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#!/usr/bin/env python
TOPS software installer. This is written using the python module
which is, for simplicity, included in this file 

EasyGui provides an easy-to-use interface for simple GUI interaction
with a user.  It does not require the programmer to know anything about
tkinter, frames, widgets, callbacks or lambda.  All GUI interactions are
invoked by simple function calls that return results.

Documentation is in an accompanying file, easygui.txt.

WARNING about using EasyGui with IDLE

You may encounter problems using IDLE to run programs that use EasyGui. Try it
and find out.  EasyGui is a collection of Tkinter routines that run their own
event loops.  IDLE is also a Tkinter application, with its own event loop.  The
two may conflict, with the unpredictable results. If you find that you have
problems, try running your program outside of IDLE.

Note that EasyGui requires Tk release 8.0 or greater.

EasyGuiRevisionInfo = " version 0.72 2004-06-20"

# see easygui.txt for revision history information

__all__ = ['ynbox'
	, 'ccbox'
	, 'boolbox'
	, 'indexbox'
	, 'msgbox'
	, 'buttonbox'
	, 'integerbox'
	, 'multenterbox'
	, 'enterbox'
	, 'choicebox'
	, 'codebox'
	, 'textbox'
	, 'diropenbox'
	, 'fileopenbox'
	, 'filesavebox'
	, 'passwordbox'
	, 'multpasswordbox'
	, 'multchoicebox'

import sys
  from Tkinter import *
  sys.exit('Python is NOT installed with Tkinter on this system')

if TkVersion < 8.0 :
	print "\n" * 3
	print "*"*75
	print "Running Tk version:", TkVersion
	print "You must be using Tk version 8.0 or greater to use EasyGui."
	print "Terminating."
	print "*"*75
	print "\n" * 3

rootWindowPosition = "+40+100"
#rootWindowPosition = "+300+200"
import string

DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY   = ("MS", "Sans", "Serif")
BIG_FONT_SIZE         = 12
SMALL_FONT_SIZE       =  9

import tkFileDialog

# various boxes built on top of the basic buttonbox

def ynbox(message="Shall I continue?", title=""):
	"""Display a message box with choices of Yes and No.
	The default is "Yes".
	Returns returns 1 if "Yes" is chosen, or if
	the dialog is cancelled (which is interpreted as
	choosing the default).  Otherwise returns 0.

	If invoked without a message parameter, displays a generic request for a confirmation
	that the user wishes to continue.  So it can be used this way:

		if ynbox(): pass # continue
		else: sys.exit(0)  # exit the program

	choices = ["Yes", "No"]
	if title == None: title = ""
	return boolbox(message, title, choices)

def ccbox(message="Shall I continue?", title=""):
	"""Display a message box with choices of Continue and Cancel.
	The default is "Continue".
	Returns returns 1 if "Continue" is chosen, or if
	the dialog is cancelled (which is interpreted as
	choosing the default).  Otherwise returns 0.

	If invoked without a message parameter, displays a generic request for a confirmation
	that the user wishes to continue.  So it can be used this way:

		if ccbox(): pass # continue
		else: sys.exit(0)  # exit the program
	choices = ["Continue", "Cancel"]
	if title == None: title = ""
	return boolbox(message, title, choices)

def boolbox(message="Shall I continue?", title="", choices=["Yes","No"]):
	"""Display a boolean message box.
	The default is the first choice.
	Returns returns 1 if the first choice is chosen, or if
	the dialog is cancelled (which is interpreted as
	choosing the default).  Otherwise returns 0.
	if title == None:
		if message == "Shall I continue?": title = "Confirmation"
		else: title = ""

	reply = buttonbox(message, title, choices)
	if reply == choices[0]: return 1
	else: return 0

def indexbox(message="Shall I continue?", title="", choices=["Yes","No"]):
	"""Display a buttonbox with the specified choices.
	Return the index of the choice selected.
	reply = buttonbox(message, title, choices)
	index = -1
	for choice in choices:
		index = index + 1
		if reply == choice: return index

# msgbox
def msgbox(message="Shall I continue?", title="", buttonMessage="OK"):
	"""Display a messagebox
	choices = [buttonMessage]
	reply = buttonbox(message, title, choices)
	return reply

# buttonbox
def buttonbox(message="Shall I continue?", title="", choices = ["Button1", "Button2", "Button3"],fontSize = DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE,message2 = None):
	"""Display a message, a title, and a set of buttons.
	The buttons are defined by the members of the choices list.
	Return the text of the button that the user selected.

	global root, __replyButtonText, __widgetTexts, buttonsFrame

	if title == None: title = ""
	if message == None: message = "This is an example of a buttonbox."

	# Initialize __replyButtonText to the first choice.
	# This is what will be used if the window is closed by the close button.
	__replyButtonText = choices[0]

	root = Tk()
	root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', denyWindowManagerClose )
	root.minsize(600, 400)

	# ------------- define the frames --------------------------------------------
	messageFrame = Frame(root)
	messageFrame.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH)

	buttonsFrame = Frame(root)
	buttonsFrame.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH)

	# -------------------- place the widgets in the frames -----------------------
	messageWidget = Message(messageFrame, text=message, width=len(message)*fontSize+4)
	messageWidget.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=X, padx='3m', pady='3m')

        if message2:
  	  messageWidget = Message(messageFrame, text=message2, width=len(message)*fontSize+4)
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