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# Quantum Espresso in the Accelerated Benchmark Suite
## Document Author: A. Emerson ( , Cineca.
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## Contents

1.	Introduction	
2.	Requirements	
3.	Downloading the software	
4.	Compiling the application	
5.	Running the program	
6.	Example	
7.	References	

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## 1. Introduction
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The GPU-enabled version of Quantum Espresso (known as QE-GPU) provides
GPU acceleration for the  Plane-Wave Self-Consistent Field (PWscf)
code and energy barriers and reaction pathways through the Nudged
Elastic Band method (NEB) package. QE-GPU is developed as a sort of  
plugin to the main QE program branch and is based on code usually one
or two versions behind the main program version. Note that in the
accelerated benchmark suite, *version 5.4* has been used for QE-GPU
whereas the latest release version of the main package is 6.0. 
QE-GPU is developed by Filippo Spiga and the download and build
instructions for the package are given here [1] if the packages is not
already available on your system.  

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## 2. Requirements
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 * Quantum ESPRESSO 5.4
 * Kepler GPU: (minimum) CUDA SDK 6.5
 * Pascal GPU: (minimum) CUDA SDK 8.0

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* A parallel linear algebra library such as Scalapack or Intel MKL. If
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  none is available  on your system then the installation can use a
  version supplied with the distribution.  

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## 3. Downloading the software
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### QE distribution
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Many packages are available from the download page but since you need
only the main base package for the benchmark suite, the
`expresso-5.4.0.tar.gz` file will be sufficient. This can be downloaded
[] (

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### GPU plugin
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The GPU source code can be conveniently downloaded from this link:
[] (

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## 4. Compiling the application
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The QE-GPU gives more details but for the benchmark suite we followed
this general procedure: 

1. Uncompress the main QE distribution and copy the GPU source distribution inside:
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``` shell
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tar zxvf espresso-5.4.0.tar.gz
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cp 5.4.0.tar.gz espresso-5.4.0`
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2. Uncompress the GPU source inside main distribution and create a symbolic link:

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``` shell
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cd espresso-5.4.0
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tar zxvf 5.4.0.tar.gz
ln -s QE-GPU-5.4.0 GPU`
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3. Run QE-GPU configure and make:
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``` shell
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cd  GPU
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./configure --enable-parallel --enable-openmp --with-scalapack=intel \
  --enable-cuda --with-gpu-arch=Kepler \
  --with-cuda-dir=/usr/local/cuda/7.0.1 \
  --without-magma --with-phigemm
cd ..
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make -f Makefile.gpu pw-gpu
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In this example we are compiling with the Intel FORTRAN compiler so we
can use the Intel MKL version of Scalapack.  Note also that in the
above it is assumed that the CUDA library has been installed in the
directory `/usr/local/cuda/7.0.1`.
The QE-GPU executable will appear in the directory `GPU/PW` and is called `pw-gpu.x`.

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## 5. Running the program
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Of course you need some input before you can run calculations. The
input files are of two types: 

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1. A control file usually called ``
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2. One or more pseudopotential files with extension `.UPF`
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The pseudopotential files are placed in a directory specified in the
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control file with the tag pseudo\_dir.  Thus if we have
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then QE-GPU will look for the pseudopotential
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files in the current directory. 

If using the PRACE benchmark suite the data files can be
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downloaded from the QE website or the PRACE respository. For example, 
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Once uncompressed you can then run the program like this (e.g. using
MPI over 16 cores): 

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mpirun -n 16 pw-gpu.x -input 
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but check your system documentation since mpirun may be replaced by
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`mpiexec, runjob, aprun, srun,` etc. Note also that normally you are not
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allowed to run MPI programs interactively but must instead use the
batch system. 
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A couple of examples for PRACE systems are given in the next section.

## 6. Examples
We now give a build and 2 run examples. 
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### Computer System: Cartesius GPU partition, SURFSARA.
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#### Build
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``` shell
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tar zxvf espresso-5.4.0.tar.gz
cd espresso-5.4.0
tar zxvf 5.4.0.tar.gz

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ln -s QE-GPU-5.4.0 GPU
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cd GPU
module load mpi
module load mkl
module load cuda
./configure --enable-parallel --enable-openmp --with-scalapack=intel \
  --enable-cuda --with-gpu-arch=sm_35 \
  --with-cuda-dir=$CUDA_HOME \
  --without-magma --with-phigemm
cd ..
make -f Makefile.gpu pw-gpu
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#### Running
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Cartesius uses the SLURM scheduler. An example batch script is given below,
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``` shell
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#SBATCH -N 6 --ntasks-per-node=16
#SBATCH -p gpu
#SBATCH -t 01:00:00

module load fortran mkl mpi/impi cuda

srun  pw-gpu.x -input >job.out
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You should create a file containing the above commands
(e.g. myjob.sub) and then submit to the batch system, e.g. 
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``` shell
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sbatch myjob.sub 

Please check the SURFSara documentation for more information on how to
use the batch system. 
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### Computer System: Marconi KNL partition (A2), Cineca
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#### Running

Quantum Espresso has already been installed for the KNL nodes of
Marconi and can be accessed via a specific module:

``` shell
module load profile/knl
module load autoload qe/6.0_knl

On Marconi the default is to use the MCDRAM as cache, and have the
cache mode set as quadrant. Other settings for the KNLs on Marconi
haven't been substantailly tested for Quantum Espresso (e.g. flat
mode) but significant differences in performance for most inputs are
not expected.

An example PBS batch script for the A2 partition is given below:

``` shell
#PBS -l walltime=06:00:00
#PBS -l select=2:mpiprocs=34:ncpus=68:mem=93gb
#PBS -A <your account_no>
#PBS -N jobname

module purge
module load profile/knl
module load autoload qe/6.0_knl



mpirun pw.x -npool 4 -input > file.out


In the above with the PBS directives we have asked for 2 KNL nodes (each with 68 cores) in
cache/quadrant mode and 93 Gb main memory each. We are running QE in
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hybrid mode using 34 MPI processes/node, each with 4 OpenMP
threads/process and distributing the k-points in 4 pools; the Intel
MKl library will also use 4 OpenMP threads/process. 

Note that this script needs to be submitted using the KNL scheduler as follows:

``` shell
module load env-knl
qsub myjob


Please check the Cineca documentation for information on using the
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[Marconi KNL partition]
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## 7. References
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1. QE-GPU build and download instructions,

Last updated: 7-April-2017