--- layout: lesson root: . # Is the only page that doesn't follow the pattern /:path/index.html permalink: index.html # Is the only page that doesn't follow the pattern /:path/index.html --- {% include gh_variables.html %} For guidelines on how to develop curriculum content, please visit [The Carpentries Curriculum Development Handbook](https://carpentries.github.io/curriculum-development/). This lesson shows how to use [The Carpentries]({{ site.carpentries_site}}) lesson template. The materials below assume familiarity with tools such as GitHub, Markdown, and Jekyll. For more guidance, please visit the [Technological introductions](https://carpentries.github.io/curriculum-development/technological-introductions.html) section of The Carpentries Curriculum Development Handbook. For guidelines on how to help improve our lessons and this template, please see [the contribution guidelines][contributing]; for guidelines on how to set up your machine to preview changes locally, please see [the setup instructions]({{ page.root }}{% link setup.md %}). > ## Prerequisites > > Use the `.prereq` style to specify prerequisites. {: .prereq} > ## Ten Things You Need To Know > > 0. Don't panic. > 1. Create a new lesson by using GitHub Import, *not* by forking. > 2. Run `bin/lesson_initialize.py` *once* in a new lesson repository to set up standard files. > 3. Run `make lesson-check` to check that the lesson is formatted correctly. > 4. Put lesson episodes in `_episodes` (or `_episodes_rmd` if you are writing in RMarkdown). > 5. Run `make serve` to preview the lesson website locally. > 6. Do *not* commit the generated HTML files in the `_site` directory. > 7. Style blocks and code samples by putting `{: .stylename}` on a newline *after* the block or code. > 8. Put solutions inside challenges using nested blockquotes. > 9. File issues and template fixes in the [styles repository][styles], > and enhancements to this documentation in this one. {: .checklist} {% include links.md %}