TelCon 28 of September ====================== On the primary PRACE number: +49 30 2541080 (Passcode: 97919065#) Apologies: ---------- - Andrew Emerson (CINECA) - Arno Proeme(EPCC) - Charles Moulinec (STFC) - Luigi Iapichino (LRZ) - Volker Weinberg (LRZ) Present: -------- - Martti Louhivuori (CSC) - Mariusz Uchronski (WCNS/PSNC) - Jacob Finkenrath (CyI) - Valeriu Codreanu (SurfSARA) - Dimitris Dellis (GRNET) - Victor Cameo Ponz (CINES) Minutes of meeting: ------------------- Update on machine availability ****************************** - E4/GPU Rack are physicaly inside CINECA, openning is planned around 13 October - No change for now for FPGA cluster - available mid October Login procedures **************** - E4/GPU: Still no new from Carlo Cavazzoni but Victor Cameo Ponz should see him in person next week Basics for energy mesurement on BULL/Atos KNL machine ***************************************************** Update for BEO, that is now available. - Generate an rsa key and send the public part to - You will be able to call BEO through SSH and get basic job energy reports. - Please consult a more detailed documentation on the machine itself: ``/opt/software/frioul/documentation/beo_usage.txt`` - You will also find complete user guides for HDEEVIZ (vizualisation part not available yet) and BEO in the same directory Figures that will be included in the final deliverable (performances & energy related) ************************************************************************************** - it could be interesting, if possible and meaningfull, to run the same simulation on different set of nodes to get some kind of scalability on power figures. Questions, concerns and report from BCOs **************************************** Everything about login opening, deadlines, expected work during the next period, others: +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | Code name + 4IP-extension BCO + | | | +========================+===========================================================+ | Code_Saturne | Ran and exploit results on KNL/Frioul, that is not lost | | | since files are shared. Should run directly on PCP since | | | it should be no differences. Runs will begin on PCP by | | | 10 days. | +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | CP2K | KNL: built essential CP2K libraries, now building | | | CP2K itself | +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | GADGET | no updates | +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | GPAW | Login ok, ready to start | +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | GROMACS | First runs has been done, since 13 of September could | +------------------------+ not submit, but this is now over and machine is + | NAMD | available again | +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | NEMO | KNL Building netcdf and xios before building NEMO itself | +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | PFARM | WIP on code compilation | +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | QCD | part 1 WIP | +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Quantum Espresso | nothing recent | +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | SHOC | will detail soon kernels to be ported | +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Specfem3D_Globe | WIP with compilation, previously used sources modified by | | | intel but since they didn't released it publicly it wont | | | be used anymore (or just as point of comparison) | +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ **General questions** AoB - Date of next meeting **************************** - 12 of October, 11:00 CEST, primary PRACE number