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ALYA_Build_README.txt 599 B
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Alya builds the makefile from the compilation options defined in In order to build ALYA (Alya.x), please follow these steps:
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cmorales committed
   - Goto to directory: Executables/unix
   - Edit (some default files can be found in directory
     - Select your own MPI wrappers and paths
     - Select size of integers. Default is 4 bytes, For 8 bytes, select -DI8
     - Choose your metis version, metis-4.0 or metis-5.1.0_i8 for 8-bytes integers
   - Configure Alya: ./configure -x nastin parall
   - Compile metis:  make metis4 or make metis5
   - Compile Alya:   make