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Commit 5301b078 authored by Miguel Avillez's avatar Miguel Avillez
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parent 48d07226
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......@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ The code can be used for plain Newtonian dynamics, or for cosmological integrati
- Code download:
- Build and run instructions:
- Benchmarks:
- [Case A: Colliding galaxies with star formation](./gadget/4.0/gadget4_caseA.tar.gz)
- [Case B: Cosmological DM-only simulation with IC creation](./gadget/4.0/gadget4-caseB.tar.gz)
- [Case C: Adiabatic collapse of a gas sphere](./gadget/4.0/gadget4-caseC.tar.gz)
- [Case A: Colliding galaxies with star formation](./gadget/4.0/gadget4_caseA.tar.gz)
- [Case B: Cosmological DM-only simulation with IC creation](./gadget/4.0/gadget4-caseB.tar.gz)
- [Case C: Adiabatic collapse of a gas sphere](./gadget/4.0/gadget4-caseC.tar.gz)
- [Code used in the benchmarks](./gadget/4.0/gadget4.tar.gz)
- [Build & run instructions, details about the benchmarks](./gadget/4.0/
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