSubmit = function() {
+    var options = $.deck('getOptions');
+    var $form = $(options.selectors.gotoForm);
+    $form.unbind('submit.deckgoto');
+    $form.bind('submit.deckgoto', function(event) {
+      var $field = $(options.selectors.gotoInput);
+      var indexOrId = $field.val();
+      var index = parseInt(indexOrId, 10);
+      if (!options.countNested) {
+        if (!isNaN(index) && (index > rootCounter || index <= 0)) {
+          return false;
+        }
+        $.each($.deck('getSlides'), function(i, $slide) {
+          if ($'rootIndex') === index) {
+            index = i + 1;
+            return false;
+          }
+        });
+      }
+      $.deck('go', isNaN(index) ? indexOrId : index - 1);
+      $.deck('hideGoTo');
+      $field.val('');
+      event.preventDefault();
+    });
+  };
+  /*
+  Extends defaults/options.
+  options.classes.goto
+    This class is added to the deck container when showing the Go To Slide
+    form.
+  options.selectors.gotoDatalist
+    The element that matches this selector is the datalist element that will
+    be populated with options for each of the slide ids.  In browsers that
+    support the datalist element, this provides a drop list of slide ids to
+    aid the user in selecting a slide.
+  options.selectors.gotoForm
+    The element that matches this selector is the form that is submitted
+    when a user hits enter after typing a slide number/id in the gotoInput
+    element.
+  options.selectors.gotoInput
+    The element that matches this selector is the text input field for
+    entering a slide number/id in the Go To Slide form.
+  options.keys.goto
+    The numeric keycode used to show the Go To Slide form.
+  options.countNested
+    If false, only top level slides will be counted when entering a
+    slide number.
+  */
+  $.extend(true, $.deck.defaults, {
+    classes: {
+      goto: 'deck-goto'
+    },
+    selectors: {
+      gotoDatalist: '#goto-datalist',
+      gotoForm: '.goto-form',
+      gotoInput: '#goto-slide'
+    },
+    snippets: {
+      goto: true
+    },
+    alert: {
+      goto: true
+    },
+    keys: {
+      goto: 71 // g
+    },
+    countNested: true
+  });
+  /*
+  jQuery.deck('showGoTo')
+  Shows the Go To Slide form by adding the class specified by the goto class
+  option to the deck container.
+  */
+  $.deck('extend', 'showGoTo', function() {
+    var options = $.deck('getOptions');
+    $.deck('getContainer').addClass(options.classes.goto);
+    $(options.selectors.gotoForm).attr('aria-hidden', false);
+    $(options.selectors.gotoInput).focus();
+  });
+  /*
+  jQuery.deck('hideGoTo')
+  Hides the Go To Slide form by removing the class specified by the goto class
+  option from the deck container.
+  */
+  $.deck('extend', 'hideGoTo', function() {
+    var options = $.deck('getOptions');
+    $(options.selectors.gotoInput).blur();
+    $.deck('getContainer').removeClass(options.classes.goto);
+    $(options.selectors.gotoForm).attr('aria-hidden', true);
+  });
+  /*
+  jQuery.deck('toggleGoTo')
+  Toggles between showing and hiding the Go To Slide form.
+  */
+  $.deck('extend', 'toggleGoTo', function() {
+    var options = $.deck('getOptions');
+    var hasGotoClass = $.deck('getContainer').hasClass(options.classes.goto);
+    $.deck(hasGotoClass ? 'hideGoTo' : 'showGoTo');
+  });
+  $document.bind('deck.init', function() {
+    maybeAddSnippet();
+    bindKeyEvents();
+    populateDatalist();
+    markRootSlides();
+    handleFormSubmit();
+  });
+Deck JS - deck.progress
+Copyright (c) 2014 Rémi Emonet
+Dual licensed under the MIT license.
+This module adds a (current)/(total) style status indicator to the deck.
+It is designed to be a drop-in replacement of deck.status, but on steroïds.
+Note however, that it does not handle the countNested=true case.
+(function($, undefined) {
+    var $document = $(document);
+    var rootCounter;
+    var INITEVENT = "dummyinit";
+    var SIZEEVENT = "dummysize";
+    var updateCurrent = function(event, from, to) {
+        var opts = $.deck('getOptions');
+        var currentSlideNumber = to + 1;
+        var $container = $.deck('getContainer');
+        currentSlideNumber = $.deck('getSlide', to).data('rootSlide');
+        $(opts.selectors.statusCurrent).text(currentSlideNumber);
+        var icur = 0;
+        for (; icur < $.deck('getSlides').length; icur++) {
+            var top = $.deck('getSlide', icur).data('rootSlide');
+            if (top == currentSlideNumber) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        var last = null;
+        var currentDetail = to;
+        var lastDetail = icur;
+        for (; icur < $.deck('getSlides').length; icur++) {
+            last = $.deck('getSlide', icur).data('rootSlide');
+            lastDetail = icur+1;
+            if ($.deck('getSlide', icur).filter(opts.selectors.statusFakeEnd).size() > 0) break;
+        }
+	$(opts.selectors.statusTotal).text(last);
+        // handle the data-progress
+        var progresses = $('*['+opts.dataProgress+'], *['+opts.dataProgressOnce+'], *['+opts.dataProgressSize+']');
+        if (progresses.size() > 0) {
+            var visibleSlide = $.deck('getSlide').parentsUntil(opts.selectors.container).addBack().filter(opts.selectors.slides);
+            // the eval context
+            var slide = visibleSlide.get(0).getBoundingClientRect();
+            var screen = {width: $container.innerWidth(), height: $container.innerHeight()};
+            var n = currentSlideNumber;
+            var N = last;
+            var fullTotal = $.deck('getTopLevelSlides').length;
+            var detail = {n: currentDetail+1, N: lastDetail, fullTotal: $.deck('getSlides').length};
+            var designRatio = Math.max(slide.width / opts.designWidth, slide.height / opts.designHeight);
+            var o = opts;
+            var p = n/N;
+            var pFull = n/fullTotal;
+            detail.p = detail.n/detail.N;
+            detail.pFull = detail.n/detail.fullTotal;
+            // 
+            progresses.each(function(i, el) {
+                var spe = {
+                    bottom: function(fontSize, botByRatio, botFixed) {
+                        botFixed = botFixed || 0;
+                        $(el).css('font-size', (fontSize * designRatio)+"px");
+                        $(el).css('top', (slide.bottom - botFixed - botByRatio*designRatio)+'px');
+                    },
+                    top: function(fontSize, topByRatio, topFixed) {
+                        topFixed = topFixed || 0;
+                        $(el).css('font-size', (fontSize * designRatio)+"px");
+                        $(el).css('top', ( + topFixed + topByRatio*designRatio)+'px');
+                    }
+                };
+                var att = $(el).attr(event == INITEVENT ? opts.dataProgressOnce : event == SIZEEVENT ? opts.dataProgressSize : opts.dataProgress);
+                if (att == null || att.length == 0) return;
+                var tasks = att.split(/ *; */);
+                for (t in tasks) {
+                    var parts = tasks[t].split(/ *: */);
+                    if (parts.length != 2) {
+                        if (opts.alert.wrongDataProgress) alert(
+                            "There seem to be a problem with the following data-progress of\n   '" +tasks[t]+ "'\n");
+                    } else {
+                        var what = parts[0];
+                        var expr = parts[1];
+                        var val = eval(expr);
+                        if (what == "") {
+                            // skip: expected to be some "magic", e.g. custom code or call to helpers
+                        } else if (what.substring(0,1) == "@") {
+                            // special attribute setting, not css
+                            what = what.substring(1);
+                            $(el).attr(what, val);
+                        } else if (what == "$text") {
+                            $(el).text(val);
+                        } else if (what == "$html") {
+                            $(el).html(val);
+                        } else {
+                            $(el).css(what, val);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            });
+        }
+    };
+    var markRootSlides = function() {
+        var opts = $.deck('getOptions');
+        var slideTest = $.map([
+            opts.classes.before,
+            opts.classes.previous,
+            opts.classes.current,
+  ,
+            opts.classes.after
+        ], function(el, i) {
+            return '.' + el;
+        }).join(', ');
+        rootCounter = 0;
+        $.each($.deck('getSlides'), function(i, $slide) {
+            var $parentSlides = $slide.parentsUntil(
+                opts.selectors.container,
+                slideTest
+            );
+            if ($parentSlides.length) {
+                $'rootSlide', $parentSlides.last().data('rootSlide'));
+            }
+            else {
+                ++rootCounter;
+                $'rootSlide', rootCounter);
+            }
+        });
+    };
+    var fireEventOnCurrentSlide = function(ev) {
+        var slides = $.deck('getSlides');
+        var $currentSlide = $.deck('getSlide');
+        var index;
+        $.each(slides, function(i, $slide) {
+            if ($slide === $currentSlide) {
+                index = i;
+                return false;
+            }
+        });
+        updateCurrent(ev, index, index);
+    };
+    var setTotalSlideNumber = function() {
+        var opts = $.deck('getOptions');
+        var slides = $.deck('getSlides');
+        var nSlides = $.deck('getTopLevelSlides').length;
+	$(opts.selectors.statusFullTotal).text(nSlides);
+    };
+    /*
+      Extends defaults/options.
+      opts.selectors.statusCurrent
+      The element matching this selector displays the current slide number.
+      opts.selectors.statusTotal
+      The element matching this selector displays the total number of slides.
+      opts.countNested
+      If false, only top level slides will be counted in the current and
+      total numbers.
+    */
+    $.extend(true, $.deck.defaults, {
+        selectors: {
+            statusCurrent: '.deck-status-current',
+	    statusTotal: '.deck-status-total',
+	    statusFakeEnd: '.deck-status-fake-end',
+	    statusFullTotal: '.deck-status-full-total',
+	    progress10: '.deck-progress-10'
+        },
+        alert: {
+            wrongDataProgress: true,
+            possibleDebounceProblem: true
+        },
+        dataProgress: "data-progress",
+        dataProgressOnce: "data-progress-once",
+        dataProgressSize: "data-progress-size",
+        progressSizeDebounce: 201 /* somewhat, it should be bigger that the fit debounce */
+    });
+    $document.bind('deck.init', function() {
+        var opts = $.deck('getOptions');
+        $(opts.selectors.progress10).attr(opts.dataProgressSize, ':spe.bottom(10, 12)')
+        markRootSlides();
+        fireEventOnCurrentSlide(INITEVENT);
+        fireEventOnCurrentSlide(SIZEEVENT);
+        setTotalSlideNumber();
+    });
+    var timer = -1;
+    $(window).unbind('resize.deckprogress').bind('resize.deckprogress', function() {
+        var opts = $.deck('getOptions');
+        if (opts.alert.possibleDebounceProblem && opts.progressSizeDebounce < opts.scaleDebounce + 1) {
+            alert(
+                "There might be a problem with the respective debounce value:\n   progressSizeDebounce: "+opts.progressSizeDebounce+"\n   scaleDebounce: "+opts.scaleDebounce);
+        }
+        window.clearTimeout(timer);
+        timer = window.setTimeout( function() {
+            fireEventOnCurrentSlide(SIZEEVENT);
+            fireEventOnCurrentSlide("fire also the update event as some things might also need resizing");
+        }, opts.progressSizeDebounce);
+    });
+    $document.bind('deck.change', updateCurrent);
+})(jQuery, 'deck');
+Deck JS - deck.navigation
+Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Caleb Troughton
+Dual licensed under the MIT license.
+This module adds clickable previous and next links to the deck.
+(function($, undefined) {
+  var $document = $(document);
+  /* Updates link hrefs, and disabled states if last/first slide */
+  var updateButtons = function(event, from, to) {
+    var options = $.deck('getOptions');
+    var lastIndex = $.deck('getSlides').length - 1;
+    var $prevSlide = $.deck('getSlide', to - 1);
+    var $nextSlide = $.deck('getSlide', to + 1);
+    var hrefBase = window.location.href.replace(/#.*/, '');
+    var prevId = $prevSlide ? $prevSlide.attr('id') : undefined;
+    var nextId = $nextSlide ? $nextSlide.attr('id') : undefined;
+    var $prevButton = $(options.selectors.previousLink);
+    var $nextButton = $(options.selectors.nextLink);
+    $prevButton.toggleClass(options.classes.navDisabled, to === 0);
+    $prevButton.attr('aria-disabled', to === 0);
+    $prevButton.attr('href', hrefBase + '#' + (prevId ? prevId : ''));
+    $nextButton.toggleClass(options.classes.navDisabled, to === lastIndex);
+    $nextButton.attr('aria-disabled', to === lastIndex);
+    $nextButton.attr('href', hrefBase + '#' + (nextId ? nextId : ''));
+  };
+  /*
+  Extends defaults/options.
+  options.classes.navDisabled
+    This class is added to a navigation link when that action is disabled.
+    It is added to the previous link when on the first slide, and to the
+    next link when on the last slide.
+  options.selectors.nextLink
+    The elements that match this selector will move the deck to the next
+    slide when clicked.
+  options.selectors.previousLink
+    The elements that match this selector will move to deck to the previous
+    slide when clicked.
+  */
+  $.extend(true, $.deck.defaults, {
+    classes: {
+      navDisabled: 'deck-nav-disabled'
+    },
+    selectors: {
+      nextLink: '.deck-next-link',
+      previousLink: '.deck-prev-link'
+    }
+  });
+  $document.bind('deck.init', function() {
+    var options = $.deck('getOptions');
+    var slides = $.deck('getSlides');
+    var $current = $.deck('getSlide');
+    var $prevButton = $(options.selectors.previousLink);
+    var $nextButton = $(options.selectors.nextLink);
+    var index;
+    // Setup prev/next link events
+    $prevButton.unbind('click.decknavigation');
+    $prevButton.bind('click.decknavigation', function(event) {
+      $.deck('prev');
+      event.preventDefault();
+    });
+    $nextButton.unbind('click.decknavigation');
+    $nextButton.bind('click.decknavigation', function(event) {
+      $.deck('next');
+      event.preventDefault();
+    });
+    // Find where we started in the deck and set initial states
+    $.each(slides, function(i, $slide) {
+      if ($slide === $current) {
+        index = i;
+        return false;
+      }
+    });
+    updateButtons(null, index, index);
+  });
+  $document.bind('deck.change', updateButtons);
+Deck JS -
+Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Caleb Troughton
+Dual licensed under the MIT license.
+This module adds the methods and key binding to show and hide a menu of all
+slides in the deck. The deck menu state is indicated by the presence of a class
+on the deck container.
+(function($, undefined) {
+  var $document = $(document);
+  var $html = $('html');
+  var rootSlides;
+  var populateRootSlidesArray = function() {
+    var options = $.deck('getOptions');
+    var slideTest = $.map([
+      options.classes.before,
+      options.classes.previous,
+      options.classes.current,
+      options.classes.after
+    ], function(el, i) {
+      return '.' + el;
+    }).join(', ');
+    rootSlides = [];
+    $.each($.deck('getSlides'), function(i, $slide) {
+      var $parentSlides = $slide.parentsUntil(
+        options.selectors.container,
+        slideTest
+      );
+      if (!$parentSlides.length) {
+        rootSlides.push($slide);
+      }
+    });
+  };
+  var bindKeyEvents = function() {
+    var options = $.deck('getOptions');
+    $document.unbind('keydown.deckmenu');
+    $document.bind('keydown.deckmenu', function(event) {
+      var isMenuKey = event.which ===;
+      isMenuKey = isMenuKey || $.inArray(event.which, > -1;
+      if (isMenuKey && !event.ctrlKey) {
+        $.deck('toggleMenu');
+        event.preventDefault();
+      }
+    });
+  };
+  var bindTouchEvents = function() {
+    var $container = $.deck('getContainer');
+    var options = $.deck('getOptions');
+    var touchEndTime = 0;
+    var currentSlide;
+    $container.unbind('touchstart.deckmenu');
+    $container.bind('touchstart.deckmenu', function() {
+      currentSlide = $.deck('getSlide');
+    });
+    $container.unbind('touchend.deckmenu');
+    $container.bind('touchend.deckmenu', function(event) {
+      var now =;
+      var isDoubletap = now - touchEndTime < options.touch.doubletapWindow;
+      // Ignore this touch event if it caused a nav change (swipe)
+      if (currentSlide !== $.deck('getSlide')) {
+        return;
+      }
+      if (isDoubletap) {
+        $.deck('toggleMenu');
+        event.preventDefault();
+      }
+      touchEndTime = now;
+    });
+  };
+  var setupMenuSlideSelection = function() {
+    var options = $.deck('getOptions');
+    $.each($.deck('getSlides'), function(i, $slide) {
+      $slide.unbind('click.deckmenu');
+      $slide.bind('click.deckmenu', function(event) {
+        if (!$.deck('getContainer').hasClass( {
+          return;
+        }
+        $.deck('go', i);
+        $.deck('hideMenu');
+        event.stopPropagation();
+        event.preventDefault();
+      });
+    });
+  };
+  /*
+  Extends defaults/options.
+    This class is added to the deck container when showing the slide menu.
+    The numeric keycode used to toggle between showing and hiding the slide
+    menu.
+  options.touch.doubletapWindow
+    Two consecutive touch events within this number of milliseconds will
+    be considered a double tap, and will toggle the menu on touch devices.
+  */
+  $.extend(true, $.deck.defaults, {
+    classes: {
+      menu: 'deck-menu'
+    },
+    keys: {
+      menu: 77 // m
+    },
+    touch: {
+      doubletapWindow: 400
+    }
+  });
+  /*
+  jQuery.deck('showMenu')
+  Shows the slide menu by adding the class specified by the menu class option
+  to the deck container.
+  */
+  $.deck('extend', 'showMenu', function() {
+    var $container = $.deck('getContainer');
+    var options = $.deck('getOptions');
+    if ($container.hasClass( {
+      return;
+    }
+    // Hide through loading class to short-circuit transitions (perf)
+    $container.addClass([
+      options.classes.loading,
+    ].join(' '));
+    /* Forced to do this in JS until CSS learns second-grade math. Save old
+    style value for restoration when menu is hidden. */
+    if (Modernizr.csstransforms) {
+      $.each(rootSlides, function(i, $slide) {
+        $'oldStyle', $slide.attr('style'));
+        $slide.css({
+          'position': 'absolute',
+          'left': ((i % 4) * 25) + '%',
+          'top': (Math.floor(i / 4) * 25) + '%'
+        });
+      });
+    }
+    // Need to ensure the loading class renders first, then remove
+    window.setTimeout(function() {
+      $container.removeClass(options.classes.loading);
+      $container.scrollTop($.deck('getSlide').position().top);
+    }, 0);
+  });
+  /*
+  jQuery.deck('hideMenu')
+  Hides the slide menu by removing the class specified by the menu class
+  option from the deck container.
+  */
+  $.deck('extend', 'hideMenu', function() {
+    var $container = $.deck('getContainer');
+    var options = $.deck('getOptions');
+    if (!$container.hasClass( {
+      return;
+    }
+    $container.removeClass(;
+    $container.addClass(options.classes.loading);
+    /* Restore old style value */
+    if (Modernizr.csstransforms) {
+      $.each(rootSlides, function(i, $slide) {
+        var oldStyle = $'oldStyle');
+        $slide.attr('style', oldStyle ? oldStyle : '');
+      });
+    }
+    window.setTimeout(function() {
+      $container.removeClass(options.classes.loading);
+      $container.scrollTop(0);
+    }, 0);
+  });
+  /*
+  jQuery.deck('toggleMenu')
+  Toggles between showing and hiding the slide menu.
+  */
+  $.deck('extend', 'toggleMenu', function() {
+    $.deck('getContainer').hasClass($.deck('getOptions') ?
+    $.deck('hideMenu') : $.deck('showMenu');
+  });
+  $document.bind('deck.init', function() {
+    populateRootSlidesArray();
+    bindKeyEvents();
+    bindTouchEvents();
+    setupMenuSlideSelection();
+  });
+  $document.bind('deck.change', function(event, from, to) {
+    var $container = $.deck('getContainer');
+    var containerScroll, slideTop;
+    if ($container.hasClass($.deck('getOptions') {
+      containerScroll = $container.scrollTop();
+      slideTop = $.deck('getSlide', to).position().top;
+      $container.scrollTop(containerScroll + slideTop);
+    }
+  });
+Deck JS - deck.step
+Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Rémi Emonet
+Licensed under the MIT license.
+This module provides new methods for stepping without considering sub-slides, together with tools for finding toplevel slides etc.
+It also overrides the defaults keybinding and countNested value (so it is better to include it after "goto" and "status" extensions).
+(function($, deck, undefined) {
+    var $d = $(document);
+    // undo the defaults (to be sure jquery behaves properly when overriding it)
+    $.extend(true, $[deck].defaults, { keys: {next:null, previous:null}});
+    // and go on
+    $.extend(true, $[deck].defaults, {
+        selectors: {
+            subslidesToNotify: ".slide,.onshowtoplevel"
+        },
+        // Here we redefined the defaults:
+        //  - we avoid counting nested slides
+        //  - we keep up/down for top-level slides
+        //  - we still use pgup/pgdown for inner slides as they are sent by some pluggable remote controls
+        keys: {
+            // backspace, left arrow, page down
+            previous: [8, 37, 33],
+            // enter, space, right arrow, page up
+            next: [13, 32, 39, 34],
+            // up arrow
+            previousTopLevel: [38],
+            // down arrow,
+            nextTopLevel: [40],
+            // key 'z'
+            nextEndOfTopLevel: [90],
+            // key 'a'
+            previousEndOfTopLevel: [65]
+        },
+        countNested: false
+    });
+    var myInArray = function(el, arr) {
+        for (i in arr) if (arr[i].is(el)) return i*1; // cast to int
+        return -1;
+    };
+    $[deck]('extend', 'getSlideIndex', function(node) {
+        var slides = $[deck]('getSlides');
+        var ind = myInArray(node, slides);
+        return ind;
+    });
+    $[deck]('extend', 'getToplevelSlideOf', function(node) {
+        var opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+        var slides = $[deck]('getSlides');
+        var last = {node: $(node), index: myInArray(node, slides)};
+        $(node).parentsUntil(opts.selectors.container).each( function(ii, v) {
+            var ind = myInArray(v, slides);
+            if (ind != -1) {
+                last = {node: $(v), index: ind};
+            }
+        });
+        return last;
+    });
+    $[deck]('extend', 'getToplevelSlideOfIndex', function(ind) {
+        return $[deck]('getToplevelSlideOf', $[deck]('getSlide', ind));
+    });
+    $[deck]('extend', 'previousTopLevelSlide', function() {
+        /* Find the real previous parent */
+        var current = $[deck]('getSlide');
+        var currentParent = $[deck]('getToplevelSlideOf', current);
+        var toGo = currentParent.index;
+        if ( && toGo > 0) {
+            // This is already toplevel slide, just go to the previous toplevel one (parent of the previous one)
+            toGo = $[deck]('getToplevelSlideOfIndex', toGo-1).index;
+        }
+        $[deck]('go', toGo);
+    });
+    $[deck]('extend', 'nextTopLevelSlide', function() {
+        /* Find the real next parent */
+        var current = $[deck]('getSlide');
+        var currentParent = $[deck]('getToplevelSlideOf', current);
+        var icur = currentParent.index;
+        for (; icur < $[deck]('getSlides').length; icur++) {
+            var cursorParent = $[deck]('getToplevelSlideOfIndex', icur).node;
+            if (! {
+                $[deck]('go', icur);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    });
+    $[deck]('extend', 'nextEndOfTopLevelSlide', function() {
+        /* Find the real next parent */
+        var current = $[deck]('getSlideIndex', $[deck]('getSlide'));
+        var nextParent = $[deck]('getToplevelSlideOfIndex', current + 1);
+        var icur = nextParent.index;
+        for (; icur < $[deck]('getSlides').length; icur++) {
+            var cursorParent = $[deck]('getToplevelSlideOfIndex', icur).node;
+            if (! {
+                $[deck]('go', icur-1);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (icur == $[deck]('getSlides').length) {
+            $[deck]('go', icur-1);            
+        }
+    });
+    $[deck]('extend', 'previousEndOfTopLevelSlide', function() {
+        /* Find the current parent and take the previous slide (last of previous top level) */
+        var current = $[deck]('getSlideIndex', $[deck]('getSlide'));
+        var currentParent = $[deck]('getToplevelSlideOfIndex', current).index;
+        if (currentParent > 0) {
+            $[deck]('go', currentParent - 1);
+        }
+    });
+    $d.bind('deck.init', function() {
+        $d.unbind('keydown.decknexttoplevel').bind('keydown.decknexttoplevel', function(e) {
+            var $opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+            var key = $opts.keys.nextTopLevel;
+            if (e.which === key || $.inArray(e.which, key) > -1) {
+                e.preventDefault();
+                $[deck]('nextTopLevelSlide');
+            }
+        });
+        $d.unbind('keydown.decknextendoftoplevel').bind('keydown.decknextendoftoplevel', function(e) {
+            var $opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+            var key = $opts.keys.nextEndOfTopLevel;
+            if (e.which === key || $.inArray(e.which, key) > -1) {
+                e.preventDefault();
+                $[deck]('nextEndOfTopLevelSlide');
+            }
+        });
+        $d.unbind('keydown.deckprevioustoplevel').bind('keydown.deckprevioustoplevel', function(e) {
+            var $opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+            var key = $opts.keys.previousTopLevel;
+            if (e.which === key || $.inArray(e.which, key) > -1) {
+                e.preventDefault();
+                $[deck]('previousTopLevelSlide');
+            }
+        });
+        $d.unbind('keydown.deckpreviousendoftoplevel').bind('keydown.deckpreviousendoftoplevel', function(e) {
+            var $opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+            var key = $opts.keys.previousEndOfTopLevel;
+            if (e.which === key || $.inArray(e.which, key) > -1) {
+                e.preventDefault();
+                $[deck]('previousEndOfTopLevelSlide');
+            }
+        });
+    });
+    // When jumping (not steping), we will init the subslides (in case they are animations), in a backward order, and then fast forward necessary animations
+    var bigJump = function(from, to) {
+        var direction = "forward";
+        if (from > to){
+            direction = "reverse";
+        }
+        var opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+        $($[deck]('getToplevelSlideOfIndex', to).node.find(opts.selectors.subslidesToNotify).get().reverse()).each(function(ind, el) {$(el).triggerHandler('deck.toplevelBecameCurrent', direction)});
+        for (icur = $[deck]('getToplevelSlideOfIndex', to).index + 1; icur < to+1; icur++) {
+            $[deck]('getSlides')[icur].triggerHandler('deck.afterToplevelBecameCurrent', 'forward');
+        }
+    }
+    $d.bind('deck.change', function(e, from, to) {
+        if (  Math.abs(from - to) > 1 || ! $[deck]('getToplevelSlideOfIndex', to)$[deck]('getToplevelSlideOfIndex', from).node)) {
+            // consider natural jumps and the case where we actually changed (top level) slide (even with a step)
+            bigJump(from, to);
+        }
+    });
+})(jQuery, 'deck');
+(function($, deck, undefined) {
+   $(document).bind('deck.change', function(e, from, to) {
+      var $prev = $[deck]('getSlide', to-1),
+      $next = $[deck]('getSlide', to+1),
+      $oldprev = $[deck]('getSlide', from-1),
+      $oldnext = $[deck]('getSlide', from+1);
+      var direction = "forward";
+      if(from > to){
+        direction = "reverse";
+      }
+      $[deck]('getSlide', from).triggerHandler('deck.lostCurrent', [direction, from, to]);
+      $[deck]('getSlide', to).triggerHandler('deck.becameCurrent', [direction, from, to]);
+      $oldprev && $oldprev.triggerHandler('deck.lostPrevious', [direction, from, to]);
+      $oldnext && $oldnext.triggerHandler('deck.lostNext', [direction, from, to]);
+      $prev && $prev.triggerHandler('deck.becamePrevious', [direction, from, to]);
+      $next && $next.triggerHandler('deck.becameNext', [direction, from, to]);
+   });
+})(jQuery, 'deck');
+Deck JS - deck.anim
+Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Rémi Emonet
+Licensed under the MIT license.
+(function($, deck, undefined) {
+    // The next two lines are the color plugin from jquery
+    /*! jQuery Color v@2.1.2 | */
+    (function(a,b){function m(a,b,c){var d=h[b.type]||{};return a==null?c||!b.def?null:b.def:(a=d.floor?~~a:parseFloat(a),isNaN(a)?b.def:d.mod?(a+d.mod)%d.mod:0>a?0:d.max<a?d.max:a)}function n(b){var c=f(),d=c._rgba=[];return b=b.toLowerCase(),l(e,function(a,e){var f,,i=h&&e.parse(h),||"rgba";if(i)return f=c[j](i),c[g[j].cache]=f[g[j].cache],d=c._rgba=f._rgba,!1}),d.length?(d.join()==="0,0,0,0"&&a.extend(d,k.transparent),c):k[b]}function o(a,b,c){return c=(c+1)%1,c*6<1?a+(b-a)*c*6:c*2<1?b:c*3<2?a+(b-a)*(2/3-c)*6:a}var c="backgroundColor borderBottomColor borderLeftColor borderRightColor borderTopColor color columnRuleColor outlineColor textDecorationColor textEmphasisColor",d=/^([\-+])=\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/,e=[{re:/rgba?\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*(?:,\s*(\d?(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,parse:function(a){return[a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4]]}},{re:/rgba?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d?(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,parse:function(a){return[a[1]*2.55,a[2]*2.55,a[3]*2.55,a[4]]}},{re:/#([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})/,parse:function(a){return[parseInt(a[1],16),parseInt(a[2],16),parseInt(a[3],16)]}},{re:/#([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])/,parse:function(a){return[parseInt(a[1]+a[1],16),parseInt(a[2]+a[2],16),parseInt(a[3]+a[3],16)]}},{re:/hsla?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d?(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,space:"hsla",parse:function(a){return[a[1],a[2]/100,a[3]/100,a[4]]}}],f=a.Color=function(b,c,d,e){return new a.Color.fn.parse(b,c,d,e)},g={rgba:{props:{red:{idx:0,type:"byte"},green:{idx:1,type:"byte"},blue:{idx:2,type:"byte"}}},hsla:{props:{hue:{idx:0,type:"degrees"},saturation:{idx:1,type:"percent"},lightness:{idx:2,type:"percent"}}}},h={"byte":{floor:!0,max:255},percent:{max:1},degrees:{mod:360,floor:!0}},{},j=a("<p>")[0],k,l=a.each;"background-color:rgba(1,1,1,.5)","rgba")>-1,l(g,function(a,b){b.cache="_"+a,b.props.alpha={idx:3,type:"percent",def:1}}),f.fn=a.extend(f.prototype,{parse:function(c,d,e,h){if(c===b)return this._rgba=[null,null,null,null],this;if(c.jquery||c.nodeType)c=a(c).css(d),d=b;var i=this,j=a.type(c),o=this._rgba=[];d!==b&&(c=[c,d,e,h],j="array");if(j==="string")return this.parse(n(c)||k._default);if(j==="array")return l(g.rgba.props,function(a,b){o[b.idx]=m(c[b.idx],b)}),this;if(j==="object")return c instanceof f?l(g,function(a,b){c[b.cache]&&(i[b.cache]=c[b.cache].slice())}):l(g,function(b,d){var e=d.cache;l(d.props,function(a,b){if(!i[e]&&{if(a==="alpha"||c[a]==null)return;i[e]}i[e][b.idx]=m(c[a],b,!0)}),i[e]&&a.inArray(null,i[e].slice(0,3))<0&&(i[e][3]=1,d.from&&(i._rgba=d.from(i[e])))}),this},is:function(a){var b=f(a),c=!0,d=this;return l(g,function(a,e){var f,g=b[e.cache];return g&&(f=d[e.cache]||||[],l(e.props,function(a,b){if(g[b.idx]!=null)return c=g[b.idx]===f[b.idx],c})),c}),c},_space:function(){var a=[],b=this;return l(g,function(c,d){b[d.cache]&&a.push(c)}),a.pop()},transition:function(a,b){var c=f(a),d=c._space(),e=g[d],i=this.alpha()===0?f("transparent"):this,j=i[e.cache]||,k=j.slice();return c=c[e.cache],l(e.props,function(a,d){var e=d.idx,f=j[e],g=c[e],i=h[d.type]||{};if(g===null)return;f===null?k[e]=g:(i.mod&&(g-f>i.mod/2?f+=i.mod:f-g>i.mod/2&&(f-=i.mod)),k[e]=m((g-f)*b+f,d))}),this[d](k)},blend:function(b){if(this._rgba[3]===1)return this;var c=this._rgba.slice(),d=c.pop(),e=f(b)._rgba;return f(,function(a,b){return(1-d)*e[b]+d*a}))},toRgbaString:function(){var b="rgba(",,function(a,b){return a==null?b>2?1:0:a});return c[3]===1&&(c.pop(),b="rgb("),b+c.join()+")"},toHslaString:function(){var b="hsla(",,function(a,b){return a==null&&(a=b>2?1:0),b&&b<3&&(a=Math.round(a*100)+"%"),a});return c[3]===1&&(c.pop(),b="hsl("),b+c.join()+")"},toHexString:function(b){var c=this._rgba.slice(),d=c.pop();return b&&c.push(~~(d*255)),"#",function(a){return a=(a||0).toString(16),a.length===1?"0"+a:a}).join("")},toString:function(){return this._rgba[3]===0?"transparent":this.toRgbaString()}}),f.fn.parse.prototype=f.fn,{if(a[0]==null||a[1]==null||a[2]==null)return[null,null,null,a[3]];var b=a[0]/255,c=a[1]/255,d=a[2]/255,e=a[3],f=Math.max(b,c,d),g=Math.min(b,c,d),h=f-g,i=f+g,j=i*.5,k,l;return g===f?k=0:b===f?k=60*(c-d)/h+360:c===f?k=60*(d-b)/h+120:k=60*(b-c)/h+240,h===0?l=0:j<=.5?l=h/i:l=h/(2-i),[Math.round(k)%360,l,j,e==null?1:e]},g.hsla.from=function(a){if(a[0]==null||a[1]==null||a[2]==null)return[null,null,null,a[3]];var b=a[0]/360,c=a[1],d=a[2],e=a[3],f=d<=.5?d*(1+c):d+c-d*c,g=2*d-f;return[Math.round(o(g,f,b+1/3)*255),Math.round(o(g,f,b)*255),Math.round(o(g,f,b-1/3)*255),e]},l(g,function(c,e){var g=e.props,h=e.cache,,j=e.from;f.fn[c]=function(c){i&&!this[h]&&(this[h]=i(this._rgba));if(c===b)return this[h].slice();var d,e=a.type(c),k=e==="array"||e==="object"?c:arguments,n=this[h].slice();return l(g,function(a,b){var c=k[e==="object"?a:b.idx];c==null&&(c=n[b.idx]),n[b.idx]=m(c,b)}),j?(d=f(j(n)),d[h]=n,d):f(n)},l(g,function(b,e){if(f.fn[b])return;f.fn[b]=function(f){var g=a.type(f),h=b==="alpha"?this._hsla?"hsla":"rgba":c,i=this[h](),j=i[e.idx],k;return g==="undefined"?j:(g==="function"&&(,j),g=a.type(f)),f==null&&e.empty?this:(g==="string"&&(k=d.exec(f),k&&(f=j+parseFloat(k[2])*(k[1]==="+"?1:-1))),i[e.idx]=f,this[h](i)))}})}),f.hook=function(b){var c=b.split(" ");l(c,function(b,c){a.cssHooks[c]={set:function(b,d){var e,g,h="";if(d!=="transparent"&&(a.type(d)!=="string"||(e=n(d)))){d=f(e||d);if(!i.rgba&&d._rgba[3]!==1){g=c==="backgroundColor"?b.parentNode:b;while((h===""||h==="transparent")&&g&&{h=a.css(g,"backgroundColor"),g=g.parentNode}catch(j){}d=d.blend(h&&h!=="transparent"?h:"_default")}d=d.toRgbaString()}try{[c]=d}catch(j){}}},a.fx.step[c]=function(b){b.colorInit||(b.start=f(b.elem,c),b.end=f(b.end),b.colorInit=!0),a.cssHooks[c].set(b.elem,b.start.transition(b.end,b.pos))}})},f.hook(c),a.cssHooks.borderColor={expand:function(a){var b={};return l(["Top","Right","Bottom","Left"],function(c,d){b["border"+d+"Color"]=a}),b}},k=a.Color.names={aqua:"#00ffff",black:"#000000",blue:"#0000ff",fuchsia:"#ff00ff",gray:"#808080",green:"#008000",lime:"#00ff00",maroon:"#800000",navy:"#000080",olive:"#808000",purple:"#800080",red:"#ff0000",silver:"#c0c0c0",teal:"#008080",white:"#ffffff",yellow:"#ffff00",transparent:[null,null,null,0],_default:"#ffffff"}})(jQuery);
+    var $d = $(document);
+    var may = function(o,f) {return f ? f.bind(o) : function() {}};
+    $.extend(true, $[deck].defaults, {
+        selectors: {
+            animShow: ".anim-show",
+            animHide: ".anim-hide",
+            animAddClass: ".anim-addclass",
+            animRemoveClass: ".anim-removeclass",
+            animAttribute: ".anim-attribute",
+            animWait: ".anim-wait",
+            // specific ones
+            animPlay: ".anim-play",
+            animPause: ".anim-pause",
+            animViewboxAs: ".anim-viewboxas",
+            animAlong: ".anim-along",
+            //
+            animContinue: ".anim-continue"
+        },
+        classes: {
+            animReady: "deck-anim-ready"
+        },
+        anim: {
+            duration: 400
+        }
+    });
+    var doInit = function() {
+        // first we define some tools and grab some info from deck.js
+        var o = $[deck]('getOptions');
+        var context = function(el) {
+            return {
+                what: function() {return $(el).attr("data-what")},
+                dur: function() {return $(el).attr("data-dur")*1 || o.anim.duration},
+                delay: function() {return $(el).attr("data-delay")*1 || 0},
+                classs: function() {return $(el).attr("data-class")},
+                attribute: function() {return $(el).attr("data-attr").split(':')[0]},
+                as: function() {return $(el).attr("data-as")},
+                path: function() {return $(el).attr("data-path")},
+                reverse: function() {var r = $(el).attr("data-reverse"); return r && r.toUpperCase() == "TRUE";},
+                value: function() {return $(el).attr("data-attr").split(':')[1]},
+                toplevel: function() {return $[deck]('getToplevelSlideOf', el).node},
+                all: function() {return $(this.what(),this.toplevel())}
+            }
+        };
+        var globalHasAnimContinue = false;
+        var classical = function(selector, methods) {
+            $(selector).each(function(i, el) {
+                var c = context(el);
+                may(methods, methods.create)(c);
+                $(el).bind('deck.toplevelBecameCurrent', function(_, direction) {
+                    may(methods, methods.init)(c);
+                }).bind('deck.afterToplevelBecameCurrent', function(_, direction) {
+                    may(methods,;
+                }).bind('deck.lostCurrent', function(_, direction, from, to) {
+                    if (direction == 'forward' || Math.abs(from - to)>1 ) return; // if a big step, let the "step" extension do its job
+                    may(methods, methods.undo)(c);
+                }).bind('deck.becameCurrent', function(_, direction, from, to) {
+                    if (direction == 'reverse' || Math.abs(from - to)>1 ) return; // if a big step, let the "step" extension do its job
+                    if (c.delay()>0) {
+                        setTimeout(function() {
+                            may(methods, methods.doit)(c);
+                        }, c.delay());
+                    } else {
+                        may(methods, methods.doit)(c);
+                    }
+                });
+            });
+        };
+        // here come the real animations
+        classical(o.selectors.animShow, {
+            init: function(c) {c.all().animate({'opacity': 0.}, 0)},
+            undo: function(c) {c.all().animate({'opacity': 0.}, c.dur()/100)},
+            doit: function(c) {c.all().animate({'opacity': 1.}, c.dur())},
+            fast: function(c) {c.all().animate({'opacity': 1.}, 0)}
+        });
+        classical(o.selectors.animHide, {
+            init: function(c) {c.all().animate({'opacity': 1.}, 0)},
+            undo: function(c) {c.all().animate({'opacity': 1.}, c.dur()/100)},
+            doit: function(c) {c.all().animate({'opacity': 0.}, c.dur())},
+            fast: function(c) {c.all().animate({'opacity': 0.}, 0)}
+        });
+        classical(o.selectors.animAddClass, {
+            init: function(c) {c.all().each(function() { this.classList.remove(c.classs()) })},
+            undo: function(c) {c.all().each(function() { this.classList.remove(c.classs()) })},
+            doit: function(c) {c.all().each(function() { this.classList.add(c.classs()) })},
+            fast: function(c) {c.all().each(function() { this.classList.add(c.classs()) })} 
+        });
+        classical(o.selectors.animRemoveClass, {
+            init: function(c) {c.all().each(function() { this.classList.add(c.classs()) })},
+            undo: function(c) {c.all().each(function() { this.classList.add(c.classs()) })},
+            doit: function(c) {c.all().each(function() { this.classList.remove(c.classs()) })},
+            fast: function(c) {c.all().each(function() { this.classList.remove(c.classs()) })} 
+        });
+        function svgRealAttrName(a) {
+            if (startsWith(a, "svg")) {
+                return REST.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() + REST.slice(1);
+            }
+            return null;
+        }
+        function startsWith(longStr, part) {
+            var res = longStr.substr(0, part.length) == part;
+            REST = res ? longStr.slice(part.length) : null;
+            return res;
+        }
+        classical(o.selectors.animAttribute, {
+            init: function(c) {
+                this.undo(c);
+            },
+            undo: function(c) {
+                // TODO: [feature] could allow multiple attributes to be passed and animated simultaneously
+                var k = c.attribute()
+                for (i in c.previousElement) { // use the saved list of elements and values
+                    var whatTo = {};
+                    whatTo[k] = c.previousCss[i];
+                    $(c.previousElement[i]).finish();
+                    if (c.previousElement[i] instanceof SVGElement) {
+                        if (whatTo[k] != null) {
+	                    var realAttrName = svgRealAttrName(k) || k;
+                            c.previousElement[i].attributes.getNamedItem(realAttrName).value = whatTo[k];
+                        } else {
+	                    var realAttrName = svgRealAttrName(k) || k;
+                            c.previousElement[i].attributes.removeNamedItem(realAttrName);
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        $(c.previousElement[i]).animate(whatTo, 0);
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            doit: function(c, factor) {
+                if (factor === undefined) factor = 1
+                c.all().each( function() {
+                    // finish all previous animations
+                    if (!globalHasAnimContinue && $(this).queue().length) {
+                        $(this).finish();
+                    }
+                });
+                var k = c.attribute()
+                c.previousCss = []
+                c.previousElement = []
+                c.all().each( function(){
+                    c.previousElement.push(this);
+                    var v = $(this).css(k);
+                    if (v == null && this instanceof SVGElement) {
+	                var realAttrName = svgRealAttrName(k) || k;
+                        var attr = this.attributes.getNamedItem(realAttrName);
+                        c.previousCss.push(attr ? attr.value : null);
+                    } else {
+                        c.previousCss.push(v);
+                    }
+                }); // save a list of elements and values
+                var whatTo = {}
+                whatTo[c.attribute()] = c.value()
+                c.all().animate(whatTo, c.dur()*factor)
+            },
+            fast: function(c) {this.doit(c,0)}
+        });
+        classical(o.selectors.animViewboxAs, {
+            create: function(c) {
+                c.attribute = function() {return "svgViewBox"};
+                c.value = function() {
+                    var asWhat = $(;
+                    var a = function (i) {return asWhat.attr(i)}
+                    var toViewBox = a('x')+" "+a('y')+" "+a('width')+" "+a('height');
+                    return toViewBox;
+                };
+            },
+            init: function(c) {this.undo(c)},
+            undo: function(c) {
+                var k = c.attribute()
+                for (i in c.previousElement) { // use the saved list of elements and values
+                    var whatTo = {}
+                    whatTo[k] = c.previousValue[i]
+                    $(c.previousElement[i]).finish();
+                    $(c.previousElement[i]).animate(whatTo, 0)
+                }
+            },
+            doit: function(c, factor) {
+                if (factor === undefined) factor = 1
+                c.all().each( function() {
+                    // finish all previous animations
+                    if (!globalHasAnimContinue && $(this).queue().length) {
+                        $(this).finish();
+                    }
+                });
+                var k = c.attribute()
+                c.previousValue = []
+                c.previousElement = []
+                c.all().each( function() {
+                    c.previousElement.push(this);
+                    c.previousValue.push(this.attributes.getNamedItem('viewBox').value);
+                }); // save a list of elements and values
+                var whatTo = {}
+                whatTo[k] = c.value()
+                c.all().animate(whatTo, c.dur()*factor)
+            },
+            fast: function(c) {this.doit(c,0)}
+        });
+        classical(o.selectors.animAlong, {
+            init: function(c) {this.undo(c)},
+            undo: function(c) {
+                for (i in c.previousElement) { // use the saved list of elements and values
+                    var prev = c.previousValue[i];
+                    $(c.previousElement[i]).finish();
+                    $(c.previousElement[i]).attr("transform", prev);
+                }
+            },
+            doit: function(c, factor) {
+                if (factor === undefined) factor = 1;
+                c.all().each( function() {
+                    // finish all previous animations
+                    if (!globalHasAnimContinue && $(this).queue().length) {
+                        $(this).finish();
+                    }
+                });
+                var path = $(c.path()).get(0);
+                var rev = c.reverse();
+                var len = path.getTotalLength()
+                var s = path.getPointAtLength(rev?len:0);
+                c.previousValue = [];
+                c.previousElement = [];
+                c.all().each( function() {
+                    var base = "";
+                    if ($(this).attr("transform") != null) {
+                        base = $(this).attr("transform"); // TODO maybe can use attr also above (anim-attr)
+                        c.previousValue.push(base);
+                    } else {
+                        c.previousValue.push(null);
+                    }
+                    c.previousElement.push(this);
+                    $(this).css({svgDeckAnim: 0.});
+                    $(this).animate({svgDeckAnim: 1.}, {
+                        duration: c.dur()*factor,
+                        step: function(v) {
+                            if (rev) v = 1-v;
+                            var p = path.getPointAtLength(v * len);
+                            $(this).attr("transform", 'translate('+(p.x-s.x)+','+(p.y-s.y)+')' + base);
+                        }
+                    });
+                });
+            },
+            fast: function(c) {this.doit(c, 0);}
+        });
+        classical(o.selectors.animPlay, {
+            init: function(c) {c.all().each(function(){this.pause(); try{this.currentTime=0}catch(e){} })},
+            undo: function(c) {c.all().each(function(){this.pause()})},
+            doit: function(c) {c.all().each(function(){})},
+            fast: function(c) {c.all().each(function(){})}
+        });
+        classical(o.selectors.animPause, {
+            undo: function(c) {c.all().each(function(){})},
+            doit: function(c) {c.all().each(function(){this.pause()})},
+            fast: function(c) {c.all().each(function(){this.pause()})}
+        });
+        classical(o.selectors.animContinue, {
+            doit: function(c) {setTimeout(function(){ globalHasAnimContinue = true; $[deck]('next') ; globalHasAnimContinue = false; }, 1)}
+            // do not do it in fast mode
+        });
+        classical(o.selectors.animWait, {
+            doit: function(c) {setTimeout(function(){ globalHasAnimContinue = true; $[deck]('next') ; globalHasAnimContinue = false; }, c.dur())}
+        });
+        // handle the chained undo for "anim-continue"
+        $(o.selectors.animContinue + "," + o.selectors.animWait).each(function(i, curSlide) {
+            $(curSlide).bind('deck.becameCurrent', function(_, direction) {
+                if (direction == 'forward') return;
+                setTimeout(function(){$[deck]('prev')}, 1)
+            });
+        });
+        // finally force "refresh" (notification of slide change)
+        var current = $[deck]('getSlide')
+        var icur = 0
+        for (; icur < $[deck]('getSlides').length; icur++) {
+            if ($[deck]('getSlides')[icur] == current) break;                
+        }
+	$d.trigger("deck.change", [icur, 0]);
+	$d.trigger("deck.change", [0, icur]);
+        var container = $[deck]('getContainer');
+        $(container).addClass(o.classes.animReady)
+    }
+    $(document).bind('deck.init', function() {
+        doInit();
+    });
+})(jQuery, 'deck');
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g=0;g<4;g++){if(/^[+-]=/.exec(k[g])){h.end[g]=h.start[g]+parseFloat(k[g].replace(/=/,""))}}}h.set=true}var,function(m,l){return(h.pos*(h.end[l]-m)+m)}).join(" ");(f?f.value=j:h.elem.setAttribute("viewBox",j))};function b(g){var h=g.split(/[, ]+/);for(var f=0;f<h.length;f++){h[f]=parseFloat(h[f]);if(isNaN(h[f])){h[f]=0}}while(h.length<4){h.push(0)}return h}a.fx.step.svgTransform=a.fx.step["svg-transform"]=function(m){var f=m.elem.attributes.getNamedItem("transform");if(!m.set){m.start=e(f?f.value:"");m.end=e(m.end,m.start);m.set=true}var k="";for(var l=0;l<m.end.order.length;l++){switch(m.end.order.charAt(l)){case"t":k+=" translate("+(m.pos*(m.end.translateX-m.start.translateX)+m.start.translateX)+","+(m.pos*(m.end.translateY-m.start.translateY)+m.start.translateY)+")";break;case"s":k+=" scale("+(m.pos*(m.end.scaleX-m.start.scaleX)+m.start.scaleX)+","+(m.pos*(m.end.scaleY-m.start.scaleY)+m.start.scaleY)+")";break;case"r":k+=" rotate("+(m.pos*(m.end.rotateA-m.start.rotateA)+m.start.rotateA)+","+(m.pos*(m.end.rotateX-m.start.rotateX)+m.start.rotateX)+","+(m.pos*(m.end.rotateY-m.start.rotateY)+m.start.rotateY)+")";break;case"x":k+=" skewX("+(m.pos*(m.end.skewX-m.start.skewX)+m.start.skewX)+")";case"y":k+=" skewY("+(m.pos*(m.end.skewY-m.start.skewY)+m.start.skewY)+")";break;case"m":var g="";for(var h=0;h<6;h++){g+=","+(m.pos*(m.end.matrix[h]-m.start.matrix[h])+m.start.matrix[h])}k+=" matrix("+g.substr(1)+")";break}}(f?f.value=k:m.elem.setAttribute("transform",k))};function e(j,h){j=j||"";if(typeof j=="object"){j=j.value}var g=a.extend({translateX:0,translateY:0,scaleX:0,scaleY:0,rotateA:0,rotateX:0,rotateY:0,skewX:0,skewY:0,matrix:[0,0,0,0,0,0]},h||{});g.order="";var i=/([a-zA-Z]+)\(\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*(?:[\s,]\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*(?:[\s,]\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*(?:[\s,]\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*[\s,]\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*[\s,]\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?)?)?\)/g;var f=i.exec(j);while(f){switch(f[1]){case"translate":g.order+="t";g.translateX=parseFloat(f[2]);g.translateY=(f[3]?parseFloat(f[3]):0);break;case"scale":g.order+="s";g.scaleX=parseFloat(f[2]);g.scaleY=(f[3]?parseFloat(f[3]):g.scaleX);break;case"rotate":g.order+="r";g.rotateA=parseFloat(f[2]);g.rotateX=(f[3]?parseFloat(f[3]):0);g.rotateY=(f[4]?parseFloat(f[4]):0);break;case"skewX":g.order+="x";g.skewX=parseFloat(f[2]);break;case"skewY":g.order+="y";g.skewY=parseFloat(f[2]);break;case"matrix":g.order+="m";g.matrix=[parseFloat(f[2]),parseFloat(f[3]),parseFloat(f[4]),parseFloat(f[5]),parseFloat(f[6]),parseFloat(f[7])];break}f=i.exec(j)}if(g.order=="m"&&Math.abs(g.matrix[0])==Math.abs(g.matrix[3])&&g.matrix[1]!=0&&Math.abs(g.matrix[1])==Math.abs(g.matrix[2])){var k=Math.acos(g.matrix[0])*180/Math.PI;k=(g.matrix[1]<0?360-k:k);g.order="rt";g.rotateA=k;g.rotateX=g.rotateY=0;g.translateX=g.matrix[4];g.translateY=g.matrix[5]}return g}a.each(["fill","stroke"],function(h,g){var f=g.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+g.substr(1);a.fx.step["svg"+f]=a.fx.step["svg-"+g]=function(k){if(!k.set){k.start=a.svg._getColour(k.elem,g);var j=(k.end=="none");k.end=(j?a.svg._getColour(k.elem.parentNode,g):a.svg._getRGB(k.end));k.end[3]=j;a(k.elem).css(g,"");k.set=true}var i=k.elem.attributes.getNamedItem(g);var l="rgb("+[Math.min(Math.max(parseInt((k.pos*(k.end[0]-k.start[0]))+k.start[0],10),0),255),Math.min(Math.max(parseInt((k.pos*(k.end[1]-k.start[1]))+k.start[1],10),0),255),Math.min(Math.max(parseInt((k.pos*(k.end[2]-k.start[2]))+k.start[2],10),0),255)].join(",")+")";l=(k.end[3]&&k.state==1?"none":l);(i?i.value=l:k.elem.setAttribute(g,l))}});a.svg._getColour=function(g,f){g=a(g);var h;do{h=g.attr(f)||g.css(f);if((h!=""&&h!="none")||g.hasClass(a.svg.markerClassName)){break}}while(g=g.parent());return a.svg._getRGB(h)};a.svg._getRGB=function(g){var f;if(g&&g.constructor==Array){return(g.length==3||g.length==4?g:d.none)}if(f=/^rgb\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*\)$/.exec(g)){return[parseInt(f[1],10),parseInt(f[2],10),parseInt(f[3],10)]}if(f=/^rgb\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*\)$/.exec(g)){return[parseFloat(f[1])*2.55,parseFloat(f[2])*2.55,parseFloat(f[3])*2.55]}if(f=/^#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})$/.exec(g)){return[parseInt(f[1],16),parseInt(f[2],16),parseInt(f[3],16)]}if(f=/^#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])$/.exec(g)){return[parseInt(f[1]+f[1],16),parseInt(f[2]+f[2],16),parseInt(f[3]+f[3],16)]}return d[a.trim(g).toLowerCase()]||d.none};var d={"":[255,255,255,1],none:[255,255,255,1],aliceblue:[240,248,255],antiquewhite:[250,235,215],aqua:[0,255,255],aquamarine:[127,255,212],azure:[240,255,255],beige:[245,245,220],bisque:[255,228,196],black:[0,0,0],blanchedalmond:[255,235,205],blue:[0,0,255],blueviolet:[138,43,226],brown:[165,42,42],burlywood:[222,184,135],cadetblue:[95,158,160],chartreuse:[127,255,0],chocolate:[210,105,30],coral:[255,127,80],cornflowerblue:[100,149,237],cornsilk:[255,248,220],crimson:[220,20,60],cyan:[0,255,255],darkblue:[0,0,139],darkcyan:[0,139,139],darkgoldenrod:[184,134,11],darkgray:[169,169,169],darkgreen:[0,100,0],darkgrey:[169,169,169],darkkhaki:[189,183,107],darkmagenta:[139,0,139],darkolivegreen:[85,107,47],darkorange:[255,140,0],darkorchid:[153,50,204],darkred:[139,0,0],darksalmon:[233,150,122],darkseagreen:[143,188,143],darkslateblue:[72,61,139],darkslategray:[47,79,79],darkslategrey:[47,79,79],darkturquoise:[0,206,209],darkviolet:[148,0,211],deeppink:[255,20,147],deepskyblue:[0,191,255],dimgray:[105,105,105],dimgrey:[105,105,105],dodgerblue:[30,144,255],firebrick:[178,34,34],floralwhite:[255,250,240],forestgreen:[34,139,34],fuchsia:[255,0,255],gainsboro:[220,220,220],ghostwhite:[248,248,255],gold:[255,215,0],goldenrod:[218,165,32],gray:[128,128,128],grey:[128,128,128],green:[0,128,0],greenyellow:[173,255,47],honeydew:[240,255,240],hotpink:[255,105,180],indianred:[205,92,92],indigo:[75,0,130],ivory:[255,255,240],khaki:[240,230,140],lavender:[230,230,250],lavenderblush:[255,240,245],lawngreen:[124,252,0],lemonchiffon:[255,250,205],lightblue:[173,216,230],lightcoral:[240,128,128],lightcyan:[224,255,255],lightgoldenrodyellow:[250,250,210],lightgray:[211,211,211],lightgreen:[144,238,144],lightgrey:[211,211,211],lightpink:[255,182,193],lightsalmon:[255,160,122],lightseagreen:[32,178,170],lightskyblue:[135,206,250],lightslategray:[119,136,153],lightslategrey:[119,136,153],lightsteelblue:[176,196,222],lightyellow:[255,255,224],lime:[0,255,0],limegreen:[50,205,50],linen:[250,240,230],magenta:[255,0,255],maroon:[128,0,0],mediumaquamarine:[102,205,170],mediumblue:[0,0,205],mediumorchid:[186,85,211],mediumpurple:[147,112,219],mediumseagreen:[60,179,113],mediumslateblue:[123,104,238],mediumspringgreen:[0,250,154],mediumturquoise:[72,209,204],mediumvioletred:[199,21,133],midnightblue:[25,25,112],mintcream:[245,255,250],mistyrose:[255,228,225],moccasin:[255,228,181],navajowhite:[255,222,173],navy:[0,0,128],oldlace:[253,245,230],olive:[128,128,0],olivedrab:[107,142,35],orange:[255,165,0],orangered:[255,69,0],orchid:[218,112,214],palegoldenrod:[238,232,170],palegreen:[152,251,152],paleturquoise:[175,238,238],palevioletred:[219,112,147],papayawhip:[255,239,213],peachpuff:[255,218,185],peru:[205,133,63],pink:[255,192,203],plum:[221,160,221],powderblue:[176,224,230],purple:[128,0,128],red:[255,0,0],rosybrown:[188,143,143],royalblue:[65,105,225],saddlebrown:[139,69,19],salmon:[250,128,114],sandybrown:[244,164,96],seagreen:[46,139,87],seashell:[255,245,238],sienna:[160,82,45],silver:[192,192,192],skyblue:[135,206,235],slateblue:[106,90,205],slategray:[112,128,144],slategrey:[112,128,144],snow:[255,250,250],springgreen:[0,255,127],steelblue:[70,130,180],tan:[210,180,140],teal:[0,128,128],thistle:[216,191,216],tomato:[255,99,71],turquoise:[64,224,208],violet:[238,130,238],wheat:[245,222,179],white:[255,255,255],whitesmoke:[245,245,245],yellow:[255,255,0],yellowgreen:[154,205,50]}})(jQuery);
+Deck JS - deck.svg
+Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Rémi Emonet, as a major refactor from an early version from Rémi Barraquand.
+Licensed under the MIT license.
+This module provides a support for managed svg inclusion (allowing proper DOM access subsequently for animations, etc.).
+(function($, deck, undefined) {
+    var $d = $(document);
+    var may = function(f) {return f ? f : function() {}};
+    $.extend(true, $[deck].defaults, {
+        classes: {
+            svgPlaceholder: 'deck-svg'
+        },
+	selectors: {
+            svgObject: "object[type='deckjs/svg'], div.svg-object",
+            svgObjectDisable: {
+                idrewrite: ".no-idrewrite",
+                stylerewrite: ".no-stylerewrite"
+            }
+        },
+        alert: {
+            missingSVG: true
+        }
+    });
+    function walk(node, fn) {
+        if (node) do {
+            if (node.nodeType === 1) {
+      ;
+                walk(node.firstChild, fn);
+            }
+        } while (node = node.nextSibling);
+    }
+    var svgPatcher = {
+        styleToAttributes: function(root, svgfile) {
+            walk(root, function() {
+                var $n = $(this);
+                if ($n.attr("style")) {
+                    $($n.attr("style").trim().split(/ *; */)).each(function(index, style) {
+                        if (style && style.substring(0,1) != "-") {
+                            var s = style.trim().split(/ *: */);
+                            $n.attr(s[0], s[1]);
+                        }
+                    });
+                }
+                $n.attr("style", null);
+            })
+        },
+        referencingAttributes: ["clip-path", "color-profile", "fill", "filter", "marker-start", "marker-mid", "marker-end", "mask", "stroke"],
+        nextId: 1,
+        generateId: function(oldId) {
+            var id = "uniquesvg"+svgPatcher.nextId;
+            svgPatcher.nextId++;
+            return id;
+        },
+        makeReferencedIdsUnique: function(root, svgfile, continuation) {
+            var andThen = continuation || function(){}
+            var byId = {};
+            var referencersIds = {};
+            var pushAdd = function(k, o) {
+                if (referencersIds[k]) {
+                    referencersIds[k].push(o);
+                } else {
+                    referencersIds[k] = [ o ];
+                }
+            };
+            // gather all ids and references
+            walk(root, function() {
+                var that = this;
+                var $n = $(this);
+                var id =;
+                if (id) {
+                    byId[id] = this;
+                }
+                $(svgPatcher.referencingAttributes).each(function(i,attr) {
+                    var val = $n.attr(attr);
+                    if (val) {
+                        var groups = val.trim().match(/^url\(#(.+?)\)$/)
+                        if (groups) pushAdd(groups[1], {o:that, a:attr})
+                    }
+                });
+                var xlink = $n.attr("xlink:href");
+                if (xlink) {
+                    var groups = xlink.trim().match(/^#(.+?)$/)
+                    if (groups) pushAdd(groups[1], {o:that, a:"xlink:href"})
+                }
+            })
+            // patch used ids and references (keep unreferenced ids fixed (to allow for identification from the editor to the css, even if classes should be preferred))
+            var newIds = {};
+            for (id in referencersIds) {
+                var newId = svgPatcher.generateId(id);
+                byId[id].id = newId;
+                newIds[id] = newId;
+            }
+            setTimeout( // to help firefox in having updated ids
+                (function() {
+                for (id in referencersIds) {
+                    var newId = newIds[id];
+                    var refs = referencersIds[id];
+                    $(refs).each(function(i,pair){
+                        var prev = $(pair.o).attr(pair.a);
+                        if (pair.a == "xlink:href") {
+                            pair.o.setAttributeNS($.svg.xlinkNS, "href", prev.replace("#" + id, "#" + newId));
+                        } else {
+                            $(pair.o).attr(pair.a, prev.replace("#" + id, "#" + newId));
+                        }
+                    })
+                        }
+                    andThen();
+                }), 0)
+        }
+    }
+    $d.bind('deck.beforeInit', function (event) {
+        event.lockInit();
+        var opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+        var container = $[deck]('getContainer');
+        /*
+          Load parameters from an Object element
+        */
+        var loadObjectParams = function(objectElement) {
+            var attributes = {};
+            $(objectElement).children("param").each(function(index){
+                attributes[$(this).attr("name")] = $(this).attr("value");
+            });
+            $.each(objectElement.attributes, function (index, attr) {
+                if ("data-" ==, 5)) {
+                    attributes[] = attr.value;
+                }
+            });
+            return attributes;
+        }
+        /*
+          Return true if default params are set.
+        */
+        var validateParams = function(params) {
+            return params['src'];// && params['width'] && params['height'];// && params['animator'];
+        }
+        /*
+          Create SVG placeholder
+        */
+        var createSVG = function(object, attributes) {
+            var $canvas, $control, $next, $reload, $placeholder;
+            /* Create svg canvas */
+            $canvas = $("<div />").attr({
+                'id':  $(object).attr('id'),
+                'data-src': attributes['src'],
+                'class': opts.classes.svgPlaceholder + " " + $(object).attr('class')
+            }).css({
+                'height': attributes['height'],
+                'width': attributes['width']
+            });
+            return $canvas;
+        }
+        /* Go through all toplevel slides */
+        $($[deck]('getTopLevelSlides')).each( function(i, $slide) {
+            /* Find all the object of type deckjs/svg */
+            $slide.find(opts.selectors.svgObject).each(function(index, obj) {
+                /* Load attributes and validate them */
+                var attributes = loadObjectParams(obj);
+                if (!validateParams(attributes) ) {
+                    throw "Error while initializing "+$(obj).attr('id')+", please ensure you have setup the required parameters."
+                    return false;
+                }
+                /* Create SVG placeholder */
+                var SVG = createSVG(obj, attributes);
+                $(obj).replaceWith(SVG);
+                // Finaly load the SVG data
+                event.lockInit();
+                var notDisabled = function(k) {
+                    var kk = 'no'+k;
+                    var disabled = (attributes[kk] && attributes[kk] == "true") || $(obj).filter(opts.selectors.svgObjectDisable[k]).length > 0
+                    return !disabled;
+                };
+                SVG.svg({
+                    loadURL: attributes['src'],
+                    onLoad: function($svg, w, h) {
+                        var px = function (str) {return str.replace("px", "")}
+                        var aa = $($svg.root());
+                        aa.attr('width', '100%');
+                        aa.attr('height', '100%');
+                        if (aa.attr('viewBox') == undefined) {
+                            if (w==undefined || h==undefined) {
+                                if (opts.alert.missingSVG) alert(
+                                    "There seem to be a problem with the loading of\n   '"+attributes['src'] + "'\n"
+                                        +"\nMaybe the file does not exist?"
+                                        +"\nOr maybe"
+                                        +"\n - it has no w or h attribute?"
+                                        +"\n - you're using a file that is within a symbolic-link folder?"
+                                        +"\n - you're using chrome with local files?"
+                                        +"\n   ⇒ try to restart chrome with '--disable-web-security'");
+                                event.releaseInit();
+                            } else {
+                                var to = "0 0 " + px(w) + " " + px(h);
+                                $svg.root().setAttribute("viewBox", to);
+                                aa.attr("svgViewBox", to);
+                                if (attributes['stretch'] == 'true') $svg.root().setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', "none");
+                                if (notDisabled('stylerewrite')) {
+                                    svgPatcher.styleToAttributes($svg.root(), attributes['src']);
+                                }
+                                if (notDisabled('idrewrite')) {
+                                    svgPatcher.makeReferencedIdsUnique($svg.root(), attributes['src'], function() {
+                                        event.releaseInit();
+                                    });
+                                } else {
+                                    event.releaseInit();
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                });
+            });
+        });
+        event.releaseInit();
+    })
+})(jQuery, 'deck');
+Deck JS - deck.metadata
+Copyright (c) 2014 Rémi Emonet
+Licensed under the MIT license.
+This module automatically takes each meta tag (e.g., author, date, ...) and the page title.
+It then replaces the content of all elements having a var-... class by the value of the metadata.
+This is very useful for example to repeat the date, title, venue name, author name, etc… in a title page, in the footer and in a closing page (without copy pasting).
+(function($, deck, undefined) {
+    $.extend(true, $.deck.defaults, {
+        selectors: {
+            metadataPrefix: '.var-',
+            metadataBrSuffix: '-br',
+            metadataFullSuffix: '-full'
+        },
+        metadataSeparator: /(&nbsp;| )/gi   /* we need to handle '&nbsp;' and ' ' because in the title, ' ' becomes '&nbsp;' */
+    });
+    var $d = $(document);
+    $d.bind('deck.init', function() {
+        var o = $.deck('getOptions');
+        var app = function(_sel, v) {
+            var sel = o.selectors.metadataPrefix + _sel;
+            var sep = o.metadataSeparator;
+            $(sel).html(v.replace(sep, ""));
+            $(sel+o.selectors.metadataFullSuffix).html(v);
+            $(sel+o.selectors.metadataBrSuffix).html(v.replace(sep, "<br/>"));
+        };
+        app("title", $("html>head>title").html());
+        $("html>head>meta[name]").each(function(i,e) {
+            app($(e).attr('name'), $(e).attr('content'))
+        });
+    });
+})(jQuery, 'deck');
+Deck JS - deck.attribution
+Copyright (c) 2014 Rémi Emonet
+Licensed under the MIT license.
+This module automatically adds some text and a link for elements having a "data-attribution" attributes.
+(function($, deck, undefined) {
+    $.extend(true, $.deck.defaults, {
+        classes: {
+            attributionWrapper: 'attribution-wrap',
+            attributionLink: 'attribution-link'
+        },
+        dataAttribution: "data-attribution",
+        dataAttributionContent: "data-attribution-content",
+        dataAttributionClass: "data-attribution-class"
+    });
+    var $d = $(document);
+    $d.bind('deck.init', function() {
+        var o = $.deck('getOptions');
+        $('*['+o.dataAttribution+']').each(function(i, el){
+            var c = $(el).attr(o.dataAttributionContent);
+            var cc = $(el).attr(o.dataAttributionClass);
+            var a = $(el).attr(o.dataAttribution);
+            var w = $("<div>");
+            w.addClass(o.classes.attributionWrapper);
+            var link = $("<a>");
+            link.addClass(o.classes.attributionLink);
+            if (!! cc) link.addClass(cc);
+            link.attr("href", a);
+            link.attr("target", "_blank");
+            if (!! c) {
+                link.html(c);
+            } else {
+                link.html(a);
+            }
+            $(el).after(w);
+            $(w).append(link);
+        });
+    });
+})(jQuery, 'deck');
+Deck JS - deck.container-styling
+Copyright (c) 2014 Rémi Emonet
+Licensed under the MIT license.
+This module automatically adds/removes to the container the class specified in data-container-class (for toplevel slides).
+This extension relies on the events extension.
+(function($, deck, undefined) {
+    var $d = $(document);
+    $d.bind('deck.init', function() {
+        $('*[data-container-class]').each(function(i, el) {
+            var toRemove = ""; // one 'toRemove' per element (that's why we do .each
+            $(el).bind('deck.becameCurrent', function(_, direction) {
+                var target = $(;
+                var toAdd = target.attr('data-container-class');
+                $[deck]('getContainer').addClass(toAdd);
+                toRemove = toAdd;
+            }).bind('deck.lostCurrent', function(_, direction) {
+                $[deck]('getContainer').removeClass(toRemove);
+                toRemove = "";
+            });
+        });
+    });
+    $(document).bind('deck.init', function() { // force trigger even if no #slide-... is provided
+        var current = $[deck]('getSlide')
+        var icur = 0
+        for (; icur < $[deck]('getSlides').length; icur++) {
+            if ($[deck]('getSlides')[icur] == current) break;                
+        }
+        $(document).trigger("deck.change", [icur, icur]);
+    });
+})(jQuery, 'deck');
+Deck JS - deck.timekeeper
+Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Rémi Emonet
+Licensed under the MIT license.
+This module provides a support for displaying current time, time from start and logging the time spent on each slide etc.
+It also injects some default html for it if none is found (and styles it for the presenter/clone view).
+(function($, deck, undefined) {
+    var $d = $(document);
+    $.extend(true, $[deck].defaults, {	
+        selectors: {
+            timekeeper: ".timekeeper", /* inject if this is not present */ // TODO inject
+            timekeeperTime: ".timekeeper-time",
+            timekeeperRelativeTime: ".timekeeper-relative-time",
+            timekeeperLocalRelativeTime: ".timekeeper-local-relative-time",
+            timekeeperLogs: ".timekeeper-logs",
+            timekeeperLogsPre: ".timekeeper-logs pre",
+            timekeeperLogsToggle: ".timekeeper-logs-toggle",
+            timekeeperBang: ".timekeeper-bang",
+            timekeeperClear: ".timekeeper-clear"
+        },
+        classes: {
+            timekeeperNotification: "timekeeper-notification",
+            timekeeperLogsVisible: "timekeeper-logs-visible"
+        },
+        snippets: {
+            timekeeper: true
+        },
+        alert: {
+            localStorageUnsupported: true
+        },
+        localStorage: {
+            timekeeperArchivesMaxSize: 500*1000,
+            timekeeperArchives: 'deckjs-timekeeper-archives',
+            timekeeperLogs: 'deckjs-timekeeper-logs',
+            timekeeperBase: 'deckjs-timekeeper-base',
+            timekeeperLocalBase: 'deckjs-timekeeper-local-base'
+        },
+        timekeeperPeriod: 1000,
+        timekeeperNotificationPeriod: 100,
+        keys: {
+            timekeeper: [27, 75] // escape, k (combine with SHIFT to reset the counter (when starting presenting))
+        }
+    });
+    $d.bind('deck.init', function() {
+        var opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+        var container = $[deck]('getContainer');
+        // sligthly edited from
+        var selectText = function(text) {
+            var doc = document
+            , range, selection
+            ;
+            if (doc.body.createTextRange) { //ms
+                range = doc.body.createTextRange();
+                range.moveToElementText(text);
+      ;
+            } else if (window.getSelection) { //all others
+                selection = window.getSelection();
+                range = doc.createRange();
+                range.selectNodeContents(text);
+                selection.removeAllRanges();
+                selection.addRange(range);
+            }
+        }
+        if (opts.snippets.timekeeper) {
+            var d = function() {return $('<div/>');}
+            var divTK = d().addClass("timekeeper timekeeper-logs-toggle");
+            divTK.append(d().addClass("timekeeper-local-relative-time"));
+            divTK.append(d().addClass("timekeeper-time"));
+            divTK.append(d().addClass("timekeeper-relative-time"));
+            divTK.append(d().addClass("timekeeper-clear"));
+            divTK.append(d().addClass("timekeeper-bang"));
+            divTK.appendTo(container);
+            var divLog = d().addClass("timekeeper-logs");
+            var pre = $('<pre/>').appendTo(divLog);
+            divLog.append(d().addClass("button").click(function() { doBang() }).html("Bang!"));
+            divLog.append(d().addClass("button").click(function() { selectText(pre.get(0)) }).html("select all"));
+            divLog.append(d().addClass("button").click(function() { clearStorage() }).html("Clear").css({color:'#f44', marginLeft: '2em'}));
+            divLog.append(d().addClass("button").addClass("timekeeper-logs-toggle").css({position:'float', float:'right', color:'#0f0'}).html("X"));
+            divLog.appendTo(container);
+        }
+        if (!window.localStorage && opts.alert.localStorageUnsupported) { alert(
+            "LocalStorage is unsupported in your browser, timing features are disabled (timekeeper extension).");
+            return;
+        }
+        var pad = function(base, right) {
+            var s = ""+right;
+            if (s.length >= base.length) return s;
+            else return base.substring(0, base.length - s.length) + s
+        }
+        var formatTime = function(t) {
+            var min = parseInt(t / 1000 / 60);
+            var sec = parseInt(t / 1000 - 60 * min);
+            if (min > 60) {
+                var hours = parseInt(t / 1000 / 60 / 60);
+                min = parseInt(t / 1000 / 60 - 60 * hours);
+                return pad("00", hours) +":"+ pad("00", min) + ":" + pad("00", sec)
+            } else {
+                return pad("00", min) + ":" + pad("00", sec)
+            }
+        }
+        var clearStorage = function(what) {
+            // TODO archive
+            localStorage.setItem(opts.localStorage.timekeeperLogs, null);
+            log("CLEARED BY USER");
+            localStorage.setItem(opts.localStorage.timekeeperBase, JSON.stringify(new Date()));
+            $(opts.selectors.timekeeperClear).addClass(opts.classes.timekeeperNotification);
+            setTimeout(function() {
+                $(opts.selectors.timekeeperClear).removeClass(opts.classes.timekeeperNotification);
+            }, opts.timekeeperNotificationPeriod);
+        }
+        var reset = function() {
+            localStorage.setItem(opts.localStorage.timekeeperLocalBase, JSON.stringify(new Date()));
+        }
+        var getDateOrSet = function(k, or) {
+            var res = localStorage.getItem(k);
+            if (res == null) {
+                res = JSON.stringify(or);
+                localStorage.setItem(k, res);
+            } else {
+                res = new Date(JSON.parse(res));
+            }
+            return res;
+        }
+        var log = function(what) {
+            var now = new Date();
+            var time = now.toString()
+            var localBase = getDateOrSet(opts.localStorage.timekeeperLocalBase, now);
+            var base = getDateOrSet(opts.localStorage.timekeeperBase, now);
+            var db = (now - localBase)/1000;
+            var dcb = (now - base)/1000;
+            var dbtime = formatTime(now - localBase);
+            var dcbtime = formatTime(now - base);
+            var log = time.replace(/GMT.*/, "") + " " + what + " " + dcb + " " + db + " " + dcbtime + " " + dbtime;
+            var data = localStorage.getItem(opts.localStorage.timekeeperLogs);
+            data = log + "\n" + data;
+            localStorage.setItem(opts.localStorage.timekeeperLogs, data);
+            $(opts.selectors.timekeeperLogsPre).html(data);
+        }
+        var saveCurrent = -1;
+        $(document).bind('deck.change', function(e, from, to) {
+            log(from + " " + to);
+            saveCurrent = to;
+        });
+        // Bind key event to add a marker in the logs
+        var $d = $(document);
+        var doBang = function() {
+            log("BANG " + saveCurrent);
+            $(opts.selectors.timekeeperBang).addClass(opts.classes.timekeeperNotification);
+            setTimeout(function() {
+                $(opts.selectors.timekeeperBang).removeClass(opts.classes.timekeeperNotification);
+            }, opts.timekeeperNotificationPeriod);
+            reset();
+        }
+        $d.unbind('keydown.logbang').bind('keydown.logbang', function(e) {
+            if (e.ctrlKey) return;
+            var K = opts.keys.timekeeper;
+            if (e.which === K || $.inArray(e.which, K) > -1) {
+                doBang();
+                if (e.shiftKey) {
+                    clearStorage();
+                }
+            }
+        });
+        $(opts.selectors.timekeeperLogsToggle).unbind('click.timekeeper').bind('click.timekeeper', function(e) {
+            $(opts.selectors.timekeeperLogs).toggleClass(opts.classes.timekeeperLogsVisible);
+        });
+        // Refresh display
+        var period = opts.timekeeperPeriod;
+        setInterval(function() {
+            var today = new Date();
+            today.setMinutes(0);
+            today.setHours(0);
+            today.setSeconds(0);
+            var now = new Date();
+            $(opts.selectors.timekeeperTime).html(formatTime(now - today));
+            var v = localStorage.getItem(opts.localStorage.timekeeperBase);
+            if (v != null) {
+                var t = now - new Date(JSON.parse(v));
+                var time = formatTime(t);
+                $(opts.selectors.timekeeperRelativeTime).html(time);
+            }
+            var v2 = localStorage.getItem(opts.localStorage.timekeeperLocalBase);
+            if (v2 != null) {
+                var t = now - new Date(JSON.parse(v2));
+                var time = formatTime(t);
+                $(opts.selectors.timekeeperLocalRelativeTime).html(time);
+            }
+        }, period);
+    });
+})(jQuery, 'deck');
+function ACTUALLY_FILL_CSS(el) { $(el).text("\n.deck-container {\n  position: relative;\n  overflow: hidden;\n  margin: 0;\n}\n\n.deck-container:not(.show-all-slides):not(.deck-menu):not(.deck-loading) > .slide:not(.deck-current), .deck-container:not(.show-all-slides):not(.deck-menu):not(.deck-loading) > .slide:not(.deck-child-current) {\n  display: none;\n}\n.deck-container:not(.show-all-slides):not(.deck-menu):not(.deck-loading) > .slide.deck-current, .deck-container:not(.show-all-slides):not(.deck-menu):not(.deck-loading) > .slide.deck-child-current {\n  display: block;\n}\n\n.deck-container.deck-loading > *:not(.deck-loading-splash) {\n  visibility: hidden;\n}\n.touch .deck-container {\n  -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;\n  -moz-text-size-adjust: none;\n}\n.deck-container > .slide {\n  position: absolute;\n}\n.deck-container > .slide.deck-current, .deck-container > .slide.deck-child-current {\n  position: absolute;\n  /* relative to parent */\n}\n.deck-container > .slide.deck-current .slide, .deck-container > .slide.deck-child-current .slide {\n  visibility: hidden;\n}\n.deck-container > .slide.deck-current .deck-previous, .deck-container > .slide.deck-current .deck-before, .deck-container > .slide.deck-current .deck-current, .deck-container > .slide.deck-child-current .deck-previous, .deck-container > .slide.deck-child-current .deck-before, .deck-container > .slide.deck-child-current .deck-current {\n  visibility: visible;\n}\n.deck-container.deck-anim-ready .deck-loading-splash {\n  visibility: hidden;\n  opacity: 0;\n  /*\n      right: 100%;\n      left: -100%;\n  */\n  -webkit-transition: visibility 0s linear 0.5s, all 0.5s linear;\n  transition: visibility 0s linear .5s, all 0.5s linear;\n}\n.deck-container .deck-loading-splash {\n  visibility: visible;\n  opacity: 1;\n  position: absolute;\n  text-align: center;\n  padding-top: 200px;\n  display: flex;\n  margin: 0 auto;\n  left: 0;\n  top: 0;\n  right: 0;\n  bottom: 0;\n  background: black;\n  color: white;\n  z-index: 100;\n}\n\n\n.deck-container {\n    width: 100%; height: 100%; /* to get a proper filling of the parent */\n    margin: 0; padding: 0; /* any margin is handled by the parent or the fit extension */\n    position: absolute;\n    left:0; top:0; width:100%; height:100%;\n    border: 0;\n}\n.deck-container>.slide {\n    width: 100%; height: 100%; /* to get a proper filling of the parent */\n    min-width:0; min-height:0; /* undoing some hurting style in the defaults of deck.js */\n    overflow: hidden; /* don't show slides outside of their box */\n    /* margin:0; padding:0; /* remove possible margins */\n}\n\ .clonepointer {\n  /* default convenient positioning for clone pointers */\n  position: absolute;\n  z-index: 10; }\n .clonepointer.scale-on-click {\n    transition: transform 80ms linear;\n    -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 80ms linear; }\n .clonepointer.scale-on-click.pointer-click {\n      transition: transform 150ms linear;\n      -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 150ms linear;\n      transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1.5, 1.5) translate(50%, 50%);\n      -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1.5, 1.5) translate(50%, 50%); }\n\n.notes, .notes-target {\n  display: none; }\n\nbody.has-clones .deck-container:not(.deck-globalscale):not(.deck-menu) > .slide.deck-current, body.has-clones .deck-container:not(.deck-globalscale):not(.deck-menu) > .slide.deck-child-current {\n  outline: 5px solid grey;\n  /* use outline to avoid layout issues with old themes and allow for precise pointer position estimation */\n  overflow: hidden;\n  left: 0;\n  top: 0;\n  transform: translate(20px, 20px);\n  -webkit-transform: translate(20px, 20px); }\n  body.has-clones .deck-container:not(.deck-globalscale):not(.deck-menu) > .slide.deck-current + .slide, body.has-clones .deck-container:not(.deck-globalscale):not(.deck-menu) > .slide.deck-child-current + .slide {\n    outline: 5px solid grey;\n    overflow: hidden;\n    display: block !important;\n    visibility: visible;\n    top: 0;\n    left: 0;\n    transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0.5) translate(50%, 50%) translate(200%, 0) translate(80px, 40px);\n    -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0.5) translate(50%, 50%) translate(200%, 0) translate(80px, 40px); }\n    body.has-clones .deck-container:not(.deck-globalscale):not(.deck-menu) > .slide.deck-current + .slide.deck-next, body.has-clones .deck-container:not(.deck-globalscale):not(.deck-menu) > .slide.deck-child-current + .slide.deck-next {\n      outline-color: red; }\nbody.has-clones .deck-container:not(.deck-globalscale):not(.deck-menu) .notes-target {\n  display: block;\n  background: black;\n  color: #FFB;\n  padding: 5px;\n  position: absolute;\n  left: 840px;\n  right: 0;\n  top: 340px;\n  bottom: 0; }\n\n.goto-form {\n  position: absolute;\n  z-index: 3;\n  bottom: 10px;\n  left: 50%;\n  height: 1.75em;\n  margin: 0 0 0 -9.125em;\n  line-height: 1.75em;\n  padding: 0.625em;\n  display: none;\n  background: #ccc;\n  overflow: hidden;\n  border-radius: 10px;\n}\n.goto-form label {\n  font-weight: bold;\n}\n.goto-form label, .goto-form input {\n  display: inline-block;\n  font-family: inherit;\n}\n.deck-goto .goto-form {\n  display: block;\n}\n\n#goto-slide {\n  width: 8.375em;\n  margin: 0 0.625em;\n  height: 1.4375em;\n}\n\n@media print {\n  .goto-form, #goto-slide {\n    display: none;\n  }\n}\n\ .deck-status {\n  display: none;\n}\n\n.deck-status {\n  position: absolute;\n  z-index: 3;\n  left: 0;\n  bottom: 10px;\n  margin: 0;\n  padding: 0;\n  font-size: 10px;\n  /*outline: 1px solid red;*/\n  width: 100%;\n  text-align: center;\n  color: #888;\n}\n\n.deck-prev-link, .deck-next-link {\n  display: none;\n  position: absolute;\n  z-index: 3;\n  top: 50%;\n  width: 32px;\n  height: 32px;\n  margin-top: -16px;\n  font-size: 20px;\n  font-weight: bold;\n  line-height: 32px;\n  vertical-align: middle;\n  text-align: center;\n  text-decoration: none;\n  color: #fff;\n  background: #888;\n  border-radius: 16px;\n}\n.deck-prev-link:hover, .deck-prev-link:focus, .deck-prev-link:active, .deck-prev-link:visited, .deck-next-link:hover, .deck-next-link:focus, .deck-next-link:active, .deck-next-link:visited {\n  color: #fff;\n}\n\n.deck-prev-link {\n  left: 8px;\n}\n\n.deck-next-link {\n  right: 8px;\n}\n\n.deck-container:hover .deck-prev-link, .deck-container:hover .deck-next-link {\n  display: block;\n}\n.deck-container:hover .deck-prev-link.deck-nav-disabled, .touch .deck-container:hover .deck-prev-link, .deck-container:hover .deck-next-link.deck-nav-disabled, .touch .deck-container:hover .deck-next-link {\n  display: none;\n}\n\n@media print {\n  .deck-prev-link, .deck-next-link {\n    display: none !important;\n  }\n}\n\n.deck-menu {\n  overflow: auto;\n}\n.deck-menu .slide {\n  background: #eee;\n  position: relative;\n  left: 0;\n  top: 0;\n  visibility: visible;\n  cursor: pointer;\n}\ .deck-menu > .slide {\n  float: left;\n  width: 22%;\n  height: 22%;\n  min-height: 0;\n  margin: 1%;\n  font-size: 0.22em;\n  overflow: hidden;\n  padding: 0 0.5%;\n}\n.csstransforms .deck-menu > .slide {\n  -webkit-transform: scale(0.22) !important;\n  -ms-transform: scale(0.22) !important;\n  transform: scale(0.22) !important;\n  -webkit-transform-origin: 0 0;\n  -ms-transform-origin: 0 0;\n  transform-origin: 0 0;\n  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\n  box-sizing: border-box;\n  width: 100%;\n  height: 100%;\n  overflow: hidden;\n  padding: 0 48px;\n  margin: 12px;\n}\n.deck-menu iframe, .deck-menu img, .deck-menu video {\n  max-width: 100%;\n}\n.deck-menu .deck-current, .no-touch .deck-menu .slide:hover {\n  background: #ddf;\n}\n.deck-menu.deck-container:hover .deck-prev-link, .deck-menu.deck-container:hover .deck-next-link {\n  display: none;\n}\n\n.deck-container .attribution-wrap {\n  /* cover the complete offset parent */\n  position: absolute;\n  left: 0;\n  width: 100%;\n  top: 0;\n  height: 100%;\n}\n.deck-container .attribution-link {\n  font-size: 10px;\n  color: white;\n  background: black;\n  border: 1px solid darkgrey;\n  opacity: 0.6;\n  right: 0;\n  bottom: 5px;\n  position: absolute;\n  padding: 0 5px;\n}\n\n/* the time etc */\n.timekeeper {\n  font-size: 28px;\n  border-radius: 3px;\n  background: black;\n  color: white;\n  display: inline-block;\n  position: absolute;\n  left: 840px;\n  top: 340px;\n  width: 400px;\n  padding: 4px;\n  margin: -4px; }\n  body:not(.has-clones) .timekeeper {\n    visibility: hidden; }\n  .timekeeper .timekeeper-time, .timekeeper .timekeeper-local-relative-time {\n    margin: 0;\n    padding: 0;\n    display: inline-block;\n    width: 50%;\n    text-align: center;\n    vertical-align: middle; }\n    .timekeeper .timekeeper-time.timekeeper-local-relative-time, .timekeeper .timekeeper-local-relative-time.timekeeper-local-relative-time {\n      color: grey; }\n    .timekeeper .timekeeper-time.timekeeper-time, .timekeeper .timekeeper-local-relative-time.timekeeper-time {\n      border-left: 2px solid grey;\n      /*margin-left: -10px; not needed with the injected template (no space in it)*/\n      margin-right: -15px; }\n  .timekeeper .timekeeper-relative-time {\n    margin-top: 5px;\n    border-top: 2px solid grey;\n    text-align: center;\n    font-size: 300%; }\n  .timekeeper .timekeeper-bang, .timekeeper .timekeeper-clear {\n    display: inline-block;\n    position: absolute;\n    width: 10px;\n    height: 10px;\n    left: 45%;\n    border: 2px solid grey;\n    border-radius: 15px;\n    background: black; }\n    .timekeeper .timekeeper-bang.timekeeper-bang, .timekeeper .timekeeper-clear.timekeeper-bang {\n      top: 10px; }\n    .timekeeper .timekeeper-bang.timekeeper-clear, .timekeeper .timekeeper-clear.timekeeper-clear {\n      top: 23px; }\n    .timekeeper .timekeeper-bang:not(.timekeeper-notification), .timekeeper .timekeeper-clear:not(.timekeeper-notification) {\n      transition: background 300ms linear;\n      -webkit-transition: background 300ms linear; }\n    .timekeeper .timekeeper-bang.timekeeper-notification, .timekeeper .timekeeper-clear.timekeeper-notification {\n      border-color: white;\n      background: green; }\n      .timekeeper .timekeeper-bang.timekeeper-notification.timekeeper-clear, .timekeeper .timekeeper-clear.timekeeper-notification.timekeeper-clear {\n        background: red; }\n\n/* the logs */\n.timekeeper-logs {\n  visibility: hidden;\n  border: 2px solid black;\n  border-radius: 2px;\n  background: #181818;\n  color: yellow;\n  padding: 5px;\n  position: absolute;\n  width: 500px;\n  right: 0;\n  top: 0;\n  bottom: 0;\n  opacity: .8; }\n  .timekeeper-logs.timekeeper-logs-visible {\n    visibility: visible; }\n  .timekeeper-logs pre {\n    font-size: 10px;\n    overflow-y: scroll;\n    position: absolute;\n    top: 50px;\n    bottom: 0;\n    left: 0;\n    right: 0; }\n  .timekeeper-logs .button {\n    color: white;\n    background: black;\n    display: inline-block;\n    padding: 0 5px;\n    margin-right: 10px;\n    border: 1px solid white;\n    border-radius: 3px; }\n\nbody.has-clones .deck-container:not(.deck-globalscale):not(.deck-menu) div.notes-target {\n  top: 490px; }\n\n.deck-container .slide.image-full > .attribution-wrap, .deck-container .slide.image-full > img, .deck-container .slide.image-full > div.img, .deck-container .slide.image-fit > .attribution-wrap, .deck-container .slide.image-fit > img, .deck-container .slide.image-fit > div.img {\n  z-index: -1;\n}\n.deck-container .slide.image-full > img, .deck-container .slide.image-full > div.img, .deck-container .slide.image-fit > img, .deck-container .slide.image-fit > div.img {\n  margin: 0;\n  padding: 0;\n  position: relative;\n  left: 0;\n  top: 0;\n  width: 100%;\n  min-height: 100%;\n}\n.deck-container .slide.image-full div.img, .deck-container .slide.image-fit div.img {\n  width: 100%;\n  height: 100%;\n  outline: 2px solid red;\n  background-position: center center;\n  background-repeat: no-repeat;\n}\n.deck-container .slide.image-full.image-full div.img, .deck-container .slide.image-fit.image-full div.img {\n  -webkit-background-size: cover;\n  -moz-background-size: cover;\n  -o-background-size: cover;\n  background-size: cover;\n}\n.deck-container .slide.image-full.image-fit div.img, .deck-container .slide.image-fit.image-fit div.img {\n  -webkit-background-size: contain;\n  -moz-background-size: contain;\n  -o-background-size: contain;\n  background-size: contain;\n}\n.deck-container h2 {\n  position: absolute;\n  border: 0px;\n  top: 50px;\n  left: 50px;\n}\n.deck-container h2 {\n  position: absolute;\n  border: 0px;\n  top: 50px;\n  right: 50px;\n}\n.deck-container .slide.bottom-left h2 {\n  position: absolute;\n  border: 0px;\n  bottom: 50px;\n  left: 50px;\n}\n.deck-container .slide.bottom-right h2 {\n  position: absolute;\n  border: 0px;\n  bottom: 50px;\n  right: 50px;\n}\n.deck-container h1, .deck-container h2 {\n  display: none;\n}\n.deck-container .slide.darkened h2 {\n  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);\n  padding: 15px;\n  margin: -15px;\n}\n.deck-container .in3d-table {\n  transform: scale(0.7) perspective(600px) rotateX(40deg) rotateZ(-15deg) translate(-30px, -120px);\n}\n\n.deck-container:not(.deck-globalscale) div.comment, .deck-container:not(.deck-globalscale) .comment {\n  z-index: 1000 !important;\n  /* might need theme specific thing here */\n  background-color: yellow;\n  /* force opaque... */\n  color: darkred;\n}\n\n.deck-container:not(.deck-globalscale) .hasSVG .comment {\n  /*transform: none;*/\n  -webkit-transform: none;\n}\n\nbody:not(.has-clones):not(.show-comments) .deck-container > .slide .comment, body:not(.has-clones):not(.show-comments) .deck-container > .slide .showwhencomment {\n  display: none;\n}\n\n.deck-container > .slide div.comment {\n  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\n  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\n  box-sizing: border-box;\n  /*outline: 1px solid red;*/\n  border-radius: 3px;\n  color: darkred;\n  background: rgba(255, 255, 128, 0.7);\n  /*        opacity: .8;*/\n  font-size: 14px;\n  line-height: initial;\n  padding: 1px 15px;\n  width: auto;\n  height: 20px;\n  margin: 0;\n  margin-left: 100px;\n  margin-top: -6.6px;\n  margin-bottom: -13.2px;\n}\n\n.deck-container > .slide div.comment.small {\n  width: 120px;\n  margin-left: -100px;\n}\n\n.deck-container > .slide div.comment.twolines {\n  height: 40px;\n  margin-top: -13.333px;\n  margin-bottom: -26.667px;\n}\n") }
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