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# Specfem 3D globe -- Bench readme

Note that this guide is still a work in progress and is currently being reviewed.

## Get the source

Clone the repository in a location of your choice, let's say $HOME.

cd $HOME
git clone

Also get the test case from git (in you $HOME again):
cd $HOME
git clone

## Load the environment

You will need a fortran and a C compiler and a MPI library.
The following variables are relevent to compile the code:

 - `LANG=C`
 - `FC`
 - `MPIFC`
 - `CC`
 - `MPICC`

Compiling with CUDA to run on GPUs, you will also need to load the cuda environment
and set the two following variables


An exemple (compiling for GPUs) on the ouessant cluster at IDRIS - France:


module purge
module load pgi cuda ompi

export FC=`which pgfortran`
export MPIFC=`which mpif90`
export CC=`which pgcc`
export MPICC=`which mpicc`
export CUDA_LIB="$CUDAROOT/lib64"
export CUDA_INC="$CUDAROOT/include"

## Compile specfem

As arrays are staticaly declared, you will need to compile specfem once for each
test case with the right `Par_file`
On some environement, depending on MPI configuration you will need to replace
`use mpi` statement with `include mpif.h`, use the script and prodedure commented

First you will have to configure.

**On GPU platform** you will have to add the following arguments to the
configure:`--build=ppc64 --with-cuda=cuda5`.

cp -r $HOME/specfem3d_globe specfem_compil_${test_case_id}
cp $HOME/bench_spec/test_case_${test_case_id}/DATA/Par_file specfem_compil_${test_case_id}/DATA/

cd specfem_compil_${test_case_id}

### replace `use mpi` if needed ###
# cd utils
# perl
# cd ..

./configure --prefix=$PWD

**On Xeon Phi**, since support is recent you should replace the following variables
values in the generated Makefile:

FCFLAGS = -g -O3 -qopenmp -xMIC-AVX512 -DUSE_FP32 -DOPT_STREAMS -align array64byte  -fp-model fast=2 -traceback -mcmodel=large
FCFLAGS_f90 = -mod ./obj -I./obj -I.  -I. -I${SETUP} -xMIC-AVX512

Finally compile with make:
make clean
make all

## Launch specfem

The launch procedure is simplified by the `run_mesher_solver.bash` script included
with tests cases. You just have to simlink some parameters file and binaries before launching it:

cd $HOME/bench_spec/test_case_${test_case_id}/DATA
ln -s $HOME/specfem3d_globe/DATA/crust2.0
ln -s $HOME/specfem3d_globe/DATA/s362ani
ln -s $HOME/specfem3d_globe/DATA/QRFSI12
ln -s $HOME/specfem3d_globe/DATA/topo_bathy

ln -s $HOME/specfem_compil_${test_case_id}/bin

sbatch -J specfem -N 1 --ntasks=24 --cpus-per-task=2 -t 01:00:0 --mem=150GB run_mesher_solver.bash

## Gather results

The relevant metric for this benchmark is time for the solver. Using slurm, it is
easy to gather as each `mpirun` or `srun` is interpreted as a step wich is already
timed. So the command line `sacct -j <job_id>` allows you to catch the metric.

Otherwise edit the `run_mesher_solver.bash` script and add the time command befor the
call to the solver.