{% comment %} Display syllabus in tabular form. Days are displayed if at least one episode has 'start = true'. {% endcomment %}
{% endif %} | Setup | Dowload files used on the lesson. | |
{% endif %} | {% if hours < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ hours }}:{% if minutes < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ minutes }} | Finish | |
{% if episode.start %}Day {{ day }}{% endif %} | {% endif %}{% if hours < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ hours }}:{% if minutes < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ minutes }} | {{ episode.title }} |
{% if episode.break %}
{% else %}
{% if episode.questions %}
{% for question in episode.questions %}
{% unless forloop.last %}
{% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} |
{% endif %} | {% if hours < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ hours }}:{% if minutes < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ minutes }} | Finish |
The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.