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Commits on Source (2)
...@@ -8,9 +8,43 @@ be built and run as: ...@@ -8,9 +8,43 @@ be built and run as:
- gcc -o exe -fopenmp exercise.c - gcc -o exe -fopenmp exercise.c
- gfortran -o exe -fopenmp exercise.c - gfortran -o exe -fopenmp exercise.c
where gcc/gfortran and -fopenmp should be replaced by proper compiler commands and options if you are not using the GNU compilers. where gcc/gfortran and -fopenmp should be replaced by proper compiler commands
and options if you are not using the GNU compilers.
For more complex cases a Makefile is provided. For more complex cases a Makefile is provided.
## Exercises ## Exercises
- [Hello world](hello-world) Simplest possible OpenMP program
(C and Fortran versions). Level: **basic**
- [Parallel region and data sharing](data-sharing) The basic data sharing
primitives (C and Fortran versions). Level: **basic**
- [Work sharing for a simple loop](work-sharing) Simple parallelization of
for/do loop (C and Fortran versions). Level: **basic**
- [Vector sum and race condition](race-condition) A basic example of race
condition and various ways for resolving it (C and Fortran versions).
Level: **intemediate**
- [Using OpenMP tasks for dynamic parallelization](tasks) Utilising OpenMP
task construct for more dynamic parallelization (C and Fortran versions).
Level: **intemediate**
## Examples ## Examples
- [Heat equation](heat-equation) A two dimensional heat equation solver which
is parallelized with OpenMP. (C and Fortran versions).
Level: **intermediate**
## How to contribute
Any contributions (new exercises and examples, bug fixes, improvements etc.) are
warmly welcome. In order to contribute, please follow the standard
Gitlab workflow:
1. Fork the project into your personal space
2. Create a feature branch
3. Work on your contributions
4. Push the commit(s) to your fork
5. Submit a merge request to the master branch
As a quality assurance, the merge request is reviewed by PRACE staff before it is accepted into main branch.
Copyright (C) 2018 CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd.
Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
Copy of the GNU General Public License can be obtained from
## Parallel region and data sharing ##
Take a look at the exercise skeleton in [variables.c](variables.c) (or
[variables.F90](variables.F90) for Fortran). Add an OpenMP parallel
region aroung the block where the variables `Var1` and `Var2` are
printed and manipulated. What results do you get when you define the
variables as **shared**, **private** or **firstprivate**? Explain why
do you get different results.
program exer1
implicit none
integer :: var1, var2
var1 = 1
var2 = 2
print *, 'Region 1: var1=', var1, 'var2=', var2
var1 = var1 + 1
var2 = var2 + 1
print *, 'After region 1: var1=', var1, 'var2=', var2
print *
print *, 'Region 2: var1=', var1, 'var2=', var2
var1 = var1 + 1
var2 = var2 + 1
print *, 'After region 2: var1=', var1, 'var2=', var2
print *
print *, 'Region 3: var1=', var1, 'var2=', var2
var1 = var1 + 1
var2 = var2 + 1
print *, 'After region 3: var1=', var1, 'var2=', var2
print *
end program exer1
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int var1 = 1, var2 = 2;
#pragma omp parallel private(var1, var2)
printf("Region 1: var1=%i, var2=%i\n", var1, var2);
printf("After region 1: var1=%i, var2=%i\n\n", var1, var2);
#pragma omp parallel firstprivate(var1, var2)
printf("Region 2: var1=%i, var2=%i\n", var1, var2);
printf("After region 2: var1=%i, var2=%i\n\n", var1, var2);
#pragma omp parallel /* same as omp parallel shared(var1, var2) */
printf("Region 3: var1=%i, var2=%i\n", var1, var2);
/* Note that this introduces the data race condition! */
printf("After region 3: var1=%i, var2=%i\n\n", var1, var2);
return 0;
program exer1
implicit none
integer :: var1, var2
var1 = 1
var2 = 2
! Test different data sharing clauses here
print *, 'Region 1: var1=', var1, 'var2=', var2
var1 = var1 + 1
var2 = var2 + 1
!end here :)
print *, 'After region 1: var1=', var1, 'var2=', var2
print *
end program exer1
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int var1 = 1, var2 = 2;
/* TODO:
* Test the effect of different data sharing clauses here
printf("Region 1: var1=%i, var2=%i\n", var1, var2);
printf("After region 1: var1=%i, var2=%i\n\n", var1, var2);
return 0;
Copyright (C) 2018 CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd.
Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
Copy of the GNU General Public License can be obtained from
Two dimensional heat equation
This folder contains a code which solves two dimensional heat equation
with OpenMP parallelization. A coarse grained parallelization is used, where
the threads are launched in the start of the program and kept alive throughout
the whole execution.
Heat (or diffusion) equation is
<!-- Equation
\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \alpha \nabla^2 u
where **u(x, y, t)** is the temperature field that varies in space and time,
and α is thermal diffusivity constant. The two dimensional Laplacian can be
discretized with finite differences as
<!-- Equation
\nabla^2 u &= \frac{u(i-1,j)-2u(i,j)+u(i+1,j)}{(\Delta x)^2} \\
&+ \frac{u(i,j-1)-2u(i,j)+u(i,j+1)}{(\Delta y)^2}
Given an initial condition (u(t=0) = u0) one can follow the time dependence of
the temperature field with explicit time evolution method:
<!-- Equation
u^{m+1}(i,j) = u^m(i,j) + \Delta t \alpha \nabla^2 u^m(i,j)
Note: Algorithm is stable only when
<!-- Equation
\Delta t < \frac{1}{2 \alpha} \frac{(\Delta x \Delta y)^2}{(\Delta x)^2 (\Delta y)^2}
The two dimensional grid is decomposed along both dimensions, and the
communication of boundary data is overlapped with computation. Restart files
are written and read with MPI I/O.
Compilation instructions
For building and running the example one needs to have the
[libpng]( library installed.
Move to proper subfolder (C or Fortran) and modify the top of the **Makefile**
according to your environment (proper compiler commands and compiler flags).
Code can be build simple with **make**
How to run
The code can be run with arbitrary number of OpenMP threads. The default
initial temperature field is a disk in a 2000 x 2000 grid. Initial
temperature field can be read also from a file, the provided **bottle.dat**
illustrates what happens to a cold soda bottle in sauna.
* Running with defaults: OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ./heat_omp
* Initial field from a file: OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ./heat_omp bottle.dat
* Initial field from a file, given number of time steps:
OMP_NUM_THREADS=4./heat_omp bottle.dat 1000
* Default pattern with given dimensions and time steps:
OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ./heat_omp 800 800 1000
The program produces a series of heat_XXXX.png files which show the
time development of the temperature field
ifeq ($(COMP),)
ifeq ($(COMP),cray)
CCFLAGS=-O3 -I/appl/opt/libpng/include -I$(COMMONDIR)
LIBS=-lpng -lz
ifeq ($(COMP),gnu)
CCFLAGS=-fopenmp -O3 -Wall -I$(COMMONDIR)
OBJS=core.o setup.o utilities.o io.o main.o
all: $(EXE)
$(COMMONDIR)/pngwriter.o: $(COMMONDIR)/pngwriter.c $(COMMONDIR)/pngwriter.h
core.o: core.c heat.h
utilities.o: utilities.c heat.h
setup.o: setup.c heat.h
io.o: io.c heat.h
main.o: main.c heat.h
%.o: %.c
$(C_COMPILER) $(CCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
.PHONY: clean
-/bin/rm -f $(EXE) a.out *.o *.png *~
/* Main solver routines for heat equation solver */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "heat.h"
/* Update the temperature values using five-point stencil */
void evolve(field *curr, field *prev, double a, double dt)
int i, j;
double dx2, dy2;
/* Determine the temperature field at next time step
* As we have fixed boundary conditions, the outermost gridpoints
* are not updated. */
dx2 = prev->dx * prev->dx;
dy2 = prev->dy * prev->dy;
#pragma omp for private(i, j)
for (i = 1; i < curr->nx + 1; i++) {
for (j = 1; j < curr->ny + 1; j++) {
curr->data[i][j] = prev->data[i][j] + a * dt *
((prev->data[i + 1][j] -
2.0 * prev->data[i][j] +
prev->data[i - 1][j]) / dx2 +
(prev->data[i][j + 1] -
2.0 * prev->data[i][j] +
prev->data[i][j - 1]) / dy2);
#ifndef __HEAT_H__
#define __HEAT_H__
/* Datatype for temperature field */
typedef struct {
/* nx and ny are the true dimensions of the field. The array data
* contains also ghost layers, so it will have dimensions nx+2 x ny+2 */
int nx;
int ny;
double dx;
double dy;
double **data;
} field;
/* We use here fixed grid spacing */
#define DX 0.01
#define DY 0.01
/* Function prototypes */
double **malloc_2d(int nx, int ny);
void free_2d(double **array);
void set_field_dimensions(field *temperature, int nx, int ny);
void initialize(int argc, char *argv[], field *temperature1,
field *temperature2, int *nsteps);
void generate_field(field *temperature);
void evolve(field *curr, field *prev, double a, double dt);
void write_field(field *temperature, int iter);
void read_field(field *temperature1, field *temperature2,
char *filename);
void copy_field(field *temperature1, field *temperature2);
void swap_fields(field *temperature1, field *temperature2);
void finalize(field *temperature1, field *temperature2);
#endif /* __HEAT_H__ */
/* I/O related functions for heat equation solver */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "heat.h"
#include "pngwriter.h"
/* Output routine that prints out a picture of the temperature
* distribution. */
void write_field(field *temperature, int iter)
char filename[64];
/* The actual write routine takes only the actual data
* (without ghost layers) so we need array for that. */
int height, width;
double **full_data;
int i;
height = temperature->nx;
width = temperature->ny;
/* Copy the inner data */
full_data = malloc_2d(height, width);
for (i = 0; i < temperature->nx; i++)
memcpy(full_data[i], &temperature->data[i + 1][1],
temperature->ny * sizeof(double));
sprintf(filename, "%s_%04d.png", "heat", iter);
save_png(full_data[0], height, width, filename, 'c');
/* Read the initial temperature distribution from a file and
* initialize the temperature fields temperature1 and
* temperature2 to the same initial state. */
void read_field(field *temperature1, field *temperature2, char *filename)
FILE *fp;
int nx, ny, i, j;
int count;
fp = fopen(filename, "r");
/* Read the header */
count = fscanf(fp, "# %d %d \n", &nx, &ny);
if (count < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error while reading the input file!\n");
set_field_dimensions(temperature1, nx, ny);
set_field_dimensions(temperature2, nx, ny);
/* Allocate arrays (including ghost layers */
temperature1->data = malloc_2d(nx + 2, ny + 2);
temperature2->data = malloc_2d(nx + 2, ny + 2);
/* Read the actual data */
for (i = 1; i < nx + 1; i++) {
for (j = 1; j < ny + 1; j++) {
fscanf(fp, "%lf", &temperature1->data[i][j]);
/* Set the boundary values */
for (i = 1; i < nx + 1; i++) {
temperature1->data[i][0] = temperature1->data[i][1];
temperature1->data[i][ny + 1] = temperature1->data[i][ny];
for (j = 0; j < ny + 2; j++) {
temperature1->data[0][j] = temperature1->data[1][j];
temperature1->data[nx + 1][j] = temperature1->data[nx][j];
copy_field(temperature1, temperature2);
/* Heat equation solver in 2D. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "heat.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
double a = 0.5; //!< Diffusion constant
field current, previous; //!< Current and previous temperature fields
double dt; //!< Time step
int nsteps; //!< Number of time steps
int image_interval = 1000; //!< Image output interval
int iter; //!< Iteration counter
double dx2, dy2; //!< delta x and y squared
clock_t start_clock; //!< Time stamps
#pragma omp parallel private(iter)
initialize(argc, argv, &current, &previous, &nsteps);
#pragma omp single
/* Output the initial field */
write_field(&current, 0);
/* Largest stable time step */
dx2 = current.dx * current.dx;
dy2 = current.dy * current.dy;
dt = dx2 * dy2 / (2.0 * a * (dx2 + dy2));
/* Get the start time stamp */
start_clock = clock();
/* Time evolve */
for (iter = 1; iter < nsteps; iter++) {
evolve(&current, &previous, a, dt);
if (iter % image_interval == 0) {
#pragma omp single
write_field(&current, iter);
/* Swap current field so that it will be used
as previous for next iteration step */
#pragma omp single
swap_fields(&current, &previous);
} /* End of parallel region */
/* Determine the CPU time used for the iteration */
printf("Iteration took %.3f seconds.\n", (double)(clock() - start_clock) /
printf("Reference value at 5,5: %f\n",[5][5]);
finalize(&current, &previous);
return 0;
/* Setup routines for heat equation solver */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "heat.h"
#include "pngwriter.h"
#define NSTEPS 500 // Default number of iteration steps
/* Initialize the heat equation solver */
void initialize(int argc, char *argv[], field *current,
field *previous, int *nsteps)
* Following combinations of command line arguments are possible:
* No arguments: use default field dimensions and number of time steps
* One argument: read initial field from a given file
* Two arguments: initial field from file and number of time steps
* Three arguments: field dimensions (rows,cols) and number of time steps
int rows = 1024; //!< Field dimensions with default values
int cols = 1024;
char input_file[64]; //!< Name of the optional input file
int read_file = 0;
*nsteps = NSTEPS;
#pragma omp single
switch (argc) {
case 1:
/* Use default values */
case 2:
/* Read initial field from a file */
strncpy(input_file, argv[1], 64);
read_file = 1;
case 3:
/* Read initial field from a file */
strncpy(input_file, argv[1], 64);
read_file = 1;
/* Number of time steps */
*nsteps = atoi(argv[2]);
case 4:
/* Field dimensions */
rows = atoi(argv[1]);
cols = atoi(argv[2]);
/* Number of time steps */
*nsteps = atoi(argv[3]);
printf("Unsupported number of command line arguments\n");
if (read_file)
#pragma omp single
read_field(current, previous, input_file);
else {
#pragma omp single
set_field_dimensions(current, rows, cols);
set_field_dimensions(previous, rows, cols);
/* Generate initial temperature field. Pattern is disc with a radius
* of nx_full / 6 in the center of the grid.
* Boundary conditions are (different) constant temperatures outside the grid */
void generate_field(field *temperature)
int i, j;
double radius;
int dx, dy;
/* Allocate the temperature array, note that
* we have to allocate also the ghost layers */
#pragma omp single
temperature->data =
malloc_2d(temperature->nx + 2, temperature->ny + 2);
/* Radius of the source disc */
radius = temperature->nx / 6.0;
#pragma omp for private(i, j, dx, dy)
for (i = 0; i < temperature->nx + 2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < temperature->ny + 2; j++) {
/* Distances of point i, j from the origin */
dx = i - temperature->nx / 2 + 1;
dy = j - temperature->ny / 2 + 1;
if (dx * dx + dy * dy < radius * radius) {
temperature->data[i][j] = 5.0;
} else {
temperature->data[i][j] = 65.0;
/* Boundary conditions */
#pragma omp for private(i)
for (i = 0; i < temperature->nx + 2; i++) {
temperature->data[i][0] = 20.0;
temperature->data[i][temperature->ny + 1] = 70.0;
#pragma omp for private(j)
for (j = 0; j < temperature->ny + 2; j++) {
temperature->data[0][j] = 85.0;
temperature->data[temperature->nx + 1][j] = 5.0;
/* Set dimensions of the field. Note that the nx is the size of the first
* dimension and ny the second. */
void set_field_dimensions(field *temperature, int nx, int ny)
temperature->dx = DX;
temperature->dy = DY;
temperature->nx = nx;
temperature->ny = ny;
/* Deallocate the 2D arrays of temperature fields */
void finalize(field *temperature1, field *temperature2)
/* Utility functions for heat equation solver
* NOTE: This file does not need to be edited! */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "heat.h"
/* Utility routine for allocating a two dimensional array */
double **malloc_2d(int nx, int ny)
double **array;
int i;
array = (double **) malloc(nx * sizeof(double *));
array[0] = (double *) malloc(nx * ny * sizeof(double));
for (i = 1; i < nx; i++) {
array[i] = array[0] + i * ny;
return array;
/* Utility routine for deallocating a two dimensional array */
void free_2d(double **array)
/* Copy data on temperature1 into temperature2 */
void copy_field(field *temperature1, field *temperature2)
assert(temperature1->nx == temperature2->nx);
assert(temperature1->ny == temperature2->ny);
memcpy(temperature2->data[0], temperature1->data[0],
(temperature1->nx + 2) * (temperature1->ny + 2) * sizeof(double));
/* Swap the data of fields temperature1 and temperature2 */
void swap_fields(field *temperature1, field *temperature2)
double **tmp;
tmp = temperature1->data;
temperature1->data = temperature2->data;
temperature2->data = tmp;
ifeq ($(COMP),)
ifeq ($(COMP),cray)
CCFLAGS=-O3 -I/appl/opt/libpng/include -I$(COMMONDIR)
LIBS=-lpng -lz
ifeq ($(COMP),gnu)
FCFLAGS=-fopenmp -O3 -Wall
CCFLAGS=-fopenmp -O3 -Wall -I$(COMMONDIR)
OBJS=main.o heat_mod.o core.o setup.o utilities.o io.o pngwriter_mod.o
all: $(EXE)
$(COMMONDIR)/pngwriter.o: $(COMMONDIR)/pngwriter.c $(COMMONDIR)/pngwriter.h
core.o: core.F90 heat_mod.o
utilities.o: utilities.F90 heat_mod.o
io.o: io.F90 heat_mod.o pngwriter_mod.o
setup.o: setup.F90 heat_mod.o utilities.o io.o
pngwriter_mod.o: pngwriter_mod.F90 heat_mod.o
main.o: main.F90 heat_mod.o core.o io.o setup.o utilities.o
%.o: %.F90
$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
.PHONY: clean
-/bin/rm -f $(EXE) a.out *.o *.mod *.png *~
! Main solver routines for heat equation solver
module core
! Compute one time step of temperature evolution
! Arguments:
! curr (type(field)): current temperature values
! prev (type(field)): values from previous time step
! a (real(dp)): update equation constant
! dt (real(dp)): time step value
subroutine evolve(curr, prev, a, dt)
use heat
implicit none
type(field), intent(inout) :: curr, prev
real(dp) :: a, dt
integer :: i, j, nx, ny
nx = curr%nx
ny = curr%ny
do j = 1, ny
do i = 1, nx
curr%data(i, j) = prev%data(i, j) + a * dt * &
& ((prev%data(i-1, j) - 2.0 * prev%data(i, j) + &
& prev%data(i+1, j)) / curr%dx**2 + &
& (prev%data(i, j-1) - 2.0 * prev%data(i, j) + &
& prev%data(i, j+1)) / curr%dy**2)
end do
end do
end subroutine evolve
end module core
! Field metadata for heat equation solver
module heat
use iso_fortran_env, only : REAL64
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = REAL64
real(dp), parameter :: DX = 0.01, DY = 0.01 ! Fixed grid spacing
type :: field
integer :: nx
integer :: ny
real(dp) :: dx
real(dp) :: dy
real(dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: data
end type field
! Initialize the field type metadata
! Arguments:
! field0 (type(field)): input field
! nx, ny, dx, dy: field dimensions and spatial step size
subroutine set_field_dimensions(field0, nx, ny)
implicit none
type(field), intent(out) :: field0
integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny
field0%dx = DX
field0%dy = DY
field0%nx = nx
field0%ny = ny
end subroutine set_field_dimensions
end module heat
! I/O routines for heat equation solver
module io
! Output routine, saves the temperature distribution as a png image
! Arguments:
! curr (type(field)): variable with the temperature data
! iter (integer): index of the time step
subroutine write_field(curr, iter)
use heat
use pngwriter
implicit none
type(field), intent(in) :: curr
integer, intent(in) :: iter
character(len=85) :: filename
! The actual write routine takes only the actual data
! (without ghost layers) so we need array for that
integer :: full_nx, full_ny, stat
real(dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target :: full_data
full_nx = curr%nx
full_ny = curr%ny
allocate(full_data(full_nx, full_ny))
full_data(1:curr%nx, 1:curr%ny) = curr%data(1:curr%nx, 1:curr%ny)
write(filename,'(A5,I4.4,A4,A)') 'heat_', iter, '.png'
stat = save_png(full_data, full_nx, full_ny, filename)
end subroutine write_field
! Reads the temperature distribution from an input file
! Arguments:
! field0 (type(field)): field variable that will store the
! read data
! filename (char): name of the input file
! Note that this version assumes the input data to be in C memory layout
subroutine read_field(field0, filename)
use heat
implicit none
type(field), intent(out) :: field0
character(len=85), intent(in) :: filename
integer :: nx, ny, i
character(len=2) :: dummy
open(10, file=filename)
! Read the header
read(10, *) dummy, nx, ny ! nx is the number of rows
call set_field_dimensions(field0, nx, ny)
! The arrays for temperature field contain also a halo region
allocate(field0%data(0:field0%nx+1, 0:field0%ny+1))
! Read the data
do i = 1, nx
read(10, *) field0%data(i, 1:ny)
end do
! Set the boundary values
field0%data(1:nx, 0 ) = field0%data(1:nx, 1 )
field0%data(1:nx, ny+1) = field0%data(1:nx, ny )
field0%data(0, 0:ny+1) = field0%data(1, 0:ny+1)
field0%data( nx+1, 0:ny+1) = field0%data( nx, 0:ny+1)
end subroutine read_field
end module io