#! /usr/bin/env python """ Unit and functional tests for markdown lesson template validator. Some of these tests require looking for example files, which exist only on the gh-pages branch. Some tests may therefore fail on branch "core". """ import logging import os import unittest import check # Make log messages visible to help audit test failures check.start_logging(level=logging.DEBUG) MARKDOWN_DIR = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir)) class BaseTemplateTest(unittest.TestCase): """Common methods for testing template validators""" SAMPLE_FILE = "" # Path to a file that should pass all tests VALIDATOR = check.MarkdownValidator def _create_validator(self, markdown): """Create validator object from markdown string; useful for failures""" return self.VALIDATOR(markdown=markdown) class TestAstHelpers(BaseTemplateTest): SAMPLE_FILE = os.path.join(MARKDOWN_DIR, 'index.md') VALIDATOR = check.MarkdownValidator def test_link_text_extracted(self): """Verify that link text and destination are extracted correctly""" validator = self._create_validator("""[This is a link](discussion.html)""") links = validator.ast.find_external_links(validator.ast.children[0]) dest, link_text = validator.ast.get_link_info(links[0]) self.assertEqual(dest, "discussion.html") self.assertEqual(link_text, "This is a link") class TestIndexPage(BaseTemplateTest): """Test the ability to correctly identify and validate specific sections of a markdown file""" SAMPLE_FILE = os.path.join(MARKDOWN_DIR, "index.md") VALIDATOR = check.IndexPageValidator def test_sample_file_passes_validation(self): sample_validator = self.VALIDATOR(self.SAMPLE_FILE) res = sample_validator.validate() self.assertTrue(res) def test_headers_missing_hrs(self): validator = self._create_validator("""Blank row layout: lesson title: Lesson Title Another section that isn't an HR """) self.assertFalse(validator._validate_doc_headers()) def test_headers_missing_a_line(self): """One of the required headers is missing""" validator = self._create_validator("""--- layout: lesson ---""") self.assertFalse(validator._validate_doc_headers()) # TESTS INVOLVING DOCUMENT HEADER SECTION def test_headers_fail_with_other_content(self): validator = self._create_validator("""--- layout: lesson title: Lesson Title otherline: Nothing ---""") self.assertFalse(validator._validate_doc_headers()) def test_fail_when_headers_not_yaml_dict(self): """Fail when the headers can't be parsed to a dict of YAML data""" validator = self._create_validator("""--- This will parse as a string, not a dictionary ---""") self.assertFalse(validator._validate_doc_headers()) # TESTS INVOLVING SECTION TITLES/HEADINGS def test_index_has_valid_section_headings(self): """The provided index page""" validator = self._create_validator("""## Topics 1. [Topic Title One](01-one.html) 2. [Topic Title Two](02-two.html) ## Other Resources * [Motivation](motivation.html) * [Reference Guide](reference.html) * [Next Steps](discussion.html) * [Instructor's Guide](instructors.html)""") res = validator._validate_section_heading_order() self.assertTrue(res) def test_index_fail_when_section_heading_absent(self): validator = self._create_validator("""## Topics 1. [Topic Title One](01-one.html) 2. [Topic Title Two](02-two.html) ## Other Resources * [Motivation](motivation.html) * [Reference Guide](reference.html) * [Next Steps](discussion.html) * [Instructor's Guide](instructors.html)""") res = validator.ast.has_section_heading("Fake heading") self.assertFalse(res) def test_fail_when_section_heading_is_wrong_level(self): """All headings must be exactly level 2""" validator = self._create_validator("""--- layout: page title: Lesson Title --- Paragraph of introductory material. > ## Prerequisites > > A short paragraph describing what learners need to know > before tackling this lesson. ### Topics 1. [Topic Title 1](01-one.html) 2. [Topic Title 2](02-two.html) ## Other Resources * [Motivation](motivation.html) * [Reference Guide](reference.html) * [Next Steps](discussion.html) * [Instructor's Guide](instructors.html)""") self.assertFalse(validator._validate_section_heading_order()) def test_fail_when_section_headings_in_wrong_order(self): validator = self._create_validator("""--- layout: lesson title: Lesson Title --- Paragraph of introductory material. > ## Prerequisites > > A short paragraph describing what learners need to know > before tackling this lesson. ## Other Resources * [Motivation](motivation.html) * [Reference Guide](reference.html) * [Instructor's Guide](instructors.html) ## Topics * [Topic Title 1](01-one.html) * [Topic Title 2](02-two.html)""") self.assertFalse(validator._validate_section_heading_order()) def test_pass_when_prereq_section_has_correct_heading_level(self): validator = self._create_validator("""--- layout: lesson title: Lesson Title --- Paragraph of introductory material. > ## Prerequisites > > A short paragraph describing what learners need to know > before tackling this lesson. """) self.assertTrue(validator._validate_intro_section()) def test_fail_when_prereq_section_has_incorrect_heading_level(self): validator = self._create_validator("""--- layout: lesson title: Lesson Title --- Paragraph of introductory material. > # Prerequisites > > A short paragraph describing what learners need to know > before tackling this lesson. """) self.assertFalse(validator._validate_intro_section()) # TESTS INVOLVING LINKS TO OTHER CONTENT def test_file_links_validate(self): """Verify that all links in a sample file validate. Involves checking for example files; may fail on "core" branch""" sample_validator = self.VALIDATOR(self.SAMPLE_FILE) res = sample_validator._validate_links() self.assertTrue(res) def test_html_link_to_extant_md_file_passes(self): """Verify that an HTML link with corresponding MD file will pass Involves checking for example files; may fail on "core" branch""" validator = self._create_validator("""[Topic Title One](01-one.html)""") self.assertTrue(validator._validate_links()) def test_html_link_with_anchor_to_extant_md_passes(self): """Verify that link is identified correctly even if to page anchor For now this just tests that the regex handles #anchors. It doesn't validate that the named anchor exists in the md file Involves checking for example files; may fail on "core" branch """ validator = self._create_validator("""[Topic Title One](01-one.html#anchor)""") self.assertTrue(validator._validate_links()) def test_inpage_anchor_passes_validation(self): """Links that reference anchors within the page should be ignored""" # TODO: Revisit once anchor rules are available validator = self._create_validator("""Most databases also support Booleans and date/time values; SQLite uses the integers 0 and 1 for the former, and represents the latter as discussed [earlier](#a:dates).""") self.assertTrue(validator._validate_links()) def test_missing_markdown_file_fails_validation(self): """Fail validation when an html file is linked without corresponding markdown file""" validator = self._create_validator("""[Broken link](nonexistent.html)""") self.assertFalse(validator._validate_links()) def test_website_link_ignored_by_validator(self): """Don't look for markdown if the file linked isn't local- remote website links are ignored""" validator = self._create_validator("""[Broken link](http://website.com/filename.html)""") self.assertTrue(validator._validate_links()) def test_malformed_website_link_fails_validator(self): """If the link isn't prefixed by http(s):// or ftp://, fail. This is because there are a lot of edge cases in distinguishing between filenames and URLs: err on the side of certainty.""" validator = self._create_validator("""[Broken link](www.website.com/filename.html)""") self.assertFalse(validator._validate_links()) def test_finds_image_asset(self): """Image asset is found in the expected file location Involves checking for example files; may fail on "core" branch""" validator = self._create_validator( """""") self.assertTrue(validator._validate_links()) def test_image_asset_not_found(self): """Image asset can't be found if path is invalid""" validator = self._create_validator( """""") self.assertFalse(validator._validate_links()) def test_non_html_link_finds_csv(self): """Look for CSV file in appropriate folder Involves checking for example files; may fail on "core" branch """ validator = self._create_validator( """Use [this CSV](data/data.csv) for the exercise.""") self.assertTrue(validator._validate_links()) def test_non_html_links_are_path_sensitive(self): """Fails to find CSV file with wrong path.""" validator = self._create_validator( """Use [this CSV](data.csv) for the exercise.""") self.assertFalse(validator._validate_links()) class TestTopicPage(BaseTemplateTest): """Verifies that the topic page validator works as expected""" SAMPLE_FILE = os.path.join(MARKDOWN_DIR, "01-one.md") VALIDATOR = check.TopicPageValidator def test_headers_fail_because_invalid_content(self): """The value provided as YAML does not match the expected datatype""" validator = self._create_validator("""--- layout: lesson title: Lesson Title subtitle: A page minutes: not a number ---""") self.assertFalse(validator._validate_doc_headers()) def test_topic_page_should_have_no_headings(self): """Requirement according to spec; may be relaxed in future""" validator = self._create_validator(""" ## Heading that should not be present Some text""") self.assertFalse(validator._validate_has_no_headings()) def test_sample_file_passes_validation(self): sample_validator = self.VALIDATOR(self.SAMPLE_FILE) res = sample_validator.validate() self.assertTrue(res) class TestMotivationPage(BaseTemplateTest): """Verifies that the instructors page validator works as expected""" SAMPLE_FILE = os.path.join(MARKDOWN_DIR, "motivation.md") VALIDATOR = check.MotivationPageValidator def test_sample_file_passes_validation(self): sample_validator = self.VALIDATOR(self.SAMPLE_FILE) res = sample_validator.validate() self.assertTrue(res) class TestReferencePage(BaseTemplateTest): """Verifies that the reference page validator works as expected""" SAMPLE_FILE = os.path.join(MARKDOWN_DIR, "reference.md") VALIDATOR = check.ReferencePageValidator def test_missing_glossary_definition(self): validator = self._create_validator("") self.assertFalse(validator._validate_glossary_entry( ["Key word"])) def test_missing_colon_at_glossary_definition(self): validator = self._create_validator("") self.assertFalse(validator._validate_glossary_entry( ["Key word", "Definition of term"])) def test_wrong_indentation_at_glossary_definition(self): validator = self._create_validator("") self.assertFalse(validator._validate_glossary_entry( ["Key word", ": Definition of term"])) def test_wrong_continuation_at_glossary_definition(self): validator = self._create_validator("") self.assertFalse(validator._validate_glossary_entry( ["Key word", ": Definition of term", "continuation"])) def test_valid_glossary_definition(self): validator = self._create_validator("") self.assertTrue(validator._validate_glossary_entry( ["Key word", ": Definition of term", " continuation"])) def test_only_definitions_can_appear_after_glossary_heading(self): validator = self._create_validator("""## Glossary Key Word 1 : Definition of first term Paragraph Key Word 2 : Definition of second term """) self.assertFalse(validator._validate_glossary()) def test_glossary(self): validator = self._create_validator("""## Glossary Key Word 1 : Definition of first term Key Word 2 : Definition of second term """) self.assertTrue(validator._validate_glossary()) def test_sample_file_passes_validation(self): sample_validator = self.VALIDATOR(self.SAMPLE_FILE) res = sample_validator.validate() self.assertTrue(res) class TestInstructorPage(BaseTemplateTest): """Verifies that the instructors page validator works as expected""" SAMPLE_FILE = os.path.join(MARKDOWN_DIR, "instructors.md") VALIDATOR = check.InstructorPageValidator def test_sample_file_passes_validation(self): sample_validator = self.VALIDATOR(self.SAMPLE_FILE) res = sample_validator.validate() self.assertTrue(res) class TestLicensePage(BaseTemplateTest): SAMPLE_FILE = os.path.join(MARKDOWN_DIR, "LICENSE.md") VALIDATOR = check.LicensePageValidator def test_sample_file_passes_validation(self): sample_validator = self.VALIDATOR(self.SAMPLE_FILE) res = sample_validator.validate() self.assertTrue(res) def test_modified_file_fails_validation(self): with open(self.SAMPLE_FILE, 'rU') as f: orig_text = f.read() mod_text = orig_text.replace("The", "the") validator = self._create_validator(mod_text) self.assertFalse(validator.validate()) class TestDiscussionPage(BaseTemplateTest): SAMPLE_FILE = os.path.join(MARKDOWN_DIR, "discussion.md") VALIDATOR = check.DiscussionPageValidator def test_sample_file_passes_validation(self): sample_validator = self.VALIDATOR(self.SAMPLE_FILE) res = sample_validator.validate() self.assertTrue(res) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()