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NEMO_Run_README.txt 1.5 KiB
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Valeriu Codreanu's avatar
Valeriu Codreanu committed

Written in 2013-09-12, as a product of NEMO benchmark in PRACE 2IP-WP7.4.
Written by Soon-Heum "Jeff" Ko at Linkoping University, Sweden (

0. Before start
- Follow the instriction in 'NEMO_Build_README.txt' so that you have the directory structure as specified, along with compiled binary:
----- ORCA12_PRACE
                  |------ DATA_CONFIG_ORCA12/
                  |------ FORCING/
                  |------ NEMOGCM/
                  |------ README
                  |------ Instruction_for_JuBE.tar.gz

1. Running standalone version
- After compilation, you will have 'ORCA12.L75-PRACE' directory created under NEMOGCM/CONFIG.
1) cd ORCA12.L75-PRACE/EXP00
2) Link to datasets. Perform follows:
$ ln -s ../../../../DATA_CONFIG_ORCA12/* .
$ ln -s ../../../../FORCING/* .
3) Locate 'namelist' and 'namelist_ice' files in this directory and edit them
4) Run it. It does not have any special command line arguments, thus you can simply type 'mpirun opa'.

2. Running under JuBE benchmark framework
- You can prepare your own XML file to complete from compiling to running at the same time. A file 'ORCA_PRACE_CURIE.xml' under Instruction_for_JuBE.tar.gz could be used as an example. One remark for CURIE user: you shall specify your project ID and which type of queues (standard; large; ...) you are to use. That information is found from 'ccc_myproject' command.