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Created with Raphaël 2.2.014May817Apr16227Mar262522211814127425Feb523Jan20Dec1914131287643229Nov272614710Oct224Sep1132131Aug30292726242322212015146320Jul18171312328Jun27232220191815131211652130May27242322212018171615131110820Apr1918171312119429Mar2822211918125328Feb27201916151412630Jan29252423191821Dec20191813126127Nov2423191716157531Oct11546Sep530Aug28178314Jul65418Jun10May654229Apr251127Mar143220Feb188764131Jan242318151310983230Dec14629Nov24831Oct25241918158754227Sep2625242322151287531Aug2625Update README.mdUpdate README.mdre-add branchesupdate travis (#257)add variables to fix broken linkMerge pull request #255 from carpentries/hide_cdhhides old lesson guideupdate ubuntu version for travis buildmore info about what this site is forfix placeholder textadd descriptive question back ininstall redirect jekyll pluginmore including LCSWC/DC to The Carpentriesupdate AMY linkremove content, add redirect include links.md_config.yml: sync up with the add a link to create Slack add missing code block specification_extras/ sync up with upstream.travis.yml: sync with upstreamMerge branch gh-pages of the styles repositoryadd 'FIXME' so they will be picked up by checksgold colour to badgereference to the webpage of the lesson + goodfirstMerge pull request #252 from tobyhodges/patch-1Add note about title casing to style guideFix contrast of links in challenge blocksPrefix code blocks with language namesImprove contrast of code elementsColorize all boxesMerge pull request #219 from maxim-belkin/ remove _config.yml from the list of required filesMerge pull request #386 from gcapes/clarify-templatesClarify wording of PR & issue templatesupdate link for coc reportingMerge pull request #379 from maxim-belkin/lesson-linksMerge pull request #245 from maxim-belkin/ add code block types