#------------------------------------------------------------ # Values for this site. #------------------------------------------------------------ # Domain for searches. domain: "https://gvwilson.github.io/new-lesson-example" # URL for repository. repo: "https://github.com/gvwilson/new-lesson-example" # Root URL for lesson below domain. root: "/new-lesson-example" # Overall lesson title. title: "Lesson Example" # Contact email address. email: gvwilson@software-carpentry.org #------------------------------------------------------------ # Generic settings (should not need to change). #------------------------------------------------------------ # Sites. amy_site: "https://amy.software-carpentry.org/workshops" dc_site: "https://datacarpentry.org" swc_github: "https://github.com/swcarpentry" swc_site: "https://software-carpentry.org" template_repo: "https://github.com/gvwilson/new-lesson-template" # Start time in minutes (540 is 09:00 am) start_time: 540 # Specify that things in the episodes collection should be output. collections: episodes: output: true permalink: /:path/ extras: output: true # Set the default layout for things in the episodes collection. defaults: - scope: path: "" type: episodes values: layout: episode # Files and directories that are not to be copied. exclude: - Makefile # Turn off built-in syntax highlighting. highlighter: false