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###	README - QCD Accelerator Benchmarksuite Part 2  
###   2017 -  Jacob Finkenrath - CaSToRC - The Cyprus Institute  (

The QCD Accelerator Benchmark suite Part 2 consists of two kernels, 
the QUDA [1] and the QPhix library [2]. The library QUDA is based on CUDA and optimize for running on NVIDIA GPUs ( QPhix library consists of routines which are optimize to use INTEL intrinsic functions of multiple vector length, including optimized routines for KNC and KNL (
The benchmark code is used the provided Conjugated Gradient benchmark functions of the libraries.

[1] R. Babbich, M. Clark and B. Joo, “Parallelizing the QUDA Library for Multi-GPU Calculations
in Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics” SC 10 (Supercomputing 2010)

[2] B. Joo, D. D. Kalamkar, K. Vaidyanathan, M. Smelyanskiy, K. Pamnany, V. W. Lee, P. Dubey, 
W. Watson III, “Lattice QCD on Intel Xeon Phi”, International Supercomputing Conference (ISC’13), 2013


The  GPU benchmark results of the second implementation are done on PizDaint located in Switzerland at CSCS and the GPU-partition of Cartesius at Surfsara based in Netherland, Amsterdam. The runs are performed by using the provided bash-scripts. PizDaint is equipped with one P100 Pascal-GPU per node.  Two different test-cases are depicted, the "strong-scaling" mode with a random lattice configuration of size 32x32x32x96 and 64x64x64x128.  The GPU nodes of Cartesius have two Kepler-GPU K40m per node and the "strong-scaling" test is shown for one card per node and for two cards per node. The benchmark kernel is using the conjugated gradient solver which solve a linear equation system given by D * x = b, for the unknown solution "x" based on the clover improved Wilson Dirac operator "D" and a known right hand side "b".

The figure shows strong scaling of the conjugate gradient solver on K40m GPUs on Cartesius. The lattice size is given by 32x32x32x96, which corresponds to a moderate lattice size nowadays.  The test is perform with a mixed precision CG in double-double mode (red) and half-double mode (blue). The run is done on one GPU per node (filled) and two GPU nodes per node (non-filled).

The figure shows strong scaling of the conjugate gradient solver on P100 GPUs on PizDaint. The lattice size is given by 32x32x32x96 similar to the strong scaling run on the K40m on Cartesius. The test is performed with mixed precision CG in double-double mode (red) and half-double mode (blue).

The figure shows strong scaling of the conjugate gradient solver on P100 GPU on PizDaint. The lattice size is increase to 64x64x64x128, which is a large lattice nowadays. By increasing the lattice the scaling test shows that the conjugate gradient solver has a very good strong scaling up to 64 GPU.

  PizDaint - Pascal  P100
Strong - Scaling:
global lattice size (32x32x32x96)

sloppy-precision: single
       precision: single

GPUs     GFLOPS      sec
1    786.520000 4.569600
2   1522.410000 3.086040
4   2476.900000 2.447180
8   3426.020000 2.117580
16  5091.330000 1.895790
32  8234.310000 1.860760
64  8276.480000 1.869230

sloppy-precision: double
       precision: double

GPUs     GFLOPS      sec
1    385.965000 6.126730
2    751.227000 3.846940
4   1431.570000 2.774470
8   1368.000000 2.367040
16  2304.900000 2.071160
32  4965.480000 2.095180
64  2308.850000 2.005110

Weak - Scaling:
local lattice size (48x48x48x24)

sloppy-precision: single
       precision: single

GPUs     GFLOPS      sec
1     765.967000 3.940280
2    1472.980000 4.004630
4    2865.600000 4.044360
8    5421.270000 4.056410
16   9373.760000 7.396590
32  17995.100000 4.243390
64  27219.800000 4.535410

sloppy-precision: double
       precision: double

GPUs    GFLOPS      sec
 1   376.611000 5.108900
 2   728.973000 5.190880
 4  1453.500000 5.144160
 8  2884.390000 5.207090
16  5004.520000 5.362020
32  8744.090000 5.623290
64  14053.00000 5.910520 

  SurfSara - Kepler  K20m
## 1 GPU per Node

Strong - Scaling:
global lattice size (32x32x32x96)

sloppy-precision: single
       precision: single
GPUs    GFLOPS      sec
1      243.084000 4.030000 
2      478.179000 2.630000 
4      939.953000 2.250000 
8     1798.240000 1.570000 
16    3072.440000 1.730000 
32    4365.320000 1.310000

sloppy-precision: double
       precision: double

GPUs    GFLOPS      sec
1      119.786000 6.060000 
2      234.179000 3.290000 
4      463.594000 2.250000 
8      898.090000 1.960000 
16    1604.210000 1.480000 
32    2420.130000 1.630000

## 2 GPU per Node

Strong - Scaling:
global lattice size (32x32x32x96)

sloppy-precision: single
       precision: single

GPUs    GFLOPS      sec
2      463.041000 2.720000 
4      896.707000 1.940000 
8     1672.080000 1.680000 
16    2518.240000 1.420000 
32    3800.970000 1.460000 
64    4505.440000 1.430000

sloppy-precision: double
       precision: double

GPUs    GFLOPS      sec
2     229.579000 3.380000 
4     450.425000 2.280000 
8     863.117000 1.830000 
16   1348.760000 1.510000 
32   1842.560000 1.550000 
64   2645.590000 1.480000 


The benchmark results for the XeonPhi benchmark suite are performed on Frioul at CINES, and the hybrid partition on MareNostrum III at BSC. Frioul has one KNL-card per node while the hybrid partition of MareNostrum III is equipped with two KNCs per node. The data on Frioul are generated by using the bash-scripts provided by the second implementation of QCD and are done for the two test cases "strong-scaling" with a lattice size of 32x32x32x96 and 64x64x64x128. In case of the data generated at MareNostrum, data for the "strong-scaling" mode on a 32x32x32x96 lattice are shown. The benchmark kernel uses a random gauge configuration and the conjugated gradient solver to solve a linear equation involving the clover Wilson Dirac operator.

The figure shows strong scaling of the conjugate gradient solver on KNC's on the hybrid partition on MareNostrum III. The lattice size is given by 32x32x32x96, which corresponds to a moderate lattice size nowadays. The test is performed with a conjugate gradient solver in single precision by using the native mode and 60 openMP tasks per MPI process. The run is done on one KNC per node (filled) and two KNCs node per node (non-filled).

The figure shows strong scaling results of the conjugate gradient solver on KNL's on Frioul. The lattice size is given by 32x32x32x96  which is similar to the strong scaling run on the KNCs on MareNostrum III. The run is performed in quadrantic cache mode with 68 openMP processes per KNLs. The test is performed with a conjugate gradient solver in single precision.

The figure shows strong scaling of the conjugate gradient solver on KNL's GPU on PizDaint. The lattice size is increases to 64x64x64x128, which is a commonly used large lattice nowadays. By increasing the lattice the scaling tests shows that the conjugate gradient solver has a very good strong scaling up to 16 KNL's
  Frioul - KNLs
Strong - Scaling:
global lattice size (32x32x32x96)

precision: single

1       340.75
2       627.612
4      1111.13
8      1779.34
16     2410.8

precision: double

KNLs     GFLOPS    
1      328.149
2      616.467
4      1047.79
8      1616.37

Weak - Scaling:
local lattice size (48x48x48x24)

precision: single

1       348.304
2       616.697
4      1214.82
8      2425.45
16     4404.63
precision: double

 1      172.303
 2      320.761
 4      629.79
 8     1228.77
16     2310.63

  MareNostrum III - KNC's 

Strong - Scaling:
global lattice size (32x32x32x96)

precision: single - 1 Cards per Node

2    103.561
4    200.159
8    338.276
16   534.369
32   815.896

precision: single - 2 Cards per Node

4    118.995
8    212.558
16   368.196
32   605.882
64   847.566