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export MPICC=mpicc
export CFLAGS="-std=c99 $opt_level $proc_opt_flags $fp_opt_flags -qno-openmp-simd"
echo -e "\n###\n### Calling build for GPAW...\n###\n"
python$py_maj_min build -j $parallel

# Install GPAW
echo -e "\n###\n### Calling pip$py_maj_min install for GPAW...\n###\n"
pip$py_maj_min install --prefix="$install_dir" --no-deps --ignore-installed --no-build-isolation .

# Brief test
# Does not work on irene, results in a OFI error message.
cd $build_dir
#python$py_maj_min -c "import gpaw"

# Clean-up
unset CC
unset MPICC
unset CFLAGS
echo -e "\n### Finishing gpaw installation...\n"

# Finish the install

echo -e "\n### Cleaning up and making the LUA-module GPAW-UEABS/$packageID...\n"

# Go to a different directory before cleaning up the build directory
cd $modules_dir
/bin/rm -rf $build_dir

# Create a module file
cat >$modules_dir/$packageID <<EOF
# Module generated by the install script

module-whatis "Description: GPAW $GPAW_version with ase $ase_version: UEABS benchmark configuration with Python $python_version, numpy-$numpy_version, scipy-$scipy_version, libxc $libxc_version and FFTW $fftw_version."

conflict GPAW

module load flavor/buildtarget/x86_64
module load flavor/buildcompiler/intel/20
module load flavor/buildmpi/openmpi/4.0

module load feature/mkl/lp64
module load feature/mkl/vector/avx2
module load feature/openmpi/mpi_compiler/intel

module load intel/20.0.0
module load mpi/openmpi/4.0.5
module load scalapack/mkl/20.0.0

prepend-path PATH            "$install_dir/bin"
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$install_dir/lib"
prepend-path LIBRARY_PATH    "$install_dir/lib"
prepend-path PYTHONPATH      "$install_dir/lib/python$py_maj_min/site-packages"

setenv       GPAW_SETUP_PATH "$install_dir/share/gpaw-setups"

proc ModuleHelp {} {

  puts stderr "


GPAW $GPAW_version for the UEABS benchmark.

  * Parallel GPAW $GPAW_version with ase $ase_version
  * Using FFTW for the FFT computations and MKL for the BLAS/Lapack
  * Minimal use of system libraries or libraries that are installed
    through package managers such as EasyBuild or Spack.

Detailed configuration:
  * Compiler module: $compiler_module, used for all packages
  * Python dependencies:
      * zlib $zlib_version
      * ncurses $ncurses_version
      * readline $readline_version
      * SQLite $sqlite_version
      * libffi $libffi_version
  * FFTW $fftw_version
  * libxc $libxc_version
  * Python $python_version
  * Important Python packages: numpy-$numpy_version, scipy-$scipy_version, ase-$ase_version, gpaw-$GPAW_version
  * Additional Python packages: wheel-$wheel_version, cython-$cython_version
  * GPAW setups $GPAWsetups_version

More information
 - Homepage:
 - Documentation:
    - GPAW web-based documentation:
    - Version information at$GPAW_version/doc/
    - ASE web-based documentation:

  return 0
