.. _d77: Deliverable 7.7: Performance and energy metrics on PCP systems ============================================================== Executive Summary ***************** This document describes efforts deployed in order to exploit PRACE Pre-Comercial Procurment (PCP) machines. It aims at giving an overview of what can be done on in term of performances and energy analysis on this prototypes. The key focus have been given to a general study using the PRACE Unified European Application Benchmark Suite (UEABS) and a more detailed case study porting the HORSE+MaPHyS+PaStiX stack using cuting edge tools. This work has been undertaken by the 4IP-extension task "Performance and energy metrics on PCP systems" which is a follow-up of the Task 7.2B "Accelerators benchmarks" in the PRACE Fourth Implementation Phase (4IP). It also heads in the direction of the Task 7.3 in 5IP meaning to merge PRACE accelerated and standart benchmark suites, as codes of the latter have been run on accelerators in this task. As a result, ALYA, Code_Saturne, CP2K, GPAW, GROMACS, NAMD, PFARM, QCD, Quantum Espresso, SHOC and Specfem3D_Globe (already ported to accelerator) and GADGET and NEMO (newly ported) have been selected to run on Intel KNL and NVDIA GPU to give an overview of performances and energy measurement. Also the HORSE+MaPHyS+PaStiX stack have been selected to be ported on Intel KNL. Focus here has been given to performing an energetic profiling of theses codes and studying the influence of several parameters driving the accuracy and numerical efficiency of the underlying simulations. Introduction ************ The work produced within this task is driven by the delivery of PRACE PCP machines. It aims at giving manufacturer-independent performance and energy metrics for future Exascale systems. It is also an opportunity to explore and test cuting edge energy hardware stack and tool developped within the scope of PCP. As stated in the Milestone 33, this document will present metrics for selected code among the UEABS. It allows to show results concerning many fields used used by European scientific communities. As well as it will go deeper in the porting and energetic profiling activities using the HORSE+MaPHyS+PaStiX stack as exemple. Section :ref:`d77_cluster_specs` will details hardware and software specifications where metrics have been carried out. On section :ref:`d77_ueabs_metrics` the metrics for UEABS will be bring together. The work on porting and energy profiling will be presented in section :ref:`_d77_port_profile`. Section :ref:`d77_conclusion` will conclude and outline further work on PCP prototypes. .. _d77_cluster_specs: Clusters specifications and access ********************************** balbla 3 system, presentation des deux surlequel va porter le livrable. PCP = prototypes = fighting with currently in development soft/hardwares Access to machines ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. include:: /pcp_systems/e4_gpu.rst .. include:: /pcp_systems/atos_knl.rst .. _d77_ueabs_metrics: Performances and energy metrics of UEABS on PCP systems ******************************************************* intro: ref to previous D7.5 & UEABS mix of the two. explain that some are newly ported to accelerators Discution about metrics: present time to solution and energy to solution so that both metrics measure exactly the same thing. Aside to this to figure some code actualy present specific performance metrics that are more relevant than time to solution each code ^^^^^^^^^ - what's new - few comments on perf/energy/scalability wrap-up table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _d77_port_profile: Energetic Analysis of a Solver Stack for Frequency-Domain Electromagnetics ************************************************************************** Numerical approach ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Simulation software ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MaPHyS algebraic solver ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Numerical and performance results ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MaPHyS used in standalone mode """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Scattering of a plane wave by a PEC sphere """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Conclusion **********