(c) PRACE aisbl - Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe
Dirk Brömmel - Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Florian Berberich - PRACE aisbl
Please report any problems with this template to
The latest version of the required files is available as download:
* [PRACE-Project-Access-Form.tar.gz](
* [](
Enable the writing of a PRACE Project Access Application.
`prace.cls` : LaTeX document class
`template.tex` : PRACE Project Access Application template
`prace-header.jpg` : page header from PRACE (used by prace.cls)
The `example` directory contains an example without hints:
`example.tex` : example of a filled-in template
`example.pdf` : example PRACE Access Application
Some LaTeX packages are assumed to be present for this class to work: `helvet` (for the correct font), `siunitx` (for properly formatted numbers+units), `fancyhdr` (which should be updated at some point), `lastpage`, and `titlesec` among others.
The current version of the template is meant for use with `latex` or `pdflatex`, a modern dialect may follow in the future.
1) copy `template.tex` to `yourname_yourproject.tex`
2) fill in all the required information in `yourname_yourproject.tex` using your favorite text editor
3) switch of editing hints by disabling the corresponding option to the package when final
4) convert `.tex` to `.pdf`, e.g. `pdflatex yourname_yourproject`
5) upload the the resulting PDF to Peer Review Portal
Sets and displays general information about the project, two mandatory arguments.
{} % PI's Title
{} % Last name
{} % First name
{} % Name of the organisation
{} % Name of the department
{} % Name of the group
{} % Country
Set and displays information for the project's PI and possible Co-PIs, both having 7 mandatory arguments.