title: "GitHub, Markdown, and Jekyll"
teaching: 10
exercises: 0
- "How are pages published?"
- "Explain how GitHub Pages produce web sites from Git repositories."
- "Explain Jekyll's formatting rules."
- "Lessons are stored in Git repositories on GitHub."
- "Lessons are written in Markdown."
- "Jekyll translates the files in the gh-pages branch into HTML for viewing."
- "The site's configuration is stored in _config.yml."
- "Each page's configuration is stored at the top of that page."
- "Groups of files are stored in collection directories whose names begin with an underscore."
This episode describes tools we use to manage lessons,
which simplify many tasks but make other things more complicated.
All of our lessons are stored in Git repositories on GitHub.
Git uses the term *clone* to mean "a copy of a repository",
while GitHub uses the term *fork* to mean "a copy of a GitHub-hosted repo that is also hosted on GitHub"
and the term *clone* to mean "a copy of a GitHub-hosted repo that's located on someone else's machine".
In both cases,
the duplicate has a reference that points to the original repo.
A user on GitHub can only have one fork of a particular repo.
This is a problem for us because an author may be involved in writing several lessons,
each of which has its own website repo.
Those website repositories ought to be forks of the [template repository]({{ site.template_repo }}),
but since GitHub doesn't allow that,
we use [GitHub Importer][github-importer] when creating new lessons.
After the lesson has been created,
we manually add the [template repository]({{ site.template_repo }}) as a remote called `template`
to update the lesson when the template changes.
If a repository has a branch called `gh-pages` (short for "GitHub Pages"),
GitHub publishes its content to create a website for the repository.
Websites can be static HTML pages,
which are published as-is,
or can use [Jekyll][jekyll] as described below.
If the repository's URL is ``,
the website is ``.
> ## Why Doesn't My Site Appear?
> If the root directory of a repository contains a file called `.nojekyll`,
> GitHub will *not* generate a website for that repository's `gh-pages` branch.
We write lessons in Markdown because it's simple to learn
and isn't tied to any specific language.
(The ReStructured Text format popular in the Python world,
is a complete unknown to R programmers.)
If authors want to write lessons in something else,
they must generate HTML or Markdown that [Jekyll][jekyll] can process
The [next episode]({{ site.root }}/02-formatting/) describes the Markdown we use.
> We do *not* prescribe what tools instructors should use when actually teaching:
> the [Jupyter Notebook][jupyter],
> [RStudio][rstudio],
> and the good ol' command line are equally welcome up on stage.
> All we specify is the format of the lesson notes.
GitHub uses [Jekyll][jekyll] to turn Markdown into HTML.
By default,
it looks for text files that begin with a header formatted like this:
variable: value
other_variable: other_value
...stuff in the page...
{: .source}
and inserts the values of those variables into the page when formatting this.
The three dashes that start the header *must* be the first three characters in the file:
even a single space before them will make [Jekyll][jekyll] ignore the file.
The header must be formatted as [YAML][yaml],
and may contain Booleans, numbers, character strings, lists, and dictionaries of name/value pairs.
Values from the header are referred to in the page as `page.variable`.
> ## Back in the Day...
> The previous version of our template did not rely on Jekyll,
> but instead required authors to build HTML on their desktops
> and commit that to the lesson repository's `gh-pages` branch.
> This allowed us to use whatever mix of tools we wanted for creating HTML (e.g., [Pandoc][pandoc]),
> but complicated the common case for the sake of uncommon cases,
> and didn't model the workflow we want learners to use.
[Jekyll][jekyll] also reads values from a configuration file called `_config.yml`,
which are referred to in pages as `site.variable`.
The [lesson template]({{ site.template_repo }}) does *not* include `_config.yml`,
since each lesson will change some of its value,
which would result in merge collisions each time the lesson was updated from the template.
the [template]({{ site.template_repo }}) contains `_templates/_config_template.yml`;
authors should copy this file to create `_config.yml`
and then edit values in the top half.
The [template]({{ site.template_repo }}) also contains `_config_dev.yml`,
which overrides some settings for use during desktop development.
The Makefile that comes with the [template]({{ site.template_repo }})
adds these values to those in `_config.yml` when running a local server
(see [below](#previewing)).
## Collections
If several Markdown files are stored in a directory whose name begins with an underscore,
[Jekyll][jekyll] creates a [collection][jekyll-collection] for them.
We rely on this for both lesson episodes (stored in `_episodes`)
and extra files (stored in `_extras`).
For example,
putting the extra files in `_extras` allows us to populate the "Extras" menu pulldown automatically.
To make this clear,
we store files that appear directly in the navigation bar
(rather than under a pulldown menu)
in the root directory of the lesson.
## Previewing
[Jekyll][jekyll] can be used in two ways:
to compile source files into HTML pages in the `_site` directory,
or to do that and also run a small web server at <>
so that the pages can be previewed.
We strongly recommend using the latter,
since it ensures that inter-page links will work
and extra resources (such as glyph icons) will load properly.
The Makefile in the root directory of the project has commands for doing both:
`make site` builds files but does not run a server,
while `make serve` builds the files and runs a server.
(It also re-builds the site whenever it notices changes in the source files.)
Run `make` on its own to get a list of commands.