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Commit 4076693e authored by Mads R. B. Kristensen's avatar Mads R. B. Kristensen
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Added training materials for the Chapel Programming Language

1 merge request!1Chapel training material
Compilation instructions
There are no specific requirements for building examples,
just standard make, working MPI environment (for MPI examples) and
OpenMP enabled C or Fortran compiler (for OpenMP examples).
Move to proper subfolder (C or Fortran) and modify the top of the **Makefile**
according to your environment (proper compiler commands and compiler flags).
All examples can be built with simple **make**, **make mpi** builds the MPI
examples and **make omp** OpenMP examples.
# Makefile that builds each src/*.chpl file into a binary in bin/*
SRC=$(wildcard src/*.chpl)
PROGRAM=$(addprefix bin/, $(subst .chpl,, $(subst src/,,$(SRC))))
all: mkdir $(PROGRAM)
bin/% : src/%.chpl
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
.PHONY: clean mkdir
mkdir -p bin
rm -R bin
use BlockDist;
config const n = 8;//Size of the domain squired
config const epsilon = 1.0e-10;//Stop condition in amount of change
config var iterations = 1000;//Stop condition in number of iterations
//A n+2 by n+2 domain.
const Grid = {0..n+1, 0..n+1} dmapped Block({1..n, 1..n});
//A n by n domain that represents the interior of 'Grid'
const Interior = {1..n, 1..n};
var A, T : [Grid] real;//Zero initialized as default
A[..,0] = -273.15; //Left column
A[..,n+1] = -273.15; //Right column
A[n+1,..] = -273.15; //Bottom row
A[0,..] = 40.0; //Top row
//Since all iterations are independent, we can use 'forall', which allows
//the Chapel runtime system to calculate the iterations in parallel
forall (i,j) in Interior do//Iterate over all non-border cells
//Assign each cell in 'T' the mean of its neighboring cells in 'A'
T[i,j] = (A[i,j] + A[i-1,j] + A[i+1,j] + A[i,j-1] + A[i,j+1]) / 5;
//Delta is the total amount of change done in this iteration
const delta = + reduce abs(A[Interior] - T[Interior]);
//Copy back the non-border cells
A[Interior] = T[Interior];
//When 'delta' is smaller than 'epsilon' the calculation has converged
iterations -= 1;
} while (delta > epsilon && iterations > 0);
config const n = 8;//Size of the domain squired
config const epsilon = 1.0e-10;//Stop condition in amount of change
config var iterations = 1000;//Stop condition in number of iterations
//A n+2 by n+2 domain.
const Grid = {0..n+1, 0..n+1};
//A n by n domain that represents the interior of 'Grid'
const Interior = {1..n, 1..n};
var A, T : [Grid] real;//Zero initialized as default
A[..,0] = -273.15; //Left column
A[..,n+1] = -273.15; //Right column
A[n+1,..] = -273.15; //Bottom row
A[0,..] = 40.0; //Top row
//Since all iterations are independent, we can use 'forall', which allows
//the Chapel runtime system to calculate the iterations in parallel
forall (i,j) in Interior do//Iterate over all non-border cells
//Assign each cell in 'T' the mean of its neighboring cells in 'A'
T[i,j] = (A[i,j] + A[i-1,j] + A[i+1,j] + A[i,j-1] + A[i,j+1]) / 5;
//Delta is the total amount of change done in this iteration
const delta = + reduce abs(A[Interior] - T[Interior]);
//Copy back the non-border cells
A[Interior] = T[Interior];
//When 'delta' is smaller than 'epsilon' the calculation has converged
iterations -= 1;
} while (delta > epsilon && iterations > 0);
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