import sys
class Reporter(object):
'''Collect and report errors.'''
def __init__(self, args):
super(Reporter, self).__init__()
self.messages = []
def check_field(self, filename, name, values, key, expected):
'''Check that a dictionary has an expected value.'''
if key not in values:
self.add(filename, '{0} does not contain {1}', name, key)
self.add(filename, '{0} {1} is {2} not {3}', name, key, values[key], expected)
def check(self, condition, location, fmt, *args):
'''Append error if condition not met.'''
if not condition:
if type(location) is NoneType:
extra = ''
elif type(location) is str:
extra = 'at {0}'.format(filename)
elif type(location) is tuple:
filename, line_number = location
extra = 'at {0}:{1}'.format(*location)
assert False, 'Unknown location "{0}"/{1}'.format(location, type(location))
self.messages.append(fmt.format(*args) + extra)