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main.c 3.7 KiB
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mpi.h>

#include "configuration.h"
#include "mpitypes.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "world.h"
#include "simulation.h"

void broadcast_configuration(conf_t *c);

void read_input(const conf_t *c, world_t *world);

void iterate(const conf_t *c, world_t *world);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   conf_t config;
   world_t world;

   MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

   // Parse command line arguments
   conf_init_from_args(&config, argc, argv);
   if(info_enabled(&config)) conf_print(&config, stdout);

   // Read input file
   read_input(&config, &world);

   // Run simulation
   iterate(&config, &world);

   if(info_enabled(&config)) printf("Done.\n");

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;

void read_input(const conf_t *c, world_t *world) {
   int rank;
   const int periods[2] = {0}; // non-periodic boundaries
   const int allow_reorder = 1;
   MPI_Comm cart_comm;

   char input_filename[FILE_NAME_SZ];
   MPI_File file;

   size_t global_sizes[2];
   size_t header_length;

   MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

   // Determine input file name
   snprintf(input_filename, sizeof(input_filename), "%s%s", c->file_basename, FILE_EXT);

   if(info_enabled(c)) printf("Reading '%s'...\n\n", input_filename);
   MPI_File_open(MPI_COMM_WORLD, input_filename, MPI_MODE_RDONLY, MPI_INFO_NULL, &file);

   // Read header
   file_read_header(file, global_sizes, &header_length);

   if(info_enabled(c)) printf(
      "Read header (%ld characters).\n"
      "Global size: %ld x %ld\n\n",
      header_length, global_sizes[0], global_sizes[1]
   if(debug_enabled(c)) printf(
      "%03d: Local tile: [%ld %ld) x [%ld %ld)\n", rank,
      world->local_start[0], world->local_start[0]+world->local_size[0],
      world->local_start[1], world->local_start[1]+world->local_size[1]

   // Initialize cells (determine local tile, allocate memory)
   MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2, c->nprocs, periods, allow_reorder, &cart_comm);
   world_init(world, cart_comm, global_sizes);

   // Collectively read cell data
   file_read_world(file, world, header_length);

void iterate(const conf_t *c, world_t *world)
   const size_t n_it = c->n_iterations;
   const size_t n_gen = c->n_generations_per_iteration;

   size_t i, g;
   double total_time, sim_time = 0, io_time = 0;

   char output_filename[FILE_NAME_SZ+8];
   MPI_File file;
   size_t header_length;

   if(info_enabled(c)) printf(
      "Running %d iterations with %ld generations per iteration.\n\n",
      n_it, n_gen

   total_time = -MPI_Wtime();
   g = 0;
   for(i = 1; i <= n_it; i++) {

      // Run n_gen generations
      sim_time -= MPI_Wtime();
      do_simulation(world, n_gen); g += n_gen;
      sim_time += MPI_Wtime();

      // Determine output filename
         output_filename, sizeof(output_filename),
         c->file_basename, g, FILE_EXT

      // Write output file
      io_time -= MPI_Wtime();
         MPI_COMM_WORLD, output_filename,
         MPI_INFO_NULL, &file
      file_write_header(file, world, &header_length);
      file_write_world(file, world, header_length);
      io_time += MPI_Wtime();

      if(info_enabled(c)) printf("Done iteration %-4d - Generation %-7ld - written '%s'.\n", i, g, output_filename);
   total_time += MPI_Wtime();

   if(info_enabled(c)) printf(
      " * Generations per second:  %.0f\n"
      " * Net simulation time (s): %f\n"
      " * Net I/O time (s):        %f\n"
      " * Total time (s):          %f\n\n",
      g / sim_time, sim_time, io_time, total_time