Enable the writing of a PRACE-RI project report in LaTeX with minimal typographical effort. Uses a pre-defined document class 'prace' that automatically sets the correct document style and layout as well as provides custom macros for the ease-of-use of the writer.
prace.cls LaTeX document class
template.tex PRACE-RI whitepaper template
prace-logo.png logo of PRACE (used by prace.cls)
prace-logo.eps "
example.tex example of a filled-in template
example.pdf example PRACE-RI whitepaper
example.png figure used in the example whitepaper
example.eps "
`prace.cls` : LaTeX document class
`template.tex` : PRACE-RI whitepaper template
`prace-logo.png`, `prace-logo.eps` : logo of PRACE (used by prace.cls)
The `example` directory contains a full example:
`example.tex` : example of a filled-in template
`example.pdf` : example PRACE-RI whitepaper
`example.png`, `example.eps` : figure used in the example whitepaper
1) copy `template.tex` to `yourname_yourproject.tex`