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	# scroll for it.
	if codebox:
		bottomScrollbar.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
	rightScrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)

	textbox.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=YES)

	# ---------- put a message widget in the message frame-------------------
	messageWidget = Message(messageFrame, anchor=NW, text=message, width=int(root_width * 0.9))
	messageWidget.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH, padx='1m', pady='1m')

	# put the buttons in the buttonsFrame
	okButton = Button(buttonsFrame, takefocus=YES, text="OK", height=1, width=6)
	okButton.pack(expand=NO, side=TOP,  padx='2m', pady='1m', ipady="1m", ipadx="2m")
	okButton.bind("<Return>"  , __textboxOK)
	okButton.bind("<Button-1>", __textboxOK)
	okButton.bind("<Escape>"  , __textboxOK)

	# ----------------- the action begins ----------------------------------------
		# load the text into the textbox
		if type(text) == type("abc"): pass
				text = "".join(text)  # convert a list or a tuple to a string
				msgbox("Exception when trying to convert "+ str(type(text)) + " to text in textbox")
		textbox.insert(END,text, "normal")

		# disable the textbox, so the text cannot be edited
		msgbox("Exception when trying to load the textbox.")

		msgbox("Exception when trying to put focus on okButton.")

	return __replyButtonText

def __textboxOK(event):
	global root


# diropenbox
def diropenbox(msg=None, title=None, argInitialDir=None):
	"""A dialog to get a directory name.
	Note that the msg argument, if specified, is ignored.

	Returns the name of a directory, or None if user chose to cancel.

	If an initial directory is specified in argument 3,
	and that directory exists, then the
	dialog box will start with that directory.
	root = Tk()
	if argInitialDir == None:
		f = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(parent=root, title=title)
		f = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(parent=root, title=title, initialdir=argInitialDir)
	if f == "": return None
	return f

# fileopenbox
def fileopenbox(msg=None, title=None, argInitialFile=None):
	"""A dialog to get a file name.
	Returns the name of a file, or None if user chose to cancel.

	if argInitialFile contains a valid filename, the dialog will
	be positioned at that file when it appears.
	root = Tk()
	f = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(parent=root,title=title, initialfile=argInitialFile)
	if f == "": return None
	return f

# filesavebox
def filesavebox(msg=None, title=None, argInitialFile=None):
	"""A file to get the name of a file to save.
	Returns the name of a file, or None if user chose to cancel.

	if argInitialFile contains a valid filename, the dialog will
	be positioned at that file when it appears.
	root = Tk()
	f = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(parent=root, title=title, initialfile=argInitialFile)
	if f == "": return None
	return f

# utility routines
# These routines are used by several other functions in the EasyGui module.

def __buttonEvent(event):
	"""Handle an event that is generated by a person clicking a button.
	global  root, __widgetTexts, __replyButtonText
	__replyButtonText = __widgetTexts[event.widget]
	root.quit() # quit the main loop

def __put_buttons_in_buttonframe(choices):
	"""Put the buttons in the buttons frame
	global __widgetTexts, __firstWidget, buttonsFrame

	__widgetTexts = {}
	i = 0

	for buttonText in choices:
		tempButton = Button(buttonsFrame, takefocus=1, text=buttonText)
		tempButton.pack(expand=YES, side=LEFT, padx='1m', pady='1m', ipadx='2m', ipady='1m')

		# remember the text associated with this widget
		__widgetTexts[tempButton] = buttonText

		# remember the first widget, so we can put the focus there
		if i == 0:
			__firstWidget = tempButton
			i = 1

		# bind the keyboard events to the widget
		tempButton.bind("<Return>", __buttonEvent)
		tempButton.bind("<Button-1>", __buttonEvent)

# test driver code

def _test():
	# simple way to clear the console
	print "\n" * 100
	# START DEMONSTRATION DATA ===================================================
	choices_abc = ["This is choice 1", "And this is choice 2"]
	message = "Pick one! This is a huge choice, and you've got to make the right one " \
		"or you will surely mess up the rest of your life, and the lives of your " \
		"friends and neighbors!"
	title = ""

	# ============================= define a code snippet =========================
	code_snippet = ("dafsdfa dasflkj pp[oadsij asdfp;ij asdfpjkop asdfpok asdfpok asdfpok"*3) +"\n"+\
"""# here is some dummy Python code
for someItem in myListOfStuff:
	do something(someItem)
	do something()
	do something()
	if somethingElse(someItem):

	#======================== end of code snippet ==============================

	#================================= some text ===========================
	text_snippet = ((\
"""It was the best of times, and it was the worst of times.  The rich ate cake, and the poor had cake recommended to them, but wished only for enough cash to buy bread.  The time was ripe for revolution! """ \

	#===========================end of text ================================

	intro_message = ("Pick the kind of box that you wish to demo.\n\n"
	 + "In EasyGui, all GUI interactions are invoked by simple function calls.\n\n" +
	"EasyGui is different from other GUIs in that it is NOT event-driven.  It allows" +
	" you to program in a traditional linear fashion, and to put up dialogs for simple" +
	" input and output when you need to. If you are new to the event-driven paradigm" +
	" for GUIs, EasyGui will allow you to be productive with very basic tasks" +
	" immediately. Later, if you wish to make the transition to an event-driven GUI" +
	" paradigm, you can move to an event-driven style with a more powerful GUI package" +
	"such as anygui, PythonCard, Tkinter, wxPython, etc."
	+ "\n\nEasyGui is running Tk version: " + str(TkVersion)

	#========================================== END DEMONSTRATION DATA

	while 1: # do forever
		choices = [

		choice = choicebox(intro_message, "EasyGui " + EasyGuiRevisionInfo, choices)

		if choice == None: return

		reply = choice.split()

		if   reply[0] == "msgbox":
			reply = msgbox("short message", "This is a long title")
			print "Reply was:", reply

		elif reply[0] == "buttonbox":
			reply = buttonbox()
			print "Reply was:", reply

			reply = buttonbox(message, "Demo of Buttonbox with many, many buttons!", choices)
			print "Reply was:", reply

		elif reply[0] == "boolbox":
			reply = boolbox()
			print "Reply was:", reply

		elif reply[0] == "integerbox":
			reply = integerbox(
				"Enter a number between 3 and 333",
				"Demo: integerbox WITH a default value",
				222, 3, 333)
			print "Reply was:", reply

			reply = integerbox(
				"Enter a number between 0 and 99",
				"Demo: integerbox WITHOUT a default value"
			print "Reply was:", reply

		elif reply[0] == "diropenbox":
			title = "Demo of diropenbox"
			msg = "This is a test of the diropenbox.\n\nPick the directory that you wish to open."
			d = diropenbox(msg, title)
			print "You chose directory...:", d

		elif reply[0] == "fileopenbox":
			f = fileopenbox()
			print "You chose to open file:", f

		elif reply[0] == "filesavebox":
			f = filesavebox()
			print "You chose to save file:", f

		elif reply[0] == "indexbox":
			title = reply[0]
			msg   =  "Demo of " + reply[0]
			choices = ["Choice1", "Choice2", "Choice3", "Choice4"]
			reply = indexbox(msg, title, choices)
			print "Reply was:", reply

		elif reply[0] == "passwordbox":
			reply = passwordbox("Demo of password box WITHOUT default"
				+ "\n\nEnter your secret password", "Member Logon")
			print "Reply was:", str(reply)

			reply = passwordbox("Demo of password box WITH default"
				+ "\n\nEnter your secret password", "Member Logon", "alfie")
			print "Reply was:", str(reply)

		elif reply[0] == "enterbox":
			reply = enterbox("Enter the name of your best friend:", "Love!", "Suzy Smith")
			print "Reply was:", str(reply)

			reply = enterbox("Enter the name of your worst enemy:", "Hate!")
			print "Reply was:", str(reply)

		elif reply[0] == "multenterbox":
			msg = "Enter your personal information"
			title = "Credit Card Application"
			fieldNames = ["Name","Street Address","City","State","ZipCode"]
			fieldValues = []  # we start with blanks for the values
			fieldValues = multenterbox(msg,title, fieldNames)

			# make sure that none of the fields was left blank
			while 1:
				if fieldValues == None: break
				errmsg = ""
				for i in range(len(fieldNames)):
					if fieldValues[i].strip() == "":
						errmsg = errmsg + ('"%s" is a required field.\n\n' % fieldNames[i])
				if errmsg == "": break # no problems found
				fieldValues = multenterbox(errmsg, title, fieldNames, fieldValues)

			print "Reply was:", fieldValues

		elif reply[0] == "multpasswordbox":
			msg = "Enter logon information"
			title = "Demo of multpasswordbox"
			fieldNames = ["Server ID", "User ID", "Password"]
			fieldValues = []  # we start with blanks for the values
			fieldValues = multpasswordbox(msg,title, fieldNames)

			# make sure that none of the fields was left blank
			while 1:
				if fieldValues == None: break
				errmsg = ""
				for i in range(len(fieldNames)):
					if fieldValues[i].strip() == "":
						errmsg = errmsg + ('"%s" is a required field.\n\n' % fieldNames[i])
				if errmsg == "": break # no problems found
				fieldValues = multpasswordbox(errmsg, title, fieldNames, fieldValues)

			print "Reply was:", fieldValues

		elif reply[0] == "ynbox":
			reply = ynbox(message, title)
			print "Reply was:", reply

		elif reply[0] == "ccbox":
			reply = ccbox(message)
			print "Reply was:", reply

		elif reply[0] == "choicebox":
			longchoice = "This is an example of a very long option which you may or may not wish to choose."*2
			listChoices = ["nnn", "ddd", "eee", "fff", "aaa", longchoice
					, "aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ggg", "hhh", "iii", "jjj", "kkk", "LLL", "mmm" , "nnn", "ooo", "ppp", "qqq", "rrr", "sss", "ttt", "uuu", "vvv"]

			message = "Pick something. " + ("A wrapable sentence of text ?! "*30) + "\nA separate line of text."*6
			reply = choicebox(message, None, listChoices)
			print "Reply was:", reply

			message = "Pick something. "
			reply = choicebox(message, None, listChoices)
			print "Reply was:", reply

			message = "Pick something. "
			reply = choicebox("The list of choices is empty!", None, [])
			print "Reply was:", reply

		elif reply[0] == "multchoicebox":
			listChoices = ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ggg", "hhh", "iii", "jjj", "kkk"
				, "LLL", "mmm" , "nnn", "ooo", "ppp", "qqq"
				, "rrr", "sss", "ttt", "uuu", "vvv"]

			message = "Pick as many choices as you wish."
			reply = multchoicebox(message,"DEMO OF multchoicebox", listChoices)
			print "Reply was:", reply

		elif reply[0] == "textbox":
			message = "Here is some sample text. " * 16
			reply = textbox(message, "Text Sample", text_snippet)
			print "Reply was:", reply

		elif reply[0] == "codebox":
			message = "Here is some sample code. " * 16
			reply = codebox(message, "Code Sample", code_snippet)
			print "Reply was:", reply

			msgbox("Choice\n\n" + choice + "\n\nis not recognized", "Program Logic Error")

if __name__ == '__main__':
        args = []
        title = "TOPS Software Installer"
        message1 = """SciDAC TOPS Software Installer"""
        message2 = """The DOE Mathematics SciDAC TOPS ISIC develops software for the
scalable solution of optimizations, eigenvalues and algebraic systems. More
information on TOPS may be found at \n\n
The software installed is covered by a variety of licenses, please refer to 
each package's license information before redistributing it. This installer
can also install additional packages that are used by the TOPS packages."""

	result = buttonbox(message=message1, title="TOPS Software Installer", choices = ["Cancel", "Continue"],fontSize = 20,message2=message2)
        if result == "Cancel": sys.exit()

	result = buttonbox(message='This preview version of the installer uses\nthe nightly snapshot of the development\nversion of PETSc.\n\nShould you encounter problems please send email\nto with all output\n', title="TOPS Software Installer", choices = ["Cancel", "Continue"])
        if result == "Cancel": sys.exit()

        options = []
        packages = ["hypre (parallel preconditioners)","SuperLU_dist (parallel sparse direct solver)", "SuperLU","Sundials (parallel ODE integrators)"]
        reply = multchoicebox("Pick the optional TOPS packages to install. PETSc will \nalways be installed. \n\nNote: many of these packages are not portable\nfor all machines, hence select only the packages you truly need.",title, packages)
        for i in reply:
             i = i.lower().replace(' ','')
             f = i.find('(')
             if f > 0: i = i[0:f]

        packages = ["Spooles (parallel sparse direct solvers)","  DSCPack","  MUMPS","Parmetis (parallel partitioning)","  Chaco","  Jostle","  Party","  Scotch","Prometheus (parallel preconditioner)","  Blocksolve95","  ml","  SPAI","Matlab"]
        reply = multchoicebox("Pick the other packages to install.\n\nAgain, only select the packages you truly need.",title, packages)
        for i in reply:
             i = i.lower().replace(' ','')
             f = i.find('(')
             if f > 0: i = i[0:f]

        reply = indexbox('Compiler to use for PETSc?',title,['C','C++'])
        if reply == 1: args.append( '--with-clanguage=c++')

        reply = ynbox('Compile libraries so they may be used from Fortran?',title)
        if reply: args.append( '--with-fortran=1')
        else: args.append('--with-fc=0')

        reply = ynbox('Compile libraries so they may be used from Python?',title)
        if reply: 
             args.append( '--with-python=1')
        reply = indexbox('Compilers to use?',title,['Any','GNU','non-GNU',"I'll indicate the compilers"])
        if reply == 1: args.append( '--with-vendor-compilers=0')
        elif reply == 2: args.append('--with-gnu-compilers=0')
        if reply == 3:
             reply = fileopenbox("Location of C compiler","Location of C compiler")
             if '--with-clanguage=c++' in args:
                 reply = fileopenbox("Location of C++ compiler","Location of C++ compiler")
             if '--with-fortran=1' in args:
                 reply = fileopenbox("Location of Fortran compiler","Location of Fortran compiler")

        reply = ynbox('Compile debug versions of libraries? Recommended for all development.',title)
        if not reply: args.append('--with-debugging=0')

        reply = indexbox('Which version of BLAS and LAPACK do you wish to use?',title,['Have installer locate it', 'Install it',"I'll indicate its location"])
        if reply == 1: 
             if '--with-fortran=1' in args: args.append('--download-f-blas-lapack')
             else: args.append('--download-c-blas-lapack')
        elif reply == 2:
           reply = diropenbox("Directory of BLAS and LAPACK libraries","Directory of BLAS and LAPACK libraries")
           if not reply: sys.exit()

        reply = indexbox('Which version of MPI do you wish to use?',title,['Have installer locate it', 'Install MPICH-2','Install LAM','None',"I'll indicate its location"])
        if reply == 3: args.append( '--with-mpi=0')
        elif reply == 1: args.append('--download-mpich=1')
        elif reply == 2: args.append('--download-lam=1')
        elif reply == 4:
           reply = diropenbox("Directory of MPI installation","Directory of MPI installation")
           if not reply: sys.exit()

        reply = buttonbox('Install TOPS Solver Components?',title,['Yes','No'],message2="You must have CCAFE and BABEL\n already installed to use them.")
        if reply == 'Yes': 
           reply = diropenbox("Directory of Babel","Directory of Babel")
           if not reply: sys.exit()
           reply = diropenbox("Directory of CCafe","Directory of CCAFE")
           if not reply: sys.exit()

        reply = ynbox('Do MPI jobs need to be submitted with a batch system?',title)
        if reply: args.append('--with-batch=1')

        arch = ''
        while not arch:
           arch = enterbox("Name of this configuration",title)

        reply = diropenbox("Location to compile and install packages","Location to compile and install packages")
        if not reply: sys.exit()

        import os.path
        import sys

        petscroot = os.path.join(reply,'petsc-dev')
        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(petscroot,'include','petsc.h')):
          y = ynbox('Could not locate PETSc directory, should I download it?',title)
          if not y: sys.exit()
          # download PETSc
          import urllib
            urllib.urlretrieve('', os.path.join(reply,'petsc.tar.gz'))
          except Exception, e:
            raise RuntimeError('Unable to download PETSc')
          import commands
            commands.getoutput('cd '+reply+'; gunzip petsc.tar.gz ; tar xf petsc.tar')
          except RuntimeError, e:
            raise RuntimeError('Error unzipping petsc.tar.gz'+str(e))
          os.unlink(os.path.join(reply, 'petsc.tar'))

        args = multenterbox("Configure options you have selected.", title, None, args)
        if not args: sys.exit()

        f = file(configfile, 'w')
        f.write('#!/usr/bin/env python\n')
        f.write('if __name__ == \'__main__\':\n')
        f.write('  import sys\n')
        f.write('  sys.path.insert(0, "'+os.path.join(petscroot,'config')+'")\n')
        f.write('  import configure\n')
        f.write('  configure_options = '+repr(args)+'\n')
        f.write('  configure.petsc_configure(configure_options)\n')
        msgbox('After hitting OK run\n\n cd '+petscroot+'\npython config-'+arch+'.py\n\nto continue the install')