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Commit c2ea3bc4 authored by Greg Wilson's avatar Greg Wilson
Browse files

Pointing at example lesson

parent 34d21095
No related merge requests found
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ dc_site: ""
swc_github: ""
swc_site: ""
template_repo: ""
example_repo: ""
example_site: ""
# Start time in minutes (540 is 09:00 am)
start_time: 540
......@@ -32,40 +32,27 @@ You also agree to abide by our
and merge the [master repository]({{ site.repo }})'s `gh-pages` branch into your `gh-pages` branch
before starting major work.
3. This repository contains:
* ``: code of conduct.
* ``: these contribution guidelines.
* ``: license.
* `Makefile`: all the commands needed for development.
* `_config_template.yml`: template for general configuration settings.
* `_config_dev.yml`: configuration overrides for local development.
* `_episodes`: source files for teaching episodes (discussed below).
* `_includes`: page fragments used in layout.
* `_layouts`: page layouts.
* `assets`: standard files used in layout (CSS, Javascript, etc.)
* `fig`: figures (images) specific to this lesson.
* `files`: extra files specific to this lesson.
* ``: instructors' guide.
* ``: lesson home page.
* ``: reference guide for learners.
4. Source files for lesson episodes are stored in `_episodes`
so that we can make use of [Jekyll collections][collections].
`_episodes/` generates `/01-xyz/index.html`,
which can be linked to using `/01-xyz/`.
5. Copy `_config_template.yml` to create `_config.yml`
3. Copy `_config_template.yml` to create `_config.yml`
and then edit the settings in the top half.
## Other Resources
4. The layout of this repository is explained in the [example lesson]({{ site.example_repo }})
(which is rendered at [this site]({{ site.example_site }})).
1. The source for pages that appear as direct items in the navigation bar
are stored in the root directory.
2. Source files for lesson episodes are stored in `_episodes`
so that we can make use of [Jekyll collections][collections];
`_episodes/` generates `/01-xyz/index.html`,
which can be linked to using `/01-xyz/`.
3. Files that appear under the "extras" menu pulldown are stored in `_extras`.
4. Figures and other files are stored in the `files` directory,
while data sets are stored in `data`
and source code for examples in `code`.
1. This lesson is based on the template found at
which has instructions on formatting and previewing lessons.
## Other Resources
2. For a list of helpful commands run `make` in this directory.
1. For a list of helpful commands run `make` in this directory.
3. If you are looking for other things to work on,
2. If you are looking for other things to work on,
please see [the list of issues for this repository][issues],
or the other [Data Carpentry]({{ site.dc_site }}/lessons/)
and [Software Carpentry]({{ site.swc_site }}/lessons/) lessons.
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