lesson-example ============== This repository shows how to create a lesson using the [Software Carpentry lesson template][swc-lesson-template], and is itself an example of the use of that template. 1. Do *not* fork this repository directly on GitHub. Instead, please follow the instructions in [the setup instructions][setup] to create a repository for your lesson from [the template repository][styles]. 2. Once you have created the repository, please go through [the episodes][rendered] to format your lesson. 3. Please keep the master copy of your lesson in your repository's `gh-pages` branch, since that is what is [automatically published as a website by GitHub][github-pages]. To simplify reviewing, please make changes in feature branches and then submit pull requests against the `gh-pages` branch of your lesson's repository. ## Layout The layout of this repository is explained in [this site's episodes][rendered]. In brief: 1. The source for pages that appear as direct items in the navigation bar are stored in the root directory. 2. Source files for lesson episodes are stored in `_episodes` so that we can make use of [Jekyll collections][collections]; `_episodes/01-xyz.md` generates `/01-xyz/index.html`, which can be linked to using `/01-xyz/`. 3. Files that appear under the "extras" menu pulldown are stored in `_extras`. 4. Figures and other files are stored in the `files` directory, while data sets are stored in `data` and source code for examples in `code`. ## Getting Started 1. Run `bin/lesson-initialize` to create files that can't be stored in the template repository (because they would cause repeated merge conflicts), then edit `_config.yml` as described in the episode on organization. 2. For a list of helpful commands run `make` in this directory. If you are looking for things to work on, please see [the list of issues for this repository][issues]. [collections]: https://jekyllrb.com/docs/collections/ [github-pages]:(https://help.github.com/articles/creating-project-pages-manually/ [issues]: https://github.com/swcarpentry/lesson-example/issues/ [rendered]: https://swcarpentry.github.io/lesson-example/ [setup]: setup.md [styles]: https://github.com/swcarpentry/styles/