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# Installation script for GPAW 20.10.0:
# * Using the existing IntelPython3 module on the system which has an optimized
#   NumPy and SciPy included.
# * Using the matching version of ase, 3.20.1
# * Compiling with the Intel compilers
# The FFT library is discovered at runtime. With the settings used in this script
# this should be MKL FFT, but it is possible to change this at runtime to either
# MKL, FFTW or the built-in NumPy FFT routines, see the installation instructions
# (link below).
# The original installation instructions for GPAW can be found at


echo -e "\n### Building GPAW-UEABS/$packageID from $0\n\n"


# NOTE: For easy maintanance we load many settings from the UEABS module.
# Since we want to release the module again and only depend on system modules for
# this build, we copy the settings to other variables and unload the module
# again. It is of course possible to those variables directly by hand without
# first creating a module file.

module purge
module use $install_root/$systemID/Modules
module load UEABS/$UEABS_version

# Directory in which downloaded files will be stored.
# Directory in which the software package will be installed.
# Subdirectory containing the module file.
# Temporary directory for the build.
# Subdirectory in the UEABS repo containing the patch file that is needed.

# Software versions
GPAWsetups_version='0.9.20000' # Check version on

# Compiler settings
proc_opt_flags='-march=core-avx2 -mtune=core-avx2'
fp_opt_flags='-ftz -fp-speculation=safe -fp-model source'


# Prepare the system
# We do this through modules, but it could be done by running scripts from the
# Intel compiler suite as well.

# Load modules:
# - Intel compiler module
# - Intel Python
# - buildtools is a module with a number of build tools that are more up-to-date
#   then those on the system. It is mostly used for consistent builds across
#   systems.
module purge
module load calcua/admin
module load $compiler_module
module load buildtools/2020a
module load IntelPython3/$IntelPython3_version

# Create the directories and make sure they are clean if that matters
/usr/bin/mkdir -p $download_dir

/usr/bin/mkdir -p $install_dir
/usr/bin/rm -rf   $install_dir
/usr/bin/mkdir -p $install_dir

/usr/bin/mkdir -p $modules_dir

/usr/bin/mkdir -p $build_dir
/usr/bin/rm -rf   $build_dir
/usr/bin/mkdir -p $build_dir

# Download components

echo -e "\nDownloading files...\n"

cd $download_dir

[[ -f $libxc_file ]] || wget "$libxc_url/$libxc_file"

# Downloading ase so that we can gather all sources for reproducibility
[[ -f $ase_file ]] || wget "$ase_url/$ase_file"

# GPAW needs customization, so we need to download and unpack the sources.
[[ -f $GPAW_file ]] || wget "$GPAW_url/$GPAW_file"

# Download GPAW-setup, a number of setup files for GPAW.
[[ -f $GPAWsetups_file ]] || wget "$GPAWsetups_url/$GPAWsetups_file"

# Install libxc

echo -e "\nInstalling libxc...\n"

cd $build_dir

# Uncompress
tar -xf $download_dir/$libxc_file

cd libxc-$libxc_version

# Configure
autoreconf -i

export CC=icc
export CFLAGS="$opt_level $proc_opt_flags $fp_opt_flags -fPIC"
./configure --prefix="$install_dir" \
            --disable-static --enable-shared --disable-fortran

# Build
make -j $parallel

# Install
make install

# Add bin, lib and include to the PATH variables

# Clean-up
unset CC
unset CFLAGS

# Prepare for installing Python packages

/usr/bin/mkdir -p "$install_dir/lib/python$py_maj_min/site-packages"

# Optional: Install pytest and its dependencies to test NumPy and SciPy with
# import numpy
# numpy.test()
# import scipy
# scipy.text()
# We don't care about version numbers here as it is not important for the
# reproducibility of the benchmarks.

echo -e "\nInstalling pytest...\n"

cd $build_dir
# IntelPython3 does not define pip3 or pip3.7.
pip install --prefix=$install_dir pytest

# Install ase

echo -e "\nInstalling ase...\n"

# IntelPython3 does not define pip3 or pip3.7.
pip install --prefix=$install_dir --no-deps $download_dir/$ase_file

# Brief test
cd $build_dir
python$py_maj_min -c "import ase"

# Install GPAW-setups

echo -e "\nInstalling gpaw-setups...\n"

mkdir -p $install_dir/share/gpaw-setups
cd $install_dir/share/gpaw-setups
tar -xf $download_dir/$GPAWsetups_file --strip-components=1

# Install GPAW

echo -e "\nInstalling GPAW...\n"

cd $build_dir

# Uncompress
tar -xf $download_dir/$GPAW_file

cd gpaw-$GPAW_version

# Make the script
cat > <<EOF
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: Starting execution of the customization script' )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: Variables at the start of the customization script' )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: libraries =               ', libraries )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: mpi_libaries =            ', mpi_libraries )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: library_dirs =            ', library_dirs )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: mpi_libary_dirs =         ', mpi_library_dirs )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: runtime_library_dirs =    ', runtime_library_dirs )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: mpi_runtime_libary_dirs = ', mpi_runtime_library_dirs )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: include_dirs =            ', include_dirs )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: mpi_include_dirs =        ', mpi_include_dirs )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: compiler =                ', compiler )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: mpicompiler =             ', mpicompiler )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: mpilinker =               ', mpilinker )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: extra_compile_args =      ', extra_compile_args )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: extra_link_args =         ', extra_link_args )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: define_macros =           ', define_macros )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: mpi_define_macros =       ', mpi_define_macros )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: undef_macros =            ', undef_macros )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: fftw =                    ', fftw )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: scalapack =               ', scalapack )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: libvdwxc =                ', libvdwxc )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: elpa =                    ', elpa )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: noblas =                      ', noblas )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: parallel_python_interpreter = ', parallel_python_interpreter )

# LibXC

# libvdwxc
libvdwxc = False

elpa = False

# Use NumPy FFTW
fftw = False

scalapack = True
libraries += ['mkl_scalapack_lp64', 'mkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64']

libraries += ['mkl_sequential','mkl_core', 'mkl_rt', ]

# Add other EasyBuild library directoryes.
library_dirs = os.environ['LIBRARY_PATH'].split(':')

# Set the compilers
compiler =    os.environ['CC']
mpicompiler = os.environ['MPICC']
mpilinker =   os.environ['MPICC']

print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: Variables at the end of the customization script' )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: libraries =               ', libraries )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: mpi_libaries =            ', mpi_libraries )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: library_dirs =            ', library_dirs )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: mpi_libary_dirs =         ', mpi_library_dirs )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: runtime_library_dirs =    ', runtime_library_dirs )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: mpi_runtime_libary_dirs = ', mpi_runtime_library_dirs )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: include_dirs =            ', include_dirs )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: mpi_include_dirs =        ', mpi_include_dirs )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: compiler =                ', compiler )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: mpicompiler =             ', mpicompiler )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: mpilinker =               ', mpilinker )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: extra_compile_args =      ', extra_compile_args )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: extra_link_args =         ', extra_link_args )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: define_macros =           ', define_macros )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: mpi_define_macros =       ', mpi_define_macros )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: undef_macros =            ', undef_macros )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: fftw =                    ', fftw )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: scalapack =               ', scalapack )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: libvdwxc =                ', libvdwxc )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: elpa =                    ', elpa )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: Ending execution of the customization script' )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: noblas =                      ', noblas )
print( 'GPAW EasyBuild INFO: parallel_python_interpreter = ', parallel_python_interpreter )

# Now install gpaw
export CC=icc
export MPICC=mpiicc
export CFLAGS="-std=c99 $opt_level $proc_opt_flags $fp_opt_flags -qno-openmp-simd"
python$py_maj_min build -j $parallel

# Install GPAW
pip install --prefix=$install_dir --no-deps --ignore-installed --no-build-isolation .

# Brief test
cd $build_dir
python$py_maj_min -c "import gpaw"

# Clean-up
unset CC
unset MPICC
unset CFLAGS

# Finish the install

echo -e "\nCleaning up and making the LUA-module GPAW-UEABS/$packageID...\n"

# Go to a different directory before cleaning up the build directory
cd $modules_dir
/bin/rm -rf $build_dir

# Create a module file
python_version=$(python -V | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
numpy_version=$(python3 -c "import numpy ; print(numpy.__version__)")
scipy_version=$(python3 -c "import scipy ; print(scipy.__version__)")

cat >$packageID.lua <<EOF


GPAW $GPAW_version for the UEABS benchmark.

  * Parallel GPAW $GPAW_version with ase $ase_version
  * On top of the system IntelPython3 $IntelPython3_version module, which provides
    Python $python_version, NumPy $numpy_version and SciPy $scipy_version.
  * NumPy is used for FFT, so the performance of the code
    will depend a lot on a proper configuration of NumPy for FFT.
  * libxc and GPAW compiled with the Intel compilers

Detailed configuration:
  * Compiler module: $compiler_module (a module file written
    at UAntwerp, not generated via EasyBuild)
  * Modules from the system
      * Intel Python3 $IntelPython3_version (using a module file written
        at UAntwerp)
  * libxc $libxc_version
  * Python packages: ase-$ase_version, gpaw-$GPAW_version
  * GPAW setups $GPAWsetups_version

More information
 - Homepage:
 - Documentation:
    - GPAW web-based documentation:
    - Version information at$GPAW_version/doc/
    - ASE web-based documentation:

whatis([==[Description: GPAW $GPAW_version with ase $ase_version, Intel Python3 $IntelPython3_version with numpy $numpy_version and scipy $scipy_version: UEABS benchmark configuration.]==])



if not ( isloaded("calcua/admin") ) then

if not ( isloaded("$compiler_module") ) then

if not ( isloaded("IntelPython3/$IntelPython3_version") ) then

prepend_path("PATH",            "$install_dir/bin")
prepend_path("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "$install_dir/lib")
prepend_path("LIBRARY_PATH",    "$install_dir/lib")
prepend_path("PYTHONPATH",      "$install_dir/lib/python$py_maj_min/site-packages")

setenv("GPAW_SETUP_PATH", "$install_dir/share/gpaw-setups")